PackngluSc . C. ltim., 'o~e, of einta, i'irtt, gavie
P c ig B xs SIYIALL S RL Sa leture on P'eru ibeore InaSciea
EA LY Season's Poor Financial Show- pa Hail Ai linsiik i Sats
Beforethe bet ones ing Explained--Plans L.aid for Itt5circ 6 npt - u otg
are gone out that tin, great nturai resoturces of
Coming Year. Pern hake it. an ideal place for rn
D R V G BOXES --- grant scettment. liec onctluded as fl
\\iil a supit mitch below that of ttit
Are Strongest and Best at yerth S I_ A. boatd cltoseti its ''lert has a goodni ottaer cut ;it
') ok la t ltonsd ty tttghtt. The ae, gives tasq uti c t o l oh naie
irre Assortrnett unsvtr itlte(Iby DrIt Karpittski. atad lotreigner; btut Ier toplti it o
til, fk-1 t, m tihcrofthte toned, attd tot iaret en u h h, e i nvlan oi
- AT - oI l inii r tjt s stete tetnderetd bty is'omet whiIo \\iCttlt i s t nt m t
Q U R Y ! '" li, sitttr sO ]tile gross receipts stnaks thit inttta an stsi hen isa(%qai
j j 7 aC'e $koo bhind thtose ttf last year, btt tiut t witl ine peItttno silty wtuldrv
___________________________________ Now,___ The tota retcetitpts attottttetd to yto u t ttt y ourc s crotttld out o it(, ________________
: I is th Iis, $11t 0 tur s e'spetnt lot' tinted 'Stilt's, (roi ther 'to h\ Int l
Molney Loaned illisictl uititilist, tthile mstn if thte till haeeey i]uttiit tea lea a
On Watchesii Dim ns tilt, floss tte a t ions coist tt least $2tt0 easch. itittilt ttid stic sstftll ie
o r Wather sntatls tatpet. s 11oto hI'e an rt h sea- 'I_ Stttit'ad I]tiptt s nut It is, itlannintoii
Wace n e eryrpi . :o tickItets. os~ adde $272 is havet on stilt t ctu uts it Spish he-. si S t
\l'tee ut. w ln ts~atid. inilcs alutis iltns; Gsitsrntsr Johntssos or ~i the al~ain tx er i
Bargains itt Watcises & Diamotndai
and, $tti o is ame: ftiit sigte a ittsn switi liat' a lart' tutuihe i11 the sai l
Oaeie at restnence ant tF. tLiterty i tm i' Is ttit s t iiiitts 'te asgtg. ii ths tsuss itIIt il'
Hoaursu 8to tuna0 a. In..t sto t4:0aindi;sto i u ts ofi $%1591 enastbiledth le salaries sciat l ig inc tis it ic will lie - held. It
91'' Mt. stoitlisiti biiy the '. I, A. cionstiitit'itu sai is t'ncre se i, the tricietit' of its
JOSEP11 C. WATTS 41oeatoepadtthtrauenelbrinteusofSni.
tre-s ttuiii,' sseretary, andi fatcittty ''Thes'i Club ws noti fomlded c fori the The new
ud o. ''le instialltmestt son tine oregatt pus e o'sf giit g ip' lays, si th r lii' s ,
l ib ias pis acriniihtg to thte agree- , ste titncertsaiely ishelthier it iill set- tory' of the
iiew isie ish tlt lls a Un ttis ioti lstt ducetisne ntsi yitr itr nt. I ii sits purchase of
r eats Chiiisi 'sti t s isiti receivedt 5,iitge shuts illts i l i oinst playiii tn ii !n.'-lhand~I, in'
'ls o e a e o it iiafth sssntt Stetii g- rtiti i-t--------s- 00
the_____________________ _ crii lt of i lex yer' fut d Stiit ts' w tot , & si S at cst Si (n - in , Th e
Iai "ir' stits tt ale s's oo Nut elm er t tit VC,
,P o st itsesttst ~ S Cttrd st St a t, iI
Stelics a tllitits sb li\-il acsa to s ll _____ - - R ul
ST T T E Tso ig tould hav itetesnt madt . se d -~tisitt if tsi nt
dle tilt lae ai d thass t t outiiltsd he I' Cit ., N.Stat'ersi St . 70-;
BAILR'S [W[RY SOOL 16 ~la St iibl t Ntettu her ii i m iiino tetin-
"ick ill Pre sidt i ltees' i G osit. rAor S vt. Ot nsetrcn i n ce i f 3
Ice C ole ge sillo5sue ruesucet
-, iin~r lind us ttiresit s l 'in g w send SlIsta hm tlls suts sus to-tfen
S t in .m. Gitlitiusi sJsohrs is liiicured D r s antig st st ht s at clii s t. bit m- sisi
a ti'asi . li lexns an li e r ted &MoN.Oiei Sc 7-
All flaers mecudtng C acetateic c ei s e ed buhu ct t s' u itt til -i IWae ners & Ct o.tit liher tutu S 'tilts' - _
Ibcl os its her ise tteen. A tt con- S it tpen ieivenigsiii. tf * VI i l
5Ice Cr tsr ~I'] h]it ''lst y',; line ra coiseemsIl I ~
'We ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ h mattehet C ecat S d i t i a itioi a s ftt e t r si wel Strae tt i n allt stls and spe s,&
inthdcty ti itica sp ueaur ite eot n earg 'isstent at 70ll Andesn
Eas Univrsit Phamac I hlit. Thie vtge teeristetnt--- - o
Al tfl tto s i ty Asdin C o at <lca isi s hit h caitit lesab utv e asoni Hear tut util thel new ilmfs' Scet on
ise lit , an ss t h es indoo i ntt ees llstoa ii iat the s etir oim.
sa st i ll 1fec isoiiil t o curstt.
J. A.ndANWK. rp
.mc1 ttolkt tititIS' tI tIiSen\altor' Beige , Pstitdte2 rpeent the Michigan Alumnus
tEtast nitertsitt i ts ii ion heir tws and citiiees ]tdring
124:3 to 5:30rit P. n> M.,nan Alumn Roomse ,Twadcars Wordttf
32V. State S Ann3E AS HOP~ StUDENT Ws i'ili' ieiit tt' 1ANTED
P Js.-R.Bel TRJNOSI Prop.aY niest
To toad a Conktin Fountain e'tt, just slip it in any
ink, press the Crescent-Fitler sod see it lilt its own
tank like a camel slaking its thirst. Tfhat's all there
is to itt No dropper-no mesa--no bother. Do it
anywheres-any tite.
('fl~T1TTI'~~ SELF-
be tilled instantly without tse leant inconveiencie. You
Id till it with white kid gloves on ssithoutt dsager of
ing.. Besidtes its convenieuce, is the splentdidt sriting
.ities oii thse Conklin-thse perfect feed.
Leaditng dealershaneten kls in. If yuts stoes eat,.orer
;.t Pie s, 30 'tttantdttupSndatncefornhanssenitew ca~'talogi'.
Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio
iTouch of Spring
Spring Scarf as a special introduc-.
spring, we are offering a special
beautiful new Spring French four=
new correct shapes with open ends
he handsome spring coloring.
Spring Shirts make their first bow
re beauties. The new spring styles
1Cap are here for your inspection.
e, Conlin & Fiegel
s, Suit Cases, Bags
nil Leather Pieces in the city
MACK (ft Co.
ii V~ aIt sDiaonIs, eailsyasd al
LOA ED ts. usiess tatsati tl o istiats
Ois 'etta sttssas 5t :i eistdyitol 15
City Y. M. Ct. A, . J. LVI
Moose- Nut Brown -Elephants Breath are three of thte iost
poptlar shades in inentsitings this sprinig. WYE are well equipped to get ot
orders ott short notice. Prices toderate
FIELDERS9 The Safety Watch Disc '1 '3 K Nd i'V
10. ~aPrevent. Watch 1t E C AAI% T YAA
.r.dRE from slipping rom pocket ir tsetc At lHALLER'S Jeweler Store Sple oCleeMesmn
gAAM t t 1l si tu<_ ss, ott The afety Pocket Book Ban d W om en for A ll PurposesS ?
5 $7 'l' Special Design Rubber Doore1),1tas. W STN W LGT&P ERC
het a :t t I n, -, Mats. ASHENA LGHT&RP WERCO
-u , us "ato ,"' ssisi i'sms PALMYRA NOVELTY COMPANY ZOEitWasdstnSre
ii', s..ssss 'it~s -t-st-.......EP YOR_
i U1 1 " ' "uttlitt's, ta. SCOTT'S JDAN'CI1NG ACADEMY KEP _YURDATES --_
Cao iti'.i. s ''33c6.aaria 05 Spts Sats' Street Itsparyts' a copy of the MtCHtttAN '
itv-sine a0.0Sy , - tGose .Octh he ItANtntOOt( Itsyour pchetSpace foeatom-
16 o t s/ ~ se~ji.~ ed n CassRta.dy 0A .~ a atu a calendar special events, Uatverity Pmtete w ithe
._7:30 P. M. Caeduar ittttists1tatpae hoo. Given away etvr et a t chto
A.. EA H O., CpTTi TesV es~i~rtwte Fr it. ta atudets at the Uiersity Y M. . A. M- ntaeh~tur sitsor dsia. e. 2c 5sgnOe des"I
17 TaceS., PasLaaDELaia. droft e ssoosl tw'hen stssns.
~nH OAsseusly S oloh, Milis al. - THE BELTCRAFT CO.. BOSTON MASS,
319 IEast Huron