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April 08, 1908 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1908-04-08

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G. I. 'Wild Comfpany
Our Spring 198 line of fine
Imprted and Domestic
Is now ready. It includes all
the latest NOVeties, Shades
and Upto-D~ate Patterns in
Moose Brown,
Caribou Tan,
Leather Shade,
Grays and
Fancyr Blues.
Your lpatrontage respectfully
G. H. Wid Comipally
311 South State Street
Hackett &Alexailder
is scitifitcally "Perect Osval"
tmodlIthetstrainttol 'trlneig
ts Ievely lstttr i tvr te
fratetis the beast ever devissed.
ctates inswterproofCae
Sheehall & Co.
Student Bookstores
A. G.
& BROS.~
The Lartest Manufacturers in the World
of Official Athletic Supplies
Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Oficiot Impnemeents fnr Troth and Field Seert,
Ueniomns bfor lSort. Spaldin's lHndoelney
Ilnstrated Catoguee o attsports continn-
meossugeetiosSendorsnit.-Is free.
Now Yoti, ititiagoS. iLuiis, Sn traniso,
Minneapolis, IDever. Btottlo. Syrcune, Ptt-
borg, Phitiioelpthia Boston, Cincinnati, ~at-
toore, Ivashlttgot, Kansas City, Cleesnd,
New Orent ouo, ontreal,Osanda.

Mantintg Edtor --Acl e F RTCIE.
Bussttess Mangr-C . INSWTsxrs
cs . .......... . iram S Coda,
Athttetcs...........Lee A Whie
Exchanige .....H. Johna 'Vambold'
dtitsic antd Draa.....Ry D. \elch
Wuotaen's Editor..'.. Louise Van Vooris
J. W. MCandless Elmer C. Adams
George H. Hobart Leottrd C. Reit
Chauncry Boucher B. G. R. Williams
Raymotid Vissher
M1 B. Mcl-rtgl J. H. Prescott
A. L. Hainline Robert Mountier
Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney
Waeter K. lowers Loti Kroft
L.ewis T. Kniskerit Roert Morelnl
Patti Greer Sauel H. Morris
Otto Entgel Fred E. Goodig
Therotn P. Cooper
John F. Wre Carl H. Adam
Hoaroldl P. Gold
Address: MICHIGAN DAItY, Press Bldg.,
Mynard Street.
Monger's Hours: 1-a p. i., 7-8 p. m.
dily, except Sunday. Both phones
'. to I C itli t, P IL 8, 19o8.tiil
it' 1,1.;5( DAT' ICi't T'ttl\' P111 li lt','ttiit
tiwltecurelt recntily, gtilillbilBtilerii
'llttc so G l i tt iaupo 'Iticit otUnlit
lerit} lii1dtte Drama111"eihalis ieleteileu
Cxstleco teri" lit frontititandlil
poin loiManyit' ill Illiill is itaile
Yett.ctho he llratewsei.litrilthetiti
itt titeplilthir ewr otariu
i.t'llbthe olitnthttionbtiweentwoit
istit leics JilgrielltneJaetttsl
(ol ii l lt.'c luit'retwtlmluchltlii'
Icili ulilltl i il. ttre ttile
playe sliie itte ifth tyttieaColeg

ille ofrtrtsptteitn, whitcicrteatllize
thei 111r1ecet'tetial actors ill cotlitp slie
pato le iwrier.
It ee s eretsc eaeli th1111t 'ltn a
drai cs canilut'iiusn 11t l cii' ul tot'tti any t i
onoiilvirigt.Ibutt' tt'chariiacter' il
teamanosililiesinthelit ii'ellis
areto ik ~elltte.' t'tiitll ie't'her lis lachtr'utho
il b thexre esof ticli illut nseit tilis
who1y ight1111Itwecnine..llatlllouill'ef-i
1111111 tiltigt opera atdtscrealing farcet it.
111.11 tail o l t 1111 1111 t aniifwi c s con-e
centrte or efortssoley linthecls-'
ptter ofli th ac ltorsltiltai e ce t he~t i
itrs li iill 'ings camiiwi tlllibli it-l
edi liito ohfwad mchi haisi -rt
and admirtablein itiitheoerlillett. i
iy c1m11111 our1tandalirs.11" liteti
lilt tilt. haeperean isCot
Ii' llp iitic>imanti of'tl111ti imayibe tlt ilti
1111111elig boted.li'tn'I''il
soti it h more it ssi ca 1111 c1 ios are
alon 1e 1 p sib sin ceiil tit istarii it ltt'itll
Fortheserou. midideoe 's of'ce
th'sp' l shrp~ine lt'erecsldli be1111te
m'or'-tidali ticLtt' cli 'lilt raast olseli
lait o i e t f te hih r at fr s
'thekinglyoesis-iitofltethe "comitipeall
Ti lcict s .'llltltl t i uhlgteriiltems
st''.fi lilithe b illostsatsacily.lechT
aliitio lll '1 th e t ugltie I . s ita ter
1111111 tcpectI sothe ar-he e rtiet

titletseoilectu rest.'Tile aItlesies tire-
sired iinformation,. hid a1 the stmeitim ile
liave ltinletithe audienle to receive:
(;erma ol.tilii tiiraidlt atid coistiels.
Tis is a1115ompitiilitsmlentIinllihelnbc
1111111ncd ude tltile'as t. ar 11l11'
'1ii1 iutheui ion11111 i mp r r h r
fIusic ana Mrama
ofic I'l '1111 111'n ilt lttllltisn tort'y foriits"
concetsl. 'ielieuorllicue he
vili det adl iolueis 'd palue o
uel 1 litLcoodIil~t liappearwith lir
hira ItuiIll b iile 1p lae bySitutl lLock-
v111111 situRov h). 0\'ci.
It it sot: totrgegifrom101putu5 cuan

as ila co impo sr iiiii I l~ t' t iutti liii'
tiies 'ho liaruge Iof.subjtci tid al
1111111 lu i''t'ercse:v'ersatlity,'atnd
aniticte'd iiwuithintileest.
\]r s. tLockw'ooduu Itwls hleard'uionlce' on
Facility 51111ctelt ograms. I ler11payillg
it remembereudcls'h tithiiliple's'1e1111hut-I're-
aperneislwelitomte. 1R111'1). \'elciu
las lt app .uuhsetateditefore illFaclulty esun-
stlt. 'Fit.' t willplay 'tis'geuis-e l Dvora
in mel'ancuuhol atd jhilyt s et-uuulodii'ie.
The luemallinder' 1111fjtly liot-del1is llt'
by~ Alberlhuc~t l~ctoh. 'lits Dai'isuwill
Clelhrmtic IFan~ltia 11111 luguic (Illcit)
-Albuert Lockwo'odit.
811111tIa. PGlimajor. Op. uoo-aiiegehueiso-
lutu, ti.l.tuuhelli ichiestotfinlte i()DvoratkI
-Rot' D. '1etlchu 111111Sait leP. Lock-
hilulcas ( long11111 f'ioimtoPhiutim1111111
t"lgitl, 1) mtiirnd 'ttuPotlihilse. I
intor. (01). I(Kotek) ; I tuuu aii u, aJri1radMs a uel Lock-l
:kDeam ofil ov ec.I Lolie Thtte, Suit
uiel's1S11gtDoloties".A VictoianhLyric
(Hla htlh)-WuOilliam tHoyth~land.
Fanlllhihtt'CAP. 49 (ICiopill).
"We ~cAre King"'Itwas phlyed toiasmal
holl atthe lIst-is uthtitne 1ait uiglt.
Il~hilttuCarrl'l, as khinug iof Kalhtul'
illiciftIihoseitmtuhicalh kinlg'domsl of
Eurpe ll' valsel'.te lillytpleasiing-i'feauture
if tile prul'lctionu. 'Thte lremalindert''of
tue Comptianiy lolls.'.tcondt-clhass 11111 thi'

Anything yott need oys,
from a 16 pound Hammer
or Shot, to a pair oh Spike
Shoes or Chamois Pushers.
Every article guaranteed for
quality and price
University Bookstore
Not ony 5cr 6 cep ones,
LutI a complete linke
oh the latest models
in~clutdintg all the est valties in
Eastman Kodaks,
P rermo and
Ca meras
$1.00 to $78.00
tthotuugt x litiib usissi'
ZPortin~ig 508
ilelas,'hut h I su it
ltluI'tht . w~s.111ill ilitomt tu eiltei
ARNOL'S and11o1 luu i i Ililt u'iiu-
luortaully a01111 tiiu e ult s'tl.lQuikt
lptll lhSpeuiaulit iwithu
WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler
ittiSiiutu Mainu Stret

ยง I I

01in glome?
Pillow Tops All'
Pennants I eue
Novelties Rdic
Co-Op Store

FI-,r. Conrnrt.
May 13-14-15-16
Irderik A. Stoic, Conduetor
CHORAL UNION (300 Voices)
Albuert A. Stanley, Conuduntor
P.-htnlP.1 lCloa iWork
"Cr'eatioun" - H an
"as" - Gontod
Mr's. Corinne Rider-Kelsey
Thursday and Saturdhay Kocutitigs
Mium Ernestinte Sehentan-hteitk,
Contraltou Wed. ansd Fri. Eveings
Mists.J snit Spencer. Contralto
Fri. Afteenoon anid Sat Cutting
Mr. Edtward Johnson, t.eor
Tiur.tFrt, and SatC Coenings
Mr. Claude Cuningham, Baritone
Mr. Carle G. Kitteen. Borituo
Saturday Corning
Mr. Herbert Wittierspoon, Bass
DIunyn td Saturday Evtentnugs
Mr. L". te Mare, FrenchlitHrn
LL.iine,.Friday Afterntoou
14r. I. .-ewcOrganist
Wednesday Eveoning
SuasnsutTickets (nnreseved) $3,
Season Ticetes (reserved) $4. $5, $6
For Sole at
School of Moaslc


Ihe Students' Lecture Association
Brander Matthews, April 6
Single Admission - - 50c
Gov. John A. Johnson, April 30
Simogle A dmission - - 500
TheSuet'Lecture Association


121 WeshIngton E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props.

Phone 598

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