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October 22, 1904 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-10-22

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.............. "**"**!THIIE 11ICHiIGAN DAILY. SOCIAL SETTLEM ENT WORK *@g~ 4o ~~C
E O L -IV tEteediias setetttti -et"tmttet it the Ann Wediesday evening tRithaird Bolt- St d wI
-I anrmr1s~mo eivrdt address in Nihewberryfl
TO NOT- all an -The Cicaga Cammans"In
y t ied t ttde.-it ri-t t c eater)ttiiie ont-he p IrsM heBotaie d t hi nn
,jiat~t ( ( eisliiitids ttn at daY n" i tart "I-l e1i i d:cd ftenn- S a i n r
That we are doing bnsinelcs atgrou ofyogmenMaaggEdito,,J. STANLEY BALEY temOielailCihile iiid t ton
_____________ f__ I*Busiess Manager, CLAUDE- A. THOM PSON. t invesigate foe temelves the cnr
OUdE TR iitsiions at sunt life in the grat cities Whetn you write home use
* Atttete-- - - i~iYtsIL. iesAs a restult atftenedetriminatiaii
3f SotAtaeStet nierss- - AresC. esDteNy eohiseurhmesesi as iedepartment stationery for t
31 S ut Sae tret Nes_____ -__ ____C.PO ND thystblsh d IeseveIias
ASStittiATE'S London. Front this nucleus the plan Literary, Mtedical, Engineer-
p i iC r a e a r . H a r r y . A n d re w s i t t s o c i a l s e t t l e i te n t w s a i l e g a n i n e d L a w D e p r t
Ray iPeblet I Wtite Jayne Franu the large eities at England this mets at, per pond- U
*tI. tie A Oshorn ). 1. Kerr____
That one New Woolens for 4 Ita A Ittrownrigg A.i. Orimeyere mnvement, sread to Americaaid
the comling fall trade are : is tAtittdy teeaeaai n t Inded We alsarry ict~I ompltete
now ready. RUSEi5tiSt-5STFF' ocattlalsettlements ini this eatntry.Iine tf
f w5 i. H s, FE.N. ittuey They arenIt tpoiltstsittt pratle tt
f I Is i etc e A I. Iles. susi, tttae hr tla"Michigan"
"sa n"bthmsweeprosThat we "make stiperh gar- hm-sf.te it.t $.tti tttltoay live in order to caretully study
the eatnlex entitians of social lie Crepnec ie
nrents for gentlemen.,ttaflune.
_ ini our great. cities. Stamped with tei Mihigan Seal
ofic Hor.1:0t :0ad63 o3 Seven years agot, unier thte ittaitie inyelttw and tblte. This sta-
' That we appreciate your trade p m. daily.aum itsanuddmmas, i1tiesii t 2itt5 C it 5i ett qu ie
'~and respectfully solicit a Address:CLAUDB A.TIIOrIPSON, BehinesflrahtamnTaylor. it was d citeheth-oninaceoftetam. muggr 31 akit t, elpon 41.snto pr sSriacv o perror1Tr or"WHRSSreIL
to____i residle il the Chicago alittis ftatFounatanPes at $1 00
.j,$~~ it ertlainiperitid f Itime at statedttin-
,G. 4, W\ILD CO. vL_ litrevials. This tas lii- begtttitigtt ofimu
sotta settlemtent svir r in the I tiltet-
rAILORS sityatf Michigan,. ant, cn~seuenitly,
N 3t 1 S-thitate'elettl itiutrit has IeUttoIaERsTY HEADQUARTERSb
Saturday October 21, 1904. tw eelth(ila ititutionadthtI ie (ott
NOtiS boe otir tfritds wihouliti-te - mn DyIVRIYRAQA
notiibeeouptoen itwe. Eitruody-RTHRur-UG. Twoayears aga tiehasis "f le
duly nvteto om NW. EdiorToayARTURT.HUG.Cttints scholarshipt was iirtatetted 103105R. SMain St. 316 S. Stae St. -
-iu otider toi nake it a mre retresel-
CALENDAR. tative tinivesity affair. The worit ----
~.eee..oee~e.eeoe.eoeheretofore was cnduicteuby the Su- PRO. ROBERITE. BIJNKEtI-
Ocoe 2-Fobl;West Virginia thess' (Cristiani assaciatiiontantI cer -___
Octop ser.hianaotAnnh rbr. tatneterstf the faculty.
flUL1'E 'P-T BOK sMih ana nnAhr "The social settlententt is tt relig- Sayt that it i Italot idisensabl
Octitber 21.--Dean Vatighan addhresses itis ini te snse at suibscribitug to ta every lawut uident tit potssess a i-p
B TIJ !1 rARTb?4ENTS I Y. MC. A. aetacMillan Halal. any creetd tie togma. It is ta hoate, atf- 2uleMaseehiregta-tndItgt
fA k1Qj L\ 13 Octoher 28.Dean Jordan's reeption o acuc.I sad o h ih-Cmeca ae."Ti-oki d
o senior girls at Barhour gym- mt hrh tsaisfo h tgit'uuuuiai ate. Tis an t ular d
--. nsim. tstdetvelopumnt of the broutherhooofthittted by J. 5,. Mcdtaster-. exstminer Netr'
Octohbe 2~.1.Fothall; Wisconsinivs. nhan. Thet-aim itt the settlemtiis akStteutthhsarmutPr-
dtichigan at ittadison.toafurnish hightr iteals toi lhtst- liv- rkButcer, in reviewing tiswauniskh
~ ~ Nay. t-l-hetueyWattersans lecture n g under auverse socieal cndhiine itioniaslo.ttveu- at
Nov. . A y Waterso's leturein 'this mavenent is nnu lnuger an as- Mcia a -vesy:"h
from 1 o p S. .. A.core
Novemer it.-ichigan Cubh tous one Sioliuu affair. It shoauli apeal toapliaiif ther work and the itsthid of
hanqoetCt Watermn gymna-the whitle stuent hbodty. It isitole- treatmeuntaelit-qtsueTic le bettol
banuetatratemangyma-madeti-truly replresentative- ittthur sit'.itpat t ofthu ttswriter is uwhouaeaia
NiomI.Ys. gOcetr-Frtcat stntfathoe unitersity." dBond. Ei'> rut. mai-e iofthue bouth is a
nu be18 of huiihtgorin-ser-is ob____________ je es sonautinithe- studuy Of aegotiabl
Iutmte a Cuta tniinseie. JEFFERSONIAN SOCIETY instrumuentn. It is a worsdut nhl aw01
T'hursdays primaries Itt Wayne The suierstuitons ors e I-tulast suet an-hr od0wtot
coutly hplced Inlnoinmaion four ightstprelintary ueate ito r-epr-eommntud thit ok to thurlawiter an
Mtiehigani men as canduidats frthe st-mt the Jefersunian scity in thetir the lawts tuttdent, and I recomtmtuend it
woicip ut tal otices nmavor ofthurcomttgt nt easstt witthe SWetetr so- withait reserratia. lt--ea I7hav
eiyiof Detroui anthrtprsentsativet-oft ity, are- a' followus: uset it aitdlfeel thuat t know whrof 1
he Fitst disritatofhMichigan. With- iBlainehardh Flecher Hart-, Burley,spear;. I regadl it asi a v-luable, ad
AT"tETIC GOODS tut goinginumttlersaulities itt te Halliday Devereatux. tou the lawut student an amosut indiohecE
various men, i is a actworhy of A meeting wilt hr hetd ths eveing able supleteut to auy of the lar
conhsideoraion toli see Mihigainumen In rooni'G ot the law uiluing, at works tn the subuhjct of itegotiabile i'
tadinithiesiracerfr plit ical honorts. which time trne cantiuates sill hesue et h eulrpieo h
Critics ohfuiverity'ethcaliotthatt chse-i froim thuse six to cntnest with sruurno hrr-ula-ltiei h-
Com ehe get oihurtlries. Sad re.atedly, anth sometimes with the Wster aspirant. bok l,,$.50h..t A steeils)prices tf $20
tr uthu that collegemnrtwerernottatra- has hue-cnals tt studtemts of the Ccni-
tca-that they-hlduuthemsoelves tita 07 LIT, 'ELECTION verity iof Michigan., Undri-theecr
at abouvi- the nmass it the teoplue to Lat evening the '07 Li class held rumtattes no0ane rthanard aop-c
alit uie lavantage f poulitical appoturt- Its annual eectian aoh ffcers. -Henry withouatcoeip Thur bok is fr sl
S HEEHAN & CO inieisIThecra ofutIheiroitilabhissF. Shulte was electedl hrl-sient, Missliv G. 1,. 15' tiell, Law lBak Seller-
:5320 S. State- t slut miulrstrihe Englisht langugagi- Elsa Keintui, vice Itret--ient; Mis .32ti South Stte street, Ann Arbor,
anti hulies ithetople iiostius- Mary A. Yorker, secretary; Hl. 52.Michigan.c
tint s passinig. Thet-leadership inttCambell, track -manager; Carl Elm- -
ptubictit afttairs is comsing intot thur cotn- stit, basebal nanager; Miss Rier,
inl atfcit-i whou, hby-educaeutionm, are basket-uall maager; (arry Hil,
fitteI fr ithe- coieratiaon itfmpublic ember ofit rat oririal oartd. Thue cu- ---
rj-y~qj- fflTTIT1P( ituletsInithe- ftiure- thtrotugh the the of football mnagaer was the only
8 00Tuinitatie tfsuchmenmiasliiieI-Ittrit 'ice cntoted, Saul Magnusreceived- - --
I (EIlHH nomimuees mentlionct-d, poliics a-itlbe- 37, and Charles Zimmermnuai2. - -t- I ---F
co_______________ ume aohbhader smithcleanertlforur ~qTr e CII ely arc f?. soft, smooth0
tlt-e aethlies ot meni it political Two new mandolins tr ae In-
,.- 2 cets will bkits- one- thattis5 idels. quire at 331 Packard street 1tf.ti Ciy '-IMPr tCtliit-Io btth>1: od
,iWRATD n s as good as youa would have to es 7
i pay 31 5icrnt1 for ehseher. tome-madhe calpe antI nlls at Miss Go to Cushinge for Herhys & Sc SAVN
Luvell's, 3:32 S. te (secomd loor. 231 Caihers Milk Chocolate. tf ASIMSC
- -.o.
'Ihe Students' Lectre Association Three Days Collar Button Sale
"1W4 fifttp.efirt Zt zason a -1905 1I
j- -- - U Friday, Saturday, Monday,
Russell N. Coflwell Henry Van Dyke Oc.2Uc.2 c.2
.3 1henry-Wattet-son'Leland T. Powers jujhe(Inutow Gthitr hhuttomifacetoury. ini oider to ithiu ie themr
John T. McCulclseon Champ Clark Uwondterflntev em-breauk collar bunitoms ini this territotry, 'has agreedl
SOUSA'S-BAND Hamilton W. Mabie I to let pns sell 'Thirty Thousand Crown .Buttons at Cat
Gov. LaFollette Oratorical-Contest Prices. Trhe sale comimencees Tridaty.Nouw is thur time to
r Edward Bok Open Nunmber r sloek sip on collar huttons. at hsalf lpine
Sinle dmisio $lGO.Regular 5e Buttons, 2 1-2,cents -each
Se an Ticdkdts $2.00. Season .Reserved 50c: Extra Regular 10c Buttons, 5 cents each
1YVil ce ecore'ttckets 1mm ostadent a tlers or at Wahros State street book atomr j W&eo 33-0t~Stt t
't" etur: et '19,'Rusd N Cowel. SUEWINIJOW DISPLAY, W HIAY 2 NO DOWN TOWN STOER, F

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