The MVi chigan VOL. XV. ANN ARBOR, MICH., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 27, 1904. No. 27 TEAM1 GOES TODAY [XTRAORDINARY BLUJND[R J ROUSING S[ND-010[ CHICAGO LTE[R Twenty Men Take Michigan Centralj President James B. Angell So Char- Best Meeting in History of University Maroon Rooters Jubilant Over Foot Train at 8:4t This Morning acterizes the Action of Russian -Yost and Entire Team Speak ball V tor-lnterestin Michi- -No Changes in Fleet in Firing on Eng- -Unparalelled En- yoit-Wisconsin Contest- Line-Up. lish Trawlers thusiasm. Other News. Thk last ha rd pracicecis sieri and The ractoof wtheRsianc war-hip-s Al i ichigoii tnoritlailst nighttii Justoeth0 ling hashappened in Ci- this moniing' aithi:41ithiiimerupo 1is tring'oin lireIHlll fishing fdeetinisdo hntoteinialtiTomtBird jursl ago during the pat week. It is the whom -Michigtan resin all her lhops xiill Il rth Seaii wasri es cribed as the ncllsdi 'he gretes footblll team in only thing Chicago students -consider ciiilarlr upon t Michtigani Centrail traiiiinmst etrrdSinary builundeiiir 1ever hieardl teiworld.For ner- artIhour antia ; worithumentioning-and it is worth for theield1of btle. of", tIno Ii iian uthoity oni I ihner- iha lfe csic colls of l Utinrersits lile aieniou thai has eeni given l~iti n um eiiiriousreoti;;ito thu n - ion1101l law' thati 1residuenti Jauur . hallrantg witiilsogs rdcheetrrs twhicl'1i. Coach MCornack blrught his tray.), CochiYost sttd last ngt:nelTis siitaerntcamire otc iniaat imles ithreairinetito brak all bondlls neri herldeiMethoidiist team down tht th r il wisill Ihu-no star igc it-eii leeiriare itoi ta .ubjici ii Ilet lose a lolulurn uitiru of ctulcfrotm Eanton last Saiunay, and il the line-rerp w et l lic e ami-cult iii tuy a t rlu ihk i buc again with a furden thei haul-rs i th r lar It h-I ""111i rS wee t rwith ct 6 45 thi crowdst was a lr tilt Ie- (o tifo r touchduowrns antitwitfild goals d i 1i u e n deict at ? It'l 1 els (;etIrtanih z 's icarcip i iti to i ouri in, B 7ii they/ l had l io l hti ifs soldtiers. Theconsistlation of wtill p sl ilt]ear iii; Tom Hsammn vvti ii l~d Itair hIt uirl to elto ire i-c tire filledl te hall adtitil esr down t t a itr MCrmack aidthle gluy itt Chicago ii hlll oud at rghrakiti fkmco l sid Pe iden II ~t titndtrtnetth- lpehalf the and r in te actitat his heavy bitr- Clak a r httalf II intr \ diIi'tillthe acrkniow ledrlesih stitl l iticame.ti r eIhci nItit de h}11 iei dea1lii stas not sel-imrlused. Chicago kis flly ecvrid r omftinl ih i tiiu r- i< f wil--lit is hiteliitrti tsre em tiflint iiihl t cii r-illtelir diht il oil ide et-ril evr-iry one of te thirty-two and ill htitn-te-;onelI tat ful.i molesttion,1forthe rtts I tatiner vtesind ci l butt Ie'rfil tiies tid ir-l poitisei fstor ha t outcsied ortFhi itree years the teams have een s fled ith ti eras r acticei id wi th hu iont ihr ull litiat o time f thei leer b n d lt c o llegegitlIn ll trn11ed e tly nmachedriat tis stage of the the sprit shoiinlby toe iii it heit ijwa. i iu heli tlh ~nrt iii r e rhat- outlito e oi les inN l~i I To iiseason tiatiin t-c ases uvictry was frt idays1.ibut it tl in htti It- Ie] wee o m lete ungte- hr- I titli I it ille Iilwoflll d ttn luy