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March 13, 1908 - Image 2

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-13

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G. I. Wild Comfpanly
Our Spring 198 line of fine-
Imported and Domestic
Is now ready. It includes all
the latest ;Novelties, Shades
and Upto-D~ate Patterns in
Moose Brown,
Caribou Tan,
Leather Shade
Grays and
Fancy Blues.
Your patronage respectfully
G. H. Wild Comlpally
311 South State Street
Linen Bond
Writing Paper
ani ullon1 agree w.ith us that
it is the finest writing paper
tibe had anywhere at any
pirice. Cones in folded sheets
pit up i pouiid to the pack
ige Ifor
25 Cents
eiiielopies ticper pittkage
Sheehan & Co.
Student Bookstores
A. G. ,c~
&BROS. .
The Largest Manufacturers in the World
of Official Athletic Spplies
Base Ball, Foot Ball, Golf, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
official Imopemot to, Trck ad Fild Sport,
Uiorm or tolliISpots. Splingoes Hadoey
Iltirted Catlooe o al spors cotaisos-
moerousosugestions. Sndoit.-Itslfee.
Now York Chicago, St. Louis, Nao Frcisco,
Minoeapolis, Deover, Bufalo, Syracuse, Plto-
burg, Phiiadephia, iBoston, Cincinati, ati
oor, Wshigon, Kasas City, Clieveld,
Now Orieas, iDetroi, Motre, Cansad.

Managing IEdio-Aocttgo F. RITCIvEn.
Business Manager-C. E. WINSTEAD.
News.,... ......... Hiram S. Codys
Athletics...............Lee A Whie
Exchange......H. John Wambold
Music and Drama.....Roy D. Welch
Womein's Editor... Loise Van Voorhis
J. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams
Russell McFarland
George H. Hobart Leoiard C. Rid
Chauncey Bocher B. G. R. Williams
Raymond Visscher
H. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott
A. L. Hainline Robert Mounsier
Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney
Walter K. Towers Louis Kraft
Lewis T. Kniskerin Robert Moreland
Pol Greer Samuel H. Morris
Otto- Engel Fred E. Gooding
Theron P. Cooper
John F. Wrz Carl H. Adam
Harold P. Gould
Address: MCHItAN DAILY, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours : 1- p. i., 7-8 p. m.
daily, except Sunday. Both phones
FRIDlAY, :[AR-CI 3, 90,
Ii seiis probable that a prevaleiitdis-
contientitheli senior literary class re-
garding ile soe con the meiiorial qies
tion wiill leas toitatireonsideraioii and
atelballoing. The field is therefore
ntt i closet to examination. Twit
rit iions, se believe, can be main-
All the senior classes ought to cmi-
hIu ithleir separate fnds. A very light
txupon iiiiiall seior sudets it theUCiii
ersity swould accmulciate a sonm prob-
tblyl exceedintg ote tosand dollatrs.
Noigle deiartinit could hope to cot-
lect mor tthattthree hicindrei dollrs.
With the ftrmter amont ai-artice could
le Isitilt iswhicht wouuld b of vtle wiile
it lasiid, ad i Iiwh rticolilie for sit
iidefinite leiigths of time. Aloreitser.
gill f all stdtets, udisigised liy
ieirtmiental nameiswoutld cotmi. close
t li the ieal imemoral. Te commont
Arbotr a fete years forget thy iwere eu-
ginss oi.sr lst-, itr dets, aitdlreimetibler
ontat ith ley tereUtivsersiy of Mici-
gait mesn. Suiipttsiig the presiittioisi
ill fiiniseid, the ieswer siri of 14leigati
uit ptte.. sooti to imatke it a fatct. An
gift whlichi fail to siain teartmetiial
ifterencee-muititsble ta itockery to the
rettiiiceeii tlildgati, Wo kntoss ole
",ieligait' tatd for the seiior jtust tttk-
int aveitttitnotoly a treut agist
his fututre ut ut criticisiotof it presett
inich hteile so utterly fails to discerts
the eiit dointtatig his eviroimet.
Itriitsic value, permanency, the reqire-

mtenuth lac i sandini the ers of a grad
utte fr swhatttatmeiorial sotld, the
presenti trendtowtitari copctness and
untity itt Uiviersity life,-atll seinmclearly
to adtit-st ajoitttmuemorial, ua gift oc
setiors ini the Univtiersiy tit the Uni-
versity. We againi suggest to the senior
classes that they act in accordance with
these facts.
'The lierary class, as swe said yeser-
tay, has a peculiar membership, aid for
itat reasnitmay le exemptted from gen-
eral rules. And yet, if it reconsiders
its actioni. it should sweigi certain facts1
itt ciitnecioncithil a gift to the Micigat
titUin, upon wichietithe tler clases
sill1 probably combine, if they cobie
at all. It lutes becoite a tasteless cor-
mtoniplaice.ithtt the Uitis ani institu-
tutu Ior the good of the whlole Uver-
sity autu iot alone for the ituei studnts.
It is nttuatitat's cil, ut a home for
Michiganiisudeits. Accommodations
fcr iteni are mnautrally itore nuneros,-
is it tet right that tey shouldl be? Men
outiumbuuer the woimeti by muore tan
three tousandi; yet there are ladies'
iays every week, aid out special occa-
suns ike house is asways opeit to women.
flue cterr is iiot fitrbidden to negotiate
silthIugry iaries of woman students,
-noust thatse ever hetrd of. A a miat-
ir ofi fat, the tdirect benefits of the
Luitu toti the woenti are as wsell pcio-
portionuedl is they could le 1o their or-
pactively sitatll tuiuibrs. We mtaitaiii
that the hUiiin is lute the whole Univer-
slit s tech inthliisrtctical tay as ii
the ideal way sutre ofteiteilargd upot.c
And loure wored is tii: let ie womenei
shute that lieheyaenitutdomiciled for
life i Barbouur gym, uht are Uniertiy
tudients at large, like le rest of uts,-
shosw that they ctiaitand udo accept the
WVithout caritg to exert any undue
influece, we suggest that the seitor1
girls keep these facts in minutd whens theye
sole. The Uniuon is for the whlole Uii-
versity. It ofes the swomcen as manyc
iractical privileges as it ca. It is noseI
its the hadts of the womten to remtove
whlalttriers exist lbetween tortsand
stouct as sudentos.'Thle ie to begi
is toss.wsenevciery simile aid every
fritwni.ftr goodu or ill, ouches theI
hUion's life.
Indtiotiua, tt utarae. ell uperas
it till help its hearutrip tiider the ati-r
outiieetthailt tthe gatndl tpeat en-
gttgeiuuent hats biee ttancelled.
Readuig's froe ottloiere's "e Misan-
tropte"is-ire gieit by Proif. Beitt de
Bode tintIc th le 'Tappaniu Hal lecture roitmutr
yesterdasyatfernoon. They wtere pre-t
cetdedl byv aishottt decritionof the coi-ir
cils antdithe sources friomt t-Iici Motliere c1t
drews'his titaterilt.
Th'lere siil le ncut llrsdaty afteritontui
lecture itf the Cecle ueteirek, owinrg I
toili th ettttu Ml.Loiseaux's illusratedtei
lecture is to le givent ttu Friau, Maceli
2, il Saraht Caswell Amgell Hll, atP
8 p. mi. Admuisioniuto10this eteritaiimtiii
is free toi assoite emubners of the
Cercle; to otiers the price is fifty cents. p
The suibject uill le "De Paris ax Pyre- f

MUusic ana 'Drama
The GUnierity orchetrai waa enthu-
siastically received in last night's _Fac-
cilty concert. The reception wsatiii every
way deters-rd. for the work of the or-
clestra was a decided surprise to the
Of the solos played, the three dancet
by Edwaurd German were the most satis-
factory. There was evenness and al-
ance of totte here as iowhere else ol
the program and the pieces sent off
with spirit. The 'aeompaniments, the
harder part of ther work of the orchestra,
were played sell iiider the director's
control, allowing the soloists, particu-
larly the singers, lierty of tempo ard
So uiniformly good wsa the eitire on-
cert that there was a danger of iudin
it front a professional viewpoint. There
tere thigs to criticise, lackc of acute
uinig, careless followsing of the eat,
and setuting in out of time, but these nmis-
takes swere obviusily sensed by the play-
ers atiid are mneitionedl i the spirit of
encotiraigemnt. So much hass been done
in the short tine given to the work-our
rehearsal a week,-anod so much taentl
is available, that the orchesra soud
feel stinmilated to go ahead and develop
its possibilities. In Mir. Lockwood the
orchesra possesses a capable direcor
and under hilt leadership oreostral co-
certs may become a fortunate additot
to the mticsical advantages of Ann Arbor.
Miss Norac Hunt sang "Aki Rendimi"
trell. Miss Hunt at a good voice and
is alitapisell iked. Wiliam Howlandh
fuund ' Le Tambour Major" a vehicle
for his. best work. lie responded to an
enthusiastic encore with 'Dainy Dee-
err." .Miss Davis accompanied the ri-
core. Albert Lockwood played the E
fiat Beethoven concerto with the bril-
liatuce acid readth of ooe whchl char-
acterize his playing.
"Stetson's Big, Double, Spectacular
U'nce lom's Cabn" is illed for the
Whitney tonight. This sems to iidi-
csle the new-fashioned Uncle Toni with
two Ea, two Topsys, and probably tio
cakes of real ice. What else can "dou-
Ile" umean? 'Tis promises an Uncle
lon's Cabinmi shiht till attrat the nost
blste. When one does rot have interes
it Limcle Tomi, lie is in a bach way.
Wastchi for lug parade at oon,
tLe Coumpt, the wizard of fire, and Sir-
ronje, the hanidcuff equeen, divide honors
his oeek at the Majestic. Le Compt
reaches the climax of ilt act when le
tes cle top off a piece of wiite-hot
carbion. Sirronje defies Ann Arbor's
test liaitucuffs, acd suceeds in working
[er sa)' out of a sealed sack ad loced
truk, swithioct tamtpring wihi the locks.
The remaider of the acts are oip to te
Mlajestic's standard.
Since 1858 we have made Watch Re-
airing one of our strongest features.
Hallers Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main
street.. eod

Globe \Xernicke
The kind that grows with
your library-that will fit
practically any space - that
can he moved one unit at a
time by one person without
disturbing the books- that is
practical, artistic, aid the only
perfect sectional book case
made. itted with non-bind-
ing roller-bearing doors; base
unuils furnished with or with-
out drawers; and all made in
a variety of woods and finishes
adapted to any surroundings.
Call and see them or-send for
catalog ofi with interior views
showing arrangement in li-
brary, parlor, etc.
Price per section $2.50
and up.
University Bookstore
Now is the right time to
fix up that Scrap Book you've
been talking about so long.
My new (smooth cover)-
66M" Book
is best and largest ever.
With photo Pres. Angell.
Also Special Picture R a t e
with book.
%porting Goods
gyegasses hase beooe scehia
oeestsary nuisne with stdents o
utet that lhey wii weeore an eo
giass tiat gives c urt aiccisrxe.
Barv. youriopticl work door at
ARNOLD's and litewii 8t yo om-o
fortably acd guarantee ressults. thoet
lRpairs. Loses Grond.
Optiea specialist wtth
WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler
20 South mao street


For 69c
Co-Op Store

March 12
Will assist at


Students' Lecture Association
King of American Funmakers
Friday Evenin~g, Marchs 13, 1908,
at $, o'clock.

University Hall

Single Admission

., sac

_ _ -- - -

121 WahIngton E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props.

phone 598

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