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December 11, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-12-11

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i01- I. No. 58.
Che lorai Union Concert Last
ti j il 1 '3t last ci1cuin1s1a1' i
tlWinaili5 e ireiet cljol able:. A
of theriighit criticise the miake-
lp he IPiograiii, for it was chll-
tht1 rey of missic if lighter
th0 tter than is usually heard at
tlide rin tUnionconcerts. (on-
lat"gtefart that the appilanse
dtvehili was hearty, and evi-
Sortl ~ enuine, we may safely as-
aitgav satisfactioii. The
rtisa ofMneimbers if the clib are
atisys5Of rankaiid the ensemble
l'ayi 5 N5s siniptly iserfert. M1iss
eed ha a1 santifisl (ontralto Voce,
g , Ohty trained, jaidheo snt n
tir inin
Pa l "('clenita athonghi ter prllto
ti0 e'll'rs were iiot happy selec-
MllTe soluis liy indisidnat
~llibsoif the club) were fiiiely
iloc'and were encored. Is the
oflasical numobers the playing
rl5 a Quality which showed con-
Qtleely that the reputatlons the clot)
s Yis deserved. The hall was well
' and when the Choral Union
farg steise third concert) and the
atant s t ltused, tharere will he sio
tielre anditoriuns.
I, R I-t)lT EllTOT
tt" Suite." (New).---
-----l~-------------- !a.Kurth
fr Int. and Tarantella,
l oq fr, nod dedicated to the
YIlllarotnic ~Club.)
lOlOfleello Solo- a. Adagio,
--------_------.Saisnt Saens
iti 55 Marion S. Weed.
iSolo-" Fairy Dance,-
---- - Ihazzini
S l'r. Richard Arnsold.
t e gSong.-_. LR. Schuman
)evYork Philharmonic Club.
I let."aitos D mhinor
T '"rioliola and Violoncello.
2. Flute Solo--s."Largo" himself Isiniterferc with a msatter
SC. F. hassilelwithiiiithe prosinc-vof tirofessionat
--- --------- Wsi. Popsp cit isators. Ie assumes that tech-
Mir. Eugesse Weiner ii('atl pinmts iof thll scieiice ofcdni-
4a. 'Sounds (if the IBalltItonsi- - rtoi a ted-ie Itrtei
0 . Tise 1Mill------------ - -
_. Ch ilet dxi isf a sos-ereigii. N otsittistassd-
Ness- York Philhsarsonsiec(Clsb. iiigthse Eneror's speech, the cause
4. Waltz Song--"Darla . ----Arditi of classical education is safe iii Ger-
I Miss MalrionSI. Weed. I
5m. Rlsapsodie tiongroiseNo. iL Liszt
Nest York Phsilharssosnic(Clob.
Emperor William's Attack on Class
cal Study.
The spichrtiot Esmperor Williamm,
asinosusnced in the Sunday papiers, is
attractinig considlerale attenition ini
educational circles cevrwhere. In
tirief, the stcsh is ass attack iipo
the studsyiif the classics as iii rsued
at presenit ini Germsany.
YTesterday, in the cossrse ini (lass-
ie Philology, Prof. Kelsey reviewed
tie Essperor's seech, showinig that
sir us, at least, the attack upons the
classics has no isfluence.
The first thsing thse Professor call-
ed attention to wtas the objection
that Wsilliam msade 0on the grousnd of
physical injury frons excessive study.
The Ensperor said that Germns stu-
dents beconse near-sighted and un-
fit- for statesmess and especially for
soldiers lsy their life iss school. lBnt
no disability resulting frons ordissary
hard work usnfits a snan for takisig
part iss the duties of gov-ersnment,
and to funsishs souldiers ongistsiot to
be thse highsest ideal isf a civilized
state. The Empseror desires tso sup-
plasit the study iif Greek asid Grecian
IHistory biy that of Gersmasnansd
Germsan History. Patrisitism is ai
good thing; but Itsere can be sssinii-
telligent psatriotisthsat is not foissd-
ed uposs a knowledge more extended
thass the boundaries of osne's owen
counstry. As ass illustratioss, the
Federalist is filled with arguments
and examples drawn from thse history
of Greece.
The great trouble seems to be thsat
Emperor William has taken upon
ssass.s Thtse h s passeid shemn
a sosvere5ins sssord ssas lastoisia iiues -
tion c oncernisngthse social life of his
peiople. PTsis shpeechiof Wsilliams's
is osily one of sesviral attenmpts to
bsenefit thss Germsans peolelit a de-
pasrtuire fsromithse estabitishsed orider
of thisngs.5A isiess thse Ensperor's
ssicialsstic viesws. It is psriblsae ttsat
Isis eccesntric vies'sssill csontiniue to
ti- extsressedt frossitimie is timse, ussis
it is isst strasige that tise sublject if
edlsuatiosishtosstl receive its stiare osf
Alas for the U. ot M.
The folloswing is thse list of tie-
qusests to Anmericans colleges in the
will oif the late lDaniel HI. Fay-er-
weather, the millionaire' leather
dealer of Nest York citys
Yale college for Sheffield sciesstific
schsool, $300,000; Colunsbia college,
.$aoc,ooo; Corsnell usniversity, .$aoo,-
coo ; Bowdoiss college, $sfoo,ooo;
Asnherst college, $soo,ooo; Williams
college, $1oo,ooo; D~artnsouth col-
lege, $isoocoo; W'esleyassnuitersity,
$soc,ooo; Hlamiltoss college, $soo,-
ccc; University of Rochsester, $soo,-
oo; Linscotlioniversity, $soo,ooo;
Usiversity iof Virgiiiia, $-tooc0o;
Haniptoii universty, $soo,0oo;
Marystille college, $100,000; Uiiioss
Thseological Senimiary ansI endow-
mnt of cadetsip, $50,000; Lafay-
ette college, $50,000; Marietta cot-
lege, $50,000; Adelbert college,
$50,000; Wabash college, $50,000;
Pach college, $50,0o0.
There is hut one college paper, in
England, and on the continent
under-graduate journalism is un-
Wright, Kay & Co.
Foreisn E~us, munat of Ges
anid AltGoods, c- sd ©a-
ticarl- Manuf ,,clusess of tie
FinemsSocletu Badges side ir th
caj'f54g, Sampe-"sent spas pr-s
pesr rlerer~ces,
s-Ill WOODWA\ltt)AYE.,
Deri,-- Michigant.
Is at <fe days
a siewsstsore sill
bseOpei-led tic
t;I-tAS. S1I E' 2 h.& CO.,
formserly stitlithle
I harvard Outfitters,
Canmbridge, Mass.
A Splendid New line of Gentle-
msesn's Underwear, Cloves, 'Tics, &c.
Also Sporting and Atletic Goods.
Chap. speller & .
20 1-25. Sate.
Bhy addressinsg a Postal Carla to
Manager Miechigass Leagmue Teachers'
Several Good Poeltions to be Filled
by January 5, 1891.

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