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October 22, 1904 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-10-22

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The Michi
No. 23
Yost's Old School Will Attack His Recent Primaries Brought Forth Four Large Audience Attends Openin
Pupils - Lively Contest As- U. of M. Men as Nominees For Number of Students' Le-
sured-Weeks Displaces Congressman and Mayor tre Asocia-
Garrels at End, of Detroit.j tion.
Todisay is1tho'lasl a peaatter of te . he resulsoof DtrorilOfirotlplima- Tlb-' ociolice Ioti holo co chol ho
hury-p oy bfoe heytmov000' r00 etecon ls howtalaoarc all of firtletuolrei'on0 teS. L. A. core
Wednsdayevenngl a s 0'101 veOOtr raiy-
to Madson inquest f big tne.ilt catdidaeor tt heimpoito anlt frgtohemn ux 1obl
N( otanlyiso oao gaeof toete fiesar ro' a hofMihia.o-g cr oLba agoI(-oo 1i oh th(°
o chbs isccountoobut.tte t riiitac Mhoar Mgadytary, athtioohacen i.lras-sin1010of0t0he core1ini-cout.'
hY o mean1s0 11alleoasy'oponenit. mayo oftDtoi)1tior eighiy10rstandto 10- tov. 'on1) 1, h g
I21w 11101hatinsiltion1111.1itatoooasoota,ntoooiatetd,(l oll ithe ii 1tlhe ini 01ube orte cr.Thito
Coach '0ot first hro io 0(0 te attoo.Dtocrtic ll ke11(1 tho1t001 it tionl were01111 l o nly11107 100 tO' Ott) seals 005 Oto Oi,
ththas nmadeohim amaisattit s gfac , toteaiothliterary and a1w111 too'his is0mortaremtitakableotin10101001
universbity tooat 0catt boasi ol o x ic' 11011010000 101in0 tie classeso f '7i 01andothtooaloothaoithorev 0111101111 is 10o00as
10101uced Yost is toby n o ansto e I H s op~onen Iot, atmed it t e l c11 00Iio1000-okn --05to-n toashr i nthetooast.
toitietpu loitos ('e'00 Y. 'C o td, .is tgrd at Ths h i rst O to i me heo ass iii- 1 -
The, oeao to s woiltarrive. it own1000 othliitoeary d pt ent 0010ittOt'ot a- ass i h t'n l ito-tyolec1-t001r-e a c ourse 1in 00t
at O 1 'lo ck1 ' this 00100i1)g,1 conttngth' fat' t1 i-o'e 00as ttp 1iOtoh r n 0.h ir t u otoot of Vel'~ s a t temolit i
hoey 1)1 0010ot elo 1wootoey ae '-Hi haoobito hor tt eraityo r o-i ~-s-a toil
tllloidt oof101 lit ooiio 'Michiganto lta Dtoi0111aodermanoto datoo 0--omoiatedol Bes-ioos tooing 'n inertsting'speaotto
smllertutscoe thaltnotslot aotmaethus Iabis o 0igi. plural-oi0 0-tyover AlerOtO 01 '01 io. (100000i0 a 11i.io s
far this oyear. T'heo West. ViinitoeBlacRo andt Juod'e' trazert hOto'atter' 11 o l too~o to ols1110-00 0
ths s asootohaioao os too aPonntt iale tForo Untiedol Stataes - llon gtl'ssnnI i lk, OOO 0 t 00ill s ctuoohotit
blb, 1whtoot boowe00000 loc rip01 ed.tft o m t he tto itrst Anho'tt dio t ictsoowo 100P0 iliadeoptia)) 0 loll He iotoort ~
ThP l earniso0100 (:.O s h00 ot tapeo o w10000 andiotun0110001 men100e Ol)ooed gint tioil too Iltoot oo ltto I l abto oe I,'.
'-lo)stsa s taltoo' expets Itsa co'a'o tui e Aftod1 1 ototooto too' hoIn e' mach Ilboo Q .
]l0ar1d0 o n~I ooooi,t 1000.01a0diatet'1 wh0loo has aledoht loll e s ~
1t01100 h to--la otboohalbt0e 0 -- - t 'oooi otaso' oowh o h sh ei-to ostaleooo srux1tootoo at i rcltc
rooam'oon00 too< 1001 toi t oo l'ifamous I -fIo' t numborlooo yeto-os rat ua-id nol-olo' so-lolla~
P'uwr wisola igtoe, tooes D .I an001 whoilo'o'illeoo'-ge 'oo'boonis t 10 un s~o ;.;
I. 0010 beibs tfolltots Otog 'es0010 00cntontbe10footbaoll)10toeamo. toes ~u tui i;h
1 1 lool' ' he e~ i sOnd 'ollo alIo't t rue of 10 h o' i i 01 t r m'o en - - w- -aii ro n
0-o001o-wer-s Iof til es a tut 0 oo ' to l ie s lol'Latdio-to-ohinni brlt~tt i-
0100 o t accuto goto'oto'ed too' ur ('ooogt-b'ioto oat pptoedob a C liim t-o to t 1sls is*iu;ith c .
prlise-c1v1-' 10001un oeotCoh ost an- 1 ato an '05 Lii-
o toooo' linttip lut tooe o o ooths At RiAIU COMOI NG
tornion" is aoit temor- stveetoanto( PRACTICAL WOR._
'00it l - cgre maoo W il radro'--U rve-
WhenlooMtohioganooltonos oop this ator-Class n Nemspaper Writing Wit ; ot MciganRft g~tanClIuo
000)1,0 1100 Harootl 'ohe"'ts ltoterI Be Cien a Taste of Real Net i usct,.y
tmown as o"B lhto-dt"t w00lott ob-itoJournalism.
served otap riig aoutoo oil010lefti 0too,(oo. ('toas. 'oh.irtoankstoo. i lo-o i-i
where't h ig .Johnnoty Iarroto ba ho-tot Theoomoeoboors f ProftssororScooti' 00000 oooooooior v ot'iceo preosien-t, - wito
fortOto Ii alltt heii'gametts 00 far thioonewpaper''c-oso'aott' atiintg atin1- a00patol:.' to t r gro'sooo'o, witl ot'e at
seasont.Weesosnnos shownooupOtoinooy novoationothiota0eatoowhicho oil toe tichltigano C'totrootdbpot oo'r000001t
every Itoomo' oo' has hoet-togvestowaichetodowit a gratodea at intert.ra. 'Tuesoa aot 2.2, e oteiwest 000fronto
chance-o, boigoespeoialy t rong o Thoey wiii get- outOansa peootor Ditoit
defnseall o tisfitotathter 1t0a0naott.to-e oieoftheOtoDaily, atodt oir. tFairboankoscittodisoous naiona
anystootootoonuthOto0.01rt fGarrelsistptretaratosate ow0000boig otoaoe' isooesfrootohictprivateo ooar durig
110010ebohnge forttofrttoisse Ills fort-inuoototsto-oer. 'lot'C. ot
'i'eo'hoarts oiltho' toeao'tttsoa oil o There s a fc tatto tto e cool r1001 Mt.lIt cptbtlt ichtano c lb tohs madooet-a-
bo ob ob 1-too-It bootooe tone os Ithal '(oobo- as alwtays0 001e 010010re o ls ho'ool oooo o ut-,, e s otoartiolpto,
blos'' toGr aamt to oheOtto soet halo-, ooal, 00101 1Prot Scoll.ha dboid'dlob-oh hboo lot ub, haoedbo-ity too- hand, sitt
wilittaodo'o oIort ri .h ta0ckiou posiltin, give the class 'a taseol0 f r-iatlitews- tot-n t t a hio'ampsatii 001id iri'o thlt-
Theret0'is io00010o mni ht squoad whioeI alerlotifeo.iotepotiwhert'a hoeatyr0' t0101100i0l1l
plyig bih a n o"Oto -is wouldborott'owatchT'he wtouldbe ' ou'oooioooohavoado-tboehogvnth Indoiaao soloator oallothisla
than Itis 0s00000"Otoopos." oochas loomorts -uti o otu otic- 1000
Antother recru t.u whio iiiparin10i1100,00ecr nt0tooiesandlowuooooo. 0
lat otm0010y00tohlos tit1100o)00i10A01- a fialtoelsi tooe00wittgel1o011a0raliH ICAGO PLAYS NORTHWEST
Ohio' i'tthe hobodot Miet1)110Allhouigitooter. ER N TODAY
btiher ihto-tot, he'iss opeeuy0'talag- The wtokcilitoat only w itihte
o'cssooo -out I s lot oalingtht, is after- lierary stoe oiljournatitsic woorko anod 'I'iio'geaoh gno'o t toleoato Chto
miontitioblll tooobtel hy go) a loong way woil concotn t sefo i 0010 oito onewso oago oot-Of betweethe Maootioll and
to 01oheciittghos chatnceosofgot-i-'articesofatntol)t ool10thie campus~t. Norhwoooestrn iot sca rerto
to atol-naotthotig showo'a oeeko AfterthOtotaor has beentiontoeto, it MOh oiigan-ortot tboarillgi illavoteiio
ft'o 100tooty.tShulotz'rs workooat00ctor w0l111etakenaotuOttoOttcas andotthoot'- ontheOhico ttt 0000ere.1
'ohedotosdtoy was sat iofat)lotyandoif oghy cr11ticze.o eeod't'oiion11)10lloToda''osogams.oobo -so uxiecteodtobone101
It'an aIin11101nothbttsamoetace todtay, trohaboly ho limo0itd ot habot I- two fhe iercto Io verotoIpllateod ibe100een
itoapphaetlyhio aootto'middlooioitoin hundreduoilpies.thiseo lalbost 000000011 xcier
0010nc hdthe frsc numhoer 00il appear tbototenototfoutChiobo0 1is aiifeveo-I',t--i
ttoeract0ice asht night conioteobd I te firt of tis' vek anlot citt beoon tooa'ootag e ht bas worketd ihis Ohin our )10
lota ong tat sgotalb tracoice Every- charge oh tho mootwho are ntolt- hootoo s (Very.0itrOo00)0 ol 1)10010th00
on 00)011 :oodshapetoe'et Long- rtadyiontohe Daily stffhe'tts'etctod 001itto hoour' sgal tOato ntalI000ho-
11 andTo o m 111HIamo ndooooo andotreotoy i t' 000ha 00n0to-he oti'en 'a'oangoeob tot'.^ r iit ight. Ite'10a0000)1s bos se
toot 0 ash, orod gont o hatboofrtho t -ox-wittlte modehup OtiOotro'yty te 0c11 tomt 0)itsol ateOttdohrOto 0
1oi~' --ow'ing tooteo r0citt - hogirls, ouner too- guda'neo-of profeoosor ot whutewa~sed'o toll (tofor yea toat
atoo 1 0 00ble is exrat osderb le dto peo aso05 Scott. Nailr oohw cete ill001lea0000someotf igt
tthe Toeaom0o 'sihncsoaoo-os o-oooo Wic- The namoet-for tObo e n10000talure bhacrafty isemes At Noontiwetern,-to
coutsn. 1 boo- gatoeo'iox calledotb 03'. cotnot, y t en seottoct e.Th e'blot toooraoanodstixof 1sltetsO hato ohoon-ipatoot
"'li k and I-tu i1 itbisplanned00o haeo anotnewso taf i a olot: ]Il.- Siiip'rot Fiedan io'wa
t~m i~l ootig tno rerto 0)get Oloooogiog Edior 0- -01 Wh - 0 - 0 'llowed'to'o i tei n t he ic0n000001
ibrd tol.''o)0 tfbor\Wisconsin. lTt 'he ine- City thtit'o'-iarattP.Rtw.o ite t auts tilteorit o b ootes-lyo
tilt 's as tollbos: Editorial Wri~ers-A. 'M1 Johonsoniooma ot. Cicaot'sbacki 00eto oot-1100
icbi out \West Virginia. otd S. II. Olson. e ---to Norliiooosior',bt te
at- ...- .E ....Wilson Reorer-C. P. (Cushbig W. R. Iurle oli101ne tibli 'is uc otrngrthan 'ioo
..... 01101'. Hal B lt HrringtonPti lu, E..W. BNor-toit .Iiti iis piosiboe tatt e Ibo tol
.......... -Post than, C. E. Smooto.mtoils vito-t no-b0 a00 c ost0elot e
5eot bitt / . . ....Yeriley i Proof Raer----'oW ,. '1' 0100h two sal o piokeobrs I' ltetos'it
C'at001 . . . tBlcioman o (ioaoandtob ooosoofo I Soh
Grhaio.i-. . R . .....Leah y STREET CAR WREC~K 00sternb.oti w ioh o aeho'Al-Atei can 01
bl arot uoooouoIt-- . E-..McDonald ast goat oo'whiet'latinhoniit)t heiC-o-
- - to t ioutILst oeveing .ahouth S a'cck, n lt ise id~itooto
Ncross..-. i-i ....Femig of teveotibtuloedbcarsoftoteoorct
(0001 - .. ~ or Nash troet car ine lft the tractb oft to NO CHANCE OF PRINCETON AME ,
C'~t.Hstn..L1.. t at.Matrin tcorner of Stab' ster-RnotoI Sothil I ci __-_
or art' 00-tit av'enues, andotrio'dht10000citoh N otoeboltAnn .Arboroseeso-too
'obo 001tc ii. t - itioan hio-stps inufrratoof Otto- bPs' I'psilont Inow antoythg ot ho' o'fforo'otMihrt
or Byars hooooo Reter b ot boisroketo luuricOtwihthi
'ark- - -to . - blson or inErnsat ']'hTe street swteper hail 1 0,,ed a s stementblat h asboo' t hi
No Person on Campus Is Better
6Cao"'-,1 .l, Milton Perkins
Hs is Real
Name. -
I toc abl Y o l o i bon e camptust
r.- ailbi oo t-eaver'ag'e 0101'
t'!i, hote rmian gyttno-
b-rb'l lob11( v sicarcelyo'ty 0 ), o't-
OtiiyLio ';W oi ''y'''is, our
:ti ht o, r il his bast.
r-al na00001 s5 1."oioan
11)) in b Hampton,' o n(00-
n , to erc he ive itil i
I ~ ,h:el lill Ohe 00 tooi nIith
r o;nctt ut t t olonel Doentsont
''1'." Jwnt botfoil oil f strvite' h
II r 11bo wa~, bIr. 1)001k 0110)0tubr lot
;o (ti. . i in t erIto ovebo sto
t0)000 000e c inw to Grii asts
.. looPrkns o lot untilb11803
li: s it-b I lob tte utusoor-
s1 'il 'o l'ti t ti- gI-bitn siit wa000lsuteto
' Im pat il l, Oo h it bing tt unfibn-
toed ol cl ., openedtt out the
iohm il, Niiasibitii a0000 irst
ti'ii I-tite o il-fboar oilly motto
31 p.Il. 'ile girIs, hours o were'o
%o1) onin tis 01 or1too w001o yets,
boos bo outhispe lodyhah sate
to' --I oiltoflff oi h'n i rctto in1100 cer-
AhotIto imebobo to atlti cassocia-
'o ony ht 00.aaotlt(nt Ithere
' wa, wis looutdtetirely oIaSt
't-dnt n veboody oollinglv as-
iiii h rsosiboiity'ott dirin g 10
tfoors oio ot oo bo ootoi ooooay. Thu'firot
otooto-toi3,llc mc, Mclo loay of
roffve 1 ire ollarsot, ond 10
00,0.tI i ar thofforboo- s-ooure tooha tin.
I'ottyearith'_'Ias-I meinottg swas boo-to
o tooni lf o'll, frtooho-soph noah
:! mouoo- one ot- thlhobo-hwl s 00 raiosod
4 oi lolis bs cruithion.
tact '(it yearsoOt. Poor-
i;~:.>i housanodsiofotomoen leave
0100 touo Ibor, i tno onteowoode-
lci redtit tour bt'ecare anod
i iu fellowxs tof 'oh'ter-
.} diiiOho 'oVarsity- teamsx
-'y. 1;2 is toa ttmemberot of
10, x A R, . .I. 1. tand 1. 0. 0.
Tho Somo bo clu 0bobgavo-a sokler
ltoos o'ut-ooioogin hooor of u bte new
Sti'vigoo lb blb-li - to t hio' couthto, Mtny
if t- ho lo, iii ootui rott r'n oeaent,
Sastol ito, boll 0 toil -0 e0'n000)'ones0. At'
tri 000', f o,' liouloou thObeMaoo
Ibout Dhixon. ik1bvoa000$re'preose'nteudohesobe-
ciilt- hriitoolo loouckn-h ando)Mis-o
- _ ! foot minotos beforar nd'otbad- left a piehityulofour Itboo' tour boust- tot'f0 motto ghug torr l ie.ltitilb metintg it
AN ERROR. of .tirt -acrooo the track. Wheno 1 lt'htgac-Printon ttgootme. Cotachi cuostiws g ;:i o it.-oooatoono'om tne
lotortttan Wright canoe along itooN.os's boiltboo' bos bheardlnoting fromn ir- er o to'ooo bittThoere woo
In 1!10,00wr- il) upou the o- uo(ox-Goen- 1017Oboe coo'plowxoedbthrough(otobe dirt bIth in utndttoot bso lo-tutelybt tothinlog ;,<l'i tt-bo 110tou bes-given
mont iCb oowhicho atpttaredo yeshterday andlotartoedbacrosoo Ohe srool, stopt- iofthte prtooseonestoothu-oh is ccot' osafe 000 o ll)11sto00 Itthe he'otmes
Ilttttt~ Oi'1ic-pingho 'at0,110 110 othe curhing hb-fare thtPs1 say that thereonoi100000chance ot theioilIb . .course Novembeor 1,
ouitbldbats- beens-ottBE.Caotghlito. Itohousoe. No damage woo bone. game'occeurring. - bout ioolioog oetooitscecide'd.

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