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May 23, 1908 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-23

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ti 1R I>(ICY Thl AT WrSTE'RN StitNtDCIt"1,11 - -
Buy Your SYRACUSE GAME 11.1 ROCKY \ltthN'I I N]I K,,S
]] FurI erreoarts from the Syracuse attired inl true etistern stle, forte
Pac'ing B'Iivieoryof l'htsal name Wiheeler as mieinbi sOf the IRocky hiotltlanclb
tetapefootmer wih lie stick. Fotrtacceomipattied by he aiets, he1ld (1thesir
M A XIY his f ofor chances is a record that annueal celetbra tion at3\Volfftlak last
Before the best 01nes oldb ardi for Is partners to live evening. Tilheita tsCl( Iiiiit fr tndr
dre gone 11 1) tPatieson with three ttits teas tile lake at 7:t 1 i tou specitl cars.
ntfrb hnt. A total of twelve htits Tite costumaes if th is e tsiiwho iserr
D R VG0BOXES frshete n attier shaitoweditilethree tarir'riinsomthrero sstIskeis, anii
AreStongstatdrBstcusewas ahie to pitl. teggii~gs, witlhrevlolir swrinige f ronte
AreStrnget a d B st he ir tilln catte ill the fout.t. heir helis, iroiised amuichii hint i~ll aS
KeIywakid, miii was tirsigt i n On 01 itey gathereid at the ctiitdoiic for theica
F'ir~. Assorte net asi le y i'ters. 0. Inithe eightht, start.Thte partyudaticeidandi1 taiiitieteifcou
:1te 1Kele nd Dlniiie were nut. Pat- untilaIi tc Ihiur, iihisothiy rcilriieilto iiii
- AT - icmae a caniitliifor first atnld i l iii p"cl inhg .\iiiiArtbor.
Q UA R R Y S tlie Hels iriitghtt ini front __ ___
t ii d b T f. Ilarr 's out11cliosed tile r
?~Il)) eoTaft ciiild get arond;l, \IIITAR1i( I KitI\ i'Ti Xi'ES
a_____d_________11-________(_________e_ latad iiinig noiiiie gilt ANt ) it\ NEIL CI'S C IORS18
Iliii' :t1chalice 1111Sc(c ii
1'<l~tle tlla e seveal att121pt a ilh e ii c Inlie) fheen lrt
lMoney Loaned sa1,aditiwstle steadliness if bitsiorsoiicity ereligriiat nto
On iWatcties,1111iDiamns. -w o)~. 11 tt e ns iiiiii tmeii s ta hutl * E
ar oher'persoailpret y., paterers mlt. Several mieiirssacliei 11,1111..after tecliii' tesoity J s
Watches and Jewelr rep ire . r: id i i I l there. ,lidl' i 11.held at 1a.ste rin
Bargains tn Watehes & I) a non ho Thero ig fur Michiiganuiwas leid ly i1 e_ iraiiiiic bieingi l crnaion
Office at residence 31' itbertLy S os:iiimBohrn ~t0Ls
Ann Artar. dw csiriits oif lie t1ats1 up ti iglitilig s'iiii _____________
Heurs: to 11:3t0anam.. 1to ta 30aa nih .to ;ci, liltuighihtie n wlierectireid friiiiu respoiisecs',Siargatret I M liiisiilaii. "Ai
. M. Castles andIid eals,"' HelenSi toiii
ALL BUSuNESSN IDEN TIAn L , gc 33 Ciliesiay stcruiggle aiiil frin
i l-cig.Phe 'Mortarboari ndri 1 1 vi yN ,"
JOSEPH C. WATTS iili*Ftloreces'Carey : iiro ulii l i l i
1'le ,Cor: t c ner. hss eon iiis iatd is The n w
\lei\n 1' iiit 11 iiO A L ki ,icillir .ctory' of the
40 10 purchase of
.I 0 4 1 0 0 - L1NliI T 1 'ANQ1,t1I"1' in-handi
_______________..4 01 1O and in allitt
Spr ng ats , . 40...... IO1 121 oteli tft i ll hoIlihe i n nua hats nd
S p r~t s 1r ros..""...4 i 14 I 2 0 buil et lioighti ii 7:,0Iii the li clsti-h
Post Cards ,r........4 0 2 1) 0 0 1hl iltiis.h i(i n hya
............ ...........4 iI4 01d0pce illatastatmse .Th niit n
Darling & Malleaux 35 212 27 14 0i.lihe Sw ift-\\ imuvul 111i-iiirt'-Iar
Syracu e. i At, ii: ii iiO A r s("lii a d 1ic ian e, D \
- ~ I i. Morse I.... 4 00 140 0 0 1111111111
I0-1 C\, .4..,OI TI O1"Ws al2loti iiirwl"Itf 1
Colg c,2b......10 0 040 11111 tiuia
.H G"-w ..1. ... .. 3 l-f .I.A~tAL R'S' JEWELRY-STORE, 2161 S. MaioSt 12 ii ii..... .. z o 3 ; 0 0 33" iichat's l hl,, ili?"C . .IIrd c
ip....... 3 0 0 1 4 0 Sleepintg garmienits -Paatns Y Vag
IC E: C ream 0 3 27 10 1 hcr & Co., State St. 70-5 .xT y
-Soda "hrebKs ht-Keltlev, J. Norrissey, Saior Wst, lruicvcs, alsooi>i l
.at. 1ae )thls OfB r ,Ofs Calpiea le'. cd iWEAlt flavor including Chocotate ,n . Stiriichk iout ly lar r 7, iiy
Ihutu\1'i iicti Strut1. Doule Kites-leiigti lh in lsuits.A WaInLI I
5 centsp 1 ViRaln oecr andul hiorrissey. Co., State St. 70- ntiscutyami
.33 e brc lheeler 3, htidluitigs. P<it- t C0 er o. fCl
WSie make tine bent Chncolate Soda .,eiirRiur -1truyouisriial sn 7 a s 0 n h"
in the city. cso. line 2o;). Cnpie R br- Srw ht ilalsyes nd sae, y
large' assorltmenit, at Ale'si 9-o
East University Pharmacy___________
12th thuCesiy h~gner& Co., Haheirdashers , Stile
Th_________________________ 'le .011iua f tile senior class at St Open eveninugs. If
V. of M. BARBER SHnop (C.se is isnliwn tic the "Differenttial." _______
J.%R. TROJANOWSKI. Prop.IeaiahtileiieficSe
-- ead bot(heill'ims Se ne
HT A-Ti 110315 iilioC\\ 1;Ni' ils Itis Ic(traidiiuui 'atHarvarid, Yale and today iattile Thiitouiriii. t
Ladles' andi 'itdri'i'si' ir ut i ng 1111 rnel lIthait allsenioirs shall ivear their-
vinitAkSSAlinA- n'eiaier. is 151ENTt104Fourth Avenue;t
322 S.SaeS.-.ir ~ ck e esiit~ ciis$~mlBh~ Two dccri south of
39Stae li. An rorMi c c lig gradutioni iday.
Phoneii35'10 lV<i h.niir & Co., State St. 70-5

To toad a Conklin Fountain Pen, just dip it in any
ink, press thme Crescent-Fitter and see ft fill its own
tank like a camel slaking its thfrst. That all there
is to ill No dropper-no menu--no bother. Bo it
anywhere-any time.
be fitted instantly without the least fnconvenience. You
.ld fill it with whfite kid gloves on withioat danger of
ing. Besides its convenience, is the splendid writing
dties of the Conklin-the perfect feed.
Leaing dealers hanitlo the Contlin. It ycsrs loeot10, craner
It. Prices, $3:00andtsp. Send atsoeohadsioooonewctaulo.
DConklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldg., Toledo, Ohio
a ou h orilSpring Scarf as a special introduc-
spring, we are offering a special
beautiful new Spring French four=
new correct shapes with open ends
[e handsome spring coloring.
Spring Shirts make their first bow
*e beauties. The new spring styles
[ Cap are here for your inspection.
e, Conlin B&cFiegel
NO AGlENTS tis ltetliiuo'itufatur'ecui ohs lshilldl(.,o 11
1)110 which 0111 (ox Sont's asd5'iViing at Nwr andiith
lhicagit. Any style at cown511inia cwide Cranigr ofimti l s muade, to
hit noie.
Prt...S$3.00 nap
MACK Cft Co.
[OND 011BuWatces, Diamo1nds, Isei'liy, hid alt
IiigilClans ChtulIand ('illtlSecur 5-
LOAN ity. Binfess stritlyconfidential1
opposite eciuct house.OfieHus8:0t113,1o;,7o81.
City Y. M. C. A. W. J. LOURI M

Moose-Nut Brown-Elephants Breath are three of the most
* popular shades in men's suitings this spring. We are well equipped to get out
orders on short notice. Prices moderate.
Used By The The Safety Watch Disc EE CUoiT'.'3R UI" Co '3'T'V
All the Bid u 10 Prevents Watch lOc a
College Nines Official from slipping from pocket.
1110y.iou tud n^ofhea At HIALLER'S Jeweler Store S'zpplied to College Men a.nnd
hg icolg game50ou1tithid ~ ~ The Safety Pocket Book Band Women~ for All PvrposesWlSW
hut tim kill aut 1 imallldalty __________________________FOLDER________
used s lithe t11 I' ICItAL lu .Isenl.nu_____________________________
AMETItgt.N LIi tfutf hBAtLI Special DsinRobber Door'
hutthe theni f- that a«ntiiiill use Ma u'uts ri.cu cs WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO.
PALRNOLYCOAY 200 Ea.st Washingtton Street
he R - Ba ll ~AMYRA, N.Y. --
'a<; ca,.at oct.ly>',ui a.u1.itshe ilhs 1bege alotd bynihec SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEIMY KEEP YOUR DATES_
11 "rih Lu lir tea'iiy i.>.iciic. ~c~t ege al N te
tho:.'e raetnsr okni ilaSporitatGodss a garanteretfqualty-it mans sais Bltl tt te Iiy carryig a copy of the MICHIGAN-
i~ao lew 'cticor yor noney basis (exept usa Baatinand Bat under tI$1.0)
AF Htl iiihiih li 11tl~it tilStfe~l isuITirc. ls. sxutANP. BOOK Ii your pocet. Space for e-
uaIaiuii.liit Iiv.ut1n I luca. Illis ad pinioso n9O Intl rdsCti sSa~idsy, t0 A. M. ..nd canda, calendar. special events, Uniersity mtatldte l e .uuu'With vo-
(5 45 erus eii'.ttuit,ie ois t ia. ucuvahueai ci'or binum. -7:30 P. M. CaeudrIn tis 1055page ook. (lven away PaentLeaherBels et at hacto
fet tal ae l ic'.'i iu'ita .hehoxri irecd.. r ceecpaxicep.rr.matchor sirt ori u se3ehi' d s
nuJ EAH rloii19111 alltal oginue -11E. to sudnt at the Univerity Y. M. CA. M- piece o ht xsumwh en ed or
A.HRECo. 7Ul Tp1AEPt.Aseby9ocok iinta.TEBELTCrs AFT CO.. BOSTON, MASS.



319 East Huron


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