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December 11, 1890 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-12-11

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'Af of . c A . crts ought to possess this charming I4OLIpAY j3OOI(s.
X1 book.It is neatly bound in cloth, is
well prnted on good paper, and will ivnnnl
Pubelisedri Daily (Sudays ecnrpmi rin g blp e an ornament to any Shelf. , a I visit ShIoo11aIIs Allnual IIriS11lls
the Colege tear, by may e had at the A1llneniili ag
TH E. O M. INDEPENIENT A SOIATION luisl in storee for fifty rents. dlr. Of Elegant Gift Books in" Choice Binding for Young and . p
Clemieint came11acrossl the hook, anid All the New and Beautiful Novelties now on exhibition,
______was so l ased with it that le ii-
Subscriptin price 52,.ill per , ear, inarariably } potrtedl the lifty eopiesWwhicilhe ilis
inalaiei olslceialcets. On sleattrihites fr the 'allse-at 1(st. 1u-EliEnla~r, - A N a s m,24
Seehan's lo est Ofie ewsa stad eerey lileti hi \\ altCe SiottILondon. TT - ALLT
eeniag t ii itclock. Salbcriptionimaiylbe
left at the ofietthe e at alit D e ira Ihose .._.4" °...-. V= R = r
black, at Sheeaa,at tlinatts, itti a:ly( BUSINESS LOCALS.IH
at Ike ditorsThe Nliagara Fal: Rote."
Coamaniicatiaas stull reachel oa te by Blacik Silk Mttlarst;. W4agner & Co. =s T=2=
tl A. Aa. it they aiee to appear the satmircay. Go antd sei.t hehan's hotiday open- CNRLSADR I
ddesaan atlee laleaded tote pialiiaion ta i g. Beattifuli goods, pries reason- P=rrr ,--
eaiatigdEdilaent.All ber Souis l cata ablihe. -;er-gaI-
itanlihiesatate liecMae Whieiiyoui go hiomeli'for the holdays, °. Wco0
ale.take w ithiyo niiaiAniniArbor Sour itAND THEg aaI :,
Repartiall egleecionathe part ohiarriers to Spoont. (,tihie obiainidi iiily t W iiaP.
the Ciy Circulaiir, W. . O'Neil. AnitlilsJewelry Store. o.ltsnnn ~ n
THE U. of M. DAILY, llvereiats-Noiihy styles adl bottomi BI M1L IaLL ° tCti
Ann Arbo, ih. trices Wagnire & to. IjliFillt LL]ul] J, l la, v ,EI
hifocta MUSICtiVhICOPStt'owl.'Short, 0
cDTRS risp, readabla iographiescomiplete 'YI'DIIO.zv'r,Mzas. +, a-ju020 5
11, i. SOUMaKsiat, Ii, Miiaaiagf Eitae, iii one Csoline, ahc. All. P. &. . ~ omms 1W..IlRFI ,O Ait.MngnL'yoedSeanaur.I I^ o
H. MNr. iept, Assi. Maatg ig itar ryTleoSea "anhr.1-5aac0
H.S.lccaii tit aipa uio. Messrs. Sheehaii & Coi invite the a. a a -.iS
N.0 iiis,5,liaas tae. readers f the D Amy t visit their ',°-I_____
W. iioa. i tiit, Asi.iatBies Satile. store ihring the holiday season. Ar- 5 a- -a
It, 55.DOiioulr, 2.Ai~silasineaslfaaar. titie ,atiiattractive articles iii boki Seetten teachers. lBaoaii t aerised v j W Gta Ira c
Husos Sairipeus Mii . iin TrAt, li. auth hr'ic-b-rae. Raoma tats prewek. hCircliarsipain aill- -v a N
ll. OJait i..9t1. It3.IS I. ll in,acl. G 1a -".rr . c o
t, W.Tuaesscui titi A, II CVETt'aaf. Suitings, hOveroattigs and Trouser- catian-a
C.. IA te Or +icet I I, I. ttctaa, tear. ings at reduced prices at Staffordas. P. R. CLEARY. President. Y - cI "- c H
2. I. viu~rnrl. i.tsltsa,93i. Bello, Boys! We sod $991worth of - -- -- - yr- a co a s
1 litec-,l9t. Guitars last Friday aiid Saturday.(Or B REG OL1 ~ 01 -i
'goods and prices do it. Se-toko 5 "aa
- Cut hprices. AWilsey. A5eSo. 4thTIve.,
Thil t- \ltilltilnl ( torrtasvAttn 'arbor, .3Soc4ht tIIF:ldJ>, L N"I___ __
IIIlitl ~r i hu obtby hBtx (tats matde tttorderl at BLAN K BOOKS
rititrder o tt r f k aitguhi1 sni againi ,12"s.yt-ho isittto lietritit tithehtir- ATHETICDOD AND STUENT' U PLI D11 U
ill lt il ttt tltIlt 11( tit e-nellgane, plase examine thiir canei
atithc t uuwitrig mine narkedi back t ala S.IBest line of FOCNTdAN PENS il thu.
oil tee Cream, Soda Water
warid has heentt tfferedl his-th itlnti- 4th t. itnfeishhdLces.
llttauhrtesfrte ee io f Fy cal anth wottdhof ititisotiState- Cigars anid Tobaccio. I m d a c jao +
ith ailttti- t Inl A eteteiire-fstec.OYSTERS PRY STEW OttPLAIN.
-Got -Aictih t ito I. Iahll for cal. -Ca!xn seQs tI a'sia
nmarkedl not lontg agoithIat, if s111hi lthCtiasileijtaaanarid2 OUTTseusat W iltil- I c a4; adIiS.eocpt
had been theus.- tocealls coldhlhave Ialtrs Wiiinows
(rtilers chocoates atiibnti-itins D L. DOWD'S HEALTH EXERCISER.
bee tssl ha wul hvebrtgt orBal-Wrhesen deittAUy eopet O. W. UhGIOE, i. W lHAni
heuusi hawoihtiehilnltare the fitest that cati bi made, pure rospleicnt, Iadhts, Soatitl the Gi. P & T. A Chuieao. Ap't An
himtoo justice hiing ago. hIfthit-flavors, n aulteration. Try them. Athtetor invsalid. A oialeic
P. (t Nevs Rent.gtmaainna. Taesp ut n i.
sttdeihsofthc t- tivrshystee ot A splendid ine of 1ohitay Gioods at V da,bl, coapehcnsie, chap. Toledo, Ann Arbor and N~orth
heing solicited so muithiftr iontri- Martin haher's. tadrdaaibiy a,amo,hyiias,ai-
yer, ecrgmcn eitos &othrs Michigan Railway.
biutions, swe wottldhlsuggest itiat thiev Stewart Baujos t Wihay's. Cnow uiaui~t SenafoiI'd icat-
iifths tiate Baths 10e at P. 0,Barber Shoi. iPrada Mah. aerg;noseachae, PeotpaI. 51TieTabeging Ita efet, Monday.
take hold o tii m ter.. taowd, scitific' tyseal adl ________---_____________
- ~ elGihlespie, Teacher of Guitar ,ru atGoins ,a i, s, ae. Ctg Noth. STaaATIS. oig
.\Itlch has htei acconiplishied as it Banjo and M~anidolint at (elemets. _________________________
0111caret Bay State and other Guitars, IBatjos .21-cZ, ZstaRdaed ime 4" 2"Oto
is. Seveti luitarctitw udi -resatid Mandoits at Wilsey's. Q A.ra. C S a M,and - Tim . 5tC i
3E .Ep at@plaonte of thiemu is, Iin al rttahil- Best Sritugs at Wiseys.4---- - -
tltitrhrroI cFRNHtRCEM NETyyn-.....a. ". am Le t tiA
ihy, te u drro rt Iin enini- Novelties hun Desks, (Chairs, Itockers, FRENCH ICE LwEAM IST FRENCH th 0-OED) fi Oi
Doi lsvrh hiosa stl at ivansSofas, tc.,at Martiti hallers. RST SMATERIAL. 41 id.Mnas aat 5 -5t
li u - WANTEDO, -Fifteen Yotutg Meti and 71 Fort St. West, - Detroit, Mich. a 4t1isMilay- 1t
cithe -yCITYLIVEehindPttaeld- . .. 1 7 55
hu'udtehas ivitLadies tut cauvass. Good pay. Apply - Y..AND SALE STABLE __111909
hines tfeviilenice hav' eencultrked C.. .Nee L.li a 11c( ,YOT, Paoeotptoa. I. L5aad2..t9 Is
ututhy ietthieA.J Ssct tit Below se give severalci initis from Ot1.0.13 an 1t Wathhngtun St. -Y datt1l Mch 5.....510 reWhitmane Lake E1 0os 5
Jacksoni papers cntcertitgte opera fr Hie. 82 5...Raowetill... 2
Sensation~al tlctehoptients inlav lie to be giveti here to-morrow evening. - - ,.., 5 9Oi0 ... -Duad.....9401t0
ah compatny is composed of the best His a 0a .lS.ICoao.... 5s.'
nateur sitgers inthfle state; their ter- ta SI.oOwr3n2eIna.t 1s
itu30it.... nutruhaingleItearitig.7 4l
at 9 occkto-morrow mrin. forninuee in wel worth hing.9 2tl5)..St. Luto..17205e.
. .-- "The Mikado was a remiarkahule se- + A a.s9asia2 45...Alma.t..s7424.a 1
Great Musical composers. cess, the parts were delightfully ren- 7P08 us ua 1 V ...Et.Clae.... G5 3 tI
iered, atid the chorus Superb. The PHO OGRP HEI R 7 5I an.h..2It5a.at-C.arl ..,-6.11
It is srnethsat so miany iier hiest words iof comimendation are ..J.-L 3 5 SB!c..Cadtla.....14i
oif gotod musiu knlioutsoittleabout tione toou stronig to accurately measure NO 12 W. HURON ST. i 101.Oeekmn
the great mtasters. TManv woulthe pleasure of the audiece."-Jack - _____-________________l25o~ ali , t5~
by soti Daily Citizeti. LI .... sta5 .. ao amia,. ... 731 3
knotw more ufthiese great utt, bitt Aduelightfuh rentitoit of the umusical Q R .KQTS Iln"""" 5 - Frankfot
they shrink front the task of huning "Mikado", te three little maids atd Saganmaw DviS1on.,
them up in the encyclopedia only1to the charming chorus of pretty Misses, - -__________
- captivateud the audience. It is general- $
find a dry article to read. ocddtob G ies n etoig Msth SATIOaS. Goig~
A lttl hok o th abve ith, furnihed opera on the local stge.- * ,
cpntaining three hundred and forty Jacksotn Daily Patriot,Ieagel t~ aa- pain.
pages, which we think will supply a-WNY-ETRS N0.t - An ea.." -.
great need, has lately come to otur THE UNDERSTANDING OF MUSIC285507""""74.nAr.011!5 """"'
notice, It gives biographies of the AND THE ART OF TEACHING. at ..,...: at...Ftushng.... 8 43 -.
masters in a crisp, concise anti very Erry Saturday fo Twety Weeko. at 4 p i 84m...It i5 .Eat Sagnaw, S0 .0
at 2t Sotht Fifth Street. beptinninNov. 2.. W. ASLEY, A. J.PAtSt$1?,.I
readable style. Every one who at- For Tachers, Sloers, and avacedaStil SntodeaL (Gen. Pall.
tendhs the Chorl Union series of con- eto the Prctca Art of Music. P jJ In DR 1 18901 GE. H. AZLEWOOD, Loal Agent.

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