The Michigan Daily VOL. XV ANN ARBOR. MICH., TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 14, 1905 FEBRUARY INLANDER. SPLIENDOR OF THtE JUNIOR HOP Unique Souvenir Numbr - Cleer Stories and Clever orVrk b Student Artists. ral0 tr g1 >sloie. Iti -w l In he 111 I c >on l o ial 1 a Mich> ig n"l 0 ,1a lO01011 1. ul dcls alN iatll e gti n he011 1n ed0o nee1 1f1al1'1O0gaization such as 1th oIcgnto f nadindig oh 111001 11etpn~l o ~h vs Ia 1110t offl 1 , 1ci ie ticst 10 I ere ar1 eerl1hr11irsu gsa h} 1\10l 1111 . 01111 a d 0"n C 111,111 '0111 111h th1 nm I Sco l" bll. 11III ic n i . 1111 ' 11 11 1 , o 1, he it r : c im 010011 an [r td n o he m s 01111 en n o it l c st d n s in l t r 011.10t, ha cft t e un v r it n lvl 01011c II 0111tNa 1 p st~ ili a la ii Il Yor magazOineduing the 1 1110110 olmonoP10010 r 10b 01110 111 11111ti~ aelol 11111011 11fl Iltt a culty at.11 M i111011 . 111 1 11 1 10 1 101 11 10 010 11 11010110 fe1001 10111 011 fthe dc 10011111ea 1111110 111ovi ill 1be p10-lI 1y 111e to '00 of 1110 soci1ty0 a11.1 11101101 01staid Mi~odes. 900 oMen Upheld Reputation of Michigan's Most Important Social Funictiono- -(uests Have Now Departed for Home-- Mlatinee, Concert and House Parties. No. g91 MURIEL FOSTER. Recital Tonight by the Famous Eng- lish Contralto-Final Concert of Choral Union Series. 1110 1fi1a1l0c101e001of 1the GIIioOJ 101111101 ser0100occurs10 light when1 Mi1 i~l Moll 1010100, 1110e IEnglis o ntalo11101, owi lo1 head1100 the0 110follow10ing 01 l01011 : T 1111.11 1- h ,l . ith is 001111t i 111t010 1101111>hnds. It N0as0n t101 -0 1 l tll) d > cc a door . 0;l10c-l. ii\' n fstl Lati1>1Is n w Ii g l i 111001we 00r, bfoe theo dallcers s 0it111 a..111 . ... .. . 0010001110 thin,.;Ill th pa 1t 0but Ith remem rance1 ad not1 ed0 it. No 1one loll 1110floor, lolog:a r 10p r 1cuar te1 opll was ao.I lu F o 11plaid 11d11110t0h 11ech o ll tis -1 N 1 l1 11 ctgbP 'c'', ;l~lte lo nliĀ«1 l-l- I i'.h1Iell thaonl 11101 edvening W at'er-sI 0 110 00 11110 01 'llll1.t0du,, dass1ic1h11O 1' '1101 01er1t10 0001 01100 1110111crdit rangyln os l 110as 1 niassofered 100111I 4 )c 11011 ~ t010r11111 ioollti11 wh1h c10rcterizd11011001 i s as of 1101 ca the X Ltle N~ldbg Ra 0 11110 1111111.010 110111.e110 100110>. ..... I oo .er11Olox ooIlo 111 11 ' 0 ol~ 00> ooo, 110pefo- igue ull. . . .... .. oinc a111'.i1of biotn",the1elow nd 1hil Sa l 11 I af1110o11011 he oo od i o .1111 .g I olIIvilol Ro a old ii szid ttitl ~ gen. A ou d th o nslo er."l ile' attenodane aso c ontra11001 l -elof the foir t oderaed0lie- tilt'.1 110 11111 11011;n1i>lisilg 010011111 1101 000a0111 ovil aeod '110111 11111111 1 1110r f lla 110 1 0llliOda101110101he h ot) cr Iowd h e iLononi rg usllo o mments as fl t o l-0 tlolololt01 110lfli0111I1r'101 10100 diotilelly Ilig Olt,,10 uondly 0010011 al.1 10 11101100t 0 D 0cem11111 and NoinIO1 10011110. p .11111Io-Ovid 11.111111111111clubs11 on Cr n ribcaled tbac fr tie s, 1111 tledegnfll ' -0l~il~loll ,er rt te drllol 11i0u>s1 gt c o ~ 11 11 uloe oaotmisatisuboe Ithoit othem 11010n w illg o lite- ::I No 1.tut aCr00011na01s000mewit11e11- 41' 1l0100of 0he 0opfueswth byoe ivnmg ~ h ot Ileil f to lo 0011 o11 olly ta i o hieein. nt 10el ngedhrat e llendlyhight.- 1>10 II 1> 111110 1111 01t- 11101,,111011 each111ner1of101 t cneIUipa rod y Hacl. >11el~g 00 11011 IIodrno 1 /01111 effectiveiticty urdlyprve t0111111. :t eoia a~r .\1"itli10t11se,1deliate s ogulrd0 of l l } 00h1111gos 0 1111 oo 1)1011 111001111 lle oughallofIleoodieoce MIHIA N ev NT S. tnecg 01h ef- a-;1 oo hvro 0111'111 me111n 100 11 f ilr li cade y.he r as _wth ex mpes by__k an 101 fohe can in- hae uon th lil erorl 1111100 e111101 allted11 u1poppn > 01oodoo 11 'hto011011110 0o- 11011trt' o. 11 0 l11i1 l nlll ca1l e' theol qua01 tetteeircongp o ihed -o O'f l11'0'111)IilI o I> I.i~l 1 111 1 '11111 loof t e11101 0l0.00z as, l -e: 105 11110, 011lleen, Cam pbell and sell. O f .0these ione o suited 111er better l'ar01101110> 11 er1101 ca1111e0 tilac 1011eor t eds ortha y 1the odelight 111l F ooeloioor 01 1100 01111 Iltocrolo- Oanoarpfoopriate sertitg foeir ratrniy butO i alillol h m he.igng w slt dance Iself. here w re0,at0011100d1st 11the -adien ced wa 11111twelves Oil ee olpr.101" 010rO0Ily goot l -aiiflgrs rm amoteey tt led oglhe Baoo co d Medo libe lokd uon ln 010110 l~ olr oooa crrftoehpswetde01a eoe fo oefo110I~re1l0ll hers111. A ie dathluattelubes U iogn frohe otinie ory 10,i 0111e1k s peell4- Oni ho e111 found 10 o nir oerool10 0 1 111 001 0 f lie top grs bgn 11 i101101 t R c ele 10 T s01ao 111 111Il11100010 10)Iolhscarel lo~oo l bwschn er to11 eosdyoit ghrol Mliloolo whih imde he ltarhitofde. veni, a f11'010 fIlorloc o-t o 101 o ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h bo1101111011\-11011 1111>1ol 10 oigibolaod-ol1101 paivrdyy'in social in chng s a droee 00111 01litlllorder 011101 j 1' 111 .1 011 1111110 '1100111 oroof', 04ltls loed thtll)l, 0 10t'o the'oi gh14ighl orb chestr1a.lOfllalelazooaslfullyhasrenularhillner0111i11,0111 thl 0ootoerfetime. 1 dnce an Fii 11 bad, oo Deroit,1n r oing thelaugheorf hei au111 en11 .MIHG N OT S Illa~e the ntermisioli. lit ll thr1;0Aloge011101he10111100ade by 0h N II TO )O1,* VA1011.RSul Kol 011. N .1 l feluaroll> 511 IloI inmictl deice eari oor>va111ing ". I is expo 10111111 111010e a devie cmistwo 0011ardw0 loc011 his ole(mithemetl pateandit liopo \Vf).IN IN (COUNTY FIR~o. 'lioceNWoman's Leragule has voted to 1t1100 111acire partill tile counoty fair 1101i10011011 zi01011111 presidenlt, Miss Fl orenlcoIBurtonl, tas been givenl powser 1.0 act 'or 1the leagteien 1assistinlg to 11111101the01pro0j01t a success. The wo- 111011111 great wsorb intthAe first county failr .0111 they wiul no doubt lenod thoeir 1100100> in th1 9105 "shows." Thtat 1110 gymnasium111, wo iso10k0110011by practical- ly every m1101 011tile campulls, is misseod from it s 1us111111101110ntsoin~g 1to01101- tack of inlftlmmationl of tioe lunlgs. D~r. George Royal, of thoe College of Illlbmbopthitlc eolicieooe(f te State Unliversity of loota, and11 presiden~t of tile Amo~lericanInslltitulte of IHomIoeop~athy, Will visittoe un iv'ersity WNednleshday, 1F11b . l e will lectu~re at foulr -o'clock iln 11101afternoon 01101n001101 ilt' plortanlt 001e101dy, 0114 a1eighat in tile01ven11 iog w-ill 11014 0 noteria medlicaoclinlic at 1the hospital. jar110. .11thlb ooo)Toooloot11011 1111111thocvatil- glob re 111101110an interest it the pro- ter1i111n the air. A.(1;. dSpaldbing las 001 obollloll011111teste widespread filter> 000-100 l.;t ooosotopaetthedoev01ice1 10111 i est iootheocooning coun~ty fair. ~-lp 111 hlooY he placed101010n1ttie- _market_ >0 ii V01.arioos college are to he represented Professor Jomes A. Craig too re- >1'oe 'iipltOoltdono t tteUnerin re paeltrodeva elt nauMarch on.oThe uin110eastf01011noetensioe tletre will TheFilpio sudntsattheUnver eitooelattleonaugar .Thonofinrthe ea10010n011est.ohstud1011101tr ipl oily of C0alifornoia w-ill puobolt a quar- repllican chlubs of Harvard have ac- ha11001a011opportunllity of heariotgis it- terlo int connlectionl witho 1'lipio stu-oceptedl 011inlvitation to head the college terest5in1g lectoore before toe Philological oesii ll larts of toe Unitled Stotes. represoentotion in the parade. Arcady society We dnlesday0even1ing0 01 eight It n-ill be p0r11104 ito Eogliob and Span-011011101110 hundred Harvard men have o'clock, in Saraht CoswselI Anll Hall. isb. anod will hoe to the Untted States, sigified thoeir intention of taking part Th~e lectulre n-ill be illustrated by the oEurope and tile Philippine Islands. ni the parade. stereopticon,