UNOlMM RAL acquainted ithitithe circuimstances. ItBRN SIN
seems ertent jst now that the oiler
If your hair~ is a CREATES DISSENT Thclinctin hel nWednlesday LIKE ACAMEL
,other, -or you. have oilltcreekthadeen announced to To load a Cokin Fountin Pen, jst i t in n
an trouble with it,- thsea iieseit t a smtlar mieeting last ink, preso the Crescent-Fiter nit se it fllits w
ayMooted Question Is Discussed in iweet I the iiitig tid teeiiaoioiiced The Collee tank like a camel stakig its thist. 'ht'salthr
buy a good Communications Opposition it- isyntices piostcid in different biiild- Sandrs is to it E No dropper-non mes--onoter7),i
B r s o n ooGf .t gs ion the c iiits a iiipl p ish e i ti 'Th e oysw h ere- an y tim e.
IIir B uslotnon ftI)aflyth te atteniiancnesas fartoe 9 SELF-PE
To'n te Fiitni euiiiierthat thetiietiigsas rpre- Oy iN I 1IIN FILLING rE
A The siibjet of the senioi meiorialis i c-it ii c ii the cis "THE PEN WITH THE CRECENTFILER"
wiorthiy of cnnsiilaci ticattcitioialiiiitse 'oi ii 1tiistis13rue o h ili etsps hu i ciii uiei
,L j spacetesotecd to it in stci tais-issuceisi ois "A feii seiiiormenu,sup could flit iwsith swhite kiii gloves oniawithoutdagro
an e eif s e nct1bt iiso iie to sas t t ij iy a imaj irits of the wsoiieii of soiing. eiie its convenie e, i the stileid 'ifit
mttli iy iiiniitherie ciiiist bi c teeii the tl ass uivtcid to ideote tc. This qalitie iii the Coklii-ti - epeedtfee.
iiili siprisc t ~theicicdls pria i c inus txii misielieseentations one of Leditk ieg ate handle the CtinIfti usslesntore
-ttitudeuirepiii peritciooil I take issue teiiiSii citu iis tha t oiie is iciied tii diect. Pie, 3.0 ian . S'-cciitioncecfr anso eei iitil
seittin the seaniiiciit ic cliii.andthe bsit tii tiiiti ijiieiitlrsi.IiThe Conklin Pen Co., 310 Manhattan Bd., ToldOhi
_______________________________________ lon iithesciio lt c is iic th 1tiiit ti s[ l aiIii c, the imeiiprseit sere
_______________a_ seirtioii that" f icoiiise a out mncn- iios eully iidelecton the iqiistin
Mi le L an d oria sol oiie oto the Uiion"Nuw n in thelisecoeiil aimajorit of the gcus
I eon a umember f tie neion aiidamweentpsn.
On Wathe, Diamonds Law Books, highly iitreste in its. nellieI.ad Te suiie nrter sliiit note that tic J s T u h of SP
or ther personal prperty. expeceid to furor the Uniiiiiiprotect bt oen i I of the class tiok no offciait ctioii
alclsimempraiall sy iouJu t a Tou h weSp in
Watches and Jewelry repaired. oonlisiiiiniu s~uii scac this iiiuetea t the meting heldcini
Ba rgame In Watches &Diamonda sil, musiii atialyuoiousOuii Barbiiiiirgymuinasiuim;i leiinc ceucainot
Office at residence .331 E. Liheli seerrS e l yonne ueos dieie niii teiiithe right ito caiie tiru
Ann Arr. - t Ic t haiit tie iseiioi at go 1o i ichx tiey- clid eiid d,-anj ______________________________________________
Reersn to5005a. i. IrW 4u30 and 7 te tine6 Coinvrsity..Suhs dsthe sentimcnitmoeta wecnCcv he en ht -
9 "i.e pesd at tel-aust niiettii I his ii ~ tdi i ii i i i es
ALL BUSINESS ConONFDE TIAL- iyl'e T apet fth teites,
l JOSEP ~C WATTS itself is a poruuir ason-uuufori di u rsue' tt[- twseiecdiltr
- JOEhthe CUnion ieia. --xe-yo t ctr1} ltiit ntrigh thercimendI The tic Spring Scarf as aspca introduc=
_______________________________________ imisikeii i Cle ciusc of suc suivte rautiis of ieimoiac o tee ci n iiT e ne- p ca
_______________O_ ueecuass is nit:ithe ii- troe i a'i iii-. cdtiC tieeiiassiitwoucessiitie i tory of the spring, we are offering a speciall
or il xxih iie linu sexs ar ope uetiii purchase of beautiful new Spring French four-
~J4 ehongithe ere ofieusiofth e. tusuoi ii1uiii istrutiiusiiu in-hand, in new correct shapes with open ends
- x e, prop undiedt 1'ist." kit tic scniori
5 xiiareinispouisedh is call, tistiee cnhs. ehssisought.iitoiicomsinthiue iriscpmrate and in all the handsom-e spring coloring.
on alli stamped goods, including us ouniferheweeux them. O- ff the uijhecsn16") t ii h nwSrn hit aetei is o
ruedsni taeinotineptonluothis.tuenew S-figuShrts mkeithir-hist bo
MICHIG~AN PILLOW TOPS mni h ls.tir fu aeso n 'Ii u iiiotin cridin utithu er itc lassuutii
Aeqougieest ii it esd e union tie asdlto is th tih ue stiipy stuia and they are beauties. '[he new spring styles
ticket nuiieistiurposefitxsiicctsbeiiutxii. ii e in Hats and Cap are here for your inspectioin.
uu~u xx ixitit le sriiiiiy }isiuported. lThe
haulf of ti iuh unmbe s.thieiuthiere inc
DAZZLING & MALLEAUX dhuituueh iutetuu-xiitn huscnrtui ciipropouusuiixtn ithiferincien tu nc-
22-226 . Sate 5t. ueaingithe fundutsiicreted to the id-
do u not hbeloxug lxi the lhiui BIut the igal a i io u uuIun ot suport hul this
cntest i is t merey oinnmemesip amaticrleus _we_____read,_________" The__________common___________pre-_____
hunes either. Soumue of tie leiiders iiitie seiptii iiIcsicat m e u fAnnurbo hre
Collge tnionirn eipposed tothe Viuneui - efvuicaufoni hy ee nines
- ~~~~~ou ii ibccause cxf its sectiuona nit, eas urgtte xeu unuuc
or iis ior denuts., mand remneumbten that-
o ytne uiuee e cutuie nuei le irop
mcxlaeiheiehhetnncl the swere Uniuversi-i ity cliiiiignux tiz° e lei Co P1} ie gel
1i N ? Ste1iS me hav repetedl exprssedthem 'vowthisis exctlythe sand ertathis is esuicttv elvetinei fava ofuny sicectakec
IIALER'S JWELRY STORE, 216 S. Mai SI.is for tie est inerst iof thein verusisty se reuucnue thanuitwic re Mihitgan mnen
- I in n class in tie ecent histosyiof ths Wunitnor mtnu Ofuatysi-c r clusiv .uuei
iti ion iias there tee-nni aumoreuucole gai zatu/iluuio of tie Uliicrsiie Agn-
eQ c0 Ci i Qii irhltr seu shitihe uuuts liithe conitrur- iotwnithstuanding, At MA K'
twe untie.min n miii n5m tihan ithatithe fuet is thatid thin 11 ihiguuu niueuuis
shishh as l uys is--s c tedt nntie cais
Citis Clame sor Inzti anuitatfarno sly ieentiyu-r nn. c-usle ,n, t g N eck w eair
tofecur yuwe yuetr o n e h edo h S r n cu~C stre. It tasscn matter whuter Unioun, ishateeerlieprjeetrm a its \ i oSnC ii w Iishn-to heueruuulu su
yoe isouhy pustage-stamups. dtug. mum- suae, tie chss shouldtm iiisem anths
u-tgarslu-cs-u-aaprenu-riiutiuumor tCIlmse iti. iutuun ixi i-r ir-ts is nriiis - u inu giusl teline \tdug mu tl mion s
telejhoei.ourweleunc t ou a is iusC it--liu Inntm-c of i i guimii, n . tif e hit rsinamneess l 1o . 'I n
assAitere.-an aoui a rdflig. uii < o he iuion d uetunedlct uon a gift f
East Unvrst Pharmnacy nacum iiiui dsurd suuu Su,oeii froimn ticenir curses sri-wnunl Newest, Nattiest, Line inl the City
H.ii.M OYS, Pharmacist trEd ~itrMACK £eou hre csuhC dda
Inuave ued wiitinsturnst liits idiscu s i°; ht ii ioicase codiem iii a lty M C .Ar
V . Of M . tie- columnus of Fle tDiy withi regdrttid dIu in I idm chmitiic-
tou tie Se i iclit dch sess s Boiuu. iser . thu kI ni 'e O E O N D mm ~ttc.tiuiiuiiee-u
Barber Shop and Bath Roolls um~ceicniitie sbtject publised ito t - itLI [ AN y. iBsiuu-sstit ay
his tice s presntedithlii quesioin imi LOST-TwuseChoralU ni otIi lickts.SumfieFluis:e-oi-:rsut t o +. tu
-Everyt>ias .Firs!-cr.a hiinasss 104 Fiiy - Ruliisumfuli~ ~hortt Asn oim curthace.
Lagsc~ i h iy s ine-sitded afauiona opooea tf .S oisn o atAn; Tiesdiors amouth o1 City Y. M C.AW. J. LOUIt M
J R. TROJANOWKI. Prop. sil r h ae ftoemoaetlpoe(eqJ.L-
Spring Styles WAGNER &e CO.
I - Now in Stock SaeSre
- cddd.-Men's Hats HA T T ERKS4
We'lve Been Appointed RZowe's Laundry E LE CTRWI CITY
Exclusive Age n ts for 326 N. Ffth Ave. pledtCIejeMie.d
that Hat that only made New phec157st Boll Phne457-L SWopled forCAllegeurpMes 'S6
$two$ famous, but also SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY
created the word 'Style' 331 Sath Sate Street WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO.
' lase=7:3rdy0 M..v OO 3
7:30 P at-.; My 1 . 200 Easd Weishigton Street
Truly Waner_. MAKsseblys 'clck
____________________ Chinese Chop-Suey Restaurant -1;, crying a epy cf the alCtItOAN Daily Subscriptions Now Due
- ~Chinescc Fancy Dishes, American Lanees of eANDOOK in yur pcet. Space Corese-___
I A N Y alt inds. Eerythic first-class Sec rada, caienac. special eets, Cniversity
AL~LEN, The Clothier STlETdties ssan eleena. Calendar is thi15 page bos. Given away stbsriptins taien iy milu chitec, iduafc si
i ST EET hinse ad Jpanee Brc-abrac tostsudets a the University Y. M. CA. Mc- muoney odec
Uq Sair, oe dor . Hsto Brs~ 14 . SateSt. Miia alli.
STUDIO-RLWTSC tILER, 319 <F& at Huron