Go H. Wild COfipally
Our Spring ig clingic-filite
Imported and Domestic
Is nosw ready. Itiin cudi all
the latei st ) ticr, hades
al(1 Up-t -tl -) 'i:I vtericill
Moose 1:roiwni
Cariboux Can,
L eather Shade
(rays vndf
Fangfcy Bluea
Your p ic t;:;.z tulic
soii'it '
G, II. Wld on ay
31tSoth. i c t ii!
G e t :Z_.:2 .-:s:s.'n.,.a4+o"Ml r
cI e tckii ll X boccth cil
Wil ht - DV-to
cciiS lj li
cdlliii i it(
$ISO Ii $8 ~ 4
clicJ i i c
toi ciii,
Sheehn Co*.
THE MICHIGAN DAILY. 1 i ii c"- lclidose Nvas crteptatdacid
- tencameiithe- Conficrencciscrcggle aci
lcaniii tiiii Idiior- X1cinvcc h. R'ciiit. ci s important -all giscc heuleicd ccri
Buincess Managcer-C. 1E. XINSorcso.thos Keitthccictccict cSel())".-andccit cig
1~ th sta tic cci i-iccicti-h s ad . Stieti-
EDITORS ;ln. c f i mw ibeyondI the Xttcjieiies i llit
kNvs. ..........(Sccci c Xi cn c -iiucl icc- hrcicintoci thel fcuir-cmiilerelay
Athlieticc ..........Lee A 'Whtitteani cby ithecitiiceic c-c cciii cccocescthe
F, cchanige. It... ...H.Johnic Wanctolci XciieaticcciictcItsinii forgt tha
=ilcic ....c .... . . 'Iii It). X ecic ii ci i cc cc ciclil tiorlc -ciatiuic ccci
.ra aj.. .. ... .. ..Do al11. Htines th iric- n ( ticparty for thel easo
XWiciiects Editor.. .. Loisie Vani Voorhcis neia c turdc c incccatincee.pirfcrmancce
EDITORIAL STAFF ( itc\1 c tai thceiiipccri
'Russcll 'Mic~landcicitaiiit i ciiii ca ci ter itic IS it-clry XXicowc
NIGHT EDITORS hasan te n,\-cery iedoilh
k vc ccciii X citiic Icoiiiiiii it. I-t ii ciio i liiipresented ccito cciitse likeinii
'd. 1B. Mci lgic J. H. Prescott' ci.cciic ic _iicca
A. L. Hainline Robert Mountsier ccci. Sicct lectureiccncthe- ciii ti
LcowelltJ. Carr Docnald L. Kicnney 1 cii ccii ce cd- ra-cnii i cstrcccaccciv cote
XWccter K. l owers Lous Kraft iccic ci i c ciiiicciitctgc
LevisT. Kcistkercn Robert Morelandccit sol h rltal nth ih
1aul;reer Sacmuel H. Morricscit thecampus.ccc-Theiiscpcakeri cmaidiccno!
tXtoEcngel Fred E. tGoodcccg buttc iiii .tec cticctcmatterl cof
Thc-o i'. (Ciciper tI;. i .'C. XXiliamsiiiic 19 iii. i ii ll iigcii. T
Ili,;cu ~asi tslfctico cii c is cci e. che
BUSINESS STAFF Fii cc- icci ccc ~rlc~ c it cictic-ici- ccciiy-'
John P. Wurz Carl H. Adam c-ci c ci
taroldi P. Gould it .v. Sotnciof the ipr cdict i c ee i,
hiti jiciii ccii lhirt othersc iccre tbright,
Addtress:cICIIHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg., snappyCilevicrsacticres o in -ctpcrccry
Maynard Street c iiiicgchethr ii ic tIci se.
Manager's Hours:c 1-2 P. 1n., 7-8 p. m. v ofcth ccwciimascricsccacncd
dcily, except Sucnday. Both phones cc cocthm cce cccibuttiey gccvc
_ al mutetforrI crtin i farmciiicl itercirv
aiv i iiwitci c ud ohiie h v
1,11 ccittXX I ilt cc ichliil ccare o ccii -tIctoo
hr ccc ic cli ci' c lcircid ccciii (cccii
'riiitic i;ifit.:;
iiri ii1 i i i ' IC' cut th rIscc raily no ccl
61WhM(Alite_<m hssqado sn i\, iiicccliiiitiiiif ascilarccinatlvii
sho ld iici pod cd. i erisi cctioc.
} iit t in i i p - n o s ceiil i i c e e t e p n o t i e t l n
tipit ilcciear'scnaneiia1 ta ntctha (tI
V Xiihe raion f'I' XXI mteia
cTheiAilcai icccc i Xi cctic ihei ei
ctI eparcc -ci tmet. io it leigai-
withit Prof. P G. N ccc iccscotibuit-
edi ai iccg article uicncic.iii /cc cPctc.
clivtcofiMcdtc'ciie a idiSucciiycciiidt iti
cartictle ccr cciii o f ite ino e ccadutesii
Ti'woce diiis iiiisiiccalitrit dccii
withc tiec- nt'c arciii terii ii ubanli
Thei cifir t ftecdi'cs'sci'temch
the Ann civic-icciiceisand cme.;to theccc
conclusion thatithecsystem i . Tic
seic'ndctaktisitectin cithic' eralof
spic alcle ccc clai mingii ticic l peicic l
studentc vet noi ccetaorinary riO ci
cpciicstuidentin theliiiticaryccciit
tnle. I-Tl cfirteitccionhsibeeni icoldi
and asecond is hciii printed.
:Mr. 1. M-Cii chriiiiant, asistantinthecc
gie a, cetrtii Iccicic undec-cc citcc auisii-
pcsc-ic. eXl. (icc- ea u h I cci ci c cc itic-
AdXiiii cci 2cnts. .
thu frers enc c'taiictioni i liihe ciii
XcI icic-ceiciiccii ic--ar ic due and a} - liiiat
one. 'icc-cc c iccoc-i-c cci ctcccccc. i -.
cuns ad te-cmcicacc-c requeisicd to cc cii
to tist atrAdesccccii cttc-c.iyi ii
iiocitci.IRocccI AnXciii XciPcci-
Iltit O idc.1ci--iicc 2 o . mi. dailti.
J. X. 'cci tccals. l~uiccccs SiMgt. li-S
XciiiXcrbor,'dii cch.,-pri 22 p8
XndrusMrs Gace.i I Ic ir R XA
Eleanor.'cHlstadiAl-II SIt c tlnlccacnc
'uis (Cltistincc Johnsncci XiiI- Inh
'Kic ci Xi I MissdCrolyn, cc''tccc Mr,
1AcIccI. c Xi IMrcscFi ciii11Smih CccccAiic
XXde Mcciii hompsonI MrsXCorli liusi
Foreci--Caci ciiccic ta i cc. 1Gcc
ble Mc, Jochni:Dctirs Xl ( 2.
li Kicccichrikl1c iicic Xciioccsi(rC
R. Rese MsiHi ry Iis icittctHXXXXal-
Ie Mss Idv, ills ccciii.
Buy a citiLindon'sc2c foricc25c icc-c
colicied posccciccardcccl _46c-5
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Court Mai'Idccrs
Tennis "Galls
Ten niNs
Tennis AIioes
Official Fnns iide
tic wr - iiiC
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C . Aa A7it7L
Tel 761, iX 1. i
Ivry 4 s"s
Diu cwhtforiIS ciciciccheisoih
1 lp c mmthe assd o t t aii i c
ccicl c ho h ignscoXt et --c
T ,111,icx Icics cit ntic cicci c - c
ilitTm wee ealy till11c11beind cthei
ii ci 1r Aiciic , ca taciio thc lubi i
iiivt Xtiicidoncg ondeis iichc cli
h ii c ccfiis itie pace i-a XX.'iiciiii
_iswr bm iici5' ti'o cch Miichic
cc ye rsiag ,c Iliisit had ccccli t radcc ci-
ic- c-iccllege ihnors oft hel Nvesitii wer.11c
tri'M ii 4rael. r111'iw 3X't'11111-
i tiil rci liii cclii ii i iiccii-
i>> iw"u.1o f, 'ci lic Ril. - -a
Sic.. Tav iS eic- o iiin
I "CLi i cclii ItheC~m1ns
Qcc witch ihe cwilicsc Ic
ofi wiihiii th cc upo tciict Palicic
l~r cii iinc iii tc~ci diii ti Icticai
t cand is c ii ih ii ipciii i
ii i iii ycc dco -()n iiiiii cciii 5ini-
Chicago recriiil centersiii arcc
i PAftI N ' S A l)1KG 1
The Largesitaica- i teWor-ld3
of Off (ci At iti ie
Hase Ball, loot tennis, BI aw'e
OficiailaImpticici c in - cod ! 1 icd DSpots
Uniiaormscforii1 -cc ScCus1 cciiiaic-y
Ilutrated ttoaiaiaiac codcccmaisnu
l1ticic ::ci . cii- cii cyc n cic,'isCucS
bueg. i'hiiadtciic. i ia, c ici icic11 ti-
wire. tWashiingon . is acc-c c l c-aod, (
Newe Orleans, ideic-ait. iicccccC-o ancada.
I ar coIii ii 'c ciicl. ciTeseccenlids iillic'c
c'11) fn1 oii cc liiiapparatusi- chic cis
bats, lld oth r fciitc~is or th'c ls
ofcttics ic-cu-iOf p -ice-c~tccli disc-u
t te c mar in -.sicgcclcg thits 5iitlict,
has collcted-tieda iittclction'i of
cldsinteU its Stcatescdeacing- i thccii
cccthis ciine Xwok.1genealc dmcc io
o C t. il hecc- c r.--c-c.
Xt1ci c C om (ciiyi Fallcic tcarcic sc
ech.ii I ccciii46-8
l~titi i. ic ii t li
lMtt tit ~ i t
Al.~NlIl I)
W MXAIZs() .I), lessve
r' ( y
j t ,[S
Fl'r, Coraoo,-ts - ,,j
Msy 13-14-15-16
Frederic-k A. Sthoki, tConduetor
CHORAL UNION (300 VOICSAbrA.talyCod c s)
P.-lraalpod lChoral Work
'Creactui" - Sl-ayuci.
:Facust" - Giounoidi
ides. Coineica deccr-Klesev
'i-iurcihay ouchSatucrday Diveningo
M1mec. Erniesthi e ciuican-SIfeiii - I
Contra~cltoi Wed, and I-ri. Eveinig-,'
Miss l.aneti-iiceir,. hociricido
Fri. Aidernoou ncidSat Evreni-
cit. c Eccard JohnsonacTenrna
Thur -e, i nd Sci. Evenings
Ale. Cde d'Ciccucighamc, IBaritone
Sturday Esening.'
Me. EarleiG. KillteicPBaritonce I'
Sturdaciay Evinc
ihe. Ii rhiectithirspoonc, Bassc
Iicuecuay acid Saturdayy Evenitn.''
ir. h.. tieMare, I-'tei hIorn'
Friday Afterncoon,;
Aile. L. L. Eliccuclc.. trgaucist
Ss-ilicesdcsy EDei'r icn
Seasicci 'iicl'ketst(ucri'i'a-d$3,
e~>>'lcic Is rc-s-crs-c-uI $4, $S, $6
19cc Saicc-at'-
School of Muic r
ie Students' Lecture Associto
Thursday, April 30, 1908, at 8:0() P. M.
Reserved Seats - 50c
All seats will be reserved.' Tickets nmay lie ccii- cci at lice
Box Office, University Hall, Monday, Tuesda' e',V'ccici cjv7andc
'Thursday between 5 arid 6 P. M' and Thursday licto eel' 7 and S
P. M. Michigan State Telephone; Univer sity IExchii-a 68 it.
1 0
\ 12 Ashnto he Randall Studio, R andai &Pack, Prop.
Phone 598