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September 28, 1904 - Image 2

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The Michigan Daily, 1904-09-28

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.a. .. ®... . aa 1'VH1F11I C 1-I MA N DhAil .V_
fffifff~fffffff~ff I III. 11.I£I3 IT re1iI.Iow;'
W E E WOULD HAVE: l tiil ,a.. ,1, ... ,I ( lIt im (1Coti d liiia, I(') S e e Fl lows
1ar a-.1'____}11ee .Here,
A ai iio ol lt d t}'( Ill Elii tnI ttli iiide - l I lifee t d c . 1 It 1 1'(wII t I-i( V(tt f v lt t a
-t I1t F. tcl tilt-a taI it 2ilia5c -il a rounidt it a nd Il 't'a rt + istta- l<itIla aiiw te best
l m l nd hi n tlc I m ~o lsaic'l~Place in the ciy 1i)Irbly
* Tlhat ware c lotnti tiajier-ac at 1 inc ccii, l dittir. J. ci AN1lesYilAL I Ihtt li i it( aa -d ii w'1 1(t t Y } m
Bie ss aat i Her, Ci tlA ilt A. TI [l Olilic In rl tinv ii , i ons }it wiln oh(,, U v s y
" OUR NEW STORE t1t!] i- j) n''a1Ce1(ltl((111 1 l"
311I South State Street C.I' i n Siat titili a Law and Medical Books
____________on_______a tha nd clii Al ittittati iwill lie ii it (
f a i.te linot naal t il tiInti- ofa-it'it Language Text-Bunks
f - I 1.; ,t+r i2,I tt. nttlriei scha oi t he iii III II 1'y. Drawing Instruments
rt i at ieew ' A. fit : ate laod C. titli Te tact nit t lttitilstho II 'l ( IDraughting Supplies
* cty t t- -a i-i titt eiltls +
'thi e a o it ike aa l t Itell t Il * 1.1d 1,x - .- . 1 t,)X i n i . lt~t i i t-ime- il ntI tluatlt-mt iiitli li i i tisvu
laand iig lilltll n i ttItaltrltn. eehen l ,dHtaulet -lbtltttl icI c ' l'hat ew t l 1 i a ie 'ili
-n-n i itreacthprvidugtenbuyear-i
t).lIll.daily.tity-5521tlie yoiii itanti2eIKi, t IA
* et1tl forl le teliel a titl',321 -t. lpoe 461. tir t l it i- itti t S( f a l I t h s i~tt
G. t H. WpreiLDe otir:tCALENDAR.arade a11(. occupytin ilateufnt l 1' unin S TlOscroheS
a n 1d e i l S t S r e . * ii i l ii i i A e A ll t t 1 1 l t i i i p o r tio n 'a-lliiacaiatag itt ta - t at - t ltA lle :S I d el S t. ,ii i t i t r , t i . a . t u N V R I Y H A Q A T R
f o tn i tt t ttc il of \thei aswill.e.h ill Ittetbo ifr lip tc I* :'1 X 54ifol i i i s
u I (',1.111}ia at late-ctehfictrtiilit--Itt--eli
0 illR1
G. H. 0 WILD TE TBOKS It CLEN.DlARtc . Ileiia i s ii tlNtie le i til i 71sfil NCW1
311 __SouthlStatilttreet.te tite ll the lu- ci ec a itllil-atin-
'N" tut uleoe-rtAtit.)(tlt inatt- ofia tile.al W oolensod
9 1 ", lititn ettw teCd.itA.g~t-ee io t UNIVERSITY H elli i eEADUsi TnoESiei
fr m $ u t iieo alla f liii- liaofthel and I genera,)ilyli
ilhut c nrltttttsti 51(~Itlr )I I)( I I- Fo aiIo iln o l iac .5.1w- t tepient. l lti eto t ta un n e on
3 Alg r nte .eill Itttie Aateiilcli irat ' sc. te3Iil. N.eeStat IeiS t. her
dt:(llee liutiec1 c II. tet\()1ac ill llce atei 55ill hu 'Oitt i I ii ll()l
N N NiN O 4 111Tie tutu i :,.Ali . roonti Cl i st andeece ttt ait i'i t tit's ii 'S'il' .. _.-._. - a -s r{o ,
3If7IsoI[th1IUCA[ uoftitcit ticond ifIllicrtitesidte
fa l itl. tt-I tliu i iis lt iti ,' e emtatee r1, andi lute ii. tl r w u tn
rive oil"IllTbenprevailing eoloe burlo IbIn
AL A RTM[I EC NT9 S i li 11111 I' tIivit Itill Ail T DE T N MIE;OR C N
9 liiin rut-cutak(Iill)llc lila ofile, H e ason ~
liem I t t t a t- e l ba l itectl Ittti a citl in-. cc ll tvt. lier eitote lta (I t
5 t at ee i e- m ite -ic t , A n A rborii .tt t uulti le a- i3),,t t t i luue
FOUT &IN DENS -( )h3 12.--Foteballti-tc ie itii a I meecilila lati-til teltci lell
he i ea- i en1 ttime t - fitmeie ntv el t (ie te ("TILO IN e PARTMientie
Alligaatee. s etn Al t-iittia uulei aemi i a i- t lie icourslet Ilehat ahno treetun
verit fail N w he ep rtn n i 1Rgls%%e-
Laleactjih te Aictie AS~o-
Cit- 1i t:s i .111 l
thkeManmethit Mae.l mi
Atleic Buetima
Win. AjkNOLD, ike Ce le 3Jawc
wil 1111doletu l y e teerd ct f' usc~ l utc1cdt o e e , ieitl't eesat -
the cotititit veala. tltili cli slwahers ini the rn-tl all
linfots artot-Meiint:; temade ti et alish liNOTICE.
thu-it eewo erlt o cma im reie lieel cotl---_
-c~ a s isl. 'I'ltll( iprpedltttiethat ion hm All m cnae rs i or s- ubscrllitinstee
of c the sii i ol. ou nc-teiitIl ilhea il-it t il e nt altill atlDatil - lt anlaeui the
iiil 11 tctftl ia ii llectio tu-occtiere l t t-tt ttii mite o al lbs :huu at this e n uaie:
lot* cli-ass i-tutu eet11t, iWill d laiye it Itien a nd 7::'it omt c tembie i wsI st
any -IM aae.. i miifri tuc ion htwle ili te itiic i t Pal cktt ard teet. i2
"mIle fair to your
face." Use Wiliamls'
Silaving :soap.
Sotld ini talinti Sticks, .Tabilets, Etc,
1(J "tIT[[PH1ON[ COI
'"'' I I I tNI IN I ii ' i4 nntnt tntni4f''*iI*.'a++4n''i i :.n'*na. r a~t n*+at 't'i ' ' 'i." " .4°ciJta n
BE.N.RT & KY- ER ,"Tailors, Furnishers and flatters,
I . ,f* ma, -. 7109-7 11 NorttlUniversity Aven}u e.t
t li
coUad +ad THE VARSITY as4a
Always Fresh --Our Own Roasting
thttlnii tt li. - ISt A tialcitcta. lii Im. - lI WilIlibe oliilfotr isitei ill tile new W ild block, j
cinue,25c tnti alit Mit-hg tt-c' lt. 2~ ttjiti lg tefOyter iaty tll tr a tti hel
Ill-till Co.'setalile-nd,. ler 117.. 20c ';10th of October, iwithia uttlilhiine of
DeF'RIES' ART STORE, Artistic Framing, 217.S. Fourth Ave.

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