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May 26, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-26

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The Michigan Daily


ANN\ ARBO(R, 3MICHTGAN ,T{'.SDAY. MAY 26, 1908..

No. 1751

Track Squad Leaves for Eastern
lntercollegi~te-Varsity Faces
Ohioans Today.
Two shutot and( a to-hlevy score
against tie thidteam1.11 is the treclaiys
record wiicitie Wooster temi birigs
with it today to 1111111ill tie face of
Mtichign's team. The postoe gm1e
ocurs tiis afternoon at51 4:05.
Thtrsday tie Buctkeyes met Wcstert
Reserve atd wiiteoasthleitieir Itop-
rentts 4 to . Ottlriaythtey itaet
Detison aitti added aotierpoit- t
o. OtnStturdhy tie tetmlhmplted Ket-
yni college nite off its iotte dittold
tilintg ttt a score of 6 to 3;, tkgeg-
teenlhits fromlthtie Kenyonite.
It the gaue witi Re serve, Stottt
twiled A'td let ihis ottonets dowti thit
oteiit. Itt this gatte LtEmersn, till
speedy seoid iasettal, se htotmt
whie tietitcier held tie al Siottt.
strtteh ot tiriteenl men11ill thi gamo.
Friday, against Deison,lCompto
pitched for Wtoostr aosi pertitted hovt
hits, sut oe of tie mleen oisige
Ricarson did te itigagails
eyon thet Wooster troncetetlit
tie colegias st11 titer iflty.I i
evident that tie Btttkees hav~e an111leii
squdf pitelrs front whihto ( selet
Barr1 is likely to tiri tr Micheign
illtiis ate roon'ls gm~te, lt Mae nevel
trll till tie gatte is caie.
Seasono tikets admt~it ltie gllme
'iekets are ffty ceents echi.
'1AM lve"s FeRTtl ct15.AST,
Micign's littlesottttiof 11o111t ill
111e rsves tiis eenig follPhiiladeliai
to gl1into final traiig forthtie cstes
leelfoll lof tie etire teamt..
Rlst', ( oe, tDutlhlOlti,lld lthssci
are cr till ts gttfol- till'o leitanc
a1111 Wolin will bt ic \iiigall s etie
soin t lltilt'rtttriiump.its1111mtwhs
the tllsen Itwho 11h11'e51 lokilill ttcomplet
the stttad. Wasre' 1hsete wrinig:
uptt 1tle laststfete diaysill till'uatere
but 1stnone cover ktos just twhat eell
1has tp ic sleeve, stsgessig is futie
Witithtis little sqttadi ie exilcts tt a
a seondl or tirtiforttthie vrsity, fetlr
ing ill the halaf, iteIlile, adt te'tot
The teami leaves iy tie Att Aris
roadl at ocock, goitgts 'lteio, ovhe
connttectiotn will ibe lmadl eiti tetPen
sylvtnia wict tili take temttrog
to Frantklitt 'ed. ,Harry d]it, iDirctst
Fitpstrick attti stfete rotters owil ttssti
the trip.
'rENtO ttTEAMtorAs IN115nto."
Captaitt 1-ag of tie varsity tetni
eamt iickec Ayres to accompantly hi
on the Ohio trip wicithue two-mta
team will nake this week. Tiey e:
last eveinig for Oerliltwere tiey li
play IWedneday or 'Thurstdy.'i"tritt
te teek they will mleet teslmls reitet
Oio State. Keyon also wnted
gmite, ut it conflicted with the retur
Oerlin match adihat to ie eslnceie
oil that accotm.
Tie varsity meti shottld give a1 gee

accotunt of thestelves tihrougih Olsi.
for Capt. 1-bag's showiing ill hotht sit
gles attd dotthles silouldi prove surec
pointI winiitg, atnd Ayrers cait le coettlt
on to make the secontd usan of the vs.
rionts trains hlustle., Thte electiott of cat
lain for next year's teatm twill probsahl

bse mtatde stortly after IHoag atntiAyres
Reisorts of Sstutrday's ganse witit
Brown lshsole titst tile varsity's inahiliitv
to htit Nourese, tile Brown~ twirler, wvienl
hts ere reedeti 1100tile principal cautse
cf .\iigian's diefeat. Sincoclk, ontilhie
ottleihattd,.hiadte tirecoveretifttlly froml
tite sixteen- innling Corntell gamte, atttd
Vatrsity seoredifirstotw osl errtors andl
a ltotg fytieoIIrigiht heeid. Brows elu itge
of ru115m slame ill tite sf111. Bttsit was,
safe'tsottanerror. [Detttie a111dIMitltsrlv
folowedi Iwithl sliteibunts after two were
iolt. Sincelck tasseti Buldong, ftorciitg
inl a tliy. Ralymtonthell smalshoieda
hsati it holt Itoleft atttitilesailisoctitteti
osff Mieilln's glosve, tisree ttent scoring.
BrottnItsestretianotiher illtile sevethi
sil tell Tits atntd a sacrifice. iichliganl's
ninthininl lg rally provedto bI e tof 115
aasil, for soly twostmenIscored.

Faculty and Regents Support
f'lovement to Dedicate Build-
ings to Former Professors.

'lite setsrye
ifadilig, 211..
Ratymondsls, c.
Regltitr, so. -
Hen111115 3bs.
Buss, It......
Rennlie, cf ...
Notteoe, p...

.0 250
.00 1 3
01 102


5 [0*26 12 3

Miichigan.iR t i Pe A
Sullivan, c11. .. . . . 0 0O IoI
tGiddiings, 3..i.t... 1r 0 2 0
Whieeier, c...i. . .... I I It
\ielllnIif . . ........ 1 2 4 0
iKeley,). ........ . 0O 0 0 4
Lillille .. it .. . . 0 1 o 5 0
Patersonl, ss ....... 0o 0 1 2
fL,eortl,c..... . o o 6 T
Siiseeek).......0 0 0 2


3 423#11 4
Birown..v .... )0 0 0114 0 1 0*-?
Niieitig0,. 1001 01a0 1 11112--3-
ito-bse StittRayms sor1511Sacilsc
--Off No atr se 2, otf Silleock I. Strttck
satlley Noirse 5, by -Sincocsk 4. iDttt
bepilts--Sinceock, Ptaer'soni and 1Dtunnel.
Illpire----amle. little 1:t45.
ii \AN Ui5 ILP iiClii GANDE;RS
'Tsh- Syrteuse'hiichigstiigalmeelf last
wveeks brous~ghlt slut011 etditorist iniltile
Ssyraceuse tOratige 10otile effect thtithtie
Islilig sat tihat instituttion11io set'ioutsly ill
s neho timplirloemlent. After pointltig
out1 titetiefiieit's ill. hit'yelliig isfthe
undllergradiuaat's, tite writer itas tite fol-
ilowintg t osty tf the cheering of tite
"ilittarket iFit'tst was thte chteerittg
sof a1 mililttte itaiitof Michtigasupotllrt-
ers locestedi totnte opposite side of :tile
slt srena. i ilt-ly sititlining itassetd
owithtostt setveral yeils fromit that deleegsa-
tionlthatst re-ecitoed witit great volumte
throttghout the ststdittm.-Whtetn a Micht-
igait player cattle iti tetat hte was re-
wstrded wititciteers, wietetiseant tootk
the' field titere were cheers, wheit the
tea t wals05 winninhg thtere wtre cheers, aitd
wheithtie trout was itt a tight place chteer
after chteer with M-i-c-h-i-g-a-ttott the
eiid wals giveti witit great enttitusiasmt.
"At the close of the gante the western
delegsttioti rushted onto the field, coil-
grattilatetd their leant, aitd theit gave
yell after yell for Michigani and Syra-
ctuse. And te untdergraduate hody of
this instittutiontt woostteaitwhile utakitng
stll hsiste to push titrough ait eight hy
ten gate withoti ever thiitkittg of returnt-
ing the yell out of common courtesy ai

counslst tocci. t'scty, mtettbies
a1td sttcentst semto i-ewthet' mo'
:meti toit isfavorlanstbtieei''tiat te
sftr srmterfsctitvtttetmbers.
I 110e1-cwstvtsl-i 'd'Tppstn Iaisl,s
alPttof. Scott, ''"anid ll set' 1111reslonht
twhl tie Mecdical. L. or1 Englieeigo
scmle ftrttterprfeor. Itwvetr, wt-c
sh11 itisbe cotseratie and1thetit'anto
sh'ouldhavtoteIcenloniltg tim~e deacdl.Wet
tiete strJutdge Coley.'
abtle," said DenttRetd "stdsIiwo-ul
glatdly see ts'e new bildinlilgs, at ltot,i
designlatedi ill st)('slchtmaner.Iti
wtocl tat ~blishl an1excelent ctomttnand
trov e a ftting mlIC lrlsidtthe tsir laaty11
Prosi. iii'l 1' 'expresse.dshiml~sf its
favocrssof t'ia\Anotter ifaclt mlem-
biI l ghet lled1 b}' tile ill I I(Mi'll et
titletf thec'tPresottl slaboratrie s 'ati
Halliw1151etl'liondcli as a itting1ftile fsr
RegentlK1l, whienl asie s1 i(sItill'e
psiiit of aplyiig sihI' inames'5of fosr-
sec-ts (1ec'aillexcelteni tutsiom1. I ae
not onsderd ite m t lillynd1cannotst
say llthethertittul t'eladisleli to'
take lilthIactionhee.
ilt, ex1elle1,1111t111 ht t heyh ad otg 11
11n1111rlI t ato-sdeepilytl encugh to
test-ko itsfcaiility. it I c tt
Ater'iewsstte mattciis Is
iresl owinthettfollowicommunlictionL~'
tIltyor slrecen.t ilt'e youisuest nam-0111
icgth y uildigsors hcmps.Iti
et butewoulleit n o~ltilmosikeitigtoi
bestow honotestr swferehr b elornws
otDentbuinthehrtat illiii011ftrthigh
whotiws orlditisrewnyditlIdctali s
liek P cimist isldi CiPecot.
Tall; ottitist oNigbitldinglatotill
IIa l TseIh ihte h c' mte tirdey
tightw\mseyto, iayseword st n risarngh
to teewtin the Cetti st1ilclsatrg efth
11111iiacktiyeart(wheniisistuetien ttie
letltnchattitt e to-ll etsiansiithl
bie giyrours. t~t 11 h cmu
Calethea el'r littlefrtherfitisorgaher
clinihatFidit ihta.Itwudb

(Si W~ednestday eveinig at 6:30 te
it Dasily dinler of te year will ill
rveli 11tue Ulnioni clbhoulltse. Presi-
dlin Anigell, the iteimblerstof'Te DilyM
to present, togeher witite seititrs
rh 111eyciredl fromi te sff becftre spritg
slesatiln. l. imttembersothbotoilstie
'Ottillmilasy, Jutie 17, tie cornedro
shill'etof te ieos eniril buhilitg is t
to e Sill 11y'judtge (Gratttof uhe casis'
of who nott 11w resites iiLtnsttig.
omile of Michigst's ittost famoiluts grat-
uates wliiisesktil this occ'sioitn. Tree t
r foulr saddres'es toill ie giei. and~
ithe list owill litie comltetedi until thea
latter part of this oeek. At presetitb
jutdge Grsatt anldi Lurece Maxwell areu
te 111115 tll 1onthe prgramt. b
'ielasyig of the crer s tone will s
int alh prsbability folow the mss tied-
ingff aflli aichio hedinlltie law bild-ii f
inlg at a o'clock. etters re beiig r-f
cetved from ol classes antouting tete
sient tohio wil retrit to their reunions.ts
Ih las- f'8tilb.eseily elesented ott this its sixtitt aniiver-
,ae, 'T'he class of '48 s tie ll-dtes <
class t erpiresntt'dIat this runioIitl
.11111indee'clio11115fourirclssses gaduated i
beoeit, stf whiichithiertsart'tilliingit
'T'e tork 011 tet'ibuiliing has eet
prolgessng raidtly- iitielt ss t'll
wettis. Te fotndtioniis sare compitlet'
an itl umbecrlof the steel gidetis thsvoc'
beecclacisedl. 'Tle sappteranlce and11sapet d
sf tile butildinlg is stlready suggested ty
tile whitic'stnc' oals whiciht wil rise
two1 shoines becfort' til enhin ig f ttt
W~edntestdsy sfctit ttoon sat4:30, ii
leii.eei eitristi Iisl, SMis Lrust Psit'
lilt santdMiss hinieDicavsiis f it'e Shool
f hiMsit' willigie ap1bticereciliofh
Becthoven'cs lgtiit. Thid'entetaiin
metisgiven-eli th aiu'sptolicds of the
Juiolir iDcittcler Vereini atntd till lic
opecnil'd 1withit shorsitll :ibiy' r. Rosrtr';
explaininhi ie relstt ibetentBeeto-
vcn's tmllsic' Stll Goetes sdramta;Dr
llnrotill restt passages ohtie teo-
dramlte xplin tithe sacti.Nosadmisti-
int toill its.'cagt'di and1lliteretedsii
Intstructors ill termantiare reiuetet
iythe lieYcrtinto isannounhlce the reisl
bedforce their clsses.
All re'mlainig hicligetitisposhlter
oere iplaed'iton sale yeserdasy at Wahr",
sntttl ie hMichigantlUtiotiat ue reuhcedi
pricdeIof to cets each, tree for 25
et-tis bile iposters, owhiict are atmit-
etily- thec'otioartistic Saistiexpettsieat-
vertiinig fetture ever issued by the
untioni,soerfrmesrstrly solt at 25 cetst
each, ind etjoyd a large sale. To dis-
ptse ofthosse remaining, the price hss
been1 greatly cut1 ante will remasitt t tie
preseint fgturttntil te spply is ex
Active anti faculty membiers of the
Cerce IDranmatieque raicais will leave'
Test Cup Inn at 4 this afterttot for a
hsty-ritde atd dinner at Whitmore Lke.
'Te aniual elecioti of officers will take

in~g and11sailinug parties will he held he-
fsore returtnitig. Thirty-three membners
are expecting to make ihe trip Stud re-
torn "san clair de bone,"

lichigan Is Missed from West-
ern Athletics, Says Chicago
"'he Itesrsolcgiatehs ofe'renststcc 0111
e Ui', sitof Michiga,"''y %'IIilliahlt
cothI~ l t-Ch(.itiago, '7, uitIsssh leaiig
rliicc' ii int ecuetit numbs~ie' ssItec
ica.gSt' AlsmnsiilimIohisa'
,ftheiconferes.'ce.'from11its founing itof15
lie Itilt- sf Mihigan', wlhstitlhdrlhto,tiands
liti explainhets'ciresslistaliids'sldigf
,otes aIs ll ichiflfsrs.''itis Sactisn
'hoi determhiningwhtoeher te cuslr s of
le cstiterenice wasiseIt orldn1ot," say0
cio o111f .\ichiganh, excepthh a"s lemi-
er sf ticc-i ceisnce. isScriv111esiy
ustiset otled its dstice-itfidiesties (s
est it cani, SansdilunfortunteI~l iihign
ems stlonglilcsy fro hsehscsttlmlet:
of hets. itt'SattitudeIs Iori this ''551-
feecii 15'is Iasdifretyssmia tsertanditSay
-ily bhsasii inthits rhhtn,1 hi Mitsh5
iganlh 000as botlhsnresnabtlle' aissi cdig
tihed.lho 1st hil itisliy,se srvedi no-
id' uposithtie-other msetseslof ,iithe
sciferentee thst althouh'heehss- e tw os
consiftrecru's-dleishsllItsssld no (a
possssiblyl t lic1slts'sbe, sh funli
hnxit t to ril'IIs esign li higani d is
r'egareruhi ~les, reta iedsher Ill I
ssotedh withithil' Ish lt-abiinghf hs
'Wast good1111jlhsii5' onh the ills t:~d
tlt'he 'confe'renic', t1permit i-Mhichiigans
Ill re-si1th'n 11111embitsip s sit Ihills'
slt, tiloe'c ~ tlnis.nhcy' i stito IMhich
igantin herisi oothtrstbls) s nt otIs.'
comlised tditdagros prceen
"As1to til e 111 'nhtsssssdiioni, it sts
ies nolose.hIt1 issnly1ahrill layof
patig itltIlsa tha5als slis sconferiencel
unvrstesdsireic hsigansbacinistlhIls
conhfec.'ic Wet''felt'sihasst,sit sy,'siss
'hudI' amehclil Istof tss' groupl."'
atll have1 reaSsonlto Ish sshct hera11' ti
power 1andi is :s 5 shihhi i sapis nt--hil
he.It is fairt say htsaSILegge'n-111
ber ItfIh1r ahlmi lhss, regcitill' sell
artionitihfrom t hiss 5onferensessss' ilii,'it
is 5if 11ul ill-pehaphsiso discrseets' Io
ilShazar StaguesO s s t lhigisig Ion
tohsit is 111undoubltely15truethatiSI
sittnysof thit.'rsalsiisislItiss-tisve sit-~h
th'e til~ various lmnst5ini thith'til SIS its<
thit. coulrse f sevents hat sen clerly
undeis.rsto11111 by SitdllinedI ucs tis'e, .and
tug intenise'sesi'1f sthdnts stntttie
atletlicidmanal~tgementisIfosi'athleiti vitolry
lias greatly- iceasetshIc'diffiulies tof
thoseo oosissk ibeyosntd tmere imisitudsiate'
sthlticitieorysstlos st broadh policysowhict
wsstuhihelie isst trlist'C Uiversiyy 5er
ini atndtye-Sr out'. 1 loeer, whatteet'
thte tdifficltiits, li s-Ii llsie ttcy sill bsse
suirmuntitedi. 'he istihitsrig is out
andticuhsigsa lts. silyiss reisithe
confeirencue, wthln11111tier tunsserstnd-
ig thtntto 1takhetd ir cansicewith tll
the othler metesroiigs.'tingfwisatsie
wants, to insoure hersef a hearty wel-
comute. it lusy Ihe seeral years beore
this istbrouight abiotl ,ittlet Is hloe
it willdcomle eore to Istg, alit1 mea-
-whilelet his.' of Chicstgso, atI iast, assre
Michigan thstats'toill ie wetoeshsen
sle doesis"
'The atuial electiositosotthe lihiui, ied

chotice of ('at-iC.ii lskeiliui'ffas untxt
yeatr's uresienit.Thisthiler oslicers seill
he: ?ice-presidet, A. R. Clstry;5 secre-
tairy, W .'C. Curtis; irt'ass uret, O B.

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