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November 21, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-11-21

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DT01. I. No. 47.
Villiers' Lecture Will not be Deliv-
ered To-Night.
The Lecture Association re-
ceived a telegram this afternoon
stating that Mlr. Villiers will be
"lnable to deliver his lecture this
evening at Ulliversity Hall, hav-
lag missed his train and not
being able to reach Ann Arbor in
time. The lecture will be given
t0'1Icorrow evening. See an-
noncement in DAILY to-morrow.
The election will be held (or
begun) to-morrow. Among the
names mentioned for the position
are : B. Waples, Michigan ; C.
W. Middlekauff, Illinois ; J. C.
Petherbridge, Trans-Mississippi ;
N. A. Phillips, Pennsylvania,
and L. S. Baldwin, Indiana.
The condition of affairs among
the class is about like a city before
a municipal election-more *or less
diverted from regular work ' by
caucuses, conventions, etc. The
" one-year " men are taking pecu-
liar interest in the election this
A Pertinent Suggestion on Our Base-
Ball Interests.
Wright, Kay & Co.
Foreigno u ers,h roporters o Gems
Editors U. of M. DAiy: and Art Goods, Jewelers alo Up
There has been some talk about tscqarts, Manufacturers of the
sending the base-ball team on an Finest Soc ety Badespade in the
Eastern trip next spring. The courtry, Samples-sent upon pro-
sentiment of the University, so per references,
far as I can learn, is unanimous
in favor of doing so. If that is D toitOjRX 1e -se Bf.,
the case, it is not too soon to make 140 WOODWARD AVE.,
preparations for it now. We
should have a manager chosen Detroit - - M'ch'gan.
before Christmas, whose authority
S e Observations on To-morrow's year, and may play an important
Contest. part in the transaction. They
0ne of the important events of have held several caucuses.
#le Year in tale law department is A caucus of "sixty-day'menWas
the class election. Othese oc- called yesterday, but as the han-
asions the many members of the sas judge has not yet put in an
profession who expect to enter appearance, it was postponed in-
the Political arena and strive for definitely.
fanie and prominence, seize upon Each faction claims the election
the oPportunity to whet their in- of its man, and each seems confi-
strnments of political warfare and dent of success. It appears to be
t° develop the peculiar powers "tevery man's victory " at present,
influencenecessary in a pol- but whatever may be the result,
itiCian. Again, the fact that the from the array of prominent and
class-day is an important talented candidates, the class of
event of the Commencement exer- '9 may feel assured that they
Cises gives rise to an honest de- will have no reason to be ashamed
Sire in every member that the best of their highest officer, whoever
O°cer$ be selected and the men- he may be.
rs most fitted be selected a No Game With De Pauw.
P}rtieipants in the class-day exer-
ITba fnfh1 tb naomn- ll t
will extend over the whole base-
ball season. lie should be able
to positively fix dates with the
Eastern colleges, a thing which
neither our present manager nor
our present secretary can do.
Unless lie can make his dates with
authority and be held responsible
if lie fails to show up, the Eastern
colleges will fill their dates with
other teams that can be depended
I understand that the Secretary
of the Association for last year,
Mr. Wade, has dates for June 1,
2 and 3, with Yale, Harvard and
Columbia, but those dates cannot
be fixed upon any other than the
personal responsibility of Mr.
Wade, until a new board of di-
rectors is elected and a new man-
ager given authority to arrange
games. If we wait until next
spring to elect officers, these col-
leges will probably get tired of
the delay and withdraw their of-
They are accustomed to receive,
and have the right to expect, pro-
posals made upon more than one
man's personal authority.
I would suggest therefore, that
a meeting of the Base-Ball Asso-
ciation be called as soon as pos-
sible, say the first Saturday after
special Rates to Students.
Thanksgiving -an tat we
then elect directors for the coin-
ing season, who can immediately
select a manager with power to
act in the matter of an Eastern
trip. I think the present direc-
tors would favor this, as they have
little or nothing to do, even if we
wait until spring.
If the constitution provides for
holding the election in the Spring,
it could and, I think, should be
be changed so as always to have
the directors and manager elected
before Christmas. I should like
to see the experiment tried this
year, at any rate; and if found
unfeasible, the plan can be dis-
carded. It appears to me abso-
lutely necessary to insure the
eastern trip next spring, when we
shall probably have a stronger
team than that of last year, and
one which ought to make a record
creditable to the University.
LIT. '91.
The average weight of the An-
dover team is 162 pounds.
among the large number of
embers in the class eminently
tted for the various positions the
rif5 for honors is therefore
teat. The office of class presi-
eat being the highest honor will
t the subject of the greatest
rfe- The various factions of
eclass,which,peculiarly enough,
divided on state lines, have
eed in nomination various can-
ftes for the office.
1e o 1V-U1 a anagemenu as
cancelled the game with De
Pauw, planned for Saturday,
thinking that the practice to be
obtained by playing a somewhat
weak team would not compensate
for the expense of bringing De
Pauw here. There is souse possi-
bility of playing the Chicago Uni-
versity Club on the Saturday
after Thanksgiving. With this
possible exception the foot-ball'
season for this year is over.

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