TH9 MICHIGAN DAILY ByYour' CHIANIGES APPEAR loicolccu.liislie (c ile-pit of Packillg Boxes IN LIT CURRICULUM mti lucĀ°rof avacdor-i- lacon- Courses in English History for titulic if niiciicttiicn iiieilti}gt The Coltege. Before the best ones Freshmen-Prof. Mae Will are eiider coniiiiitcitlioi], Aipi)111a Standard ar-gnvlture-ccouirse iwill lbe alt iil aintg for rgoeTeach Russian. itsasltje I icc oiceiditcicciof D R UG0BOXES evolutiont. irof. I lbbs wcill cteacli e Woruk on theulitcrary epartmtent butl- history cif accliec N generail cus Are Strongest atnd BestA cnmcelg spand einfrtecominitg rear has teen de-11tecuui coiO t t ciii fi(c ni ti eared that it trill lie c--tsic--- c~lg ilb(g\e1 o a Fln e A sotme~tIhl to aeit readly ior diltriit posits twill lie -stuiedli ythl i n - l - AT - :o lieo e t ttdentc tsae for te ic-Jilt tese,-cainlct-cofineicoo se-c jue vc tio. I tasnucli as the tnew quiaillt i-ti lii n i i ic-fatusm ke lie electionfi t ud itiies diii. tu ii c n ice r ilctdep rtmtet atipart iof zoology. It il; it ' '~talliin a I g~ra olad rclirthce registruyi le madei toiii e ti ai ng .( of he-h lie lu-i -c-ltue-, it wilili e tneceaury iu h hde i ito avet-hteit courtes Money Loaneda- -- lectdc whilenteretrtn. Nex fal fl l -DIS AND I-'N ,)11N: I On Watches, Diamonutds.LawcBooks.i 10s econdi I day iiof t t e etrwill fal iiyo iii iitior ihosii i redpro ptyiis or other persutnalpet y.iteusemerrio, nd )i-ct'loc itt-en inhtthtier e i n e lac ener h Watches and Jewelry repaired. 1irid a t1all egistrait tin mti b le coot- Icilutulii, lire y it caittget i ue ih Bargains in Watches & Diamnonds fileted andtllii electionst- iliedu, ndter atid wh ilt yu ii it. Ilice :id nSo Office at residence aat E. Liberty St cud fa in. Itcircler thit the repair Coki t, iii1. \illil t .,nx Ann Arbor. iuidoorle iet-relli l to icc ii ilia c e rici tore.i c i Hours: 8to i1:30 a I1to 4ac3s and it tu7csudnsrca epeprdt 9 p. M. d i s, bn utletin awill te tmailedtiol thieit ALL BUSINESS CNIENTrIn A LcEt I cte 1- i ii tle tvacaiton. Solit soi l iiecath ii icse yal tpices JOSEPH C. WATTS ' ro iii ipiro iiidefr t e ssew lit-ilaw re- at Allettus.(69-cocl a iree twitch goin ltocteffect teat-Th ne ear____________________________tire eight littir ci I tgli-li tory of the l~so lw Cou rse ill lie pridied t S rn Ha s Iiitilteayieuttei.o purchase of r i i )1- r c~s l m c r in t h ic c v t ie r a r y tde t m n tiiiss re iccwc-itteal iwiti grlis ctottr CSpoorans lTheytiit Iiaiiie.eletini.-r and theatr Post Cards i icltacndh theyiet ut 11.faoviillconctich le qtinzzes. in Hats and list~rv co rse tutund ID wiill lie re- Darling & Malleaux r ci cittandcucs45-la nimericani * A A STATE STREET 11Iov vibcw sairc cttl ci t's ilea of aseinaryic. Opetnd your i-auationi on tic Great Irf.\ ad i i ill uie twio coutrsesa take -aid trort iao icthlags fe C oll g ei1 R tia, a ew lnguge il citiece ani-i Itine. Your ioeal ticket agn ttwillttell Cot;ie1'e c-it sill tie of andele-c Lyeoasrat ake sri ts.iiA 1 l'1\tice. iThe- iworkin iiSccniitil mammnoth tiew' teotut rcositintg R S tel\i1,ni cic o cbcarraiiged-atutu oilii titer's seticebetien Detrottitid ( 1/ NAILER'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Main St ecieiLAKEii ieii wil Ici. ERii tIEy DIIIuN cct~~ Le-liiir it avaeerit iy- cue- - - 30 -P. i _______Leave_____________ C levti landiudaiy - 10.+5-P.iN - cu~ch lt r t-. NA tpractical courcue AtticetDeto itiy- - ili.00Ad M.i 111 el-Hallgr<111nar s plnne and a ODyittipbt weenIDet rit aid Cleve l e i i e. iitiirtlitiiainiti i od evey iicsda. i'Thua a nd ti ur- c -ti; n the i-story o it i itilitera- doe duit-aJlceandiAuguit. ii ii tti cttc-t tc.cct.ciDetroinitsNoo _*attrainis.01.M All flavors incuding Chocolate Ilthite ilietule it epari tmct I rot. Sctt Ic.sui ede ce (uFrdys .eoA u it ill 1\ i- ai -eiliii 'tictitit i livacidt FouTips erwee u ciu iwc in .lt d,61' avace ltearywok nddelre acicfromiute-klhto eitmr-i t Try.. We make ltne best ChocoIlteSoda -- and i t usmitinswittherguat - .&C inihecitt-!tleli. tCoui se- 21 iniii irctititi aldl Sitteit a dailyerce t oMu kinac. Ln tescaye-i-ati- beent subsltittedl itr Couirsesu BAY CITY IVONl OtAnd sny East Ui~versity Phairmlacy -iiti-i JEv-i tillci - tie teryWedniiesdyndidaeningsfro 1.13 tttUnierity A\-dtuct 3aad .a. D , I - wilhaea- oir Detoitt aiystoppi-g atPotHr, oil i< e\elcr lilit ofl itc -rthe Sy-. Lexnt tSa n ilaecForeiterFoetil _____________________________ Cile icc i cuad 10 itill tie irioipped.tnCL E cAND &TOEa V. of M'. BARBER. SHOIP S idt In iiti ir, ewcaitltiicilliterary DVSO J. R. TROJANOWSKI, Prop. tiili tcciiDai-tCttrc Oily dayigt trip bt weetCt eln- a~ld law ours \Vil eect otire; 1 2, Put-inBay andToledattail ue 1tto ie BAIsc i ROS , I t IttE AItt ' it ti tti Iducii [Ybr 0h L de'al Chlrns hiCt tttin: liher a or . -Aes , La G.- t G . .,0 DeroiMi ch. -NI--iMch.: ttitie- citic-ci i.13 cini 4d isill Detroit&Cleveland Kav. Co. t1t4tooucli Avnue, Phone 359 Bieii Ann cArbor tltnau. t .ofid ileetici ser ait-. ltCur se rtioitict ti set~c dusso cc DRINKiS.INK. LIKE A CAMEL To load a Conklin Fountain Pten, just clip it in any ink, press the Crescent-Filler atia see it itl its own tank like a camel slaking itc thirst. Tfhat's ull there is to itt No dropper-no mess--no bother. Do it anywhere-any time. CONKLIN'SFILLING PEN F "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER' he filled instantly swithosut the least incunvenience. Yon Id ff11 it with white kid gloves on writbhout danger ot ig. Besides its convenience, is the splendlid writing ties of the Conklin-the periect ieed. eading deaters hanidinlb heCc-slit. It yursdues nut, order t. Piuos, flit0otndoup.aend atuoncenforahaotenewicataltu. Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio i Touch of Spring Spring Scarf as a special introduc- spring, we are offering a special beautiful new Spring French four= new correct shapes with open ends he handsome spring coloring. Spring Shirts make their first bow re beauties. The new spring styles 1Cap are here for your inspection. e, Conlin & Fiegel At MACK'S ST COMPLEFTE STOCK OF s, Suit Cases, Bags nil Leather Pieces in the city MACK tom.Co. [ON D Ott watchtes ttl ttds ci weItiy,-andIall Hit Classttttattet antdttClt eat ~r LO N icy IBusintrictltt ci citt it tOffice Hous:s:3tuto 1:i1toi5, I to 5til5. oppoie court teuse. W .LUI City Y. M. I. A. W .L Vi COLLEGE-END SALE From Wednesday, June 3, to Wednesday, June 10, 1908. I you do not know what our College-End Sale means ask some fellow who was here last year. -OPEN EVENINO$ 1A, Fu~ ~ Prnihing Naood Charged ed1V~JI 1SK~XI .hate se STATE STREET Used by The The Safety Watch Disc E Colleghe Nig s Official e 10.Prevent wach lc E t. ~ A ~ A A Collg t Bi from slipping fromh pocket IfB0alltd utciicAt HALLER'S Jeweler Store stzple t olee1e1sn big college gam ec y i-Ot l find SE"- The Safety Pocket Book Band Womnen for All P Ar-posesnlll that ie ball alotinvacaby usced is te REACt-O II(11tAtL0 tilt' t t u tlt -o t AMERICAN LEAGUE- BA LL.pca einRbe or College ment wont hae cciythigSecaDsinRbeDorLIH- lit the BEST-tha'swy Ituy all use Mats. sutce ic nu Pt cce WASHTENAW LIH & POWER CO. PAMRALMVYAON.Y Th alPL YRA OVLTYCOAY.200 East Washington Street Colege enicc out tuyt 1 t,,-iReichcil tc1Ic1. 5 ben taopted by the 7 + E P Y V A E AtuletcOtt Teaguetouti cll tuu-i1 ttetOffictat League Bll.t No otie SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY KEPYV DA S The Reah Trade mark on alh SporitnGod ina garaetee of qenliy-ic.meas sane TN33 Soth State Stret By caryng a eopy of the MICHIGAN aciian a new ariicle or your amoiey hak (escep oe Bala and Bae uder $i.0) Tu t i tt etit OFIiiliiisl t cutsL, cu Efcc-tl fuutt ot t s tl cltlsaaS t rd y OA M +n ANIt>iOOKIn your pocet Spaeefor em- Siaittllucuccc cttic uccu1auctisgte utumule ccci Iythcuan. stci~ ia~ tard 0 A .e doranda caendar, stecilevents CoUnersity Patent Leather Belts icede c tit -cl-- Semior i1ui.Is i:ell(:atlogu stdent at the Univerity Y. M*. C OA M - iceeaof the dress tgotdcwhen sendigoed. A. J REACH CO1727T0LIP ST, PHILADELPHIA. Assmbily goluck. Miian Hal. ITiE BELTCRAFT CO.. OSTON MASS. STUDiO- , 319g East Huron Street