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November 03, 1904 - Image 2

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-11-03

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- -- - - - - - - ---- ------ ----------------- - -
f a + ' Th E nllC iJAN DAILY. PLAN 1F0 UNITEI
: EW~OULD H ~i .s. , ' The Three Christian Associations of
lro tu .i E the University Will Co-operate
W EYOU TO KNOWB j-___ -Plans Discussed at Meet-
fig , c tovt-" , II, I. Ti ss t, n rect
" :rec.=~~"~t:t ci. c ca.tt nttte'. . ; lots -'iti At the business meeting of the S.
ThtwCre"ig.tstcsa . ei A. last evening, amnendlmenis to
_____ *Ithe present constitution were pre-
e-Buiness Manager, CLALUE A. THOMPSON. seted which provide for the anmalga-
OUR sE T RE Ination aiit affiliation of the three I
Stree 1,11 5Chrisian associations of the univer-
311 outh tateiiStre-Cite. C.w
-------------ARictitt.i ' ln>itisy. 'these amnednments will he
l;I s ltaigsi. ..... .Jost-itY t. Noacted tupion at the nsext meeting of
1V<tr . ...t ..... Ns aNit tt i. . ts-mnitct thee a3sCatit n.
Tht ta e Vol frttIlY7ttt.it, Si' IC At ptresenit there are three dis-
T'a t urNe coi Wgflotaolesfr N cav Itc Il. Andrewsctisiint tpoints of difference between the
th onn altaeae1 ,1::tc tt it nthree associations.
nlosy ready. M;l : tSWLT L 's First-The Y. M. C. A. Ansd Y. W.
Gear.I itt7,t. . th rt Athurtt I. ilu", C. A. areaffilated with national or-
Tht v tae lp 1 \.it- 5tii. rnieyi-t tt-y !, i-i- ganteationa, whito the S. C. A. is in-
Tht e nae tier tgr- tt 1,iet iti it St. i ttisti l dependett
nietmtsosterIgeitleisteti e Secoitd-The Y. M. C. A. slid Y. W.
4 C. A. advocate strictly septarate work,
0 hie sic tc Iitti i ~ii soitaily anti religiously, for meit and
SThat wve appreciate youtr tiradle atsIanc. womien, while the S. C. A. is a joint
an auhrespectfully solicit aa sesteat tilt oftmenttanddwomtens.
contitinutancecof C ithe * e. Offic eors:i2:30tto 1t30 and ht30 to 7:30 I i t ItiOny tmemsbers of Evang-eli- c *diy a hrhscnbcm ebr :
141414Addri-s: CLAUDE) A. THI ttPSON, Besines the Y. M. C. A. and Y. W. C. A., white
. G TH T r;"nto. nagefri,331 Palckartd St.. relephone 4h1. in the S. C. A. any stuldettmay be
4 ~ LR .pirptose atieof 11the iassociation, o h
311 sut State Street. . Accoring to the tirotposedt tian,
affiliation with the national organic-
S NiE lii-Thseo orlfienswhi av -atioos is to be maintaitned, but the
so en u at sros wewuld vr- 1 ursday, November 3, 1904. associations have agreed to help each
* it itytt~cttitittiNi othe r in joint and separate work.
EdtrTdyLUI .SIKE As to else basis of membership, all
Editr TdayLOUS D.STIKNE Imemnbers of thte Y. M~. C. A. and Y.
--- - -- - W. C. A. shahl become active mem-
CALENDAR. hers of the S. C. A. and all memibers
______ si the S. C. A. salal be members of
OLL j TET-BOKS Nttt.--Addtress tic tres. An:;eii at, tie otlier two organizations, ac-
6 . t it cs-tai at7 tclock. Stilttorintg as tie is a mlant or wComan~,
AlI1D E PART EI st .ti itts active or associate, anti according as
Nosvember 11.-.Michigan Club Hoilse to whethier or not he is a member
slum. The membership fee in the asen-
Nos. 1-Ftottialt, Chicago vs. Mich- ciation will be $2.10 a year. The
U0UtNTAIV P[NS gant at Ferry Fieldt. thre associations wiil have one
Nov tis Il-fohTt 1. McCutctseont on boarit of trustees, which will be
from $1 Up IS. L. A. course. Miade up of the three presidents and
No.I.Pittbrg rcetr- itswlie ithber factilty membhers or
* All guaranteed. \iftsriiitsttrtel is rienids itfthie association.
nlnb~ fChitral IUnionssseries. Theatoendtment trovides for tbe
emtployntent of a men's general secre-
Itis -.t least cotitlrtitig to know tary, a womn'ns general secretary
frA IrATICA[ that the other westerti colleges re- and a graduate secretary.
gret tlbslacts of "gamenes" that the During the last ten years tne work
DRAWINGhas been separate, and there baa
DA NGeastl hasithown in refusing to tlay, been no cooperation between te
INSTRUMEINTS :litclitg'altTue colicgc patters neglect iemibers of Newberry 11l and the
this' iintseir commtstll..Tile titlst othertwit associations. T'here haye
osillokenitt are use Chicago Marooti, beeti three sets of student tonembers,
* tu ii- isityNilrassai, iiiofthree budigets and three advisory
ATHLETICGUhisuiords. Because of this redtuplica.'
whc ApenlytassertOODhat fear prompt- l ioni of effort much energy was lost,
c_-_horefsai e esicse. adit. was felt that if the three or-
gantizations could be brought under
Gone head greater benefits would re-
'010if)l;etiotilicIss. E OKSTATE MEN stit.
- - After eight months of planning, the
A3 neig fiI Ness Yorkts u oitcomlmittee has agreed upon a
ilbehlinro C, University workiti- plant. The good points front
alFia, o6p.ii, t on l hree associations were con-
plote arangmens fo smker.Allserved, and, by mutual concession,
men ho re nteeste colieoutcertain nminor points were dropped.
12'_0 SN Nt-wits N. o ie Wjatte etn h ttTepan which has been finally sub-
a 1nd Osn Kaicept. -tnet te drepresents a survival of all
M. 1. BKER Vie Prsidnt. thegood principles gleaned front
psast expierience.
THIS is Tilt TIMt.
Retietmiber thatswe carry the
mrost Comptlete lhue of
Athletic Goods
itt the city
flootball Sails, Nose Guardls,
Shin ;Guards, Ineadgears--Sh il-
ding m-ake--ail styles --l Prices
for 75c:, $1, $1.501, $2, $3 or $4
Learn the fine Points of the
game for I Oc- -thceIprice of
Sliding's Ilootbali
lea-le5SS. SMainSat. ate S. State it,
Itn Rooni C its the law bitilding
wstilec takinig ais examsinations in a
first year subject. The toor fetlosw
sail stisnt several nights psrevissus in
studtyitng Blackstone. In order to get
over the etitire gro intl gene over dur-
tug the tiass semester it became nec-
essary for imi to do a great teat of
reading. Niiw if he would have vis-
ited a first class law book suffice as
we- find for instansce at 326 S. State
street,- te twotilsdhate noticedt some
very gostodsoutlines and abridgements
of Blacksitnewsibih sioust have
served his psurtuose sif review precise-
cisety. With ste assistance of Blick-
entdsrfer's Blackstone's Eleentss
anti (harts (s very excellenti work),
or Sprague's Abridgeentt of Black-
stone, tie stiident would be able to
rs etse tie swhole subject lit Ulack-
stone i a comiparatively short time
and in ati exceedingly thsorotighly
muanuner. Thse uaterial its the for-
mser work has beets grosupsed into
shsort distinct tiaragraphis, as there
is tso imstiedtiate constiniuity of matter
in an epitome like this, and the wider
the sitace betwseen the verses, the
greater is the change o1 subject,
thereby indicating correspsunding di-
visitoss in the contents of the votunme,
also lessening confusiont, ansd giving
a very gnood arrangement. Either o1
thse abiove bookes can be bait at. a very
reasoniabte lirice frosm Mr. C. I,. Bar-
shell, 126 Sosuths State street,
A Man's Face
has a right to health and
comfort. It cannost have these
unless he insists tlpof
25 cents wli)i has tts-t iti
WvARRIAN'rEDi.atisi is
aS gutod as you wtould hauve tis
lil y 15 ceatas foi elsewhiere.
All1 t)etuuicraiic stutdets ft-sit Wis-
cossinit ure ristuestedstoiicall at 3l1i
'liittitsiii street biefore 7 p. It. to-
stay. Phtones:352.
Ticket for four shampoos, one dol-
tar. Soft water, Miss Vaughan, N.
U niversity, near Quarry's. (-tb-n f.
In accorsdance with rules govern-
ig class teams, msanagers mutst sutb-
sit altlsdesigns for sweaters and caps
to the 'Varsity football manager.
Try some of Cushing's Fine Choco-
NI -o k
Ihe Students' Lecture Association
1004 = fiftpetFirst eason - .1905
NRussell N. Conwel
j Henry Watterson
John T. McCutcheon
GJov. LaFollette
Edward IBole
Henry Van Dyke
Leland T. Powers
Hamtiilton W. Mabie
Oratorical Contest
k Open Number
303-5 S. State Street.
Season Tickets $2.00. Season Reserved 50c Extra
Single Admission $1.00.
You can secure titcket$ iron, student sellerso or at Waher's Statecetreet beck secre
............O O .....~ i1
DeF'RIES' ART STORE, Artistic Framing, 217 S. Fourth .Ave.

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