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December 18, 1904 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-12-18

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"""*THE 1I1ICH IGAIN DAILY.' ir aiiiit Nhal;; 1l:1(iil
Vc- tII iflatiliol l s rt of 1
W yeI eIyear. t "1 °. asingonsteet tc - leas IIfotball. -s~
That we are doing business at: Managing Editor, J.STANLEY BALEY. dI \lve :t. IC atel ia 1N.ii<
*Busness Manager, CLAUDE A. THOMPSON. riliuni iliaalmI
OUR NEW STORE :"ti!'itr adedtheIlaali hat 1111lii
311 South State street Athletics ---.---------------i---a-ling lu il. -pil
I x h ng s.. .. ...... osp V. Derr -i e\ _II -e ill l i ll theii l iii (10111
+d .ivl omen .. ........... . . Ia.lla Xi. 1 i
n01)1 1that ol ;,aaoatIai le
That our New Woolens for A. 5tmI.i lveri3ary H. And Nirewis i
the coming fall trade are 1. Wa~ie.Iiynii
now ready. A.45511 IlATS ll ,I'y,"XIINI 1111CCIi S
Gornge A. Osboiarii Arthur -T. Rugg
lii R y Peebiles. J. Earle ogle,..r.
That we make Superb gar- : luth Alleni WlulIC. Saniford
Chiis.. I. Ambroslie Lois ic~ikny fii ( iluai-. sIII ruaatrd to
mets for gentlemen. Chasii. E. inte-ad Jeromei Weadocnfui lca~,i--. 111111 bfor
Thtwe appreciate your trade * .1.E I Izei-am A. B. initey I lted iteicira ru~le, allii"
That A. It. tj itPrnctoll II-il
and respectfully solictta 1.RTES: per ptii, o Siiya aid itIid
f continuance of tihe same. arne m ha lii-Ilaill of cutsi- lllii\\
G. H ~ OfficeHours: 2:30 to 1:30 cad 6:30to 7:30 1aidlllireili. tIh 1\ Itl
Addres:CLAUDE A. lOrs1PSON, Business i i i ali~'ii~~ii l
rAILORS * lanager, 331 Packard St., Telephone 401. tred\ 1'tdl 1\.etiltwl
* Ni)TE-Thiasiiofioulair i-ad-.w a ve ii Cra prlaliliji f a caiin hetre
dially__Invite __tocome __NOW. _\I lil learilull rm the11 tuiiiati\iill
_11(1II iiav
__t__th e Nii lllil eli u(if aa tili oai1 .N liiii
l1 t Isa or Itilt 1 eI NN I i1 11(" elur Cl ia-uiu cii 12 tI
.1 be Proilgal Siiii.ia1ha!aIl.
Dea-iN ifca.lrk i i-11 c \111 t l1 lrlr . lih I I11(ra t ne tlg (f M r i
Ii Vila Cloiia N I i~ii lii lii i P ii~ (,lili) i illi hld ll h ). F
SI'ir Mos roio ler. _I. N iiifnufill 1110)1il.Iii iiia-iui iit am4;
'Ibe e o ir ) ti 11111 iiiii ii~iga , n t l cr 4 aa-. t l ir toatten aad.
Tlle Sea 1Wolf.11 1lia 14- ":1(. iaag. 4.cl
Blh llac Fri i i . t* Illil 1111 i iliat ;i tl ciIa tr t\' )ea l heliii , 130tat iiiis II, 3,0t1 at
Sireloilr c l. 11;1h 11avvrm 1 ul f 5io er iriln t of teC i n ipa3l38;nieri
\\a, ntlro Stlerliclliiiik.M a\ili03; oiibi a 4,2.5j7 0;PCh icao ,
tetiL t-
L' t i
l' i VC
The Student' Souvenir
Art Calendar
of [vents
Is tht finest sonv enter
fur tile price thai the
1111:1 15stock iif talei-
dars Ihas to offer.
d Hundreds of Them
l3 Have Been Sold
1,(. Durinig the s hort tine
11 < the,,- hav e tienoilsale.
lull:1 A Year's Events
ii for 50 cents
1c W a 11 r' s Bookstores
hik 13-105 NI. Meain St. 316 S. State St.
S a les
- liii ,* Sli, ealinCae $31
$4l :$0SoledLuather Case $4"1
6 Siile Leather Case 4"69
$io Siile Letather Case b"98,
the j if-"ilt S leLa tlherCase $898
liii, X The suipply is li"'
+i r ated anid yoxx mu~st,
A. Ldderlti oiSwords
Ladv Rot.'s a -ltr.hi
ilIn ite I o1ship's I.aririate
Vnilven-sity Booksellers
320 0St ate1St.
Michigan Pins
t ie~lsdt l ilath plar alli iidleirs 2.0664 ; Sraanai.2,207; Leantiil Stall- 4:h~ rry. S.
that the lii i m lil oa ch1(1 waslhailmostldall1 ford, i ., -1.3711: Priunceton, 1,383. "$
111111 l i iiil. i Th a i sld beiple-ail edI ii 111 lii 31a al lii ati -i p
N liiito) make i s xvclcom111 iprill h llliIl slliaIi ii d+. 1 ou a ee l
NIat itreei, ;ciii(IitiirIllMisiiL velal+ a
.Nea.llSh iaiai shall 1 al l i l ar ag lihtiuit 'l 15 I ts, otad.m ohn r
ii 1igi ur, aJ n I i llilii liila iiI'+. tluhli s h
C arlesaLairdis i l i Ii ofl th hi gh- i s lii iii iiiiif<)r 1111 i fts.illil 67 l ea in
cst iiils l.i11s efforts lW i I Llaili li iibeenala a rl 1
HOM TEEPH n oMPANY ________________.",o /a .AnT
The Students' lecture Association
1004 - iiftl 4irzt SeaeonI - 1005
Always Fresh-Our Own Roasting
Golden Bin, per lb.- - 15c Mariacaba, per lb. .--
Pedang Java, per lb - - 28c Arabian Mocha, per lb.- 28G
Dean & Co.'s Blend, per lb., 20c
214 South Main St. DEAN IC C
dhdLw La+.wL a y }.y .(,. _"_**L,.,,.***. 0 r_,." _<0 S f.y{, ,. .L, .l .
Russell N. Conwell
henry Watterson
John T. McCutcheon
Henry Van Dyke
Leland T. Powers
Champ Clark
sur ISA'S BAND Hamilton W. Mabie
Uov. LaFollette Oratorical Contest I ~ ~ ~ *
004I i 044 Edward Bok Open,,Number Bi1i .rds
a Gentlemani's Game, is always an etnjoyable pastiW't
SEASON TICKETS $1.00 whten played
SINGLE ADMISSION 50C ( at the Varsity Billiard Room
f which has the fittest equtipiienit in the city.
Next Number-GOV- LaFOLLETTE-..Dec. 15 313 S. STATE PHONE 951
DeFRIES' ART STORE, Artistic Framing, 217 S. Fourth Ave.

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