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March 05, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-03-05

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. of 2 nT. $ b.
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(3131313 133)1u3313)C('133133)13 3. 3313133) p, R. CLEARYiPresident.
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Alv~ in33 3 W iy,.Sole Pr1.
"'.i 83)331134313 .A3ve, .An3n3Arbo1(3r
('o(3133nd333w3o3(1a(t Judson33's, 'M3a(e)'St.
(1(3to331. 13. 133ll1.13or3)3oal.
/I ~
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r 3 33
_ 33r '333! ". 'St'
G. P. &T.Agent,3)Chicago.33Ae't A3
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.
['ime Table 3going333i(ta effect, Mondayl'
iiag North. r'roS
iES. :Mail
P.33M 3A. W3I(("e) 3Are P,36. f
3)3.)000....... 'Ot.EDO...... . 333lig
3 7 i.......Milan ....111 5' 19 p
35i723' ... ,Pittsfield...." 3
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3 5 .2) 7 "''' ..3.. 3333z~nl'.33...' 8 5
539 8)3 03b3, 33.3333 (3 003 ','.'
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a 7 1 50.... St.Loue..... r 4 '3 8 3
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"3t'....,., .3f 057 .... 3.'3 a,a ... 33 ""
al. W. aASL Y, A. IAse. /'
3033 3A. M.EWO3. L33aA A.

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