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March 14, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-14

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_ The Michigan Daily



NsO. 122.


Easterner Is Ready for Coe-Hior-
ner Will Compete in Tonight's
Meet-Walsh Is Champion,'
Gy Haskis arrived yesterday after-
no0015andt went immediately to the gym-
nasiuim to limiber tp ad try the track.
He seemed is the pink of condition, and
Swas perfectly satisfied with tle corse.
He will Ibe prepared to rns a splendidl
race aganst Coe at the varsity meet to-
night. Good seats may still e obtained
at tle athleie association office. There
is little doibt lhat tlsismetdwsill excel '
tat of last sweek, swhihs is sayig a
good deal.
Co ad Haskins seetm to have aoti
ass, evens call for teir evet. Coe has
the advantage of extraordisary strength
in indoor evets atd of terfect familiar-
ity wills the track and nmetod of rn-
ing wills Iis opsnett opposite to him.
Hdaskinsshas ot oftensuth le prsit
race, , ad muchs prefers te reast to
breast sruggle.
The easerner hstbleens rusnnig fre-
quently all winter assdt has this advass
tage 'over Co, swhoeshas rssn suteocee
this sprisgad that for a sosr idistancee
agaisnst tetOhoans last week. "Spi-
ser's timie in sort disaiccs, howteer,
is IetterItansee-, whlil IHaskinstssa
ot dose all that sas expected ef him.
1st Iraeite yestreday h1stootoihelc o
es eautifilly, attdtswhile le wssnsot
runig for itte, dislaye cistride
sta lim saler te fans sit it adtttake
Usless the dop~e sheet goes all wronsg
te record ithe itaoooyards will 1st
wrecked. 'ht'imse fer tst evet is 213
asset has stood for twensty-svnt years,
having beesn estatlishedl ly L. 1. -Myers
in Nesw York, Oct. , 18041. To take
downsisl t ime ltheranners wiltIave
to dothse Ialf swell stnseer tao smiutes.
Coe demonstratedte tcesuldt do Iis twiest
ie paced Ramsey In the local recorl of
1:S7 3-5 last year. Mvost everyody 1s-
lieved 1se cosldtave5wonsthe stevett at
that timse
The distasnce set for te race lacks
but eght feet of leingeigt laps in
lengt-a distatce very rarely rnstits
the west, andelnever before at Mihigas.
Cot is hasving to leans tsnsw race.
Altogether tene swil e a sm-
nmer. Beside the dal featre,.the seisi-
toals itt the class relay races wil1sien.
Joe Htorser has een practicingswit
the sst ande will conpete oniglt.
Director Fitpatrick says Horer is its
shape o do good twork. So tle cosstest
etweens Benrook, Artsur and Honer
inthes weight evet till e a lively oe.
Smiths will ave'a cance tonihtto
try his mettle with losv hrdlers. At
the fresh-soph meet he kicked over one
of the sticks early in the race and had
to drop ot. Craig, winner of oth hr-
des, ,and Torrey, who placed last week,
will alto 'e ettered, agin.
If Craig or 'Melsir cats chop a fifts
of a second frost the 4:1- seconds mark
set twice this year, they will eqal the
world's record for te 35-yard dash set
hy Arthr Daffy in 1903. Likewise, one-
fifth second front the time of the 40-
yard high hrdles, done in 5 3-5 seconds
hy Torrey, Craig and Smith, will eqal
the tword's record for the event held
hy Smithson, of Notre Dame.
The entries are as follows :
Shotpu--Arthur, Benrook, Homner,
Legg, Pederson.
Thirty-five yards dash-Fitzgerrell,
McGregor, Myers, MKinnon, Williams,
Leger, Keck, Craig, fchnr,,Smith, M-
Nair, Flynn, Warner, Dnn, Freeman,
Crlo, Pierce, Cupid, Bold.
Forty yards low'hurdles-A. Hulet,
Knapp Talmadge; R. Hammond, Craig,

'Torrey, Schoar, Mehornay, Merritt,
Forty yards high hurdles-Knapp, Tal-

msadge, Smit, Sctssser, R. S. ttatstsosd,
Torrey, Craig, ttehrstey, Merril,
Pole autl-Kntapp, Lesiso,.Aller-
.dice, Wright, KRvs, Saer, Page,
Highs lltall-Letvinston, It sitos, Cus-
over, C. Smith, Craig, P. Smit, 'White,
Torrey, tBlish, Frecmaan, Oegi, K.
Fletcher, J. R. Fletefi.
Qutarter-msile rsss-Fitzgerrel, Myers,
'Nettorg, FPsllak, lBalatcstt, tal, Bhit-
sack, Flynns,W'rte'ertr, Dsunant, Ctrto,
ierce, Lasstz.
Haf-tmil rss-Shsafroth, Btalacet,
Msrgat,-Iolssack, Sall, ltutterfiels,
Darross, Forshsee, Berry, I. R. Smih.
M4ile runt-Sce, Allay, Dusl, Morgas,
Hall, Mikeselt, Toser, Bosseth, Saxtons.
Class relay rces-seo egnscers vs.
198 lawss;I19tI lit vs. pharssic.
ts-1, IT tOte CssNtlUt," SevYSs OSKIS.
"Corntelllhas tteiamsswvhics Alicigans
seeds to fear smost in list eastersnister-
collegiate. Fttstsy twotstb1sstrong Iis
year, andd 1eot thisk Yale css take
less ponts.
"This tmastsHalstead et Csrsell, whio
took seconsd in tectests eeountrie, is a
cometr inthle sile Iell gie ('se a
-Fothe irst cItitteil)ear tPennste
a sats w-ho is fast its thelotstshureste
as well asithlIigt. I trtralf, a ssphoe-
sore, ranthlet high, tsts yea.r iss 1551
thst 22-yard lossaits 23 secnsds. Ilell
mtsake good lhiss year.
Thsey ate Crtsssel, tleii' spriter ass
Taylrthse olse oseredt equarer Iss deed
up~on; andsCsetasssins Whlitmsssn, ssoties se
off coloselks-ter, i itst shae ts vest
list too satss220 itt goossttimet."
WASH W~ss INtttANDBsALL,t ttsAstlO\SlI.
'le singles lhandbassltosrsamset ws-
fitisheestyesterday stil lth sssths is-
tsweeth Wals asse H-og. Wast's tech-I
lated erves anssilotretusrns issvrtooe
smusch for IHong, andisstw ose straigt'
gatne, y scosres of 15-4 assstlI1-9, 'eesttt
aonsl thefnl trssnse, atsdtsits it te
champiollnsiptl. IHosag seedt, teel tote
his ususslsforms, asnd wilsiesable Iterce
Iis open55t5toInplay hIis btet, littet sleet
shoessvhl sp ieedt dislsyd ithletpre
issinasry rossssss. Hows-eer, leemd
manysss-lteter 5plas, assetntiesustetfetuse
nishtedelshawstshss ettsler cntest tant
cosilet aits of the other cstanctsst.
Willsl thecomtpletiott of lteisge
tsourttatmet,tll it its reditites ferlst
douslssandth ~telrainsigs wsil 1be ssbt
lishtedtits Sundsay's tDaily. t itlDr.
Masy'sisstettiots to eisa off lthe sulse
its quik erder, to sl cnstestansts mstl
bel estandttelearly floitley astie rtsons.
Wsals, tHosg ad ass uTigssnt st-rc
aswardedsthslitritsons ofereedfor firs,
secondsan td thirst ilaces itt the sisgles
tourtnatsetnt.Ribsbonss witt also tbe aswsre-
eel inthteoesbles tournatmet.
FParliamentary Drill-Findley.
Cusrrents Topics-Robinsson, Snfore,
Impronsptst Deate-Aflirostative, Ir-
win; negative, Case.
Genera Deate-Resolved, that pri-
vate property on the high seas shold
he exenmpt frosts captire its timse of tar.
Affirnative, Caudell, Binghasmi; negative,
Rhoades, Strauhe.
Critic's Report-Wolfe.
Drawings for ctip deate.

Opie Read's Sketches Amuse the
Audience-Create Your Own
Drama," Says the Author.
G~ignttic inl ttindsd siholy1, wiisi-
catty psrtravsying its of reasl ie srssg
tsgsthsvssn itisreasdlof itomsely shitso-n
pshy, (OticIeRed cptsivatedeala rge sissi-
e see itt Utisversity Hallit tast evening.
T'aktinsg for hitotp~ic "First Gn ist''isg
ansss Thtess Anstter,"lie rsmbledthtlrougts
as series of sag retisarks attel briliast
epigrass, iiistvstiiig ttessswittheil
amsingttiidtsestsf litheeclir cssr-
seters twheosm te heismti. Relting these
its Issh siie i hpi s mastserle esthraled
his herers, siftisg quticelfront te
deepesttragedyts tie moststtle Isi-
Blegintiisg wsiti"tlisthanwithsi ste
chillts,"lie editcussed hoesty~, trnig Iis
deeipetiiron=towinare tiepresest-day
capitalstes. ilesrere the first et," le
resmaerkede,stnd ilisttraed his avicewtits
"wha iesi tee- rsmed tlestrongrest tssermsoss
te hadseevser ibe, te-speesthiof"Gv
lis.;nteA.rtssttrintsrbbte- te-
itered fromveesi lscaffol. Jimithe
lrutc,"soed sthtthlerteii somestsgtose
in li1s es es rt f is I lie expesrismces
of lt tseeltisiaeciitcoeunty~man it ia-
fa esh ieeblte roductintl tf"'Sakespear.
l su ai e le- a th sil br-. ilsleia tt
reption as a humor 151ist setidsise
eullyausn orryaifante
Atelr giimg sonee fis .ldiros ett-l
grose stche it i chlisternlitealet
le lreesgitsit tie spitsir l i. te tsn
ittiy euisttwsits gteast srtsaties.ait-
-l.\IReIadis is -a trsent sccpie its
speial jI ournlit icitwo er, btiexects tel
deitelshsis Ilsrter enetrge esiwarthles
dramaitn ittiesscr ettlesf wichtse-ilie tis
aleyeeasets ds et tse~ tlesuaini. Whets
ietervee bsyitss:Daiy rertr lst
esming its eg et itsiesitiytetir-
cls, iesi: "Cea eour otvs dsrsmas.
tithzes yourireitsitse srmatstic tattnt.
IDt evt e 555r1attienitioneto 55creationesite ll
as-.lstss towad iatig,. ouritmsttphtlert
shtssse.stimultestieesrsitasnit tlt. Lt
mod tste lowd etptrsti tted isis yur
seives. There issits piace stisre ititig
thesisthis tisiversty 'Yest thave lire
msorereatrvesiimseittheni thtselstteser
Whenit-ic\hsigant' s edeavsr iithe
oprtcfeist stee referredtote, le sii,
'lsomeictitoster tendsecy is te feut
illthesags. Turn yousssatestionstowas-r
'Testschser Verein Ishel a reception
saetsatee stDBssnbotr gymnnesiumssslst
ight. T'his tres give-tinishosor of the
rntsniers of the Vereisnwvlo sre to par-
ticipate its 'Stitita tossBarttlelss," te
astitiasl slay
Malejor vol tI'llheins.... Carl Grnv
Minsisaivests aritieists..Etfriea 'Weit
Franziska...........Grace Baker
just ....J..1 Fred Woodrff
Dcv Wirt ........Stoddard More
Paul'Werner.....Best R. ggenan
Riccatt........1 W. Bosen
Graf von Brclsal...1fenry XV Chrhs

"Aree ti-cgoing t stud missioniaries
t lth ie s tutilEuabrietblostnvsIis trust-
lies? a'sskesd 'WiliamtiT. llis lastnight
itt Nwvbsry Hall, u is tstdof Iis
leectres inthis Ferry seie. Answsering
hs sats aqtesios, he sid : "Yur cil
drenstantd tme wilt see the iday hens
wve will bethsrouighssits loreignm is
sions. 1Ieieve swc are comnig to see
tat missionaleries musst let create oly
list churmchsbuit tat 1sttitlst esnalishts
native chuerch. This mstse 1sn its ye-
pensdenttdetnmsiatisot. RKreasi essus
as churschs sow. Its Chutes alt inssepediet
tetiv''elshurchs is eingestablsishte."
Thse consclusionss sere sdraiwis by M\r.
lis efterh1stainshewsts-s encof te
cosndeiiositsl th' missionarssy fgedita5s t
masy Ie seems today.
"'Misisionry wosrk is mnssy sccost-plse, adM.Els truhfu
meaens-etducation, mseiine, lierature,
asse direct e-nsgeliaion. lT e sical
sork f misisienarie tsttess-tiliea
blessinig fromithlien-. I coiul gist
countless illtstrationssof surgical spee-
tionlethat ate ledthlstetises to beieve
tinatiessirsecouli peformeirsiacle.
Geac tedisal disveris sitre eig
msasde(itte iissisnaryfitli. Disease
haes te-Orienttitsits grip. hBlaksmasll-
sine is mossre thans cssmosn sand 1 Istsv
teenm ore lepsestianthesre sre peophle
litretiight. '~Telaseset sf esple tshos
becossse Christiamisae thosss ssethohes
te leasts teogaitsor tsrite. 'Thisesnly ilt
sicatissisosiforeigns sissiosssis t ee
fsountd inssthelshractel f onests it ha si
Ptreof. W. . Fesrer ini iis lecture hest
evestiltsgsets"The Attitd- elfCnesint-
hisey rmanEesi Posest sts-arstEel ucis-
tioen," seintesdous to lee arIge esudsiec-
lt.e isal5prbliemsin tsltheeucaieonsas
sstemsisof ItGermansnfi setresttigctg emses-
oray e)-Ermaein es, andsll thessminedtt
effors they sre maknsg et reformisit.
It wsitsate cleaer that eis simsilr tee
those existinig itsGermtanysare eisentss
toiagree-sitentsinitsour ststlemsof e te
catieio, itsstheuises itics as,,weletha the
loe se slisls.
'It is lo eerctmn," said Dr. ttirerl
"whiichs is csnsidered ts lee this-ceeuntry
eelecetltent schl ssystemitsield o steli
trasimnse t ndmastter teachers, that nour
studtnths assi teachlers ave goei for se-
cadses tit1 hemslsvesIsor more effiients
sweek. Its stns)wavys, eeo its school
affairssth isisre sesstencee'msade iii Ge-
mn'is es masrkl efirecognizied excel-
"Conitmporary EGemans literature is
lull nofl thesads experiessces oftechers
wshohe id eared to lesiass indelpendenest
lilethsolsits and outside te classrnom.
PerhsapthIe msost stccessul school cost-
esdy treating this thene is Otto Irsst's
Flesclsmssnms als reher,' whichs depict..
ltheteagical cnflits of a cnsscintius
statsand ci sisceesefesltecer ithes
reactionary says whlich followed the
revolutions of '48. Even the Univesity
of Michiganmiasa profited directly bytsis
misementi. For years 'iii achtundvir-
ziger was a mnemsber of tht Board of
Regeslts, tht venerale Dr Ilemann
Ridfer, of Detroit, now professor emei
isis sf te practice of medicine'
1511sINSDAIs,g WTT,s,1;Ctittv.-eMOsNA.
lDr W. B Hinsdale will deliver thst
seta lecture its the corse of the Sansuel
A. Jones society, Monday evening at
7:30 o'clock, in the University museum
lecture oom. Stereopticon views will
1bt presented illustrating cetin intes-
tinal features of typhoid fever. Pictures
of different phases of smallpox and scar-

ict fever will also he thrown on the
screen. All those whso: are- interested
in the snbject are cordially invited to
he present. #. -- .

Freshmen Will Announce Date of
Banquet Thirty-Six Hours Be
fore -$ophs Release Captives.
'ihithiteStudiet Ceouenci atisgass
thec medsisulbetveenutle fe leshe andesh li
claseset he~~lsesetwo un eraduateboiest
hasesageedeltee steepls ongs~sed tstcivitieis
previnussteetee. esmansbIsueet. 'flie
euderlasesespirit this yer twil letcn
fintildtcia day asteelhlfi, wserseas isu
previossyears uthetocsise ises icnd i
thesir hosstiities ntvra ttettor tenvclaus.set
'hseseoucil appoesinted aIcsms itseses o
itt last Tuetsdaey ighs ho es t ess5 rsepi-
resetaetiv-5eslfatinthess, and ol e 1 e
sieselsy ight:sthisecommltihte m et frsh-i
attendsinuglthesteeliet lTh i rests.of
this mleeisng swasethisttheirepelset aies
eel ltheesia l acdt ify
thie' sophomret claSss-.asday ansdla he-f
prevsiosetleethise nuiet. 5Foseeistancse,
if the Ibanqeiuet is lessoccur seesa.Friiday
nightl, the feIshmncomtesis.o
il- ea Studsenit C ses ici s us ie usw it
noti thify Hl isses, ell II st thse sesessis
at 8 oscleock I hesueIs itutets twit
noilfy lie sosphoimtorses isisese e, this
freshmssensasepdedttts hiselv tsessot
tolev tetsSisArbores beforetstie
Nos frehsehmansetll beruisse seesbti -
qut:halunil3 'l ha t aSte'oo
Ol st'Phusdays esnight eessopoees repr-h
settsive eess sie faenityessend ut he
presidenslsts sus e e sophomore clsismse
heelouli letesse sst h endsfsally a e
tha thelest ithenuIssilseS nth-use the
sgretis' tleethis proveisos. ieea sceta
Prsesidlenst Anegelli iesd hei - se to
le e o e thtuerpose tis 5,T hiso
sophomoesthsien hssrehuesse teesof - e
feshestelewhes illues shad sisiaitse, and
h[eit is anucd
'lies'Stuensst Coeunil,"ssid ws'5end
Atoreganeilast ngS, . clicti si fesi
acissustieessciu ed to )- ssic si tie
usss t estsave usnthee atee Te,- sij-s
toiminahse te s te s hci ae bolt-
tee oif stishe tsoclssle.sushir asees-sbitisosi
tsgheel list yaIs eaue ftois s sv
huab ssses. 'lesuncil eh h e ban-tu
qet wasstne oeuthessaewsreelainisgetsa-e
titiosiefsIthee Untivrity and that it
shuslld ee masitaeie ifipossibeeh. Theses
toso,l the siritsille confinedslto atut
thirty-tiehutis, assethIe csucihthinssc
that this svwilhkepthe lstatiitsup seesi
the sighul of the banquet. last yteartie
sopshomortestt-Iasextndedl their hisii-
ties ovr so long a periodl theat they w ee
worni out b h le nightl of the banqeist."
Bohulsneergradutate castaesteseet
he peasedi sith the nsev arransgemenst
If bothcaesel)isthuir agreeets
there will hbt littitehbolting these year out
lthe art of eithue class. Last yar Roey
Rannley, ltheIoastmuastr, flesh toDtrttoi
akou tcenlayseeort tiehe anqet,swhihi
was heled on Mossray, March It On
'Tusesdlay, March 5, Raisey tacitadectedl
-its Detroit Sy lthesophomoess. A ewv
days latr he estaped front a sreet car
its Detroit, andoise nstsight beore the
banquet apeard 055 terry fetdwere
he was iset by an amuhnance anss a dele-
gation of his classmates ad arefllsiy
convieye 10 the homoati hospial
Fromsitrerthewent itobl thegyissthrogh
tlhc heatisng lunnel and eluded ltst sopho-
moures- Sixeen of ha casmatts, how -
ever, were captured
eaO'. TILDcEsNNOd 0500 Ast.

'Through an error, Prolf.Tilden 'vat
Sdescrihed yesterday at a Yale graduate.
On the contrary, Prof. 'Tilden is a ldne-
yvard man.;

MR. WILLIAM T. ELLIS,,Nowberryliall
Fourth of series tonight at 7 sharp, closing in time
for thu meet at Waterman Gym.,
SUBJCT-tomhit a, Pof t 'al and Socially.

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