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March 27, 1908 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-03-27

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H .I 'H16t.N D.AILY

G. h. Wild Comfpally
Our Spring igoS line of fine
Imported and Domestic
Is now ready. It includes all
the latest .'Novelties, Shades
and UptoDa te Patterns in
Moose Brown,
Caribou Tan,
Leather Shade,
Grays and
Fancy Blues.
Your patroniage respectftlly
G. H. Wild Comfpally
311 South State Street
Alits-- Glovs-Balls-Bats-
int fact everything ieeded for
the quime can tbe had of us.
onl ae sle that the price,
the quality, and the design is
good if it comes fromt
Shechan & Co's.
Student Bookstores
A. G. -
S PAL D I R O k pp~wog
& BROS. A.6'
The Largest Manufacturers in the World
of Official Athetic Supplies
Bse Ball, Foot Ball, Oof, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball. Hockey
Oiciat Ispraemets r Trck and Field Sport
Unitormss o al Sport. Spading' Handomely
Illtustrated Cataogueofotlliisport contain n
merosugretions. Sendor it.-Itsr.
News Yrklceast, Rt. Loos, an Frasscisco,
Ntiioeaploits Dtosr, toffalo, Syrcuse, Ptts-
burg, Pttttadlplsta, ostoss. Cinintni, Balti-
orte, Vslitgbont, tKanss city, Cerland,
Nrw lrirns, Dtirt, Monral, Canada.

Mtanagig Edto--ARCHtR F RTecIE
Business Managr-C EWINSTEAD.
Ns.. .. .......Hirm sS Costy
Athtetics-.............tLcc A Whitt
Exctange.....H. Jottn 'Vaibold
'tinsic and Drama.....Roy D. Welch
\Wotmets Editor... Loise Vats Voortisi
J, W. MCandless Elmner C. Adams
G~eorge I. Hobart- Leonard C. Reid
Chauncry Bocher B. G. R. Williams
Ramsond Vissther
X. Bf. McHughi J. H. Prescott
A. L. Hainline Robert Mountsier
Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kitney
WatrK. Towers Louis Kraft
Lewis T,. Risisern Robert Morelands
Paulf Greer Samuel H. Morris
Otto tEngl Frett .. Goodisg
Theroit P. Cooper
John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam
t-iarold P. ould
Address : MICHIGANa DItY, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours: I-2 p. i., 7-8 p. m.
dily, except Sunday. Both phones
FRIDAt~lY, .\l.NlRCll27. 1908.
lher' will lbe'a lDaili soieatth
t'nill totltigttof t0to'cloc, te tct
WX. lalker. l mombs ccof thista.if
loite 11rosectitng' attotcrny ttie its-i
cititii 5551tecses' aginst .thle stsietst
efote it is ttttiured dn. 'Titrettes.t,
ott, seemss tic to lbesificieit svi
dentes'thatte ctients'ofllntsn il(It'
dont :demtttttdtiditt tecaele lpushsed
to a.psei'tcutiont. Whilie te ielieetha
fir. Sassyer is sicere ii tic belief tti
it is his ltittsduts to 1biltg tie ifen
stuiensso talt, it iu itt totteistin
cos it.ts etmtanttd suchatuio. It
ian tesppgtloedtht i\IaXyor HuI r
si i avt' less atiousttt lthe tt
inteI rests of ts'ctmtunsit cas ciiwhtole
httwell setvedtian'is icr. Saucver. ? tr
cni iesblicee that tieimatoriroul
tsIle ltriiitet such ta letterlt tote ose-
cutor hit less he felt ttta te wsettx-
prssigthe sntimentsof Nunsargiesmar
ijo iity f te rpope ociAlinc Ar1bor. s
le seen thatit rellyr exists. Whabevrc
',i fri.-iiilysfeelige has eitedc is tati

tile dircttriicic andii Iof its iim eiitiec
rslt. Timeil'hs p ri ttediiii itstic l to
lo Upon theii holei Iaffai iiidffrntt
liht.lvXecaniitiikiiit clhis
no.Ihschi ii' tei' ii I 's'sicoil 1o111
te n ivr sic' a liii 'fie ity at hear t r
tio f'i s qil uarreiiI l i s bc ilin a r
tilt ssiiil siiii"'T1he11hest o iniont ofii l is
lit ti cl i 151 hdth fcnt}is oiniitingis
to1 icclilil 1erminatiniof ill ispci 'ue-
theconf11111ict ig oressh i t
lilti'ilifitlypsci ti.llliiiilfortunat
ciitl pui. se ;i leii st iiiihe stn
ilcley Ni'ltis i n forgo.icc h latentill
ovIvdtill itdlifeifollyiof'it 14 imtildoi
spp iet1. 1 N ehr sd calle ai t
he1ntiel1atfaut.Allrecgnze ha
stu ent aire11 1111 illiti ito lpav 11111 51 ai-
s~t'they have don. ana if lse 11,1
1111ti INcaesNagant teIN iscnt12 d
sen1 ~ti n o nstillie])i se lii-
cnlit. I tif his oFiic iiti bestaken 1 is
foge our 1. it'c d iffer 1ncIsl and j'is'i forceli
For chligood ofiiiiiitiiiiii anidii h-
Xch~r Wi.iBakertii lis cci 15 is a leefi
toeo 11 tain iOfI Lsitetur for
Ln iccrs"liToit ili ii iTpan haIis
is'stsinscuntry and I is mniiil''11
ispe s i t ecitic flit' ra itgs' er
nw).n (d(lutdhc.Nscf ifstbroad-c
ilsindd tl ii P. to ged. 337 it. Xtiiclii
lcltiiihiteIt'hmu inutslandsuc32u-
tliiglesii'ci' dl ioit fs is'i ct
Mr.is'alir wrsot. isfirtails. 30-

ilGNNI\ftl' WALtL
"imsuec if R'ichau~rdiManfiiicidii as
',ruistiadii .isctle titls' cf aIlc-
ci'iiis crii f tile f'ic.-ouecordsli 1-
Herltdi. NI ii ieliveri'ct i-iosclockc this
ii Sarahtdu fclciAnstgeilllhll
In is'. hIcilitis tall: the idealsan
ililllli' is if 11schlartli'd11111 t W ill ibe
consieredand i inlti c s itta

._ n- .

. :F

The kind that grows with
your lirar- tbat will fit
practically any511ace - that
can he moved,0110 unit at a
timne hy0110 person witlott
disturbing the ooks-that is
practical, ati isif, slnd the only
perfect sectional ook case
tade. Fittest wills 11011'ind
lug roller hearinsg doors; hse
unit s furnished with or wvit-
out drate;ands os all made in
a variey f woods atid finises
adapted to any surroundinigs.
Catl and see thenm or send for
catalog t 6 ithIiniltelfor views
showing arrangement in li
hrary, parlor, etc.
Price per section $2.50
and up
University Bookstore
Just Received
30 Brand new (never pub-
lisded before) Views in col-
ored Postal Cards. Among
them are-..
May Festival Concert
New Squirrel Card
A Beautiful Night Winter
Push Ball Contest
Tug of War
Swing Out--and 24 others
See the new set of 20 New
Colored Cards that I am
selling for 25c per set.
sporting Goods
neeslit ionisa e iistuetsa
cii' iishat5they'will welcoesanseys'-
gic la s tti its ccomsfiri ossst se te.,
tit i sieiir pticalsliorktdonse at
ARNOLD'S uands ie,'willsitsyon ossuil-
furtaility andIguaraenieersltsuc k tleI
1,1iti . Lent5ttirse s oun .
WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler
220OSot latnestreet

exert.iidfit' i isctis 1.crstill.grtil pub111
Fcisttt i iiil5ll h etmaltd. silsis
a fourthsiofs thetalk still is' ldenotedli to
iiig Xi I'f M. fictsh5151111 foursisoi
(,eau Ii isimelIrillsthe'5Terrsib slefind
(letlictt t isscin wh ih tseifectureri v-ill l i
stiiga t iin hsprs
11nd11r1tileausices of c the till'en
if Ii.c'isi, is sopenusto tei ubic
fI1uiic auO -Drama
lc'ii'i'ic s'ttcssct Captivtedciihist
auienc i ais tive initg'as.'. 'l'e Co1tr55'
Gil-is 1sf arninoreshneIls'scitit''tic lit
ts' heart:cof itt'r'issuiiece cartrieic all
btefot'telithe. iiTe stilk of hetr c'lltftn\1
Isis alstouttlitiespciaitlslishtsofi:fuss
I.11 hi s i 111 iti.
Since 1858 we save mad(: thatcit Re-
fpairinsg onse of ouir stronugest fteattires.
Hfaller's Jeseltry Store, 216 S, lain
street. cid

How About That
N owSpjj!!g Shirt
We have the Assortment
The Co-Op

Flue Conacer-ts
May i3-14-15-16
Fredeirick A. Stockt, Coindusctor
CHORAL UNION (300 Voices)
Albert. A. Stasnlty, Conutossr
Prirncpe.1 Chorai Work
"Creation" - - ItpHyd
Mrs. Corinne Rider-Kelrsry
Ttursdasy ansdSalutesoy i rsucisgs
Sime Ers Fnestitue Ss'tsman-t tiS.
Contralots Wesd. and Frk. Eentinigs
Mliss Janet Spencer', Controlio
Fri. Afternoon ansdSat Eeninug
Str. Ediword Jotnsons. Tenor
Tburi'. Fri. ond Sot. Everninsgs
Mr. Clnode Cuninhighami, Baritonse
Saturday Eifnig
Mr. Eorte 0. Kllheen, taritonse
Satorday FEening
Mr. nerbert Withterspoon, Bass
Thusdsay and Saturdoy Evetnings
Mr. L. Dr Mare, FrencbHnorn
Flrtday Afternoon
M~r. L. L. Renwtick. Organist
Wedtnesdasy Evening
Season Ttcests (unreserved) $3.
.season Ticksets "(reserved) $4, $5, $6
For Sale at
School of Mtusio

Nomi nating Convention
Open to all students to choose cardidates for the following
President, Vice President, Recording Secretary, and Trustees
SATURDAY, MARCH 28, 1908 at 1:30 P. M.
NOTICE-All prospective candidates should read Art. 2, Sec.
3, cf the by-laws of the Students' Lecture Association, printed
elsewhere in this isstue.

III_ _

121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall,& Pack, Props.

Phone 598

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