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March 25, 1891 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-25

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L~e. ta o
Al . WiU g.
VMOL. .-NO. 121.
Meeting of the Regents. The Medic Ball Team.
The ze~ent me thi monin at It is not very generally knrown
o'lok ihrsernrsetaong the "'medics'' that they save
O'clok Thee wee precotbeens 'rantedl the privilege of ilsoos-
kegts 5Whitman, Kiefer, IDraper,isaislltmfrmhe nieI-
riltt and Cocker. The first hos nablltmfrmhented-
ties transactctl was the advanceenit astmcnt, instead of ahiding hy the
if D James N. Martin, 'h. N. time honored custom of picking a
qI teains froiiich class. Such is the
Professfrom sActing lProfessor ofasct, howsecver, andiltheir cimmsiittee
Itfsor of Oblstetrics andi IDiseases a
if omsessandi Chilrss Iis p reiparinsg to miake full use if the
cls5 -isis-antie thu s gisens themis. .\l esl-
irwas formserili el1dIby the late
Ilissister s'' if cousrse, scout the isdea sciis
Ike seisoialaskii" hatsue sisy lie siggestedl by this nice. tisst
The emoialaskng hattheRe- use literary class is eqisal tosshe cii-
tnts ake ass app~ropriations for it- tire 'medlic dlepartmsenit. In truth
tan up the atisletic grounsiciwsas lairs the'"94''"siedlic class ailsne sail
iter util the next meeting in order madle full arraisgemnits for sinssiig
Io give msore timse for nmaking plains the class leagne pennant.
and estimates. 'The department teani should cer-
M'r" Geo. t~otlirop, of Detroit, tainly he one of exceptional strength
was~ appointed lecturer on Patents. anid should he able to smile at the
Justice Brown. of the United pennant from the start.
Mates Supreme Court, was appoint- The following conmnittee has heen
itl lecturer 01n Admsiralty Ease for chosen: Houck, '91r, chsairmans;
next year. Keeney, '92i Pearson, '9-; Tihbals,
An appropriation of finn svas 91I:(Glidden, 'g., omanager and
maide for lDr.Ahel's lahoratory in treasnrer. 'Thenmembhers of the teanm
kilieria M.Nedica aisd Therapeutics. will he chosen hy the conisiittee. A
Motion to increase the tuition teans fnlly onifornied asnd equippsed
1ii 01 foreign students $ c, seas laid in every particular is assured. An
pe utitl the necxt mseeting. assessmsent of 50 cenits pier capita
A0 applrolpriation of $500 seas will he usade.
oide to assist Prof. Reighiard inihis'
tork on the Fish Conmmission. Lady Students on the Warpath.
t'he next meeting of the Regeists Purdue University furissles a
wtill be held in April. novelty in class troubles. This
*-0------ time it is hetween the ladies of the
Lamars Great Run. senior class and those of the lower
classes. As is their custom, the
hoAs tlhe namne of Princeton's great seniors adopted class hats, which
of ;<885 has come into such weere distasteful to the lower class-
ofusa prominence of late, by rea- men. Accordingly the latter formed
arofcircumstances so distressingr a conspiracy to gain possession of
dPainful to all Princeton men, it the hats, ini which they were quite
dybe well to recall Iis famous runs, successful.
areaed in the Princetonian issued The hats were taken and concealed
tw ays after the great game. in a certain house, and a guard seas
Y1 l had the hall on our forty-yard left to weatchs over the trophies.
klole*"It was passed back to W'at- When the irate seniors learned of
S0who gave a long punt. La- the loss and succeeded in locating
Iar, Wio seas within our fifteen yard the place of concealment, they at
re took the hall on a dead run, once proceeded thither ini a body.
atttd between Corwin and Wallace They found the house in a state of
beoethey awoke to the situation, defense, and after msuch difficulty
~ trouh he aleruh lnesucceeded in entering. A hard
ilch was most skillfully divided by struggle ensued, and the seniors re-
t oe threw Beecher, who tried gained their treasured classhas
1 acl him, over his head, eluded
Atkinson and hsavinsg cleared him- At Columbia College the students
f 5 hishe whole Tale team, set are protesting vigorously against the
rwthhspeculiar pace, and car- three year law course. They say it
o the ball safely between the goal is a failure and demand a return to
t$' --The Princetonian. the old time, which was two years.
Standard of Our Medical School. AVtNG the experienceO of Collse
Sinice i 557, 19 gradusates of the 1JMllelswo knsow 'aind applreiate
1Mesdical 1Departmseint of the IU. of the careful scrustiniy of Coulege .Stiu-
M. havie takess the examsinatioss to denits, havinig a large corps of skilled
lirictceiii51isisesut, asi 7 sa eiusignsers and(1Jewelers specially
pratic inMinesoa, nd 7 hveIrainledlfor badge and lother jeswelled
passedl. The V. of I'd isisesosa has stork, impiortinig, as svee dl,. direetly
seist r;, andilr tlpassedI, Rush 51\etd- frous Paris, LononisandlAisteriam
iscalI (liicssgis) 3, andst6 hissed, 0ourDiamonslsaidsl otheir precios
U. if Pcess.-;, andSilpaisssedI. 'hsStonies, se e i-sii a usitison to pro-
! duc thfne ust- ,linsandu iewle
it wililhue secrs tsat grssduatses if our
school are fusilI- is seellIprepsared for
atv practice as nis gradusatedl
froissoilier schools swhichiproidse~
larger samiossnts iof clissical material.
Death of Charles M.- Hollis.
Wuord svas receis-ed this moiirnsing
that Charles M. Hhollis, class of '92,
medical ilepartmsent, died yesterday
afternoons at his home in Manchester,
Michigans. He left the University a
wecek ago, but teas not supposed to
be seriously ill, and the noes of Isis
death stas a sudtlen shock to liii
University friendus. The cause stas
brain fever.
ils intimsate frienids say that over-
seork and neglect of his health teas
the cause of Iis last illnsess. A niumi-
her of Isis friends andI classumates
will attensd his funeral, welichs will
take place on Saturday. His class
sill mseet to take applropriate actioss.
The Indoor Meeting.
TIhe officers of thle indoor mseetinig
are as follosws:
Clerk of Course, G. P. Codd;
judges, E. L. Sanderson, H. G.
Prettyman, H. T. Abbott and David
Trainer; timers, XV. V. Campbell,
Prof. Harrington and A. M. Harvey;
announcer, F. A. Henry; measurers,
W. P. Parker and W. S. Holden;
ushers, Will Wilhartz, T. H. Hinch-
man, jr., Geo. B. Dygert and C. IV.
Middlekauff; referee, Jamses E.
1. 25 yards dash.
-. Light weight wrestlinsg.
3. Final 25 yards dash.
4. Standing high jumps.
5. 88o yards run.
6. Middle weight wrestling.
7. 440 yards dais.
8. Parallel bars.
9. One mile run.
so. Running high junip.
isz. Horizontal bar.
rz. Relay race.
Music will be interspersed be-
tween the principal events.
Socety 11JIsusgisof sill Ikinlss thisilsre
insissifsiclsres iii this cotmitryv.
jW right., Kayir & Co.
Detroit, Miohigar.
Chap, Speller & .
University Oustfitters,
taflflL$ AT$ AID BALL
Finest and Lar gsst
Agenit for Ann Arbor Steam Laundry,
qsuick delivery and best woork.
On VA$. ERL& too.

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