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October 31, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-10-31

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VoL. I. No. 31.
The Woman's League. Fruit and Flower Mission.
Tih second general liitiiig f The ladies of the Fruit and
the Woman's League was 1ld ini Flower Mission are raising a fund
the chapel last evening. Mrs. to provide a free bed at the Uni-
(vayley Brown gave a talk on the versity hospital for the use of in-
ojects of the League, for the digent patients. In their effort to
benefit of those who were not broaden the field of their charita-
present at the previous meeting. ble work the ladies certainly de-
1isses Street, Gibson and Latham serve the financial support of all
followed with short talks on stu- students. The effective work of
dent life at Vassar,'Wellesley and last year under the direction of
the ladies' schools at Cambridge. Miss Lane is being vigorously
The badges were then distribut- carried forward by Miss Szold,
ed, that of the executive 'commit- to whom contributions of money
tee being a small shield, with the may be sent. Articles for the use
legendWoman's League of the of the hospital patients miay be
of _U1." left in the ladies' readino room
One verse of the "Yellow and before 11 o'clock each Sturday
Blue', was sing and the neetilig moriic
The attendance was large and Philological Society.
0511th enithusiasmn was shiowii. -
The officers of the League, as The Philological Society held
announced at the meeting, are as its first meeting of the year last
follows: President, Miss Foun- evening in Room E. Prof.
lnl Secretary, Miss Rogers; and Hempl read a paper on the change
Treasurer, Miss Lane. of the letter "o" in the English
pr . -oral#Un on language. This was followed by
drm for he tChoral Uniona short discussion of the changes
Foot-Ball Schedule.
in view of the fact that a re-
eent editorial has been interpreted
by some as reflecting upon the
work of Manager Codd, simple
justice to him and ourselves de-
mands the statement that nothing
of the kind was intended, as a
careful reading will show. The
editorial was a general protest
against ring politics. If our rec-
ord, at the close of the season, is
not all that is desired, the fault
will be attributed to the lack of
support which results from the
prevailing college apathy and the
delayed election of the board, not
to official mismanagement.
As early as Sept. 15 the iana-
ger had arranged games for every
Saturday until Thanksgiving day.
Since college opened, however,
nearly every day has bronght let-
ters cancelling these scheduled
games, various reasons being giv-
en therefor, and ,it has required
the most strenuous effort to fill
these cancelled dates. That all
dates are now about filled reflects
great credit on Manager Codd.
The schedule, (subject to possible
change), is as follows: Nov. 1,
Purdue, at Ann Arbor; Nov. 7-11,
Indiana trip, (playing the princi-
pal Indiana colleges); Nov. 15,
Cornell, at Detroit; Nov. 22, De-
Pauw, at Ann Arbor; Nov. 27,
not yet filled.
Wright, Kay & Co.
foreign Buyers, importers, of Gems
and Art Goods, Jeweers arld Op-
ticiarls. Vanufacturers of the
Finest Society Badges Made ir the
courntry. Samplesusent upon pro-
per refererces,
Dmtroil semrs Hcise13cBfR.,
Detroit - - Much y-ran.
Afternoon Only, 2 P. M.,
Friday, November 7
O J)elighthful Concert by
the grec test of all bai-
- mastersaudithe most
popular and successful
of allleaders, and his
.verywhere conceded to be the finest co-
cert and military band in te world,
assistsd by
Soprano from the
Metropolitan Opera
lloiise, t iitYork.
ThIe program for the concert to
e given under the auspices of the
horal Union in University hall,
Saturday evening, is as follows:
' enate, C major, Op. 53.-Beethoven
Allegro con brio. Introduzione
[Adagio molto]. Rondo [Allegretto
2 Iloderato].
3 dieux de 1' Hotesse Arabe..-Bizet
j Gavotte, D minor --.--....-Bach
b...cturne, B major. Op. 93------
Ic] y---------------Chopli
[e] Valse, A fiat. Op. 42....Chopin
Inoe to me.-------.Waldiham
5, Panitasie.Op.t5 ------chiubert
Allegro con floce ma 1101 troppo.
Adagio [Der Wanderer]. Presto
7' Autumnal Gale.-..-.......--...Grieg
[b] Don Juan Fantasie-.......Liszt
Muss Adele Aus der Ohe, New
ork pia Mte iss Mary Buck-
> Detroit, contralto.
of English in the United States.
The executive committee consists
of Profs. Walter, Thomas and
At Harrs Han.
The entertainment given by the
Hobart Guild at Harris hall last
evening was in many respects
more elegant than any that have
preceded it. After the reception
refreshments were served, and
then the dancing began, the
Chequamegons furnishing the mu-
sic. The following ladies re-
ceived: Mesdames Tatlock, de
Pont, Nancrede, Waters, Rath.
bone, Wheeler and Stanley.
About 60 couples were present.
.No word has yet been received
from the. Chicago University EDWARD
eleven relative to the Thanksgiv-
ing game. In case this game is °N
not played some other good game ae i
will probably be arranged for that
date. . ~ Dlbec
da, T/w Celebrated
G. H. Sayford, traveling dele- Basso
gate of the Amherst College, Y.
M. C. A., is creating a great deal Prices, 50, 15, and $1.00
of interest at Lafayette. Pets on salemm'onday at 10 o'clock,at the

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