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October 09, 1890 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-10-09

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of I^A. *t .2. The Anti-Posety Movement. ST UDE N TS'BOO K.1
L ; 27. Aught Nevada to hase been made 9117 YOUR COLEGE(5
lued Daly(unay xcptd durang28. Character of Democracy in the TEll L OOTS. LAW 111D MEDICAL BOQTS
29. Lantd~scaple Art inl Amierica. NOTE 1BOOKS, A T111
3___ 1. The :Nove!1and1 the School. Seondhadbootsat low prices. We are agents of Pal~a E. 'Wrt, Scott and
Sudoripto pe, -1,0 poo cc acr, invaialy I 3.2. ile ight hour Quelstion. ollaud fountain pols. hBargans il stationery.
to advanc. Silel'copcies cents. (n sale at g 3 Results of Artie Exploration. r00.,,~
311 oa' lt100011110ti 4. A Unisersal Language. ...__________.....-.----_-
leftat0the o1f0ce of the i) utsA Olet-loI se '03 'lit'I1. 5.Nav. T= = - = lr .', Y1 [
btioek, at Shee hanos, at loltiet r, ocwth tanyp 80. allatcies of lcr G(core. j~H t
1111I tiIttllotl'il - 1.lia Sisil llinei'y.- "1"de liagaa Fall Rute,'
10Atlc-N. 1f 11they1 are111to 1 11) 1110111e Itsa lle1day.________.__Coll_____i____p_____e
the 4anagng Edtor.All__a_____________4_Srike._jENTAL STANDARD TIME
111r.142 A Southe~rnl Viewt of the Negrol
thi ty1 Ciclt lo, 5. 1, 11801 'l3. lWat is orLilblralol Ldooctiol7' l lf BI-bj ! ji'ufo. 1It
THE U. of M. DAILY 4,1Uivrsity ExtI-lsio.
Ann Arbor hlieh 4 it ,~lllli~ osro tt ,icl- ~ z.-T
EDT R. 6 T elelehritgs Sa tQuestilo. I
I. B. SHOEAKER . -110 0AO111 En11 ' 4 OrigiAoal Palckge Dccsiso. .
A. H. CaVERT.a. 92, 0-~. MEAlo OITO . " __ H E Bill E.STI.
4i Spread oft. Molooo Maiooo
M . .H MONDll'1. BUS-.. ilcacSi nre. echr. 4 11n is of historical Studoy. lt Ii 0 I 1 1111itil lurnishedaYlrlI
R. W. 0DOUGTY. '92,1. BUot A a01109011 10 .91510101gl ofIOloo'eIolloiog Woldh's IIQii I o- ~_51110
lI Til r. . 1 0, II.,51. 0 irell. 01 D19efects iof the lectim ste cl, P. R.LCLEARY President. -T O
0 n .. 11111'' '' ______ a
T. . 0 k. ta. t. Na.ic i i.I 'osvo'ir f tieSpeaker 11f the B IIG -R
r ls,r 1 House. BURLEIG &00OLLY a a-T; -
53. Bo loils tat help an11d1 Books thalt 1100 1.111-IN3
_____________________ETAB--_ Q N_ E R ___ I z o a . 1 z
aottoo 0 iii zti0 llii.eIof 1n 111. 111.10 Obseror nci .BLANK BOOKS.
clcla le b eOblnefit to them'11 IloAlS"houli.-'ortuoncs h im1.iited by AT~HLEI GOODS ANDE STUENTS' NPPLIES
break'ingdwnprt ,7;ll Ros La est line f FOU'NTAIN 1PENS ill the
- ~t1551l1 ji ihil-~il~I s 1aiition la Reducer of (Crimle ciy. Ice (Crmuu Sod501F Ii 101
allil l 71 tstrointgthee junjdces -10. hI'es tsof Stanley's Exploratins. ConfctiosColi LuEnche, _____
1, IOS iti b ldosl-itil l Education l for the (Cigrs111111Toboacc.
. 5'rlOYSTERS, FRY. STEW011111-M.N
l''nl i tloll ftu dlA 111 I 10FI9i 10. Cll and se uo t
olt ltjaotl l .'11on co-eodsar to 6S0oH AsI~ S
tob 'lhgatli~l iiil l-F BUSINESS LOCALS. DL.DOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER .-4-Mo -
1 , oit . ad sith'
SD l h of R TeS FR. S AY . l[.tli d'l1' ill i' tis'Icolmn ii +T r rt e thk o 1 1 it.lll'. *ud y xetd
151 1 o-.I rh i r dxrislof i idiis ill ill pic ' s I3stp t u -a-I t..
Itayler's 1. I
SU11TSFO(ESA S. iior' tihis iy. 1cli I iiiCtll iin 110: To() I. ledoG, Ann HArbor HA Not
........ll1 .01 5 hJ1Ii hts bo ogr lll ls u t liuff e.s l115 gc. .r 1 I rI ,w-; 9G.P. kTbtoAuicgoaola. Ag't t A rb l'o.
tCLSI(I:RE I uh arrTo of115 1119. i0'N'i lt- 111andiies151 tt at 5
1001 Y. to5.ol-cwns ! E~ (I ndil;ToloI Ann ArbiorttanTile otha tl
I - Isl lvi(:.Ilt l oo11~et l haisil ee n Srot s - atcotlfo Lilso---,nlo lir Stilts.'1' 81.09 010151.
8 iiiiul 'llSiriaei l i lCheito lie ii. )a dlg uipwafrdshllfaht IJFt -1St Wet, - otoi . Mi ieT amI s in all oc~aosp Niuti S.
ots~i ss siers landll' wavilIl ibettlco'nsulted00. I'd] [at i - r a
the de ieyil? gin th i stay. sto A r ne cllath,-"cileS ohn ";GigNr . eto m rii '11 ' 1 thttt1 sll'l11 10A - ia a.-Gig o ti t.
at th-erlIl hl 11 ohO l Toi s Oly VNNif a-la CRhub 111Oi 1th tli Ilotaco I dO7 0- 10111 0 ;01 5 .
I. 13 hv r-l~ly coad11111Possibleof? Ciodsni 50AN,.5iltt 1, FOR Ilan. __________Call _S_______1T93eANN CRI re l 1 05 908
go rp le o li et~~ a ~ ae.R S t~A E,., .Ix . x. aiii- D a~l - 0 li ai-~x.
1. ss sortotikho Ntt t'in tru ent-h . AI 1iit 5r st.i. M...t..
0.. I i iiiI i l'iltilicI01 t ulii1o .0.itclfr otl.<0 50- iitltoa lur 10 1N5..
5. l t ftll tA 1 t e SokiISnthe Iciey ascotran Ns 1ad 5Ff hngcat Ala iii'-nch 4l7 l ,. aouioo -0..1Y,0 o0na ..
7.1 7 ~0-Ps.Ric1111 a l l o Ilic 110t c1as.Ri)sand trhlier 80111)11. 7 1 3.......MDanoi.d 113-0 781.
tihr l l Ha ~eeadi l 4isoit II~~jitati l.90 iA-11--1 9
BUod'Yl .itti f-bl il-l 0i~t~i, T uiit' o ~ or 1 ) . -- - i::: 50 1 55 1.Ytal - 711 3.5J91 .
19110. 115"lBU lihoa l au oooiu ottJud' onaSates. ANN 5 ARBOR 1-30 91..
10. indos la.llrefii ('sissi nI 11111a 1.I B ibrShpN ...:62 s; a 00 '15..tt.aa ttt.51 at ~Sr
II 1,t'' .,it~l iiyigi 11 tll i Scio2.'tble. 001ccott ltStcNo.f1, W......... 755I 01 101 WbI t mo20 - Cia - 0 ti 0 s , 0
.b11117tO.Ten410 --n11t.e't7oS.10 - - a8lt 02
R'.' , 1me1.1cta-Con-iIathe- -1,othe1Asci
12 RecntPrgrssii 9alitt.i109-ciios, a.dy..at..r. etc..-.iX4I5ii 9 Duread - -3 7 r. li
til A es at roluo-itAlsa. w - ' Colljut 'll 'ltw-l'-' _'101 - 110 ._lehua - 010 9110
13. '1 allot Ie rIlic s}i ll. N tel (so'lle es s lfecer fil l t~lr.. I Y u-. j zDivLo is z n . ..
10BWasenyjoie W a dll d li t lrn n 's. t . _...___. - .
Bu. cuoail igsrlel. T l eyof Scair atftie T oSoo oilW s i.1 .h tN S . aS 04ing1Sot. sChoo..... tg1 SottI8S4
11. Mn( aieulj t o1ics ht(. to_.aeb7e for3est hadralll sof ______________________ 2
EAnn-stolstitn f ula coa. 10 W.3Wa0hiCaoilat..We..esay..Oct 6 s '"
1o1. Paup.Prosm.Pro
20t CtSel Sytm.Graners&1' a.ter's SRoo Laundry. p It A I IC ; i .... a L.] [.. - 0.071. a
1. T tew Objet o aUniverityla. Js orho4An n orh1t 07,. Illaa8 n Aror..8555
22.m u~yo v.Anoi.NwlndeSatioery at WGruer's 700II S....501 o rnkood... .... ( sot 2
2. Gadstnelis.eametGfooron RodeSaseblrfrbestad lane st n.Soig84 01
2. Useestof Rolet infEGlad. cYardIIW. Wasingsteet.earrailradesmayGHT cAt. S.as gt onas. a6...na
ofCiy Chollsege. Athl etics. hail L Sanr y a on!y CES -55 50A NDP 75 C IETS. wH. aA.IPaISE , pap
25. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ M IlnWt.coso2ooatPO enSem E.l.HZEOD on ga

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