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March 13, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-13

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The Michigadn Daly

veterans Will Meet Some. Fast
UnerclassmenHaskins' Ar-
rival Delayed.
Hlaskins did not arrive yesterday as
was expected, but sill probably be us
tbe gyro Iis morning. Te sale of re-
served seats is progressing rapidly, and
tie crowd wil be a large one. Prac-
#tically all the athletes of any proninence
aout the University have entered the
lists for Saturday ight, and sonic rec-
ords are anmost certain to be snashed.
As wsa the case a seek ago, the 35-
yard sprint is the popular event. very
ran who has made a showing is out
for it. The recordl for tbc event is 4 -5
-econdes ard has een eqtaled tsice this
year. With,,ec, Craig, and MNair'
again competing, this touck may e strt-
May, talatchet ard Hal,sro ran
sa ipeididly ini the fresi-ophr rmeet,
will compete against the varsity missers.
Whilre Co's rectrd of 4:24 4-5 is rot
ini danger, sormeone tay ie goaed into
approaching it
Smrith all but eqiacrd Torre-'.sork
irn the high jimip last weic and witt1 un-
rotritetly srive hint to a better miark
Warner stn Merritt, ivho ran ri tlrr
relay earm last ieek, are dosi for tliii
quiarter. 'Warner has tie est record
arid miay take te eventIle will swarmi
ip ini fie srits, for whiicr ie is err
Tie last of the prei. .y class relay
races will occr at lie varsity mieet. Tei
'o8 lais and '9 cigieers iil oppos
each other, and te pharnic, wirer
fromthtie 'S8Tits by default, will. run
against te'itis. Tle wivinrg items
sill niet et wek fr tie irterlas
Coe seemis iii goon shape to nmet Has-
kins, bit, as ie sys,-1 felowe neve
knrowshiis condeitiort till after tie race
Thre officials for tie mteet swil be at
folowis : Starter, Keere Fitipatrick,
referee, Foydl A. Rowe; arronicer
Dudrtley IR. Kenrery; clerk of course.
Sin W. tiiisrrr; assistant clerks, Fran.
Rowel, Gerrge A. Neeves, F. SSats-
icy, IR.I. Canrcy; trck judrges, W T.
Fishleigh, John Spencer Currtis, rn
oirgitra, IR. T. Sayles; fel jde,
JointL. Stllivair,-Henry I,. Fletcher
}lrry L,. Patton, Adolph Seltl; scor-
ers, D. F. Stevenson, J. _M. Watson,
Hasrry 1 istrnod, Robert G. otig:
tiners, Dr. George A. May, C. R. i-
ridge, . D Correal, Harry Hilt.
Thie ret wil commenicice protmrptly it
3 o'clock.
Coach McAllister and Captain Sirli-
van are praying for a contiuaion of thit
thaw, so that the baseball team may get
anr early start upon outdoor work. Prac-
tice in the cage is split p between bat-
tery work with light batting and indoor
Since the last call thesquad has beer
considerably augmented by the appear-
ance of newe men. Euizenroth, who war
formerly substitute catcher on the Illi-
tos varity nine, is almost certain tc
make good this year, and with Emrer-
man will make a strong pair for tbe
receiving box, Walsh, senior law, it
showing good form, and with Taft abe
to take up the mas and protector an
tie, there is not likely to be a deart
of catchers.
As was expected, the semi-final roun
of the handball tournament was full o:
excitement and interesting to watch. Ar
Dr. May, asistant physical director
said, "This tournament has furnisher
some of the fastest games I have ever

seen, The finals will be _remnarkably
close, no doubt, and its a toss-op as to
who will, be the lucky man."
TShe semi-finals resulted in victories

for Hoag ad Walsh These twomenei
play today at 3 :30 o'clock, ard tie rwi-
tier wil be lie camrpiont hardal player
of the Uriversity. Wisitie srorg list
of entries inthie tournanent, this horor
mieanstot a little to tie title-holder.
Hoag is by far tie fastest player tie
torrurrrmenrtthaos' ownr atd probably
covers the court etter than aiy of the
otlier contestants. Onrtie oiler hand,
Wlash, whiile tot so fast, has a habit of
returning a low swift al that is very
trd to return. These tio e, il
confliciing styles of play, will furnish tie
best possible contest.
Hoag and Vaughan led off yesterday.
Tire first game wet to Hobag quickly,
as Iis fast work played Vaughan nearly
off iis feet, tie score ending 15-7. In
the second gamre Hoag let down and
Vaughan got a lead of five points, ut
stopped there, for Hoag tigirtened rp and
annexed tie reirired fifteen points be-
frre Vaughan got sirotirt r,
I tie oiler miatheintury sarter out
strong ard got fie points before Walsh
gotarty. Wsuirnired aroundtlaidswoir
eight iii sccessio. 'Sie game their see-
swsediunrtil Walsh gitiis usual stir
return ini sworking order atrit ion out
by tie close score in 15-13. Iliitie
secondrigamre,trusseser, tGity drunot ur
ip such a goondsorrest anti Walsi lest
ty tell tsroe t o neit timeir. 'liefintl
score rests t-9.
Wihthe inlas irstsween Wst tn
Iloag unlay, liesin gleesiltie firisier
and sdrsswigs srill ie madtie for tiedu
tlessr-inch isilliegini et seeki.
esCOSS CONRY csSQUD trut.-
SCros country runners srill mraske their
spring appstearance i a ferr-dsiys if tie
balmyi wieater cotinures anasirsthlie
roisure as rapily as it liss done during
Ttire last we. 'fie rnuimbier of cadi-i
dates for tie "CCC" -rmoogramsroses c
ceedingly large this yer trus results issu
t derelopr a godisly nrrrrier of lng di-
lance mienifor tie coiing srrrlisss
mieets. Several men, tswo sr three ir
agroupri, toolskrtie rratd yeserdasy- il,
1advanrice of tie larger secilos. Cai-
tamis srill ie selected to lead tie sex
* cmi groups.
Prof. C. J. Tildeni of ilie eisttierig
departmrent tias ressesil s tiraivei
offer froitsValte. 'Sie tprsposl caes
tFridasy-by ler, and soffresimhun i
assisant irrsfessorshipiiivleinr-
' igsn ein out tsr hmnret otritaepsi-s
ion of higher ranbitnasticres-se of
saary' of nesrly onehlrf. Ater seerl
dasys' considesratiniM.T'ildethIsisdse-
cdred to decline tie oter atndhisisit -t
tten liii Yale atorites to lit effect.
Prof,'Tildent has been at Michigan
ontly three years ardie feels that lie
Unt'tiversity is etitedi to mrore of iis
ework ir return for wviat it has chne for
thie. Tins, ini site of lie fact ttie
is a Yale graduate of 9f, and has mray
-personal ties to drawv him, e 'has decid-
r ed to stay.
This is tie third such offer that has
been tade to University men fitiriitie
-last few years. Chicago persuaded Prof.
s Andrewv C. McLaughlin to take a place
in A nieicani history at tie tmidway
school three years ago. ast year Yale
-offered Prof. C. H. an ync a pro-
efessorship in American history, wich
ir-e refused Prof. Tilden's refusal of
etire last offer bhas settled tie thirs.

William T. Ellis Says That the'
Extension of Missions Means
Expansion of Commerce.
'lie sisljet rigf'Williamti'f. Elis'.se-
rnd lecture. giv errlastseenig irsNew-
erry Shail, wasis"'lie Criticismi of For-
eiinisissius tyEre 'f tie Cries.
'iThe Eririr i issionrsru. T' l ani'arus
is floies
Mr . Ellis tegsan:5"There ar cotser-
ceptionrssitftie Soreegn missionrysu-.Ac-
cordingis tone lie is a saint, na heo,a
posssiblemrety;ty tie oiler, apiin is
meddltletrictn sia rot altosgeter inss
grafter. Thfirrst views i siuiportedt by
tire boosstiswirittnostirtie sbietr te
sesondti by iotto trmot reo,".,
'tire mirssonasry enterprise is w-
inrt otil tir -attentiotn. It has atisaireli.-
teratisliortance snt is ns longsr
confirnedsi ts teireres sof churchineu-
liesrs. 'Th1e miissinry poblnemni i hpfe-
les-sytiserwn wcitrih tie sdilomati
serice c.utetirecee brigig serious
iesits torwilesnains haves rut'resnltet
frotiscesrtirn missonarys sctiities 'Firs
ii~sisitiof smissionsenss tie ex-
pansin osrsf cmesinsrcec. 'Sie miissioary-
repirsesntss ciiiiosnnins ths-esst.'
Aft~i tus esslling atsentio'n to tiec'x-
errs f tinherblemn.iir. Ellis roeeede
tosisicursirne oithtns-most siking pie-
nromna-n o f this situatissn, tie great gulf
bte t-srhie-miinries'a ntilother ishite
Snnara. leliduntiefailth to tie
mistaklens sttiitude cr5 tie miissitnaries,
irid isiotsotiesirsgodliesscf tie husi-
its-me list .is u-sal) sone.
M\iissinaieisslitontlhels tiewsi-he
riesm enwae slormi. 'Sie pot ciiypro-
is-s'sis sigesrtsn wercthiki. 'hre-aesi'
thtsasii-aii d tihouistiasndesf wehies resi-
sts-nt insthim ndrihyetlierisc entiely
"'1'his is a5criticistSer inism n sr-tite mains
pono iew.Scsi e n'tic' s, tn the tirhiler
hadssoplinthttie missionry soes
-o aimteri iseinrlf,dosnrot act inn
to . Irsl('tini seialyisthtie mission-
si-y cuis s rci sit ntets by lt-hisssi
duou mmines'fes-ties-wintintie irsw His
linofa tritt- tha~s-usred'ni iitinsiaeni
iots airishomtic trags edsies. Soths
Prtestansiisan f'sathoiicsrsoffedcers.
Nseertiss, tie mi.isrsiay is yet tie
instlsympathestichitsimil asrtsinstie
Orent. Ins spits',sof tie fsults o if ru-
sir intiit., liie miissrionieis ue tie only
boditres-flre te godo thie naties.
'li e rch-eetsissre insifferent airiself-
Mr. le li thiers tpointedhout that us
uric resents tie asssuptionr that a mis-
sionaruy is a lsioedi saint more than the
mrissiornasry' hmnsef, if he is healthy-
mnindedcandturdrnpreentious, hbutthat too
masnu nysi- all they attempt by a anci-
meois atnt sef-sufficient maner. Mr.
Elis relatied seteal stories sdrwni from
liii uwnu experience showing how very
sfen young stir ineffciet mssionries
render ulemnsetes iicuelosiins this
'Marry mirssionarnies," he said, "are
nmarksed by their social unfitness. It i
a great mistake to allots such men to go
nto the fied, for te foreigner is even

quicker o recognize at gentemanitani
we are. Then many miissionaries are
bigoted arid extremely narrow-meinded."
:11r. Ellis, after citing nimerous lins-
rationrs of the petines of som~e of their
quarrres among one another, character-
iech this attitude as "peanunt religion,"
anti addsed, "Tire missionary should be
testedl for a sense of humor just as
strictly as for doctrinal sondnes."
After this long amd detailesd criicismr
of indiv'iduna ases, Mr. Ellis ino lie con-
cluisioun of iis lecture spuke of tie ir
tues of the msissionary body as a unit.
"'fie missionary body, especially tie
Amrericaunin u point of character, of un-
selfish devotion to the wiork, and of
efficiency, ranks higher than aiy pro-
fessional class in this country,not x-
cepting tire Christiasn nministry. No worn
of preaise is trusthight for is mioral char
adler. Its culture s sun rich that ii
teeth no ndeene Judcgediby sll timit
grids innonmke utigoodnisocie, this mis-
sionassryhunt' contiutes-the rny ''nint
society of the at.
"hum ansiwer to tie quesions as to
wtucher Christianity is tot a nmere r-
cial religion, I wouldn answier, uns. 'The
lrge nnuber of sinere conrees innevsry-
hetensinationr provtha lmt it is nit.
'Another tatte inniich tienmissiorn-
ary- msoeent meay he criticisedi is tie
uter inadeqtuteness onutis propagandsa.
Tine systemr of boards is iing unsre
effecive work than tie indnependentn miis-
sionus Te great mnass of pa~gaunismr is
still untotcedn by missionary' effors. It
should all he done togeher or let alonue.'
'Sie subhject of Mr. E'llis' leture for
tonight is "Facts ronertie Fiend. Tie
Actual Coniditions of Foreign Missonss
Today." 'Sie subject of lie Stursay
evening leture has been changed to
"China, Poiicully, Socialy, and Re-
ligious." Mr. Ellis wisles to lay spe-'
cial empuhasis uponrtie Saurdetay- annu
Sundaitelectures s tie ominutumpetantn
Of tire course.
'lie Educrationaiclustsscimeet ii a
u. T'uesdaty,inn Room 6 , 'appani Sal,
to discuss tie tupic inS recent signifiant
schoousl legislatiuon. A is-sue of crima-
tiosnl refoer lustsbeectswsieiing ovee
tine countnrt nhurig tie past ets years
nt iiut s eft its impsires ott state st
utlt boosndninhonstitutnnions Still unon-c
isef cto inbIn doneuns',truth iuga, thusghn
originalliy- a eader, is rots'nr tie reae
in this litre of progress. Current maga-
zituss annulnewsapers evtoe muche trice
to these probliemns.
'fle plan for the mseeting is to ave
sti inforrmal ndiscussinonf lie sbijec
simnniar to that whlichiress so scceessful.
when tie problem of exanminatonss ias
consinered. These meetings are attract-
rg consdrable interest and are con-
sidered valuable by those who attend.
Tire cub will hold metings on alter-
iate Tuesdays, and nte nmeeing ech
mnonthr ivll be addressed by some protei-
miet educator or faculty man.
.ts Ws1u, IusucTs-eAce ANARCHY.
'The Alpha Nun literary society will
discussi anarchy as the general topic at
the uneeing Saturday evening. 'Pie
talks will be as follows:s "Recent Ai-
archistic Activities," Raymond Immel;
"Tine Nihi lists in Russia," C. .,. Kng;
"Socialism and Anarchy," W. D. Frey-
burger. A short session of the senate
will be held in order to discuss some
specific measures, to be introduced by
F. W. Stover and Edward Pre.
The meeting will be called o order
at 7 o'clock in order that those wio wish
to attennd the track meet meay do so.

Major Harrison Soule, former treas-
urer of the University, has been confined?
to his bed with ha grippe for the ;ust
five weeks. It was reported today that
he is mooch improved and hopes to he
omit in a week.

Annual Play Will Proably Ap-
pear in Several Cities-Re.
hearsals Show Talent,
'he'u tscshier Vereinr s contempnult-
ig tins-presenttnin neieghbo ruing citis
itt this spring's pay, 'Minuta ionsBrn-
hnlis." Negotiatuons for dantes ree iing
carriednonunithinuDetroit, Saginawnn, Gmaus
Thic Sanrrnie ,'sciey onutreioit nitri
lins uder econsieationn ai sat.Ster
Marxhetausen, editor of thii ensd-'sts
an tpresidnmt ofteclu etys ' i s rer--
sposnnitg itgrth Sen RifIggemrt , gus
ninth rmnanger of he lnny. The unuit-d
G~sertmn usoities of SagnawSnt i ' ; decitri
nt thei rced meetingupon tie 5teseintat
tion nut 'tniinii sou riunhcmiutrs unnels-
theirsausices. GrandulRapissndTumlt
it-o rhtue also prospectives-plac~es fotune lr-
A nun Arbor usill tints'ftineftst oppourue-
tummty ino is' ihiini minusBarnhiiem"i'at
this Nest-Whiitney theaterthis'wmttei ins-
tone shrining vacationn. Siertofre -tins
Vereirn pays maesuits-ys inen-n gis-en inn
Saraht Caswel-l Angel hatt. S'orsthud
frtotihm'mem-brers of cle Sfnvesitv
untilcitizecnsf Annmfnte somuty e'sunte
oh securring aunte sccourodtriontst
tienew entheate. "s'nittum um ua o anheint'
s ntmueely-aU(nisesty-podutintm
for studnerts, bust no of sets a nunre tin
he of interest to all Germnns.
Beginnig mmexweeks te casnt wil es-
hese cdaily- inn order t attini perfection
Escli scceeeding rehear sal is cartacte-
izedh tyincresig entthusiasm.inour
pat of tie playes. achteimectsey
undmestarrlnd ctrthasnuncenrtheiterinn-se
sunsrim and value Of their lites. 'Sie sun
rut etch nmembeiniitinscasut iuso lring
omt all that tie vaius insees-tig sita-
trns offer.
In tiecests: there are btrntine terosm,
nun ealy mnr -chaacter s tkig hr,
tus affordiing excellent opuorun tineo
indsividualnrisiginasliy nitnd on., ins-sy
witm nonoums characteizacstiorn,
'li r uesent reeslssre markilel is
thurtginger an gofast" charcteis tic
of formne eeeinnpreasrti our. John
Dieerle, oflie Germndepcuarmntneu, is
dirsetor of liihepou onidu, ainilFred-s
'r'toodrtuff is stage mnager. (Under their
direction tie pay- is inrsh stisfactrilyi
'Sie University mnuscal clubserillh
sake a week-end trip to Saginaw, Mumrel
28, for a- single conceert. Tie cus miii
leave Friday night amd get buds Snuny
mousrning. It is about two years sine'
the cubs have appared there, andI it s
expected that this concert will be a
success. The boys have been prticing
long and faithfully and the older memre-
bes say the curb this year s onec of the
est ins recent years. 'lure arcrmany
alumni in SaginawareunS at every appear-
summed of tie nusia eclubs the oys are
well entertained.
'fhe secondi and nance, given last
Frinday ight, ivas a success financially
as tech asrisocialy, as was shown y tie
treasury report to the executive com-
mnittee last night. The net proceeds
from the last dance was $29.70. So suc-
cessful have these dances been that it
was decided to hold another immediately
following spring vacation.

The question of open air concerts was
taken uip and discussed, hut no definite
conclusion was made. Tlhe menmbers of
the band are willing to give their ser-
vices if a suitable bandstand is erected,

MR. 'WILLIAM T. ELLIS5 Newbet-ry Hall
Third of series tonight at 7 sharp, closing in time
for S. L. A. lecture.
SUBJECT--The Facts from the Field. The Acttual Conditlonts
of Foreign Missions to-day.

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