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October 31, 1890 - Image 2

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-10-31

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C~. of 'm -f(. Xa143"
Pablisheti Daily (Sundays excepted) during
the Colege dear, by
Subecripiont price $2,5 ter year, invariably
in advance, Siggie copies 31 cents. Oa sale at
Sheehan's and lost Oftice news tstand every
evening at 0 o'clock. Subscription may be
left at thr offiice of the DAILY, Opera hotue
block, at Stiebhanos,tit Stottlet's, or wth any
of the editors.
Cotnnunicationsouditi rach the ottier by
10 A.M. if they are to appear ttilecoaor day.
Address all mutter intetoded for publtcation to
the Managittg Editor. All buinescs coamun-
ications thoutid be cent tt the iBusitnes Star-
Resport nil neglect ott thettaxtof Carriers to
the City Cireulator, Wt. i. ibNeiid.
Annm.Arbor, Hich.
W. E. Ontreito. '9t.As..'r tiNASInaEDITOR.
W. B. O'NEILL, '9As-T,'. Bas. MANan,
R. W. DOUGHTY, 'no. as. B. Mii., R
tI sSittroN 9. 1+. ti. TinidLS, '9t.
H. D. te wt.I. 'i. 1it. lit. BlisEori.'lit.
E. Q. HinoL ti '1. 0.. SlOUtHMAYDI.2
of every one who can possibly STUDENTS' BOOKS-
arratnge to ho present. UHearty otUY YOUtR COLLEGE
but coutrteous chteerinig should TEXT Boons. LAW AND MEDICAL 3OO7S
reward allgodpasan this wii
prov at excllet oportnit toSTUDENTS' BOOK STORE, STATE S'TREET.
lpracrticethett U. of Mf. cheerfLot' Secosnd-liatid books at low prices. We are agetits of P'aul E. Wirt, Scott aid
tilt) Ctortiell gamne. Holland foutain pens. Bargaina in stationtery.
'R01 RI ©R -
The studetnts of the Utniversity ,_,==__R=S__
will be gtiven a mutsical treat hesrel
tiext week itt the sitape of a cotn-
fert by (ititore's great band, un-
tier the persotnal supervision of
Mr. P. S. Gilmore.
.Many of te artists are the best
in this counttry atid Eturope. Miss
Ida Cl1011, sopranto, and Mr. Ed-
ward O'Maliotey, basso, are with
the batid, making in all attetnter'-
tainmnent o~f the first class.
To all whto have heard this
band no words of praise aore
tiecessary. To thiose~ who have
not hear111d it ottr advice is, do so.
2s UIIU:
Seventeen treer's. Board twith Furnished
Boomi $:-25tper sweek. Circularos0u01n appti-'
P. R. CLEARY, President.
"The Niagara Foils Roate."
,Kw 0 p
q i I 'va :
00 0
G 1tr3,1'02. ..i,'toli,'1 . BI{LEIGH & JOLLY ~ - -~ ~
I.. .wiott.'o.EL. MASOi. ,I DAtEt5 N- I1
Atrecetion was1 givetn tot Di. 'IDEALERS Ir
anti Mrs. [toot at tie M, ethiodist E /'Fl "~'.~F' u'.'s
-- - - church host oight. STIAhTlI NERY.~(f
The eleven have but twso weeks Many of the stuidenit volter'slire BLANK BOOKS.,
to get ill shap)e for the greatest g^oili hom1e to vote, there being a ATHELETIC GOODS AND STUDENTS' FIUPMES. pS 0 enan orI'iaaanKjs
gieo OUTI atie ever' p)lay ed ill Michligan, speild ai frIiin tiirs )1 e 'tNIANPENS in the 03;: 1 ,
that with (Cor'iell ohl Nov. 15).Ohovtrcy.ltriniSt Wtt
JakTd }wowrdd Cl etosCl'icEeyia hioicaplay alittle oc tot, '),s girddCigars iaid Tobacco.
bi itnd oie titaoh iaciethirdi base so wellil or the Unilver- OYSTERS, PRtY, STEW OR PTAIN
city teatn is prittciple of a school Colt anti see us at 0 0
agaitist tie teati, for hard daily I Nbti,0 letaie 111.2 OtTR ''A'~S~0
practice is liperative. D~uffy tical ecotnosmny. D. IL. DOWSD'S HEALTH EXERCISER. G .110 X0Vk V °09.°S'
tnd Irettynllan, of last year'S " - " O_._iGnOtttvse, UidicO, Youths; th
BUJStNESS LOC LS. / Athlete orJIvalhid. A scompltet +Daily. *Sunday excepted.
eeewio have ttot beeti play- _____ iii. 't'atkes p tilt hot
qur loutor ro t, ntotsacitifi,
lug regularly as yet, are to resumte (Noticiser trteditnt this colutiiti at the ralt ortile, vcopretnive, cheap. U.xv.ERUGLES. H. W. HAY:ES,
hla and will niaterially strene>o'thien itra5Ftesfrlonger time ~aexra lnesfurishd cergmeniiisptor Soes; '&T .Ctrig. A' nt ei
hpttpplytoe at this attieor by ctottltintz R. nousi ti'ci. 5oend irili'd ______________
thte teatit. Withi faithiful work we~1)iiughty',Asstistanitiuainess tlatttttor.) OrdMrkti. Inargo sag's;,ncaToledoArntArborand Nort
..Dw cetfc hsclad4yrdnttaL tmatS odeloT 5' al Cutlture, 9 East 41k si, Nets Yoek. ToeoAnArradNrt
hope to present a teatn somoewhlat Exantine Stafford's stuck of Trouser- Michigan Railway.
better titan that unfortutiate one itngs, $5.00 antd upwards. C)L..m..J ~ Y Time Table gonintoaect, Monday, Nov. 01.
of hast year. however the game Go'to E. B. H~all for coal.________________
Baths hOc at P. 0. Barber Shtop. GoI inig North. STATIONS. ongsouath.
results, it will be well worth see- Mell Gillespie, Teachmer of Guitar, FREENCH ICE CREAM. FtNEST FROENCHI1
ngattderymnwi fBanmjo atmd Matndolin at Clements. COOKING5. LOWEST PRlICES F~OtR %6. 4. '..3 5
ingariid eeryman ho an f- BST ATERAL. - Ma. C'reCod. Stndard Time.CIre Cad. Man
ford (or cani borrow)time stoiall Fatiy 71tmmgsrt St.iods T ota, West. - Detroit, Mich '_n.Sa.Ml a.Mt u
Extrlce. Unmiderwvear. Wagner &1r -I.-a-a-Lee Art ...
8t11111uecessiry to reachi Detmoit, is Cot. CITY LIVERY AND SALE STABLE ' ... 3 3o0 0 50..TOLEDO . m..moll1 ...
yat'. L. YO5T,Pcotttattc. 4 02 6OVit~onro Juneot.'n12 25 1 3
exe tot go dowun amd yell for Rthotde has thte best amid cleantest coal. Nms. 13 and 15 WashingtnSmt. - YpsilantMth. ........ 4 TO 0 47....Dunee..... 1216h 10 22.1.
expecedYardl, W. Burontistreet, tiear railroad. Fr E-las isantd stylish stddlie Horser .....a lii7its ..,.ian ..... 2a 1120..ms...
for ____Hire. _____....._____ 4110 721...,Pttsfield..11 37 9540..
th .o 13. Box Overctoats. Wge & Cs. - ,,..50 0.ANN ARlmOIl illD mo.....
Anewx'limie tif goodti movels fsr Stitt- I ''5 25 70'11 X ~ehtnm s ..Lnh 11:.m 0 .
Tomorx' aewt u't hreaCiiig ot Gtibir's>. (). Nesss I 5 81t...iHamburg.ms0 518 0i...
will unmdobtedly liethte best ever SmttiRtH'tim Do-Amlonte rdesirittg'itt- ... 11 S...t rna:.9i 8...
plyd hee o tlole -tce. strimction itnSitortihandiwill please till 51mt11, 0 20.1.O so 5 ..ly dlilfrPud ei ace -aiteofceo .W Mi , "et ,J i itt.: ' e Yd i' I91 13 ....taa t b5I
ited withi hainii very .Istromig St-i-baphr, 3. E. luremi Stre et Jm.jas1 ss 5itS4......L..riua',. w15a Y 11.
Termtts'retsomitble. tall anid see mte. 'NO.12 W. HURON ST. 7 e011513 1 1t ... Mt. Pletaant.6.45o 15t 8 4
_____7__38__10__45__1,57 hii ....t.tlae.. 513 4' sin3
teamo 'hie (Chicago Uiv1ersity e wxil) shioxtimext xxck tt himest. 7 501. . .2z05H...,.faroewelii......3 13 8 03
leamoxx'thtAhes thi Crxvfrdstock of Guittars eversoon itt this fity.,, i. "t. ..ni r 1 sa i
Aloseite excepitiomially fillsie latmjos. su.ca-... 5 ,T0OO_..i'spemitit......855 410
for half-backs, recemolydefeated Ot u1c1t Icsrmgswr:ts Clul ~ I',' '.62 _:l.. Oilt m. 1 :: 2a5
thiem only by the close score of tt aiiy itn the city tlnyst1iie. Wilsey's, 12ti. 0111.. cC .... Oret1.ia..... 7 ms9
y2b South Fourtit street, Anti Arbor. I, 01..Finer to3
10--{. Cottparinig this withi our 'Totto ttANUCCE."-iT lle best part 1s 5 Saginaw DiviSlota.
defeat last year bytiie scome of the eccenttriccltat'at'teruof old Cadeatux, h''GigNrh TAIS. ongou.
presemnted by Mr. Ranmkitn With IitbmoucNrhhato. or Suh
24-0, antd the year before 24--4, simple humror antd patthos amtd groat ]riday Evetanig, ~7
tob erylatborattioni anid delicacy of style. The October 3x, Pass Pams. oA. Pats,
thou game hiere promuises tob vr iaect of C'adeaux, the manner, thte- -- -- -_ __ - ---
close, gesture, ahtepresin real aEnr-RANKIN 507 :.... 7140 Annarbor.. it 25 . 926
ablo, timd the entire impersonation 7__.710 ... 94 ......turand....,- 000 . 70
We may expect time eleven to was mucht better thman anything cx- -1-747 :....lit00 ..Fmushing..... 8 43 ...6...48~
put p agoo gate ad tieypected-Thte New York Evening Post, IC AN U 0 , K - l8A345117 3Ri ota. o..5
ptu agodgm an thyJuly 215, 1890. H . W. ASHLEY, A. J. PAISLEY,
sholdreeie he eatys .PRICES-- 35. 50 AND T5 CENTS. Superiotendnt. hen. Pas.Agent:
shoi eev iierys upport The New Ascot Scarfs at Wagner's. Seatsoen saie at P. o. News Seem. GEO. H. HAZLEWOOD. toals Aget.L

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