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December 12, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-12-12

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170L. I.No. 359.
OLTALSCIENCE ASSOCIA-stl h lssiool afit~o
TION.s tl'ctSin ylal ups
rd of byLvIincolon'sprocJlamoation.
SVery Interesting Meeting Last I e'oclyit styuiv e c10 siseretl
Evening. a- a stept tow ardl the ciii iatoss of
-t l_ 7 -lfi en.I Oe after anotlie rofitie
It t'e tlee~t~ ofthe 1lcliiicalI
laste Iliiiiinatisve csief-, haver sougt lit siissisi
Assol(l ie ioos l rast Vel tisrtaiosii si viesIOsli
LibeUci 1 rsa ea apes~ r oilto is izns tilsrt., iand h incaitli-
"lilcraiind the AissericaiColossi- tinsrsoths i sumk ie rime
ettlo t} Thurte1i a
-aleblaifreis settlemaensopossilelthlestissust lii-
ac f a feseehapiters froitsa eiaecnre tact.i tsalil
lleuk lisl e.fl. esus s oeI will hasve a sassti inee iireslit
z1 11101this snsliect, andit is
a arfilati. if1 iiti--i g the lDaek Continent.si
.tAs lttD st at As a mi ssionsasy firelitsesat fifi ira
lit icaiqestion.slhas plien ssa dlsimalitfaisue h
sea liarstsitshe p e as
Up i i taler tmissiosnaries ssint sit Isise ickly Ii
lis arerviesw of the Iis-
tY ast -ities (if thle..etisistr . sisceisislieti to thse-Idstlasly ever, asnd
lt'St.i . thissnolble Basil stfimartyrs lits onily
ral b einig sawaste of s-asslsses t
'c' setrlc eed toteasch thelIssantinh1at this.
Irtiiwioh tttiteitr ro eik isistlie eloise lienstisves, fioe
t scoutry if east sinesreal
at -1agrilsiilr~ at resouirees, hasingaswsnoimte climsatte Isassirstereioes. s
i'tlia Th~.~ e lU. S. is eniteringigpnis a ness-
1otIpUtatioss ofalboitt s 000,
°° l fiX1 lr1ssieea of lire history . llerfuturse dce-s.
M hesntakes the
siad tsat Liberi ascealyetopnst osust he interestinsg, anid,
lbthe apciyof their raesyor iastirepopulationisgrows nmsreanid Is.
C Ivilieaiecpciy rr orierdeneseaisd tae struggle for cx-
Itt aleand stsaLtirhe Ussted msserssreast1ne1svr, .ie
lon mu sade ste project post- nemr n or eee ie
tk5. suh gvrmn ilswl tria wllact -as a safety-valve for tar 12
takellc anintrestin he epulicexcess of our isegro populatioin.
"""'Idslhosw to tar world thsat shte'Thse greatest needl of Libseria to-
hsaleast one sulastantial friesad lay, is a regular line of strainers to
Th client e for teclnzto this country; withsout this her de-
l irualemodies a somber of velopment msust nsecessarily be slow.
a.In answver to a question front Prof. 01
PtrstTaylor, Mrl. McPherson sail thsat M
18 ia Souittlers sisovemes h nulenirso rot it
taa ensiancipation. Prior t;teanaleirto fo hsP
3~~~~ trewsacousitry sister the war, sail lien t
t , tx rkaa tolreniet~r ensancitaatiots, andsilss o.ffy ooehnde.Tet
et ssseeneed te freedonm of emisgrasnttpopratlistannoswInsusilers tis
ai1 thoustasselslaves. 'Ise strong anssauo
ti a. vr iaeael s trNr Our spaace forebids a fisrthier isotice, tls
veuttoroughsly chsecked hisbts, judlging frosathtlis brief psaper, us
exteetistsisf lts ile lct'lserson's work swill be a 7:,
arrtso0ntype teeing ossly duplicity msost valuable addition to ther litera- ts
t d eceit inteam fltre on this subject. gu
C nthai ste Society. 'flas paper n-as followed by a shaort s
ta IIIeSos oulrn edr talk by Mr. Healy on She present
llru115 forovement, only an op- political situation in Africa, shaowing tic
letlYfo getting rdo h n h positions now occupied by ste at
tha e freener eleenrt; but, different European powers. -ge
thasSeamo h The next meeting of the associa- b(
as te am ofthepriuci-
lI151Iuooters of the schseme, is not stun will probably be thse second te;
oustby ith cae week in January, wben a paper willR
Thie b the facts i h ae be read by Mr. Warren on the re-
moelteent was a noble effort to cent Siver Bill. Mn
1010-Park Cunent.
lb(, folltsssiiig prtogramisis toslie
4cnt tt}-ttstieriss ri etiissglivcste It-hIc-
aik ('sict C oissasix:
Misn EllaJocelys and lMr. Frederic Cillettr.
Cornet-ThseFavorito ---- n-e--Hrsi
titis Asiie Parks.
a. "Sriioisit"-Tsc~aiti,si
Contralt5*(5sb. "Vei s-its. . .ii-- Poc
c . "Meis Alims".... ens..Jaob
Misillia Jncelyi.
VioinTisuist Fantassic"...Sarsite
Hderr Carleild.
Basritonie-- Ilale.'c,"ifrimII Tiotre
.v-- - - - - - - - -- - - - - - - - - - Nerdi
Wright, Kay & Co.
anl A s Ga aDs, Jev.'i0 sanidOp-
ticari s, ntactus it©f te
Finet S.. A-)ll:.'. a 1 -the-
1 icontr,l: Sanpe "swt pats pr-
per rrhererqees
140 WOOl) WAIRi)AVE.,
Mr. Fred-eric illetcte,
Dtlott- Voice assnsiCCrs-nt. iiiChlet
Msia< Elsiaiceiryiuit'dleMisisieTPai.
Ilerr Curtii 5id.{
Bairtuie--'is Ure-itns sI flear Thse
SIr. Frederic Gtillette.
Mister------------------ Rossiiie
is Ansie Part.
Contraltoc-"Loe oer wiSta iy" Sties
Lice Ellis Jocelyn.
VioinaJ a. 'SlumbertSng.......H. IBauer
5b. 'Oypey Dance"_ ._--Sirsreete
Herr Cart Hild.
Ensembte-"Serenade Espanla"--4. Matra
Esepecially srraned by ClIi ittSfor the
Hiud-Park iCncert.
Stanley's Lecture-
'Tie Lectiure Associatiosn will put
a sale naext 'T'uesday, Dec. 16, at
foore &'faber's, State-ct., asad the
'stoffice News Stand, boo singlie
ikets for Henary M. Stanley's lec-
ae; these wvithi the siumiber of seasoa
ickrts out will use the whole seatisig
apacity rif University Hall. After
hetc sisngle tiakeshav-e beess sold,
o more will tar pit oistale eutil
45 p. na., friom ther box office on
ie evening of tlhe lecture, tlhts
sarasaterisag a seat so all holders of
asosi tickets and ste 6oo single
ickrts; as the doors will be openied
t7 o'clock, it gives all a chance to
et a seat. After 7:45 tickets will
e sold which do not guarantee a
pat, but give admission to the ball,
:ead this twice, so you'll make no
In a Icsesas
a lscss .ttte iill
M chlgan
(ll.XS. Slt1..11R & CO1.,
fortmerly asistshshe
Catmbridge, f'Mass.
A Splendid New line of Gentle-
men Underwvear, Gloves, Tlies, &c.
Also Sporting and Athletic Goods.
Chap. 'peller & .
20 log?.S. state.
thy addtressinig a Pontal Cardl to
Manager Michtigast League Teachers'
Several Good Positions to be Filled
by January 5, 1891.

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