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September 28, 1904 - Image 3

Resource type:
The Michigan Daily, 1904-09-28

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Hoag s Home Supply Store
t ~Corner Main and Washington Streetse
Fish Nets, Padiocks Waste Btasktes, Brusihes, CasrI Rack",:
* Purses aintlPiinks-tlionl-;, K-t etes, Scis,i, P -cis P' iltt ei, Ash $
S Tray s, Piper -t Vet its, mSitiicn et,,tiali, ,I iw(ls, Strtipsan °
t t ipeRaksat-popular11 prices.Tills ts the lwtcx
E. Gj0 . e
iii I itt *
Buclel ie a1ri rde 0 F uo
Fall Fashions are Ripe
Suits = Top Coats = Rain Coats
_ cXsce NY
,y>Ill istaingthe latest improved
tid-signs, ari e tsow ri-aiy. We ;
haite -xclusive stile of L. A. B. ss
.tCoe. cleotitntin this local ity'.
Mue-wlie mre t haI ini trdin
airilys parnticular hibiit thii stie
piie ilyinviteid toiinspict Itesi-
prdcs of Rocihlester's iiist-i tilt
io-dit eltin;imanitfaictor-y.
Wadharns, Ryan & Reule
- { -,, S t ~t--c ~ tryy m" 'rttt t ipmn s i tc s .
Money Loaned
otkeri-per,%on-slps p slty o cvid
i~cZ - c. itty il'i- d
5..11Ww j
t5t t r ~ < < :.1. I 5 it e ii -.
fi Spaulding' s Official Intercollegiate
Sut hi sasnUsed by All LeadigColleges
Going} to wear a BrownSuthiseon Foot Ball Pants-aefo},
1 * \"i . 1Riti S i" i tS 'lv I I i)i icS N\1i111tiD ii. \\Stiii: iSIiI I -t5 RS tii cn ipis
i\ .4)P-G ''61II.C I, . A IG TA .SPAULOINGi & SONS. Inc.
$15 1' 1° $15 .4 $15 e14 - 15 f:! Spaulding ,s Official Football Guide
I A 7 y xy 14'Pr + Ky -t ! + aFor 1904
It5, ArI iM IfsJ CJTi's c-r Teor "IT A TT \ 1m I tIt T 1:l' r*y tnt
=;= c.,p L. Wat-i , t 15LL G1tN 1 £ a it ..iU 1 nj r ', iv.tUJIN Jaa1ki-.....1 I4 ll -- - -5 -Suy - i-siti-lni. P ie0.
1I2t l APPOINTMENTS. NOTICE. Yutt o'teen iss eight ti-leek if yeo
li i -)Ieoaceii t iiitt tiustiliof hase oetefitour
(:o floo ton Iy Da1 Stiitiireeiiit da ~ ti isi' -iin.IIt atis iii i$LItVIhere~i
it i~stiilI cii iiiSt~i i ii ciii- t ttit -iiit it- ii itic- tiiJ. B. tiEiBLER, i JeweleBrR, Jwele, W.0LWibLierty
itt-ti ii ii ii i iil nitit itititi was iti b I- i-a i- iiu~ol
Opens tbis week Saturday. i - . . ,.tts
00OOOOOO M0000000 liii tut u iii tico is istitutrouessia Post Office Notice. ..
* Ali))iof ii iii iitoii iithe ssisitntipro- -.;" GEORGE BISCHOFF +
. Youss-i getn. k S c* i s i ll ofiiicii l in ittil . I.W iis ititit tat.thiattudelints .arrs iv 4. c+
0 HatrLUIi.C1of tit i- cc iii vs pii (I ithit- sity shitilid registesrthtiis j FLORIST Choice Cut Flowers aod nl
Tukih i retes an Pipes S li tIt'IilIi'lt IEt t ic sc S,}t i uu t I s Iatie'potit itl'Ctis Pa kerFo ntin Pe
s ait-ititt-itt it iiu otiititi-I-lit
iAt [1JNClIjs IN CONN Ct lON -itii l i t 'I 55lt'it'i ft i hoi s atcat(;t' )a i tr tho istin'tot ir cttga t. t(i' ) ,. 1 e .1hn 01
0ti-i-st is, :I i, - llLoomsi ,lack 01Iii the ti ii i i-it no t-l icis-t.a
Sisti Pa to it S ii ci,,i I-it I tStit-i- Tii-ttt s ititei. e-Man's Drg Sor
;kill. t1'c'S.,lR.ti.'01 V It u iti - t c iii :- ik( s I ttP.ilits suyitnOcitti-tim alit i" -.'F:+:'i-, I+ :"
s--i-irs cit Se-eitoitt-it 1ti-i-I, :iiiit-silst Pes- tint. aste7I' I Bu
linetof st liii i cnciItc t ircilx thetIis)tloll1-2
FINELUNHES N CiNNE~io Thi wek S turdy- oringitiacs, lls
FineCle r and Toba i.:i id lan\e T 11'iti tI IU isli ' try ce t g a1 i li iiO' ii t
30 iSiSar t. R E OLVc i -neda"ita tinriii ii i Nch c o ti ic e s o dDaily lCanvasers.
_ tclta} it<}saaly f 0,1 oii-. nst iik hu sdi a veiw ngiislast d sio'i
OfAn Abo, r h. - t i cI srieo o e cokIi.ii. lisc lusiveABE-akng efec.Jne12 10
wa ii. stilt-t()fil iltic calt at ini p(Litsed 2I :t. ro u setsO,1S .. P R IA ST M L UN R
'"'' r i t.t3i i a i , l ' ' l l ai , i Si. r, 9 I tt is. islg St L i rt Na. is ttiwo ir t. I s o t. S ofti washi
REIDS L LARDN6SA NKRS is--( it it 'Itacs Etonc icnUInlutdfr ,- r( pilof :cc .M-iotaIptrSdoz
c-eCgrsadTbacs lian] an Iti eBlltdry11cleaniihg tiand111
to1lctii ir(±iitiSis _atfulle _& ____on- Ii-s, Cyriiesiitalic
Jas. W. l (id IirielSi:.'ls.illv ttIto ." Di1,cien
-_ hi111 1I101I0illSl, I I 'S1Situ isisliSii. St
1 I).koe Pe. 1tt-TT4 ~ il( . rs o(I iii li, SI.1t ii itils \\"Is li i -tici-h--s Ii hc anIS'ln
prl ______of__civilIt andii lt it il Ii ti -cc a I lii-Iiittf( ttctttio 2S.D-T e An ro avn sB n
T lc Niagara FalaslReals.ribers ishould-TsisAiiiRBcisRil.ROAh
,R A I N L gN l ( i l iii1wi iii it ii(,d lit tttsine,__ between___ 6:30__ and il ANDtt Si~T EA 1,.LN S
f iltii illof li TanI le-i wa as tIiait55i15 $11 a~ fItcaiisa
TSOf rbr, Lich. cinoi toI 1colof11oiliIPl iii Shei:: sas. .toa.T IMEA GnrB -a~ingleffiec1Janled, .90
11111 tiscitp+(S.lli li-i-Dn R TIIO IPS NiSOU~THitt.i-. S- . ee. .II .
CHr~isICAG __ __ ___ _ HE ARONIORCESRA. Il-iii-iiiiii .,.iS Iil
ANN AR OR to BUFAO'iitsunli I Cito '111P'inWc l tic- ardStass-IiratBi. OIt5~. LvNo '-10a . v o.+ 1:0an.
sS T A T E , i Vitci-i -B A N cc a 1i l ii i iis i pli c s ii Gosw l nr( sahit Ittiti ,-It iiIii5~rit-. r.l1+S. l-5oirttfia.
Si.ino oriiiBasstttioioists wainted it for-- 21 . , flichigan03ilo ws, L nant s pm
ile Sc i. iii itiiiiitillr is iiul endi Ros orl nk th tImt I;c iiewolirIquti3onsDviio
Itrigl I iisial iiii iistcii5 11 ii- i tsiti ciui stl at S t-c si l tioy ts hycc tess il xet.Sidyhtwei m ro
-)IWf.CA aE Egi '. siti Asititltlt tWoks s llw if. ci11o nd1. 2.nsruton Th i .226 BaFvechi rI 7nto,.ISta dt.ee
.J yr Jhi 1 ari t44444~44+4.**,*.***. 44
1'1_11I ..N[W ilsan I. . ut R[
W"hm :C.wllosn thenir Nw tock aof Cr lloi ell fatsII(,nd [if uiciSio , zStuD-yhOct. Arbo, avingl Bn
diali~liary :11 l :alaitiof $ ()o
° a~e Nagaa Fals OUc.' vison tret.
Al. ~l' t~oj t d(cora th Nvals apial soc . :Z:iooo4
*f WADI1-A~ii oono1hegnrl l ci&'esan 10 Cach at 1 '(.sIJIrI es, AENSIR[[I Co.
TH SOR LNElli' *y ;'t te 4i 4 4l(' O II0 ]Il- heha 's f4 A enra anin; usnssTrnsctd
WEA E N VER UND'smotEimltresoLD GOODYEA ' DRUG :Cas E. rsTO(. res. V )

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