ByYour' CHIANIGES APPEAR loicolccu.liislie (c ile-pit of
Packillg Boxes IN LIT CURRICULUM mti lucĀ°rof avacdor-i- lacon-
Courses in English History for titulic if niiciicttiicn iiieilti}gt The Coltege.
Before the best ones Freshmen-Prof. Mae Will are eiider coniiiiitcitlioi], Aipi)111a Standard
ar-gnvlture-ccouirse iwill lbe alt iil aintg for
rgoeTeach Russian. itsasltje I icc oiceiditcicciof
D R UG0BOXES evolutiont. irof. I lbbs wcill cteacli e
Woruk on theulitcrary epartmtent butl- history cif accliec N generail cus
Are Strongest atnd BestA cnmcelg spand
einfrtecominitg rear has teen de-11tecuui coiO t t ciii
fi(c ni ti eared that it trill lie c--tsic--- c~lg ilb(g\e1 o a
Fln e A sotme~tIhl to aeit readly ior diltriit posits twill lie -stuiedli ythl i n - l
- AT - :o lieo e t ttdentc tsae for te ic-Jilt tese,-cainlct-cofineicoo se-c
jue vc tio. I tasnucli as the tnew quiaillt i-ti lii n i i
ic-fatusm ke lie electionfi t ud itiies diii. tu ii c
n ice r ilctdep rtmtet atipart iof zoology. It il; it ' '~talliin a
I g~ra olad rclirthce registruyi le madei toiii e ti ai ng .( of he-h
lie lu-i -c-ltue-, it wilili e tneceaury
iu h hde i ito avet-hteit courtes
Money Loaneda- --
lectdc whilenteretrtn. Nex fal fl l -DIS AND I-'N ,)11N: I
On Watches, Diamonutds.LawcBooks.i 10s econdi I day iiof t t e etrwill fal iiyo iii iitior ihosii i redpro ptyiis
or other persutnalpet y.iteusemerrio, nd )i-ct'loc itt-en inhtthtier e i n e lac ener h
Watches and Jewelry repaired. 1irid a t1all egistrait tin mti b le coot- Icilutulii, lire y it caittget i ue ih
Bargains in Watches & Diamnonds fileted andtllii electionst- iliedu, ndter atid wh ilt yu ii it. Ilice :id nSo
Office at residence aat E. Liberty St cud fa in. Itcircler thit the repair Coki t, iii1. \illil t .,nx
Ann Arbor. iuidoorle iet-relli l to icc ii ilia c e rici tore.i c i
Hours: 8to i1:30 a I1to 4ac3s and it tu7csudnsrca epeprdt
9 p. M. d i s, bn utletin awill te tmailedtiol thieit
ALL BUSINESS CNIENTrIn A LcEt I cte 1- i ii tle tvacaiton. Solit soi l iiecath ii icse yal tpices
JOSEPH C. WATTS ' ro iii ipiro iiidefr t e ssew lit-ilaw re- at Allettus.(69-cocl
a iree twitch goin ltocteffect teat-Th ne
ear____________________________tire eight littir ci I tgli-li tory of the
l~so lw Cou rse ill lie pridied t
S rn Ha s Iiitilteayieuttei.o purchase of
r i i )1- r c~s l m c r in t h ic c v t ie r a r y tde t m n tiiiss
re iccwc-itteal iwiti grlis ctottr
CSpoorans lTheytiit Iiaiiie.eletini.-r and theatr
Post Cards i icltacndh theyiet ut
11.faoviillconctich le qtinzzes. in Hats and
list~rv co rse tutund ID wiill lie re-
Darling & Malleaux r ci cittandcucs45-la nimericani * A A
STATE STREET 11Iov vibcw sairc cttl ci t's
ilea of aseinaryic. Opetnd your i-auationi on tic Great
Irf.\ ad i i ill uie twio coutrsesa take -aid trort iao icthlags fe
C oll g ei1 R tia, a ew lnguge il citiece ani-i Itine. Your ioeal ticket agn ttwillttell
Cot;ie1'e c-it sill tie of andele-c Lyeoasrat ake sri ts.iiA
1 l'1\tice. iThe- iworkin iiSccniitil mammnoth tiew' teotut rcositintg R
S tel\i1,ni cic o cbcarraiiged-atutu oilii titer's seticebetien Detrottitid ( 1/
NAILER'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Main St ecieiLAKEii ieii wil Ici. ERii tIEy DIIIuN
cct~~ Le-liiir it avaeerit iy- cue- - - 30 -P. i
_______Leave_____________ C levti landiudaiy - 10.+5-P.iN -
cu~ch lt r t-. NA tpractical courcue AtticetDeto itiy- - ili.00Ad M.i
111 el-Hallgr<111nar s plnne and a ODyittipbt weenIDet rit aid Cleve
l e i i e. iitiirtlitiiainiti i od evey iicsda. i'Thua a nd ti ur-
c -ti; n the i-story o it i itilitera- doe duit-aJlceandiAuguit.
ii ii tti cttc-t tc.cct.ciDetroinitsNoo _*attrainis.01.M
All flavors incuding Chocolate Ilthite ilietule it epari tmct I rot. Sctt Ic.sui ede ce (uFrdys .eoA u
it ill 1\ i- ai -eiliii 'tictitit i livacidt FouTips erwee u ciu iwc in .lt
d,61' avace ltearywok nddelre acicfromiute-klhto eitmr-i t Try..
We make ltne best ChocoIlteSoda -- and i t usmitinswittherguat - .&C
inihecitt-!tleli. tCoui se- 21 iniii irctititi aldl Sitteit a dailyerce t oMu kinac.
Ln tescaye-i-ati- beent subsltittedl itr Couirsesu BAY CITY IVONl OtAnd sny
East Ui~versity Phairmlacy -iiti-i JEv-i tillci - tie teryWedniiesdyndidaeningsfro
1.13 tttUnierity A\-dtuct 3aad .a. D , I - wilhaea- oir Detoitt aiystoppi-g atPotHr,
oil i< e\elcr lilit ofl itc -rthe Sy-. Lexnt tSa n ilaecForeiterFoetil
_____________________________ Cile icc i cuad 10 itill tie irioipped.tnCL E cAND &TOEa
V. of M'. BARBER. SHOIP S idt In iiti ir, ewcaitltiicilliterary DVSO
J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. tiili tcciiDai-tCttrc Oily dayigt trip bt weetCt eln-
a~ld law ours \Vil eect otire; 1 2, Put-inBay andToledattail ue 1tto ie
BAIsc i ROS , I t IttE AItt ' it ti tti Iducii [Ybr 0h
L de'al Chlrns hiCt tttin: liher a or . -Aes , La G.- t G . .,0 DeroiMi ch.
-NI--iMch.: ttitie- citic-ci i.13 cini 4d isill Detroit&Cleveland Kav. Co. t1t4tooucli Avnue,
Phone 359 Bieii Ann cArbor tltnau. t .ofid ileetici ser ait-. ltCur se rtioitict ti set~c dusso cc
To load a Conklin Fountain Pten, just clip it in any
ink, press the Crescent-Filler atia see it itl its own
tank like a camel slaking itc thirst. Tfhat's ull there
is to itt No dropper-no mess--no bother. Do it
anywhere-any time.
he filled instantly swithosut the least incunvenience. Yon
Id ff11 it with white kid gloves on writbhout danger ot
ig. Besides its convenience, is the splendlid writing
ties of the Conklin-the periect ieed.
eading deaters hanidinlb heCc-slit. It yursdues nut, order
t. Piuos, flit0otndoup.aend atuoncenforahaotenewicataltu.
Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio
i Touch of Spring
Spring Scarf as a special introduc-
spring, we are offering a special
beautiful new Spring French four=
new correct shapes with open ends
he handsome spring coloring.
Spring Shirts make their first bow
re beauties. The new spring styles
1Cap are here for your inspection.
e, Conlin & Fiegel
s, Suit Cases, Bags
nil Leather Pieces in the city
MACK tom.Co.
[ON D Ott watchtes ttl ttds ci weItiy,-andIall
Hit Classttttattet antdttClt eat ~r
LO N icy IBusintrictltt ci citt it
tOffice Hous:s:3tuto 1:i1toi5, I to 5til5.
oppoie court teuse. W .LUI
City Y. M. I. A. W .L Vi
From Wednesday, June 3, to Wednesday, June 10, 1908. I you do not know
what our College-End Sale means ask some fellow who was here last year.
-OPEN EVENINO$ 1A, Fu~ ~ Prnihing
Naood Charged ed1V~JI 1SK~XI .hate se
Used by The The Safety Watch Disc E
Colleghe Nig s Official e 10.Prevent wach lc E t. ~ A ~ A A
Collg t Bi from slipping fromh pocket
IfB0alltd utciicAt HALLER'S Jeweler Store stzple t olee1e1sn
big college gam ec y i-Ot l find SE"- The Safety Pocket Book Band Womnen for All P Ar-posesnlll
that ie ball alotinvacaby
usced is te REACt-O II(11tAtL0 tilt' t t u tlt -o t
College ment wont hae cciythigSecaDsinRbeDorLIH-
lit the BEST-tha'swy Ituy all use Mats. sutce ic nu Pt cce WASHTENAW LIH & POWER CO.
Th alPL YRA OVLTYCOAY.200 East Washington Street
Colege enicc out tuyt 1 t,,-iReichcil tc1Ic1. 5 ben taopted by the 7 + E P Y V A E
AtuletcOtt Teaguetouti cll tuu-i1 ttetOffictat League Bll.t No otie SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY KEPYV DA S
The Reah Trade mark on alh SporitnGod ina garaetee of qenliy-ic.meas sane TN33 Soth State Stret By caryng a eopy of the MICHIGAN
aciian a new ariicle or your amoiey hak (escep oe Bala and Bae uder $i.0)
Tu t i tt etit OFIiiliiisl t cutsL, cu Efcc-tl fuutt ot t s tl cltlsaaS t rd y OA M +n ANIt>iOOKIn your pocet Spaeefor em-
Siaittllucuccc cttic uccu1auctisgte utumule ccci Iythcuan. stci~ ia~ tard 0 A .e doranda caendar, stecilevents CoUnersity Patent Leather Belts icede c tit -cl--
Semior i1ui.Is i:ell(:atlogu stdent at the Univerity Y. M*. C OA M - iceeaof the dress tgotdcwhen sendigoed.
319g East Huron