The MVi chigan
Twenty Men Take Michigan Centralj President James B. Angell So Char- Best Meeting in History of University Maroon Rooters Jubilant Over Foot
Train at 8:4t This Morning acterizes the Action of Russian -Yost and Entire Team Speak ball V tor-lnterestin Michi-
-No Changes in Fleet in Firing on Eng- -Unparalelled En- yoit-Wisconsin Contest-
Line-Up. lish Trawlers thusiasm. Other News.
Thk last ha rd pracicecis sieri and The ractoof wtheRsianc war-hip-s Al i ichigoii tnoritlailst nighttii Justoeth0 ling hashappened in Ci-
this moniing' aithi:41ithiiimerupo 1is tring'oin lireIHlll fishing fdeetinisdo hntoteinialtiTomtBird jursl ago during the pat week. It is the
whom -Michigtan resin all her lhops xiill Il rth Seaii wasri es cribed as the ncllsdi 'he gretes footblll team in only thing Chicago students -consider
ciiilarlr upon t Michtigani Centrail traiiiinmst etrrdSinary builundeiiir 1ever hieardl teiworld.For ner- artIhour antia ; worithumentioning-and it is worth
for theield1of btle. of", tIno Ii iian uthoity oni I ihner- iha lfe csic colls of l Utinrersits lile aieniou thai has eeni given
l~iti n um eiiiriousreoti;;ito thu n - ion1101l law' thati 1residuenti Jauur . hallrantg witiilsogs rdcheetrrs twhicl'1i. Coach MCornack blrught his
tray.), CochiYost sttd last ngt:nelTis siitaerntcamire otc iniaat imles ithreairinetito brak all bondlls neri herldeiMethoidiist team down
tht th r il wisill Ihu-no star igc it-eii leeiriare itoi ta .ubjici ii Ilet lose a lolulurn uitiru of ctulcfrotm Eanton last Saiunay, and
il the line-rerp w et l lic e ami-cult iii tuy a t rlu ihk i buc again with a furden
thei haul-rs i th r lar It h-I ""111i rS wee t rwith ct 6 45 thi crowdst was a lr tilt Ie- (o tifo r touchduowrns antitwitfild goals
d i 1i u e n deict at ? It'l 1 els (;etIrtanih z 's icarcip i iti to i ouri in, B 7ii they/ l had l io l hti ifs soldtiers. Theconsistlation of
wtill p sl ilt]ear iii; Tom Hsammn vvti ii l~d Itair hIt uirl to elto ire i-c tire filledl te hall adtitil esr down t t a itr MCrmack aidthle gluy itt Chicago
ii hlll oud at rghrakiti fkmco l sid Pe iden II ~t titndtrtnetth- lpehalf the and r in te actitat his heavy bitr-
Clak a r httalf II intr \ diIi'tillthe acrkniow ledrlesih stitl l iticame.ti r eIhci nItit de h}11 iei dea1lii stas not sel-imrlused. Chicago
kis flly ecvrid r omftinl ih i tiiu r- i< f wil--lit is hiteliitrti tsre em tiflint iiihl t cii r-illtelir diht il oil ide et-ril evr-iry one of te thirty-two
and ill htitn-te-;onelI tat ful.i molesttion,1forthe rtts I tatiner vtesind ci l butt Ie'rfil tiies tid ir-l poitisei fstor ha t outcsied ortFhi
itree years the teams have een s
fled ith ti eras r acticei id wi th hu iont ihr ull litiat o time f thei leer b n d lt c o llegegitlIn ll trn11ed e tly nmachedriat tis stage of the
the sprit shoiinlby toe iii it heit ijwa. i iu heli tlh ~nrt iii r e rhat- outlito e oi les inN l~i I To iiseason tiatiin t-c ases uvictry was
frt idays1.ibut it tl in htti It- Ie] wee o m lete ungte- hr- I titli I it ille Iilwoflll d ttn luy <z Im argin o tne ortwo-ctotch
teos n id lthoilrni l t 1111e 111a1d Ions antllast year the resuli t as a
is still mlin.iutt. Stanley led the sngng andli-il Nrtusersiiniiasi
The r i' explion tflts ilamIt-liCaptain '1cm Bird acted as nmaster of is riilisl-liroii ht lat crl which
ii ill t 1111ctlwill nlctte rp e ltlchp ei Cii isttata tus ian cl~l- crirnisrt It tar-" iii ti W\ill W :h: OXerd fo t h 60 soe is
s ier (s-ci tt rane ip ick, cii- 15 u
1)iretor (aird in([Managr Mon out1 tar losthis ead trough apprhua D ?"Fan "Il Rlibed,"andtdeniFrmtthe sofnpoint of lloal ti
'r he ts lli rng pis tlamst: at ( ion -ha the ishitg veseseitre JaPOa- I C i o h M. ell that shook t he. biu l-I 'er-tlte i ilgetr'g m
I lest iii. N rrcr I ,onsrt-tlhrl To n ts I " till lo r rdolwatrrianduttavet ther cooth ing;thenc"Mire Worls or the Undrtel- rst, thore list noe gee r icgoand
lfhutitirii I('in s.Conc, ririt tlornl to lire iitsin usi iIti t raol tuter'and "WOhetMiciganipsRutsNlaeternthatibetyee Cicauanilen
Wee-ks, IHarry I litilud. Car. 'i ii ton ut 'fits Irsliesewi liie - in " atdit henia "Locomotie." thusiais crowdedulthe hleacers a
Scuh iGrhaimit. Pa iih. 'li t t iand lwhen ills ri-phit ifuthe -tqut rr T hlenis t ihuettind camte andtt h ii-e rwu t aiiisth l iel andlyelleduntiliitheir
nitonihd D c s-n~. MIaoridinR l c'i hul n uIts thr e c. 't aily raten dR ut chiereul andh eieirediagaiti.rru tn-n it nlihh-cisl
khalurru nn ii llrut t htl ii I~ ii 111 ~siitiuuhrlr fi in thu crod utont uie'. tamturat ccmpaniedh by stuents iif
toiightianutgo i lii rntor nl tdinlil a 111 111 imh n rr of t h u or flo wolorfilsiri t rnt oist, Hestni t, Crtis, Lngmian. rt 11uit s aleilnl he hr
dly Iiluiii h nli t iitilheir lire"-. I bhihrut-ei afrirun, fiiihidnuicti, trlnboSe t thli uier si I iti.attendedhit efpo.i
.)lli trmsAI rt m ruh rut he mein jii 1Tomi'ilHamimoi tnd,1ii Giiti i NteuisSihraeham, ('hk z ( ta ilthut"Fatano'arriy effilere.n
twill pra t in ahi lndll iiun Ith rierI iltlrineluidIo f ie irmr-s t e itrard iy o csute- , A Week , Clarkit.'uul Ttn Gar ~ lsig t-~ isc
in i so nu'rl wihnt uil ie the hea- I rlln, il ni l f tio iii titli iii 1111tioall elit Hammound, StuatinDe Itrcn, btirits- lg i huiOt at i hs o to e o
iiiter ci Mi ni r"-uu rorurics Iiihul rt hgiaihtii ilirt cr it hild, Patikehsandh Asisanti Coach the gameandth he chiceris oh Nrh-
All regui larrae.isfor olar a frut ligi'ttuiirri Utle All gate short speechles, attd on strn n athC hicago rang out it cos-
th, but the.uuumanitcmnthaionse n tindiI ourery man ftosi Cachi Yost thrtoughlr nritalr osy
to realic rrecial ts of n rhredolrsIZUN I TO SPEAKit le last rorn spukemnodestly yet ' u rnigMcia icni
toiii r am ise~nuihal suchl a spiri of duhriertna- gams tattainteil with great ineret
Cat HacI uknt of .lnitooear's 1te AliphhtiNui Lierary5 socetyt'o'i andthesoutuionuiuthat every iclu-trCltaisttensThheligs
P in innamtwil offiiateihit hslhea ints-n las reInparedl a program oh unusual gausminsand awth nniipreautiucn onvaentn thaent sevscioheofeSatnlay
rtirem heits'nt increstfIceihrimeting this week. felt that theyr hail a tean to in hundntieIixitill loinei connest wih Chicago
ChiLT AD10 EDC U ne ]eaie of the eveuning utill e founn ht i a e iiMihiat hur iuntursiuu hounos, f Michigan
~~ait LdTreANDby1907 MEDICSi OUT" -ar ittsafe hnds, Evry naauifittfniniraur V'teussi, the wseir cai
OF RACE.amanii-ohgeysueitson"- beont realized lthattey uwere face toinniruni xipil be pracically, settled-
_____otitotntiof thin.Russiati Argutmeiti aceiwt-lltthe fiercest lpropoisit i tt liiNvembeunr 1.
cuwiu ingtn vresightl u)nt thes-ptits ofi1ilethinn-Pre'sentW Xar inthle ast Dlr ihitgan has tadinii ras: itlevryn lanshcrciibcignmade ly a number -
the~ rund inr f lthe niightheiiaccornt1 of111 i l li Ina londru of nthIle junicr litr umaut face t- ith-ilsthat resolutiin aun il of 1Cigno m-tint g n n o
clas gnithitwinethi uti ihosanlat-enucteciienuslgeetat lresaoanccto fornn nhe Mihihgan-Chicago game in a
ieplcinunhilt tlass ortriiiecal iotest Thent Profissor Tlruebloodnuhre box cat. 1 hinthave been successful
it. wasiriiiiiiilitr ntn.exiter 5hils tsumriie um ianic a very success- u-louted thIle undidi Michigan-Xtiiscn-utciriiamaot-cohcel a,-n
cly' DaIilunith'Icin ctsest wautox n yInlhltre tourthlrough Suherntishn gane of twoityears ago,. anamidluwill udecrati t tuihi Cliagri len-
thine~1uttrin - urnl Xrlt-s sueainsg cii different great enhsmiiasm, prophesied a repn-uatiathsemr- Aothry
Th hi t iu twotam tindun un flnlows:i r htls 5 onthle Russo-Japanese isar As tinios in 114 suetsuill 'rough it''itt this way,
Jiiiir I ii hrC liiS ukni 1 arsprakeurn le has asn earnestntess auth The singing nmetinglbrugt thi ndatir liintienioun is t get a little
Iuios. 1ClaSrl Cat.eS It c. ; i ncnenulls-that is ent'effective teasmtccl er to the hearts of the sthr r'-irt lctruhsr ncnsto n
Pikad,1 t; prge,1.gI ile Toe meeienug tkes pliace Saturdat deusnt;udythos theyevtxenuseecle-joymntnotutul ot the trip.
- cyi tll. g;Cughinr.tniugihtat ithe Alphla Nut roomts on the fore and t, usas an assunce tnt the The nex atractions at the Lasalle
'eLcitie i r c.; ion ni-it q.l M a Ill linux nftunirt lor itt Cniersiy hal Alllamn thai the varsitwas uswit thesisthenareisi a etomic clesa. "His High-
I e whNoiuihtiu n lns sln asre'iniersunul itsliterary usokiniitheir cimig srugge; laslit ness ithe urt-v," writenuby hFrank R.:
rnniulasretuinitldtohe lresentarousetd in -he heart of every cne Adamsuandh WiliMt Hughtwc uio-
Sohoors:I mn oter 1c.resent ttuintense desie ito ibe at ecit tsiuens The play ik in the
-ltaul ruts.;I(din ninhC intsn 1 g "THE LONGMAN" Itandual Fieldcii Ihe 29th, tin it that.lortunifna satire ealing wit former
Rolrc; Ill . hsr.t;is impsibe a eeia tion t ul terai lrlto sbt enT re
Iinsn rj. PterSnfr etr iii tulmtIt It ntie-i ichni-nightl antI ayfor vitry ieuainhnttou ewe le
ruyun riY-rnuou '~atidl Ulieted iSates Both of the
Seer1.I.Cp.Suli rh.frm F.I nIrr h . ua rntd ___ - p tfun hv enhrminent in utin-
letue i t Sns ie fnnn1'1,hgne utatu FOOTBALL ACCIDENT vriyudramatic cices It ha the
hr thu hu~~Batle Crus-nk ip-rm a i~ntuiat funlsg thru-
Ysin nuythe ins M edi hruc 11 ~t tn imhsisicsttotaeatigrthe-r' l'h f heatni irsint imo that the maagment oftte.
nun7Mei s u1fther rne b a sre n his 1hnoru n drut o te sr it hunnr fo friti n ntl timnad to honnes nfhifs Lasale has ptb on a pliay prdced
of7 orihi h nor spu ita ti y Chicagot talent, and the young pa
pi i i 5 '1in stron, g men un i t bnel nn te inn atr 0Nianktehbi okhnmu heu-hniinn thus ' t-o7 game wightsudeseve cnsiderable praise.,
Ifri'''tihienliiini in i gari us is ns-us- routiof the oil will binn' nnindins toI rnthe honsitl fin O N 5'htht
goiurd r:iscneuhers fit thhmion- JOHN'tmunnnu i'Sit.ltfrnurnr mlesf urWsRIGHT._______________
shtp tu, lnDuna ndtI n U mui ~h nressuottoften i aends th maunufactg urernu copelfuee
ithomii hhivtsrstrutthe 'VarsityuRl"xwtint 1conclunemdtha norhInngr ould hu REIEN AXYNOTHINO IN RITTER STORY
he statrprmitnld-uit--s finethe in' orsmini kei s pplaa_)_althe PESDETMAE
ot"I o 'un' xhtutn rtlgLuan hc Ihs'hm -n note ost serk there nppearedl itsthe
finnt IL ongilumIantk kutun I -hasu lnrn nasye r ntetin th run hos h ere w' nnho-krnew-u 'Maxnynhth)e nit n run mtIc staiug ta 3 2
tuab an 'i I i nunnnnum tilti' uielithe hir.rn rf t s il nu atRncrltluerthii auur malumninur-t-nshiit hif-liusrinctietonuunus uf P wasc'si ,w s
hueups er e sflot:h e igr will, n ' in prb lt yu1h at lern arerrrnh s t er ht f hn r-ul en -- -- . su-e u ft i l rmite turangecie a gamec of foonthul
, _n . _-t.l._ lla e Is ace in An Aror sho , ein elctd pesdinto te-snir I,.,_
Sinrhtre -- 1.g -pel ;W ns r. smu shunder h at uilof the r nrn}tUp' nto- class if thi n U ive-rsity if Prin- iwals qed i-asttsait iregadto u--ic,
g os rndmichapardlst year. iyhs'nrma.
hinu mnuiii i ect- isihriih suur. -('u t. el, r.c o unhimu uacit . '"Michuigant usas offrefi -
lit m~lls iugr 1oh hi55p per cent of the gate receipts, mush
utu ~rer. .In htr f. as____________~Iuknit for r5tiercenut"
1907tA1.: Hhroehr e. hnWiter, I.t. I Inn facir if thc case -crc that Mr.--
T2ollig I. g h;Petius. c. ; tSnderr. g. 1 w o@ i toii~ r C h K a e Ritnevirs ntoasay autthurity to speck
Prutuxell t . I etnisn c. ;Snydhrt r . g: ; for rn tnn r lidt ievnstarst n for-
peuiiic .t.' IsCuthmtatn, r. .' W 1d-4 ON YgEARLY SUBSCRIPTIONS TO THEl. MiICIGIAN BAtLs AnniArbhuh
rutSf q; Iinc I .hi; pt. IunapInirerim i t tin e110Coluiua game',flue -.
r hI,;Deurhi -f. Expir"es Nov. 1st. negotitionsitneerti-ro grestend to thme'.,
This amfternonat415 te Jnuuuot : poit n ut huruesonsof busintssrr were -
stud SophomoreLEngierutstwill oah t!i IIf no~t paid before this date, $2.50 -coInsrinderun.TIhepidctynof Michisgan im""
Nourtht Ferry Fil.Thins shonnuld.hbhune n'sreg Innto';tcreceipts us well known.,
of the mostinuttererstng ghmeoie f thes 1remttacese 'la rugs gamues it us-custonsary to
secsn: oti i thnlti tea s r eut rnadimilittd toin Mail r m ta cs-to - - tis ue nto rmaim squirt hai sthe suet recifipts -
he el p0 tnhi osihuiiirr rut hi andg tususthem'- at - Fianitlun tt rs -rhad snothintg to tdc witht
sitirhandus a goodchncle toie rt I 1hnATOPO, 3 akr -iswithu the faiture of thi Colhumbika-Michi- -i
into the finals. j6+'I-"Ijgist game.ic