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April 23, 1908 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1908-04-23

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N w i th li e PLAY IS CONTEST i "T'he Nationa Import* of ?Minna von
CF~ HONOR AND1 LOVE Fri day evetintig are cit sale at a's
-TO - VAVILLk from4 to 6c.
SAVE TIME Dr. Eggert so Styles "Minna vo The agog Micitiganecisian board of The College.
Banhlm i Lctre-o iscontrol weil meet at 4 o'clock Friday Stndard
Shave yourself BEFORE Brnem inLcueo t afternoott, in RoocmcE, Lawr buiilding,
you wait. Dramatic Technique, for the purpose of orgattieittg and setting
-- ~a tdate for tierelectiott Of a tmatnagintg
H ow? l)rC(actl E. Eggert lectured ott "Thc editor attd btsitness mngr
lrt iiattilce Teecniqtte of Mfinna von -
With 'a Gillette Safety 15it ulicltti yesterday afternooct, discuss- Scat sale of 'I 'At are' till otteti atca
Majestic tox officeottilMayntardl striet. ou
bought at cingttecpl'ay front. a techttical point of opiposite Schttol of M\usiic, text Satttr-ol
v iew. Titstvas thte secotnd of a seriesdamongato'cckAlasciequ
o- f lkctture sott Lessicig's conte wy.shichltA cnctttlcy emers tmayvpreset tiecets ,at thtl
V U A R Y S iit 2reeted:by th:e Detttsclccr Ver- tite ncdolblttnittreecdas.dr
"I in otc Barnheclmc, Lessingpr I. OSl'.TAyellowlahrpcebo h
____________________________________ ceded aolccig to dlefinite prittcilels," coctaicticig $t12,cetwteenci o'celickek -
totd Dr.IEggert. "Be tdeciede to makedanihadnonledsa. etr '
Mloney Loaned lhe exaggeratest idea of great virtete ab- 802 Mloctroe. ocrcihotte t1t1t4-J. anttre-
Ott WatcttestitatmondsILateBootstt surd. TIeplay iscc contest betwveen cetveereta~rd. -.7
cm ottte tersal propetrty. honr ccittlore." __________-Just
Watches and Jewelry repaired. tite IEggerItipatised olitcomtment ottn ' oLc
Bargains in Watches & Diamonds techacracteristics of te Gertntsto
respct ic tottoor. "Thte idea of hotnor," ic'lts fteitetg c t
Office at restdencen331t E. Liberty St lice scid, "is layicig told of the German toscttie lRo's\ttcI
Ann Acher.isnwosaeabots1nschu.
Hoars: te tt:30 a. i.. t ta 4:30 andi7ts peoptle. It is ieeystrotng with thtetm. Comce icc atndlliecie it. 47-30
9 P. m. 1Hlunderedls of Gertanats arc said to cont- _____________
AL BUtSIES CONFIET~ItAL cut sutieidle cannuailly' becatuse of slights Ns slc itt olci c u
tOEoC WTS c their hconor. IHoccor has left a deep papered. decorated oricted. u t e The new
(nacrk ctn te Germcanc people. Lessicag mcaltincg special pricesi. Yourcreiis
_______________________dcliiberaitelytried to maake it ridiculocts." torBtM'o &('cofultcichce
1SH T gg~ert discussed the complete- 2good, toryhsofth
ccens ccithlchlcethte Germnts, before 21.c ucaeo
ALissitig. hid heectdottinated by lice Icv od rpscoc1oofrt n-hand, in
'~' S POON S FIthaveiacgooliterature.iBe toldfofr1to
Frcil cieiatue. whicholdeofrteoneocor two stucdentls where they ecacoaler and in all t)
teehncl priocipforstwhichoatcFenc their college expcenses. A small invest- The new
G I I T S hyeice dow Icer saaic copsihinettis reqitired.'\Varrent H. Smiithi
TI e cot fccct f1c:al: real estate atid insurace, AtticArboir and they at
j; POSTAL-CARDS ccci actcinI Ie leairciecd fromc the FrechtSiig in Hats and
j,' but ~lie wa s indpnent.Heras tryinig
u ~DARL[ING & AALLEA1JX c to e awaycjfromccieliceria that lice char-
S STATE STREET actel s situlcd ill he icobles. Weancing
themci front 11cc'Frentccaslitercary niocl-
I , iec turnecldcccii towacrdl the Etig-____________
Coll ge Iir.I 5isrt gcave ac brief resumtie of
thecalay, I stoppitg freacictim othe1 iime for
St i s in tslti~eting cetls. IisdciscutssicngR u
Steiis iilcciiinasservcant, whio tail a nc iesci-
IIAILLE'S JEWELRY STORE, 216 S. Main StIrsseer iceicr six ceceks, acid Tell-
I r ccvl iiiho lecamcped i thcliihis
wadoe escid. "This slhie's Itcat ltce ' OFFICE HBOURS
r , , ser cccprol cicis ccciless seriouttlu
if h tccc'now."dextti" ExCutive Committee BUY 'Y1
lcccccllorclCounty Fair Carnival Wl
All flavors incleiding Chocelate e sai. ithe eas ire ecforcedilchl
thIsm ctdy. 'They tire of greati citt- \V 'AIELt LI
.0c3'! ts sqec' itakinigBccliii lhe saifest 4 to 6 P.M. daily ini tiscoutrtyta
Iag iycay ice tight, for i controls WC. uKtrt CoIi .C
'We sake the best Chocolate Soda f cciciitccl.iool, AnAbolrs ld
to the ct.posinlcriialy oo 9 An rorPesclgca i itt t retnc
II. ?let iaigramcciicmied eictiont ci
Et University Pharmacy th ciay'swig tce positionts of lice
it si tcs tr tiestancd climiaxces.
____________________________________ le commcccetedoil lie lenigthcacid cc-
V.Of M. cellenceote ii'expositioct whlichc occtcpie'.
Babr 'hpand Bath Rooi he lie rst porionic of ltce comedy. Les-MO [
Evcsyth nit Fiivt-ce~ss pried, 104lFoith Avcen cue;
Largest Shopa ins tha City IPcof, Winklcer wcill deliver te last Two duars scoutccf
J R. TRtOJANOWSKi. Prop, leectire ofite series thcis afterncoonc at

To loada Cocnklina Founctaict Pen, just dip it in any
ink, press the Crescent-Filter and see it fill its own
.tank licke a camel slaking its thirst. That's all there
is to it! No dropper-no mess--no bother. Doc it
anywvhere-any time.
h e filled instantly withoot the least inconvenience. You
id fill it weith wehite kid gloces on wvithcout doinger of
lig. Besides its concvenientce, is thce splentdidl sriticig
alities of the Conklict-thce perfect feet.
Leacding dealers tiancdle teOCokinu. If yosi dosies ccct,orer
;. Prhces, 53.00h ind up. ed cit eo icecforh cnsomecon'wcataloge.
eConklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bidni .,'Toledo, Ohio
a Touch of Spring
rSpring Scarf as a special introduc-
tspring, we are offering a special
fbeautiful new Spring French four=
inew correct shapes with open ends
he handsome spring coloring.
'Spring Shirts make their first bow
re beauties. The new spring styles
d Cap are here for your inspection.
ie, Conlin & Fiegel
INtl AGPN'Siii te din'. S ctuetl'"a>an ov
att- wic' h tiledi'ttic ns i'andiini n fNev or an th
Civcaec. Atty styli'of i(c\vcit in i der n ,o Ilaei'sIae
Ps-baa $3.00 sop

D cdi 5'fat ics iicccuiicids tie. icy aii li
LOANED iiOnit Wtches.iitamdct aicidIiiaty, Sem
ti hCEs tt ati n , llteu it stBu iess sccii ly cti dtittl
opposite coducthdis.

Shirts for warm weather
Exclusive Patterns. $1.00 t Etclucive Patterns.
Sleeve lenths to fit. L$1.00.J Sleeve lengths to tit.
tnt WAGNER ea CO.I
3119 i05 SateSreetitofte ig white'shetc.
FIELDERS" Rowe's Laundry E L E o TrR I .'w'Tw.Y
Wiledowode.sceniars makig yuna 326 N. Fiith Ave.
Sutetity playtr.i(t oa setchueasy Supplied to College Men s.nd
cran cctaitpctt tc nthigh t 0c ac to$am o New Phone 45t Bell Phee457- owe o l apsstf
THE _________for__A_________________
-hi ac. i8LLCa..Saesdy,0 .M ed W S T N WLIGHT & POWER CO.
reelit ui..'euii ocucetcc 5is eccintllthetdig inercoleite goames 730 P.M. 200 Esist We.shingtonSre
Endorsedrby al tcgi ttuedLm td aAssemly 9 'cloc'k.
the Ofiial Batlcof t i Ameieecan tLe'gue.
duy a espy ofiR.c'Iti Oci0FICIAL """ - ___ ----'-'__________________________________-_________-___
tASe. dcci.ttUILE,. r cuc5A ud gt psted WA KING LOO KEEP YOUR DATES
Alsocht to c IAittt o tec-i orm' t is, Ir
* isic~s, ci 'ece~iyW tt 5ce. Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant Ly aryng a epy cf the MlCHIGAN Daily Subscriptions Now Due
oc+t.irseeii 5picigCc.!a Chinese Fancy Dishes, Ameriean Lunche of HANDBOOK cnyor pce. Space for mem-__
ds'fc cc d e C ,c, te a-u sd eci "~ e cc ore n athns vrt~gfetcasIr oranda, calendar, special events, Uilvesty
~frecci cu/, u inc lades 'nd gentlemen. SbctLostkn Caendae in this 150 page bos. Given away oecp estkndy cci, ceckl, draft cue
t, aehatt Ctaoge Fi'tE I-wite for iL . Chinese and Japanee Bri-'-hrac in sudent at the University Y. M. C. A. Mc- moey order.
A. J. REACH CO. 172T TULIPS.. Pilosasesi 1A. IStairswe door S. Huston Bros, 314. Sate St. Miln Hall.


319 East Huron


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