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February 14, 1905 - Image 1

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The Michigan Daily, 1905-02-14

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The Michigan Daily
Unique Souvenir Numbr - Cleer
Stories and Clever orVrk b
Student Artists.
ral0 tr g1 >sloie. Iti -w l
In he 111 I c >on l o ial 1 a
Mich> ig n"l 0 ,1a lO01011 1. ul dcls
alN iatll e gti n he011 1n ed0o
nee1 1f1al1'1O0gaization such as 1th
oIcgnto f nadindig oh
111001 11etpn~l o ~h vs Ia
1110t offl 1 , 1ci ie ticst
10 I
ere ar1 eerl1hr11irsu gsa
h} 1\10l 1111 . 01111 a d 0"n C 111,111
'0111 111h th1 nm I Sco l" bll.
11III ic n i .
1111 ' 11 11 1 , o 1, he it r : c im
010011 an [r td n o he m s
01111 en n o it l c st d n s in l t r
011.10t, ha cft t e un v r it n
lvl 01011c II 0111tNa
1 p st~ ili a la ii
Il Yor magazOineduing the <iu11
t' PFN ('1? 1?T . ; 11CI 1111
hel h( 0110111 I tl as lrs n
01rda of Ial a s1111 1111 I the.1 election 1
11 10 1 J irl .. oIr l 111110110 01
inn 1 111l - f'; . 110 0000111lbion; 0S,
1110 1 trt
l.d lb l 10 , ttl 1 rict ty~
Co0111 1111101>1 1110110 olmonoP10010 r
10b 01110 111 11111ti~ aelol 11111011 11fl
Iltt a culty at.11 M i111011 . 111 1 11 1 10 1
101 11 10 010 11 11010110
fe1001 10111 011 fthe dc 10011111ea
1111110 111ovi ill 1be p10-lI 1y 111e
to '00 of 1110 soci1ty0 a11.1 11101101
01staid Mi~odes.
900 oMen Upheld Reputation of Michigan's Most Important Social
Funictiono- -(uests Have Now Departed for Home--
Mlatinee, Concert and House Parties.
No. g91
Recital Tonight by the Famous Eng-
lish Contralto-Final Concert
of Choral Union Series.
1110 1fi1a1l0c101e001of 1the GIIioOJ 101111101
ser0100occurs10 light when1 Mi1 i~l Moll
1010100, 1110e IEnglis o ntalo11101, owi lo1
head1100 the0 110follow10ing 01 l01011 :
T 1111.11 1- h ,l . ith is 001111t i 111t010 1101111>hnds. It N0as0n t101 -0 1 l tll) d > cc a door . 0;l10c-l.
ii\' n fstl Lati1>1Is n w Ii g l i 111001we 00r, bfoe theo dallcers s 0it111 a..111 . ... .. . 0010001110
thin,.;Ill th pa 1t 0but Ith remem rance1 ad not1 ed0 it. No 1one loll 1110floor, lolog:a r
10p r 1cuar te1 opll was ao.I lu F o 11plaid 11d11110t0h 11ech o ll tis -1 N 1 l1 11 ctgbP
'c'', ;l~lte lo nliĀ«1 l-l- I i'.h1Iell thaonl 11101 edvening W at'er-sI
0 110 00 11110 01 'llll1.t0du,, dass1ic1h11O 1' '1101
01er1t10 0001 01100 1110111crdit rangyln os l 110as 1 niassofered 100111I 4 )c 11011 ~
t010r11111 ioollti11 wh1h c10rcterizd11011001 i s as of 1101 ca the X Ltle N~ldbg Ra
0 11110 1111111.010 110111.e110 100110>. ..... I oo .er11Olox
ooIlo 111 11 ' 0 ol~ 00> ooo, 110pefo- igue ull. . . .... .. oinc
a111'.i1of biotn",the1elow nd 1hil Sa l 11 I af1110o11011 he oo od i o .1111 .g I olIIvilol Ro a old
ii szid ttitl ~ gen. A ou d th o nslo er."l ile' attenodane aso c ontra11001 l -elof the foir t oderaed0lie-
tilt'.1 110 11111 11011;n1i>lisilg 010011111 1101 000a0111 ovil aeod '110111
11111111 1 1110r f lla 110 1 0llliOda101110101he h ot) cr Iowd h e iLononi rg usllo o mments as fl t o l-0
tlolololt01 110lfli0111I1r'101 10100 diotilelly Ilig Olt,,10 uondly 0010011 al.1 10 11101100t 0 D 0cem11111
and <l tr , l; t.c 01.10 T.0i11e 1110ctrica rl displayl riiit, 0114 1101 001 >NoinIO1 10011110. p .11111Io-Ovid
11.111111111111clubs11 on Cr n ribcaled tbac fr tie s, 1111 tledegnfll ' -0l~il~loll
,er rt te drllol 11i0u>s1 gt c o ~ 11 11 uloe oaotmisatisuboe Ithoit othem 11010n w illg o lite-
::I No 1.tut aCr00011na01s000mewit11e11- 41' 1l0100of 0he 0opfueswth byoe ivnmg ~ h ot Ileil f to lo
0011 o11 olly ta i o hieein. nt 10el ngedhrat e llendlyhight.-
1>10 II 1> 111110 1111 01t- 11101,,111011 each111ner1of101 t cneIUipa rod y Hacl. >11el~g 00 11011 IIodrno 1
/01111 effectiveiticty urdlyprve t0111111. :t eoia
a~r .\1"itli10t11se,1deliate s ogulrd0 of l l } 00h1111gos
0 1111 oo 1)1011 111001111 lle oughallofIleoodieoce MIHIA N ev NT S. tnecg
01h ef- a-;1 oo hvro 0111'111 me111n 100 11 f ilr li cade y.he r as _wth ex mpes by__k an
101 fohe can in- hae uon th lil erorl 1111100 e111101 allted11 u1poppn > 01oodoo 11 'hto011011110 0o-
11011trt' o. 11 0 l11i1 l nlll ca1l e' theol qua01 tetteeircongp o ihed -o O'f l11'0'111)IilI o I> I.i~l 1
111 1 '11111 loof t e11101 0l0.00z as, l -e: 105 11110, 011lleen, Cam pbell and sell. O f .0these ione o suited 111er better
l'ar01101110> 11 er1101 ca1111e0 tilac 1011eor t eds ortha y 1the odelight 111l F ooeloioor 01 1100
01111 Iltocrolo- Oanoarpfoopriate sertitg foeir ratrniy butO i alillol h m he.igng w slt
dance Iself. here w re0,at0011100d1st 11the -adien ced wa 11111twelves
Oil ee olpr.101" 010rO0Ily goot
l -aiiflgrs rm amoteey tt led oglhe Baoo co d Medo libe lokd uon
ln 010110 l~ olr oooa crrftoehpswetde01a eoe fo oefo110I~re1l0ll
hers111. A ie dathluattelubes U iogn frohe otinie ory 10,i 0111e1k s peell4-
Oni ho e111 found 10 o nir oerool10 0 1 111 001 0 f lie top grs bgn 11 i101101 t R c ele 10
T s01ao 111 111Il11100010 10)Iolhscarel lo~oo l bwschn er to11 eosdyoit ghrol
Mliloolo whih imde he ltarhitofde. veni, a f11'010 fIlorloc o-t o 101
o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h bo1101111011\-11011 1111>1ol 10 oigibolaod-ol1101 paivrdyy'in social in chng s a droee 00111 01litlllorder 011101
j 1' 111 .1 011 1111110 '1100111 oroof', 04ltls loed thtll)l, 0 10t'o the'oi gh14ighl orb
chestr1a.lOfllalelazooaslfullyhasrenularhillner0111i11,0111 thl 0ootoerfetime.
1 dnce an Fii 11 bad, oo Deroit,1n r oing thelaugheorf hei au111 en11 .MIHG N OT S
Illa~e the ntermisioli. lit ll thr1;0Aloge011101he10111100ade by 0h
N II TO )O1,* VA1011.RSul
Kol 011. N .1 l feluaroll> 511 IloI
inmictl deice eari oor>va111ing
". I is expo 10111111 111010e a
devie cmistwo 0011ardw0 loc011
his ole(mithemetl pateandit liopo
'lioceNWoman's Leragule has voted to
1t1100 111acire partill tile counoty fair
1101i10011011 zi01011111 presidenlt, Miss
Fl orenlcoIBurtonl, tas been givenl powser
1.0 act 'or 1the leagteien 1assistinlg to
11111101the01pro0j01t a success. The wo-
111011111 great wsorb intthAe first county
failr .0111 they wiul no doubt lenod thoeir
1100100> in th1 9105 "shows." Thtat 1110
gymnasium111, wo iso10k0110011by practical-
ly every m1101 011tile campulls, is misseod
from it s 1us111111101110ntsoin~g 1to01101-
tack of inlftlmmationl of tioe lunlgs.
D~r. George Royal, of thoe College of
Illlbmbopthitlc eolicieooe(f te State
Unliversity of loota, and11 presiden~t of tile
Amo~lericanInslltitulte of IHomIoeop~athy,
Will visittoe un iv'ersity WNednleshday,
1F11b . l e will lectu~re at foulr
-o'clock iln 11101afternoon 01101n001101 ilt'
plortanlt 001e101dy, 0114 a1eighat in tile01ven11
iog w-ill 11014 0 noteria medlicaoclinlic at
1the hospital.
jar110. .11thlb ooo)Toooloot11011 1111111thocvatil- glob re 111101110an interest it the pro-
ter1i111n the air. A.(1;. dSpaldbing las 001 obollloll011111teste widespread filter>
000-100 l.;t ooosotopaetthedoev01ice1 10111 i est iootheocooning coun~ty fair.
~-lp 111 hlooY he placed101010n1ttie- _market_
>0 ii V01.arioos college are to he represented Professor Jomes A. Craig too re-
>1'oe 'iipltOoltdono t tteUnerin re paeltrodeva elt nauMarch on.oThe uin110eastf01011noetensioe tletre will
TheFilpio sudntsattheUnver eitooelattleonaugar .Thonofinrthe ea10010n011est.ohstud1011101tr ipl
oily of C0alifornoia w-ill puobolt a quar- repllican chlubs of Harvard have ac- ha11001a011opportunllity of heariotgis it-
terlo int connlectionl witho 1'lipio stu-oceptedl 011inlvitation to head the college terest5in1g lectoore before toe Philological
oesii ll larts of toe Unitled Stotes. represoentotion in the parade. Arcady society We dnlesday0even1ing0 01 eight
It n-ill be p0r11104 ito Eogliob and Span-011011101110 hundred Harvard men have o'clock, in Saraht CoswselI Anll Hall.
isb. anod will hoe to the Untted States, sigified thoeir intention of taking part Th~e lectulre n-ill be illustrated by the
oEurope and tile Philippine Islands. ni the parade. stereopticon,

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