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May 09, 1908 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1908-05-09

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L____________-f' AUVADJ2 IU'QDAVQ tiii tc, hut it it ;to OC~tttili th I Xato In
LNo11Iisi thJJUFJiilllJ the setting of tep h ch i recinteit
No SThelie DRAMATIC dmABILITYsl'italeatoni te
ines, bitt the slift it asi- cletveily made~l
SAVE TI-ME Vr rdtbePromneso that the smtittness of tihe action was Thcoeg
not inl theloeas t fcted. simtilarctarso- Standar
Shave yurselfBEFORE Pleases Audiene..A Distinct irn ihIonnisi ooe
you wait. Evidence of University Talent. \\ )r1ts hastbeen vticedot at the tidooti
H O W ?I it lI oto es gtcat cittitdy to local stagets.
wa iree td at flie Majestic thteater In t s-i- i-jg li the i lii rcii ii a s atwtolel
With a Gillette Safety ls-ngt 5the titialicen of the (Cecle it itt necssar o fa tll liitckittittia wtitoi
raci. Tice tot fotimaatc ewats tticq ictitein ph tate I and i lith to otiecoc
bought at f otesandard etl b t h etlcGermai re ccactsttucimoved1v'11 a siittt lntit tachithsil'
;tticnt tnte eccttentprdiuctioniHof awt [ileiic it eliti- Ill( ot llyt teligt- it
Q U A. K YKvon ltarnttlcit,' tandiwasiiait iil. If tlipls tutu ott they twere sit
ic eie c thtithtet tewly amuseto c lelyci co Ot tOO i litheti ortis taitheuy direr
;riit caiite it theI ic v~oersity i ccre ot apparnt to thei di ence
-, -x rn ticonettiti ftrtilt, Inidtat illy',th cli pii lobt itites o ft
h fitve tot comedycil gate ottrt c po i ic toiatto iet for th poductio
Money Loane O ahrdfeettp rmta endmntae.11 os a vl
On W4 bt~c5, tiamondsit tawt ots ttith oeetonaitotf Lestitg s mattet c it h out tto to p a iiicr vcriderlcsan
acnorioterie son aleproprty. ietandthe result tpood the set s ottio iiIo iiJ s
Waichno and I ewotry repairod ilt iof toe diltinttic.talettof the Uii t ll patstioi if tera
Bargsins in Wtatchesn&Diatinds o t itt-. "Ilit, c ar c"tiettndsnaihigh the- heo etittO oti f itt wo eni in tt
Offce at esidettc 3t1is. Litberty SItoittottiiithoa lketit ftito Yti
Ann Artbor. (f te trltysit conttaitis comtpa-di uineva ete ihu h ot
,AL u si~3c-io et - slV L uon eat i nitterptation t of the lines 'rite entire rort-celriflecttite
JOSEPil C. WATTS i ot ior rt iof the effect. Itliet cte it ttpot Piif. Ieza an th
. lzit the Ileaditng tote of .-iarc te i e t iltcoof te I]Tenh*dpr- The new
______________________________ o t isoe} :othto gate a i io titi t t o ute li at-it n epai ng tory of the
i~ hr cteistics if itlilage twithi a -tirocsan h ec tlc at caI , as t purchase o
tentn ttielig-oi cug. in-hand, in
It i ot ;1F'i tslios hniti fte ,c IX~lt t i t - n n a lt
and theatl
-"P. * Css -.l I probab ttly 'o-te tpiceb o utf t i-i iiuindividualii 'Its { Cit iii ii l? )i't I:T e e
Dar... l O& Mtl S i' h ors cuii 1 t ts us fitifee emc.' s i _llot lttti u . t l
ST~t' S~i~i';.i ietvii as to l t-i i it t cdiuug ite T he . iit i ortit ii ll- lii tcl t th it s- a d th y a
- Iek~1 n,(te ii itlt. i tti-t i Ito tiol ts ie t eito s l-forttt lthe ig tis i n i at n
fetto mxdNitioreeritt-oousto, l I\\()ss rear;tlago.
-- -cltpa tusico-th it-If- c ldinDeroti a- hR eospUnd.1
CAt' IEIYS o l legek-SS.Th;it St II ut s .\tti s ttt Eint e a ti(Ro tclto I. irlIIi lt o wit
I w ich ]its aptnessinticoll charcter-l t heir i t S ~tio fg illo S ISt
iiio w s truIttt-l Iv i ev iceeo-- - --.1R
IcALER'JW CreaO[ 21 S m S ie isssi tnd;Sootofas'coine SL s ticAI, -,slitlii t tt-jot BIJY
S o d a lrine ereenireyc pt~ltltsi. I tiNititit I, tI? -N J';II
Alt tavanttetuiwngr( 1 iiil- cfre tfongtysefcene tg-.-itii .tot _s-t
I C r a f lie i t toiouglyale dct titl I D, htititlitil s iii iii lltift i t ootfOnhe
inoi ae city l o i y- in ctroeof titine ,wit t i ~t tnic l ; so i aio heso
Eas U ivrsty isim cyi t v 'illit ii "lti ntig tle ellis i opsdo h haso h
Allflvos indui 5 ooae 1, eie. Th ahrlntyseestgr dp~t e t fal ltus
~~~~Y. ~ ~ ~ 1- qf . etB herR P t an1111 tultuis i ous tuc s u dl y th e I\\ s osuit f th oo nty:lil
J. S. T OJ N ISISK Pro . I iii i t ot ii oucitcsttt tius sli icu h miito i s i t w ict i s im tett 11W E AR111L '
-tilt I iiltttit t ttn58y$ ait
T Ilk,1 oles11 itt- li e ttuk iithe l tc and t i ttind e , i sie ert i lled-t o n cc u t f .0.K rniiof
it n~ t he ity . 5wel1flld b M ssr. yot-pt w stfrm rnyseithvieAnenuen o
Eas U ivesiy1Par ac ut-rtenutndtllo t mno ofeth e i i ii l l Iiii itO itT adnsaahn
322 wSl takeoar of.- --
Phne30 el ul rb r Iit . iti 1111ittllo iititsclhut ii ig t :t:oofs rhit denli ai I o- ", ft h.'ni rst

To toad a Conklin Fountain Pen, just til)a itntony
ink, press the Creeteent-Fillee and tee it I t ,itt own
tank like a caciaet staking its thiesI. Tb I'= all ibe
is to it 1 No dropper-no mnts--no bother. 13 it
anywhere-any time.
be fitted instantly weithout the least incniveniene: Vou
ld filt it swubh ehite kid gloves on witbhout dtanger 'of
ing. Besides its convenience, is tbe splendtidl writing
lilies of the Conklin-the perecfedlet.
Leading dealers handlen the o nkine. I youtin est notit, noer
f. Prcnes,$3.00andaup. hendatnoncteiouhndssmnuewootituisic
-Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bldil., Toledo, Ohio;
aTouch of Spring
Spring Scarf as a special introduc-.
spring, we are offering a special
beautiful new Spring Frenc'hfour
new correct shapes with open ends
hue handsome spring coloring.
Spring Shirts make their first b ow
re beauties. The new spring styles
ICap are here for your inspec'tion.
e, Conlin +& Fiegel
NG AGENTS of the ltisihtu ito tctnr ~ c fsad.
non, which ace Cos Soits an- ii ng f 'twYrrad x
hituanti. Any style ofi ow n aw i deranito
Pri,.. $3.00 aup
MACK Cft Co.
[N D On Watches, Ditmtntds, tentlugatndtr-
Hith Class Chtntel ant f .,ittitlto en i
ity. itasitiess stric.ty luistidcuitiou..
C~it Y.court house.Y.MC.AW.J O RI

Negligee Shirts -sleeve lengths to fit. Chamois gloves-washable,
Fancy Hosiery for Oxfords. EDO V * lD O Holeproof hosiery- --Guaranteed six month.
Knee length union-suits. UN4DERW EAR New golf caps.
Justin ew o-sacecolar, AGNR ( CO, SateSt.Summer weight pajamas.
Ju t n N e n -pa e ola ; A N E 8 O. S a e t.Ued2The -hSafety Watch Disc E L E C T R IC'u ~ I T Y'
W N 1 A " nocith tucuiuu ~t auoh 1.iusr li;,-.- W
Co$19Yf 3 .N'- eU.Q-, - E ATCHJItEPAit tis 7. A td N
f,<«operanet he ut uou1t uituutSvpplled to Collegie Men e.nd
big clt, watch. itliwteutstifomxfrAlPiro sS
thouttej lo SEND FOR ONE TODAY ion o emf rAl er o e W
ned t tin k-
AN~i hitudredfC ll Mei t 'ti (-i t
AML~~~t ingthtem.i ALSOTHEi FThYti BA ltNDI
bntutitliui-tceiuet ht WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO.
<:yPALMYRA N.Y. Zoo Zek.t W~.sig ~Sre
coileg- If h 1.11 t ,4sibetroath atpted by te-iEPiORiA E
'Sh eaciri,". 1s aguar n ieeofquaiiy-ii meanssnou- CiSati thStain Srcet B arigacp fteMC IA
acton, .atevi uit 1I so ino Bals and Bain under 500$hyccci.W op f h.M -IA
it It 51 bitrt M E fori~8- u ttTh o - ng- 11AN hI OOK iyorepacket Spce for ee-
ti h i-.ituandutphtsnai t 55 tin ES...,ICass.s sv day 10 A. M. seedLet r oanda, calendar, special eventsh, Uniecsity Patent LahrBelts Vetund-th eeto
ot aIl cuoudbyutat.T
dttcti rdrcrt octf p t'cc 7300 . MCalmndar in thint15t page book. Given away mth-ovr l~ et atluauckino
-°> -- TL10 STAshembly I e it M ]YilantHail. TE TE niuih. senuhinitordoCO.


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319 East Huron


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