Th M I L -:3 L At AIL ay
No, 33
S. L .LfCW 3II
Score Three Touchdowns on War- Announcement of Course-Change in Hnry Watterson Delivered elhe Se-
city Lst Night-Singing Meet- Method of Reserving gats- end Leetsre of the -,noiesTe-
leg Tomorrow-Stagg Pr- Price of Season Tickets day nigrt-Subjec "Money
Pares for Heston Reduced n orals"
Ater a little relaxation, the 'Var- The Choral oins list o conert- Isine5reening IHenry WVatterson
Oty team has again settled down to for he season hs been announced deL "si 5a msn interesting lecture
bard works in preparation for te big and is as follows, for he hott 0f on 'is src subject "Money aui Morals."
Chicago game, which iwill deide the crs beore he Mray 1estival: ,o trh a elayedt by a crek
championship of the wst. Nov. t-littsburg ODce iXista liignCnral iii did ot
Fie rooters tos, will begin trait- De. d-Arnoldl Dstel, s- i- is-is Ant Aboesutill 9.3nsts large
lng for rie contest at once, and as- sistic li' by s.Doliesi siandiihashtlaudiienei 5 wa lit tt s pe lt wecoete {i
Other big sisging mseeing wislI be leei Salmoiusi old avoie
held ini University hsaliltomsis orrws 1. (Te nes lurteist.l bgnbsoinsig thtmne
nilght. Further sdetails wsill applearin 'b tnlcin - -c1lllsi . ti isist, ris.ssN1 ess Il(i' miiiiiou-
toimorrosisDaily. Fb 1..MuilFseso; c ier:, isiesisriasrt ofpas 5 r
Thie 'Vrsity teamsidid nt loso t- ii ri~ ho hoe elths a ssossts to
all ltke he chanmpins inthe-irs- es e sait-sivi'atl i-s-sbte-itar lit i is thItse siundriedi millions.-sMoe-
cssssser ciths he reseres last igt 'i ' iiis ertuheseilcr, ;rwt sdcpieadslo
The latter walked all os-r thss'messad a itI-s1si s n oiin byss'i .,ih t hehlpi-s c
Whoc are suppolised to have the call as isr e eti oas ,t ti"
Oi themnd siiscored threr touchr h IIe ceissssoee sssssss thsea -,511okeut ~ta t -'
downs. oval tis awas blir e seir ti C dalx: i~ u~a t~ii n is
Of these Pierce got two aid Edl- isy the-erucational sgsilsiss-e sss hen5 n1sscii ionet s.5Canadis
tttOnds one. However, it was a patch- tie occa-sion.sA 'lass tste r-:nd ..c its wii s in sei
works aggregations that w'as represent-tgramis-sfInsthe lasiestyears ill - ssl-k aritan a sninsg grift-
ing the 'Varsity, iHeston, Nocross dmontate this factsmsto cilsic-s
Lusin anid TIom iHammssondsiall sciv. Flice cslsst two Icessval-sis tesos ii ievs otihr
vieed the hostilities fros te id-se secestral attrasctison-ssiothle siu- satst aeailsracd stiltschat-
lines is-ile Stusart anssiGarrels ssisansavsebee-s te at cusy isniiin. Hir5emsaklis osthis sb
layesI the ends; Clark cas at qat-asd terontiuss bicauset-ys-i- si wrerseiesrwiithisgrea t a-
te; lial eekss and Harry Hamsmondsslrsentedithe wior osita --esa.trod-ssisi - se
occupiedth le hafback piosiiost,wi tis ciismaser. \hile ters ai e 5 no s iis Assi istill nvirs betuendags estd
ifteissliill as fol. soustltt.itntselic- its Ise dsalaanitlealndspleasu--seeki-ngs-aris-
L-att-ishowever, flie! 'Vatsity hel litopecnsidiecsatioissof5the ruts 5 sia.e h, utu i ini isiss i
the reseri-es fist-downs. fistlater Ltaossii 1hr-e cinerts- si iiistat I s coeapoplari i sisshesris-its
wits-c- ivess ie-,ball ott the fsrst a usr(sler bislancie sholdels ain5- ili5inssi as teyseni'rto sble its
teasess oie-vardl lineandsinssesral tastrlits-btiweeteh Ile moidiernissdstsi is lsurIis slnds
at teuts the isy cere unable to caryts twork51s. Fosr this reasin Itheioens is ionai d5 51iff errnitsc 5alteadsyfast
the blsll over.ig concetrt sithlitsfestsal isill be dia i isar its'- heiwant ti tosseplai,
Wiesthsie'Varsity got posesons gi ento5 teiproutctioni itof t-setnsed li- s I ldse ting,-ofthe pai -s t if
Of the hlslithey soon made 5wo ssno -"St. Patt" itroblaly te Notherner iss kntewilte Sothsasd
ttiecslowiss on their opponents geate~s sif itst-Hatiseiiaiinessatsirs no 'i leruisti sNortes Initsesality
It is no secret that Coocs Yostcas sitshlte sitgle excetion51f5 55 i''irwelai55e theitimost lsttogs-tiits-spesotle-
no155 pleasedI with the way Viscoss DUetisstis 15wold. G 55ve a VNmot-
si's ensisbeat Michigan's its getting Is, has alasbeensi-s toti ytoiiiscieeksi llTxaa hng ii
downs 55iuints in Satursidaysgamie,-givesi curls ofiiie- aisai is s scholssin -1vl oudncer tl
asid it is barey possible that a andi for suchtl si w-sri tle- choe lis-s5iiIron theireaarit iiris
change nay be made in as least one flalessosithlet "Flying--Duielisati Thi s utthrts e clu lihsad planned-sito-
Of the lpositions. - b fRihard VWagner, t thec inoraiess Si :,e(5lotsisssitWstfrsrtasures-es-sitot;
Up in tsChicago, Foxy Aono i 1,55f51hich its'8 silllots--e lie' Is'ssr bu It h issdela-syes arrial sisasds this it-
workingtshis fertie braiss oveetiessbe i itThisisisilllistgiens-sIst Satpoissblses.
devisinig plays wiich shall bringurdaikevieening.'ihe 1Fridta andSu at
absouts the doiinfall of Yost ansI cary treav'tiseitissst concrts with be s IKT NSAEMNA
thb jatnphionshiphto the Mdwsay ist vstedh o orsthestra osk icludingi
i's sal that he has a sew deensve mnim psiortanstsnoeltis whsle te Manager Baird Makes the Follow-
aeetsgtiststto tos Hs~nis sid ridhay ores ng concert-silclhbehroh as ing Announcement Cncreing
runsa and Logmans line plisiges It isis - ellcis -5 c haracter-Ai Ie the Chicago Game.
is thousghtthat ie will Ipace three of' atesit imsib-tle ito aniostsce tii2 The - sitesChisago-M iri-
his strosngest asd heaviest msitonoss 5-555and rgltanisti s 5 55 siseiwill hbt- hlaed-lcii sale te
therilgist wing n odier o prteietst ls ;(,joists vill heofthen; s-siyer si-ssstandi as 4 oclhol Misni-
'ilhle froustsrepeing iiss sensation-uss gradtega-s-isd ntisatitonsart- "Ill clay. tr55 555 -November 7. All sie-
al Masdisons performnances. Also asitsing i-is mnys wihotwillappler le- ii 5I seiat - siill ecost $2'-00,adsl5no
extra nan will e shiftedh to the right fore anAss Atsuitaiuienes ti t lu t li iss-sssl tchecks-wsill lustaccetut1ed its
side to break up HIsesons inrfer- iresisiittleasthihe ests'alasexcagcoIsiits1ts- Pymenstsu sst
onee H-e sill rse the doubie style 'is -spri-nt tfue-sali ,s osi et isisneit cshs or raft.
OfP defense. ares-cshedulselow.s l 'sife sale ii Its I elto gie eeybodyi-ass
It is also relporeesthat Aloszo has reseved sias-sbegansonus ndaysi ual55551chant t. tthis- luses, ntsout'e
learniedha 1e'sona fronm se Illinois tmotrningiNcib-slue 8,at9 c -s- ersts iltlie alowedctousresere
gane andshwill sendlin his strongest a the 1lii- est S chol ofst ! tt >5 issue-- thi-itssix tcets.'This atplies
line-ups toistart off the 'Texas ganme hDuringthe fistswieceli osthi sai-ts-ass'tIll
Satiurday. ures- - its-os-at s'-ube. se-ut fluTe h1'istes-es' -nshisfugane is very
________________________ $;50. Duingsothus- scn k e-sslis-s i- grac-a isuthis-atisnsdacetspromsise
'05ENGINEERS WON ginisgs--Decemtbeussr -thei fries-f sito eus large I-s-shas eet' een seess
rservssedh seassiill be $.00.1rustsD-sat a 1co ill gamessits Ann sAbors.
155 15-minste halve- the Senior En- e-sbef shesssheI srusr
giseers putrit over the Sesior Medics thS huel h $5 frearls seal ANDTHER FAKE RUNh DOWN
to tile tune 1of6Ito50,5. The first soe that s reserved. Begisning as Il( e iao aesaeoton
was omade ater seivesninutese ofX o th ustatsssssu ue-seus hs-ello-hgs sat. in Couioi
17 andutunreservedstwo'dhueaseat itiili ss hl tsstohssg
play I itsehurfirst halt. The Engi- ss eu el se o 255solasn ~ u: a uso-l storie-sus uns-s-r Ms -Nuh-
eers wuslul have scoredh again its re-see s euredsst-fohsrus.0tanday hr se- 's uisItir -thuis 'The latest is
lie secondibsut tisse was callesd iithsa -lgdInevew-'h oc
the al on the Medics' cne-halt yard loedes fo' $1.si00.le-ss t essi'i-- h uah
Nyotht if iicsshissanint'ehssve5thso
line. The Engineers- played a goodf, fles fse:slreseie 0(5
itady gamse, while he Neics' fpfas' cntcrts- - - - -$1......... ay sisal iibNlelanysls hesu woslasdc
was masuredhy consusttussbsles. The 'lichsc-ss fuse Mat' Festval (1
lla-rs sdid some cev ier stuntts f i cn cerslue 0 undtuiShst. if5Jliswas-,eelgibehe i
listesOf contesing decisione aisdiSisgick is.. $00ad100paedReresats-o Ma Fstivals sotih' uld lyed atqat e, ishile-
showeisg their opponentss tiihhen- hucses et o a ssia tsiu-- eu siat
dseang epitets. N-rcuss IsnsitsIrot aiugmdeo.
Tihe lie-ut: 'ItsEsgiseers-Kus- iReserved hseait single esuserl. hiost deiedsesi reshatvin - ae suha
ter. e.; Gail, r t.!Zelneer, .g.; M~a Fesial series .. tir0cand 25c a slisu-staeet whensotleomatr was
ILuscelI. c.; Kleser 1. g.; Fulton 1. 'ickes oss sale at Brow'esrg bouhtto his atentins.
t5 Lathropt 1, e.; Foote r.I.; Hicks, tore AnnssArbore Musi C iPliss' ___________
raps.; Robinson, sdrug store, F J. Scheedes Quarry's GYM LASSES BEGIN.
'il Meics-Freund r. e.; Schur- drg soe, ans iveirrsity Shool of
mrass, r.0. Red r g.; Hube, ap.,Msic, Muss Abor; Normalson esnerv - IFreismn gymcas ses are nov in
e-; Merkel, 1. g.; Ide 1. t.; McNiel, tory andulC.N. fRgers'Npsilntil. 1-su1shIwinig uandl svery afternoont i
I. e.; lrqhart, r. h! Taylor Batch- --- bigs busnshusfsthsle 1908 men can be
hloe 1. I.; lie en q. SCHOOL OF MUSIC RECEPTION sil t 555lb gynasitim for ging
'he irs, gamse of the senmi-finals - throtuugh stoosuder te sacful
will e fbetweess the '06 Laws, who The faculty of he tnsiversity eye o Di NiMay. Crsseee are hed
dre wte lye, and the '07 its School ofuf fisic gave thei opening sitsysdas at thus:follog hoses
----_________ __- -receptionit o suens slass evening 11:1.5 ilit nmorninsg, 4:15 ansI 5:15
PRES. ANGELL TO SPEAK froms 4 to6 in Frieze mssmoia hal. so the aternoon and 8s:011 in the
Theiscroomsusiere tastefullysdeorated,. 5veniSng.
Next Sattrday nigh, from 7 o8S andsidgh 1t refreshments were served( All frsh-smeisn of he litrary and
President Angell will address the duhring he eveing. A largesnlue eieerusirn seartmetsoare required
Stuttt55 Volunteer Mission band at , of newvsstueseturoed utsto smeet t - -i ethus-swos s a part of the
Newherry half on "Missions."~ Prey. thsessembers of she faulssty sid their - regulsu colltrge course. Free-Omen
Angell is well qualified to speak on ftelloii'stsudens. -ttitsg'fusteis All-frs otalta
this sutbject, as he has been minister Ini she recseicing fine v-sre Prof ! rsbosc-tkig egular croos-counttry
to both China and Turkey, and he -ansdlMrs. Stanley, Prof. and Mrs. rus-wvill hue excsed from gym
will undoubtedly have much of in- Howland, Mr. Lockwood, Mr. Em., classes until the end oif the football
terest to say.j and Mms. Prof. Kelsey. j and cross-country season,
ARh& N [i~I[NIS 4ADE
Plans- for Bg Michigan Union Dinner
November 11 Are Completed
-Reception and
J Baqut.
E Iastlakse, Mih., Sept 24 '04. *
o etsiirssais Diner Comminitee-
s t cl o yssss letter of the*
4 Iltls list.I susemsmost: heritly in *
- 4aor wtissIeihs any tius's'iint to*
*itidslpissU.sOf N. sisi I 'til *
1111 Psi e-ttstits-i t yur cs lubh
s ies. Issillplesees'strmucueh
s, e--the - si'y oftthie-open-tig of*
S s. rl ('111)hosest sAmtsArbor *
-a NYous sissi'hae fulest sympaithi
* in isi til -ts sndshsiest sisthios *
-~ fuse s si scs.5
All 1I1eso'tuassi ii ae let asd
e1°is iulusg u Iis o lests, prelar dfor
-h ;1ae.dlter river heldoon a
tiill scomsmence5'i Basbours gssu at 7
1. III. Her-theu-titrsgrad-'uiat's oay
mci en ofuss 5ftis- fauslty e I regens
adtheus siet
l alor S and iis-he 1tutr suItshesli-ee-
si l.t Isnussill is M ndsuoliss and
1'sj l us-Iiswsill git a fusert-flee
minue conceurt. A't sexacstly'7:45 is.
tn. ie'otethouIltitsandtlgets- will
marchs cintilt Watsrmsan gninsiui
and ' seredtiths the folowing
ODives Celery Pickles
Basule Spring sCicken-s
Isis-suilots: Cranberry' t'Saser
hisiip lv;s
I- rush Saladi anduliat aasse
Neapuolitn Ice- Cream
As sted also Fresti
((suits Cigars Cigarettes
MrsNiMotleys' Itoeatsresohaving
Slurcunsi tyscoued ins 5(0 young
ihikesusandsearhlau-te sill contain
a hafiaso a aked] cickenNo one
so-s';ot i iner befr cotminsg to the
gymnsum---tolbsre uillhe --od stuff
an pi5lentilef it.
Sts S the isnnesrse, thesisn Agel,
thpeidingficsutr, w I istact ass
is 1555- 55555 'russ 01fseheris and
so,,5. loinsniriS sdesrls-tuhusaes
al 55051.emersss ofs tsthisfaulty, adu
sit 51h5 bosadiii egens-stwilseak,
nd sthe Sbasnd, thee SIMandosli ad
tBantjso scluswit ll la andusius the
tush .Nislig'sss ssar ce and sons.
tLouisl Ehe, slitLai, and compuoser
of the5 Victors will e her'o leadl
tlur sussical cubs so iistMichigan's
g-russtes. sTong. JohnlR.sItlNhlia s sill
resndser several violin solos
T(heicomittesl ue finsthsia many of
[he ickets boughtuibliether susetil
sre- tonrItheuts ni, 5s55o itlia-sbeets se-
cided-touses-llus es-usainings-lo1stic-
(,sistlaass- len resevid.s'hse
wilb illonsssale ths aftecnonnat
I oclocktat isehbox ofice us Pniver-
sit hutll Memsbrs sit the faculty
shosuul IstakestIis otportunity of se-
cnsg tcssss as it is impssiblsehf for
thusesusssut ntee us see earls ottoper-
'lci s usothe gallsryfor ladies
slus escorts moayhr hatt of Mrs. Jo-
shtsiBarbosur gymunasiunm.
lhis aftenon froms 3:010to :360
wilt ocurthu le- Freshi Lit election in
room I, nversity hal ' The fu-
slts- lauvsprescribed this'following
suitsalstisonsfor electors:
I"us' electors pf the geeral ofi-
-cerrs of he eclass of 1908 sialI be alt
t hosse'vhu tsererd the departenct of
llterature,sciene and arts in the fall
sit 19114 ansI whio are taing the ma-
jorty o1flbhework, iiosssfrtim
he l1st of stdies escribed for first-
yea-r studesl; prosvidedl such iperson
hasve not received creit to thu
unitnt o thiry tor more ours."
Ahus of those qualified to vote has
its-is fosted outte btlletinu board in
ttuictsiiy al. Any pesons ha-
tug asovesuv-salcations whose names
his nusS apper on he l st in order to
voiteoutist etgistem their namues with
Missoodrich, in the dean's office,
Ibetween y) and 12 o'clock.