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January 17, 1891 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1891-01-17

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'Zc.r' a xn '- be11 inforethei (urtain Ihad Icomleitetly
"'P JI di ial iiiii l in tihe ifourth scennetihe
ilii h ii i sruderlin u nity itani;1i-
by sli D iy(suay xepe) iiii trfom h~hn i ui n . 'l i
THE . 0,M . [' DEPENDlENT A nSOCIATIGJN. 'tird etsx~i,(i-' I n-Ilr o
t he 1( litii \ll ft u lt e n
wlsrp ii l i l '^.,:U e yar livi a ittn i
lilt; i, t aii" 'Ill -liii l attthe f thn
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tllciai ll i t onal iig 'libt ic i iivi't tlit e ll' n;iilli iii i t ii h iltest.e I iIiii ' (e 1
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blcTHEUi fHtALY i'teiflirie
of he ditrs.hrseltctts, At oe As~ rbr, itich." lei i I 'niife iit, lint in ti n I n(.( it i
Comm ttialiliw hoild eachthc tfie by Rac ,"t '(i nib yftrli'theIilln tilt it-j
10:. nn. itin'they '.'arc t pparthe Salienday-. In ;t siip tiinihad' tin tirbeelntad
1I( n int9 Edito. Alliti ttil t C1It, iii. 1 ha a ke u he w littn
.i'. iti i hou lith sc it to thei il lilt i l-
t.~~~~b.t iinnake,.. it.iti i 'gr U i lSl OCM a LS.g a e
hittfer tine tiulns if itper if aii kindsltio ti iiestaidti ittthe lion l l titI u
Mili liten. Th it' r111C(rowinIiiiipn't-iai hLineti at 23.",icents e
it getnlyiireci iii irites.
' Tie MV'agary FallsBthe"
"""THE BEST e""""
liii t- : tn ttrI. Boarn itn riO i - ,
P. R1. CLEARY, President. r -
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