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October 09, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-10-09

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VOL. I. No. 10. UN
Arrangements Will Be Completed
Saturday Evening-The Object
Purely Social.
During the past two or three
days there have been sundry hints
about a ladies' society to be form-
ed in the near future. The plan
took form yesterday when a young
lady brought to the DAILY Office
the article which appeared last
evening.|There was held Tuesday,
a meeting at Mrs Brown's which
had been hastily called together
during the day. Only the most
informal business was transacted.
The constitution was discussed,
but was not adopted, as a
whole or in part. About 30
ladies signified their intention of
joining, among whom are: Mrs.
Angell, Mrs. Prescott, Mrs. Scott,
Mrs. Pettee, Mrs. Greene, and
Misses Webb, Dickinson, Hins-
dale, Rogers, Herrick, Mighell,
Skinner, Merritt, - Lovell, Foun-
tain, and Young. No name for
the sociey has been decided upon,
though the "University Ladies'
Club" was suggested. Its object
is purely social, and it is non-
secret in its organization.
At the meeting Saturday eve-
ning an executive committee will
be elected, to consist of one mem-
berfrom each society in every de-
partment, and an equalnumber of
independents from those depart-
The independent girls of the
Literary department held a meet-
in room A at 12:30 to-day and
nominated the following to repre-
sent them on the executive com-
mittee: Misses Miles, Butler,
Grace Stayt, Fountain, and
WAKED UP. an occasional game with the High W right, Kay & Co.
THLETIC ENTHUSIASM IS RE- Foot-ball was first played in
VIVING AT THE U. OFM. Foreign Buers,Importers, of Gems
Americancolleges but little over nd Art Goods, Jewelers d Op
hat the Eleven Are Doing and fifteen years ago, and at an early iciurs. Manufacturers of the
what They Will Have to Do. date was introduced here. In Finest S r t d made ir the
1881 and 1883 we sent a team r s
Countr y, . ,nump w sent upon pror-
A good crowd is out every after- East. In '81 Harvard beat us by psr references,
on to watch the men at practice one touchdown, Yale by two
owing well the interest that the goals. Princeton by one goal from D tr7 0 Op ^ Ix H 1 :fBe",
llege at large takes in the game. field arid two touchdowns. The
Far too many men, however, record made in '83 was but a rep-
nt to look on rather than play. etition, not a sigle game beig
veryday bigger men are seen in won on either trip. Though we
e crowd than on the field, men played close games with Harvard, QetrOit, - - M h!Ran.
who could make good players if
they would only come out and
play. Tuesday, for the first time
since practice began, two full
elevens were out, not enough
within at least ten men. Captain
Malley wants to be able to play
every afternoon, and the college
ought to send out from fifteen to
twenty men or more each day
who will play together against the
University side. Then the eleven
whom the captain picks for that
afternoon can play hard, against
odds, a near approach to the op-
position they will meet in regular
The eastern elevens play much
harder in practice than in match
games. So should we. Practice
does not consist merely in passing
the ball and learning tricks, but
in rushing, passing, guarding,
running, kicking and developing
team play.
Arrangements are now being
made for an eastern trip, of which
fuller details will soon be given.
If we expect to make a respect-
able showing in the East we must
play the eastern game. This we
have never yet done. Our prac-
tice has been limited to a little
baby work on pleasant days, with
Wesleyan and Steven's Institute,
Yale's score with us was 64-0.-
Since that time the game has
taken very rapid strides, with
which we have failed to keep
pace. We have had little sys-
tematic training, no modern facil-
ities, little money, and little en-
thusiasm. Our record of defeats
has been an unbroken one in im-
portant gauzes.
But the time now seems to have
come for an athletic revival. En-
thusiasm has awakened this fall to
a wonderful degree. We can raise
the money for an Eastern trip.
We have some excellent material,
perhaps the best for several years.
And best of all, we have in Cap-
tain Malley a man who knows the
Eastern game, and will do all in
his power to develop this material
into an eleven worthy to represent
the largest college in America.
This can only be done by hard
work. We don't question the
willingness of Capt. Malley to
make any and every sacrifice.
Will his men do the same? We
need more men to give the eleven
practice. Let every player con-
stitute himself a committee to get
new men out.
If the U. of M. is to send a
team East worthy of itself these
things are e5eitdl.
Every mail who can play must
try for a position.
The men who work the hardest
and play the best must get on the
eleven, absolutely without fevorit-
The college as a whole, must
support the eleven by cheering
good plays in practice, by attend-
ing the games played here, and
by helping liberally in whatever
plans are devised for raising funds
to defray expenses.
If we all do our part we shall
send an eleven East of which the
University may well be proud. If
we are not willing to do so, then
we had best give up playing the
game, rather than conduct it in
the past kindergarten style.
Senator "Ilank"Dewey, orator
of "90, has lost none of his politi-
cal propensities since graduating
and in consequence of skillful ma-
nipulation has landed himself safe
and sound in a $1,000 Shiawassee
county sinecure. In other words,
he is secretary to the board of
county school examiners for Sjhia-

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