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October 27, 1890 - Image 1

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U. of M. Daily, 1890-10-27

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~'T .No. 27.
Pirtcso3 CE NTS.
The E~oys Have a Hard Figh'.--U.
of M., 16; AlbionO .
iSaturday t-as our111' ol(l. lid
tile lesult of the (amc ,iiot s-
Iletially pleasing.' he eam ela
wa ntas good as with tihe 1). A.
CWhile Albion showed wonder-
full improvemlent,irusiling ihard,
tacklng well, aud playing a bold
offen sive game. All our backs
seenmed weak, and tile rulshilinle
shov64 keenly the lack of practice
during tile last week.
Tile gamel-e Albion wills the
toss, takes thele1and111 11ru1ssto
0411 20 yd. II 1Cat th i h's Ph
Atldeirso11lakes tell y'ds. land
Lando11 fivehblt lweget the ball o
four' downs. Jewett lulls 10 yds.,
tihens. thlenl 2I0,being well tackled
by1n ail d Sucll. After
several rulshes Malley gets thlroulgh
cent1.6andludn1115to Albions 5 vd.
ne, wilele Grosih dodges arlounid
tile end; toulch-downl, --0.
Tile bunt out, fails and Albion
011n gets tile ball, but Landoln
loses it wihel tackled by R. Slier-
'nan. A few rulshe~s and(tile V
saes Over tile linle, Grosih holdin~g
tile bail. Goal. Score, 10-0.
L~andon starts tile ball fromi
centre and m~akes 20 yds. behind
tile V. Andlerson is tackled at 20
Yd. line by Jewett. After a 5
Yd. gail by Landon, we get the
hall on four downs, short rusihes
work it out to 40 yd. line, wihere
we lose tile bail. Anderson
m1akes a long run to 10 yd. line
1111 Albion rusihes to ou11r 3 yd.
line only to lose the bal ol four
dOWns HBard rusiles and sihort
"t1ns take thle bail out-to our 35
Y4 line where it get; outside.
Cntilepa ss in, thle ball is tbrown
forvward". Anderson gets it and
SI lls 10 Imtlc'l'iY lascli i 1.l'l. '1-
iIc tel' is ilere 0 istllitieti jult Ii
til lf 111d")lla,11111 I. Wal--e
I tles 5iis lplaice. Scole Io --t
Til e condlldf11 topens ll litile
V\ a ali 12.52y1. run1bhrJ ewett.
Albion gets tile bail, a~dvancles it
to yds., tihen loses it. R1.
Shlermlanl is disqualifiedi, S. Slher-
man~1 takinghis place. After' 11V
1r15h of 25 y'ds. Sntiherlaud is also
put offt Mcorrau playing in~stead.
We lose tile bal nullAnIdersou
1ru11s nealy Vto cenltre,. hit is
thrlown pa 1.1nd1(1rops1)5tieale111.
tile gameI C1nd11crossestieli'nile.
Goal. Score ito-0.
Alhion starts tile bail fromn cen~-
tire Nvithl alterritic 11us1. A scriml-
inaige enlsues. Tile umpilire blows
his whlistie to disqualify Chlad-
bourne, at whlichl uomnt Burn-
iami steals out of tile crowd and
runis down tile tield,putting tile bal
down beihind our goal. iRefere
decides tihat timleihad been called
before Burnhamn ran, 11111oldel s
tile ball brougiht back, wihicih
Albion refuses to do, claimling a1
touchldown. After waiting tile
ulsuli five minutes Aibion still re-
fulses to play anld tile game be-
colmes ours by defalit, witih 25
minutes time left to play. Score
1 G-0.
Referee, Van. Kortwick, '93;
Umpire, Mi'. Allen, Albion's
U. of 14f. Pesitiens Albioe.
Chladbourne. enter..Schultz
Trainer...L. G;.. arr
Malley....... . T...Parmneter
Pearson ......... L. T...Wooton
McKeon.. ....Maywood
RI. Shermsan..L. E....Newell
Holden ...Qur back..Buruham
Jewett fLandon
Grosh t ...Hlf backsI Anderson
Dygert .....Back ...Snell
Philosophical Society.
Thie prograil f itlte Ililix-ersitY
P'ilosopihiical Soiciety piolmises
y ~ eal' tolbe of morel tthan li 101
iiiterest. The first iileeting ofi the
seimester' is annliouniced for ineat
Tulesdayv eveing, a lt S o'clck, in I
Roo01m A, wheln a papser' iii be
read by Prof. 13. A. Hlinsdale 011
"Tie Historical Methlod." As
Wright, Kafir-& Go.
ti n .,i'erruetlturrs 01 the
P ''s: Se '55 ededes made iq the
couner Sampes' at uppr-
per 'a' e'ce,
tis mehiod of resealrchl is piirsiieci
in almost every departmenlt of tile 1411 WO
Iniv ersity, and as almost every
one wvho emlpoy's it has ihis ownert l t
iar'ticuilar views ats to wihat it
M - MoA n.
m~eanis 11nd1 'whalt use sholond be
lout a1 large numllber- of ibearers 1an1
lbe pi'odiictive of tha~t .,harp dis-
interest evenl foi' tile unsopisiti-
suibject Prof. Hhinsdale wli discuss
tile origiu of tile his toriclmlethlod
of. in vestigatioll, its rlitionl to tile
tiheory of evolution, 1a11 its cihief
charaicteristics, uses land lilllita-
tionls. Tile paper wviii doubtless
be a valuable additionl to tile liter'-
ature of tile subject.
Otihers whlio will read piapers
dllrinlg tile 'ear ale Prof. E. E.
Blown, of Jackson, wiho will
probably touicih u1p0n some fea-
tures of life anld tihougiht ill Ger-
mny1; Mrs. Stumnderland; Mr. F.
P. Jordan, of tile University
library; M~r. Dick, Mr. Tufts and
Prof. Scott. A joint lmeetinlg of
tile Pihilological amnd Pililosophlical
Societies whicih was proposed for
last year but proved at tihat time
inmpracticable, will, it is iloped, -be
effected some time illtile second
The meetings of tile Society are
free to all, and everyone is cor-
dially invited not only to attend
thlem, but to ask questions and
talke 1111 active palrt inl the discus-
sion. Xii eqlly c'rldialiniv~ita-
tionl is exteniled tio11all)h are ill-
terestedinilltile aim~s of tile So-
cietv. to become mlemlber's by tile
simple plrocess of depositinlg 25
I('elts alil dcues with tile secre-
Foot-bail gatmes Wednesday:
U. of Penn., 12, Columbia, 0;
Princeton, 26, Lafayette, 0; Yale.
37, Williams, 0; Wesleyan, 8,
Anmherst, 6; Swarthmnore Sophls,
:36, Haverford Sophls, 0.
Tilere is some dissatisfaction at
Harvard over the present muake
up of the teamu, tile center being
tibough~ttunnecessar'ily weak.
The Harvard-Yale Freshlmen
game will be played at New
ilavenl this year'.
Alies and Donnelly, of last
year's Princetonl eleveln, played
on thle Chicago University Club's
team last Saturday.
Brooks, Harvard, '87, tile old
center rusih and captain, hlas been
appointed referee for the Yale.
Princeton game.
Sherrill, Yale's fast sprinter,
will return to tile Yale law schlool
tis fall.

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