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January 03, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-01-03

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TI-ITt'T nil'17 K m 'nA TTNV
C . at ordlinance 36 of the Royal ( olle°ge .
is what we call the ittentiont to:
"NI)Fellow or LicIeuti lte of tihe
iblisliidIli11)) (Sundsil excepted) dur 2 ini College sliall I e: lrbuiess
lhe C(lee earo, by thl it.lt theImiumlitto f aus ertise-
H LU. OFM. INDEPENDENT RSOCIATION. iittosr 1w aily it lie risre putabile!
j itOI (I- 'shall1con1stilt iwitiadise,
Subcrpton rie :,1 pe r yeair, ins ria'iii direct, assist.,olthive a1lt rilteslottalI
rta lSseitrs'. i iiliiii ii11'the iractice called me'smerismu or
curs il lterinedd for puiaion o hofoi at'ssteitiorsrac0ticel lilt
is Manoagnisehtorii. All bsinless comeil il'sidereid derog.ator sy rlishonousrahle
aitonussu111ld be senltilto thle Ilolsie' ii ixIlssi'a'ia tlsireoi
(bfler ist touts ifIpaier of all kinds to lie soilil)l: thte lpound at e
Miill yates. 'lye iiir (Creowln Imperial Linei, at 25 centls her
! pound . ltiitil Paper, 'T'hesis, attil Ix 'ts',-rite'r laper i' t
IGreat Btargains . Its elitles tot mateitt all pape'rs
at greatly reidttedi rates.
ice. l 'The !Vtgara Falls Route."
Anin Arbor, MicS. THE CAMPUS.
Itr- IftIt itlteil Itis classes tltis
Al. xx'. Tussssi,et'1, .si. 51.ilgilnElit or. A I. +c r, leitt, 1)1 5"d ill
J. C.I'1ilei, , IlBuineslis Miauess. le troit, xeste rlax'.
It, W5. IIlumt115'925, Assist . BIiiiiess titisgr. IPtof, I rtteloiiiil ittl Itis cliss
C. . itc r r>,"it .ssk . B sin ssNtn' r. lill'11 tt iii esterelar.
IH. l.3ENssEe, 'i. 5.5'9.' I ( SI5i'tl. 5 tooJ rulite (rushy, lit. ' -} ittts
E.sI 1,1ii.A~> ; rttuIititfrom htritit.
f,. l.. 51 esN,41;. W. 1. C llI it, )
Gi. L. C l mall, '4+.. 1 I cA 11 ialI l'ttisiiittc bss" 1
551) '11101
Vt leaItts offeredtwotistizes~
anal 5200tttr thetwo ts ibest
it of S"0
essayis tio
liy's issute.'apt o f siltr rev'ie if liPoort it nwicaiill (ites;'' the essay
thte (OracleItws c trowded ul t, li'e t tno t i 'ztintitmorethi lati 2 .i5
thterelftre'take tis oppoirtttnity to slit!ds. 'Filte,-itetoi le handited tto
tdise oeutr readtrtro b ueobv tliestsecre ltii....................Bal
this creslitablle til itI, whlein it timitire, biefore Ntiv. I6i, ~i.
is lit upon11siletoii ititritti ltoring.l5 Mutt to candiidates are in traini-
Thle(Orau c lohs yais ',of spCc til for the Andiove r tall teat; itS
uteri t . 'ITin iltors liii eiithlery tir th e is ittie'1 , 22 fos i rst andi sec-
spiared ingule sir moniey to itake the ittil base, 7fur thtird blase aindl .t for
swuck a succ'iess. Tleiize icot ri- thlebattteries. Te imein tre leav'ier
bittioiistare sulperioir tio thosiinte ad d ier than list yeir's Icanidiiates,
O racle's fur thle last fewdias. liean it is expeted eu that a stronig tetaml
iffict #i~t~ -is ! ii-xvfoiiir fiw~i will lie' forimed.
P. RT. CLEARY, President.
liliis W ii;ltue at1 n 1
Chits C iii'11 o.1
- g c
NC* ! .COO ,ma
-C- o f 00
. Pv. & T.criesicgo. xx 0 ss lC 1x
Toledo, Ann Arbor and North
Michigan Railway.~
Time Table eoiniinltoe hlli, Mond1a10
6 .i 4. N o t . S A T O N . G o n g 0t
Manii. C1rlC'la. Standad ie.Itss cts ilSOC
1.!P'M Al . MiLtt J lrrap s1 15.....
.......................TOLED.i..ai . . IsI 1 ~i' 1s
...............................................04 Ott 7iW l..ii.LOMii.. 511.. 0"-
Out( 45a ; 2Ol. itssed.....1 3, y;."'
4.2;1lit ....C.uIisl ..1 V- b
...........................burg1.1... ANN 5 11 .... ",
6 32 1 lb55 .... Huoel ...102!73 0 u a ke II . i 4 i "3
7 ii56 10 . H)ruiaii'.....()" 5
s1l2l ot... ssiOll iii. t y
) .1 2 1 1 0 1 . . I ia c ... .. . . 7 4 5 1 y
9 7 I 11 .St. Loies.... 72S 5!
1 L 5120 asiwel s' O 460
l 1Ci . ii CO 1 ,20 ..RCa'tp e iaii.. ' u4,
1i >5. f 05 ..Manuiti. . ...71oi15
2212"0...005.... I0.IsuiiC... 7 5
lil... t535... Franko rtii. 5)I
Saginaw Div'i +eaOl'
Gintg Norlh eTATIONS. GoineeIot
Pass Pase. Paiss 00
. . . . .... . . . . . . . . . . . .!. . 1...Du a....05'""'
7547 14)t07 Cit. Flu sto.. ii t .14 .
)I "i5,.l5 .. lt Sagid 5 itS .1 '
OSeintii~edenit, Gen..Pass'
GE0.11. HAZLEWOOD. Locat Aeon1't
I sllegle iulli'ttisTISs. 'Te priceestar-
tontis i ttge'iiitsl idrawsn',attil thle
Grins sare sery xit'. Itisvu' 5ttiitiill lustusd'xxsiglulisiur
'Te butsitiess ttatta-eniet lo - Stillisil l's tt rti' n(7)
use'Showiss la(' k if (,Mtte r lsos' )bitt ('till isis Stifoll \ tel l voi Slt vI t V :l(ls 5< i'.t ltil,5\<« 1 ,.
this biasmuaide ulusre' rosmutfor literrt' s illiI'l I le\'i l l faxi us\bus ' es 'tl g5'
Itsersstislnit litttl :('IiilinesMartisIBay itabits llo
muatter.' . v b td nt s o l ilt Vi'tstifiti'itI' uitsit (olthe C ua s (tensi
all thu.(-usIl~ege' utlilstit us astub li 1e' ul'>S'-watlt. O stt il I is . ( is it
\\'tslliunllI, Iisv'tt n te 111
sass umake isis stte'r'starithIltti-Ixsluis'o, hody ot-tlwl
huvi"tshg ~e Orascle'. gusi Bewaretl's'fit 'st lls'uil ' ; i t
Y siM 5I ' 11to 1501 ti a't111'el'Su' 5 lt
-~"-M l sud. 'Ibis'jsr'l'tiset strngs. a5 t71 Foil RI., West, - Detroit, Mich.
Honsisopathy in Ireland. ; i ts. N Il.S'; IlsN- eIr S'r'l)1l0 ____
AlilWley oePop 5)Sisouthi 4th Axve, AnnllArbsor
blue 1Dipilositsgratedyt he'I s' 1 e ostub111d1sioodslat .1111511i's, Stateits.1
Rural (Colege ofSultrgeonls of IIthbiiu toi toI. .11 Iall fir scill.lw
are I 'chlose stbdLicenltite',alsos BathIilsaik 1'. (. .Barber ShopII.
Iiceittite Citt IDental Surgery. 'ble Ms o su sr uibtxt 15.~ ~ oG A l
elu~Pdos iy~otiung xw'mantuspits as intrsst-
formuer two's tre fiull Sunica IDi- iug off as sbus i5sill the stage. IFree N,1 VuURN '
Islllas andibeutlitle their ipossessior Io 1111flulenit isfssicuebi CIran~t siC ges- _ 2''il. INS
burs', gralsiouss of smlehs, athtosroug
pristice inu (treat ibritaili xxhile thue Aimeristai girl, isf NsxwYosik birhl, hit Grand O ea H ue
latter is the regulbar IDenutall uii 1'renich parsntage. (Jile who ttalksOp H ue
wxithuheris xiilliingtogiatha it theIbis 11511 N~l L Y~5.'
ction hich wiel xith twos simuiltar liles ill snthiusiask who il'lbIisnventedethe phrase,
;t lsIs iisirIisblekesaisisyhav'bhl Thursday Eve., Feb. 5th, 1891,
litte theGotly Ide'ntal(l iltlfiI'Catiios spoke siC111e1rl'esmibbtlanc'11 ils'luwxays
granutedl inithe' Kiugdomui. Ilaba c otsMiss bDs' liussan, sbu sai:etul "liw i' ) W 'fi t
ansId Mcin D enittalIDegrees ire thli e e u no Fxrelilys, oly oldschool ~ ~
onlly registrabhle ilomna ill bDeuntis- Siillls, andsh'slusseIbis est 'ssk xsNDiIlltltl
frendb cIuev ssha. Sbus' has eshbt \1 ~
Irs'. bluefolloinilg extratsfrom chaebtgsof 1sf lme115ill 'ttrliglub ''" Great Comedy Com7pan1y.

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