G. h. Wild Copany
Or Spring 198 line of fine
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Is now ready. It includes all
the latest Novelties, Shades
and Up-to-Date Patterns in
Moose Brown,
Caribou Tan,
Leather Shade,
Grays and
Fancy Blues.
Your patronage respectfully
G. I. Wild Comfpany
311 South State Street
Linen Bond
Writing Paper
and you'll agree with us that
it is the fitest writing paper
1o be had atywhere, at any
price Comes in folded sheets
lut up i pound to the pack-
age for
25 cents
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Sheehan & Co.
Student Bookstores
A. G. _
S PALD IN G °____
& BROS.K )
The Largest Manufacturers in the World
of Official Athletic Supplies
Base Ball, Foot Bal, (Gol, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Otiiattopleons sf o, r rak ad Field Sports
Uniformss oe al Sport. Spaldise'. Hadsdomey
Itstrated Caaloeue ot alt sportsotaissnu-
meos sugestions. Sedor it.-Ittsfree.
New Yrk, Chcag, 51t. Luis, San Francisco,
tinao i esi-e.e tiBff al, Syracuse, Pltts-
bur, PilaelpiaBoston, Cincnat, Balti-
more, Xi ashlgln, Kansas City, Cleand,
New Orleans, Detrot, Mtontrea, taada.
'Managing Efdior-Aocu7ER F. RTCuE.
Business Manager-C. E. WtNSTEA.
News .................Hiram S. Cody,
Athletics .............. Lee A White
Elxchange......I1-. John Wambold'
Music and Drama.....Roy D. Welch
Women's Editor... Louise Van Voorhis
J. W. MeCandless Elmer C. Adams
Russell McFarland
George 11. Hobart Leonard C. Reid
Chauncey Bocher B. G. R. Williams
Raymond Visser
M. B. McHugh J. H. Prescott
A. L. Mainline Robert Mountsier
Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney
Water K. Towers Louis Kraft
Lesis T. Ktiskern Robert Moreland
Pattl Greer Sauuel H. Morris
Otto Engel Fred E. Gooding
'Theront P. Cooper
John F. Wurz Carl H. Adam
Harold P. Gould
Address: MICHtGAN DALY, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours : 1- p. i., 7-8 p. m.
daily, except Sunday. Both phones
'VEINESDAY 3iMARCh i i io.
Consideralle contient has bee caiserl
among the saaily aletes by the iun-
usuial display of prep school iigi in i
thegy mnasium. The fact that the piw-
es-that-lie conteiiplae legislation to
miftigate the eil is sufficient in itself to
attract tilr atenilonc o it.
A'fer all, there is no smstiall aout of
usier in the prttest of the older me
agaist tlis. usswonted shiesw. \Whil thr
rulesof the athletic assiiiatien or the
gyiiiiaiuimi ro it deny aiy individual
the right toi wisear the sign of his earl
attainencts, ueveteless there loisal-
iays eee aii unisritte siaw iwhici de-
clared against the wseriig of aiy in-
signia on the flor of ite gym siller
than itat f iisiiitiois of equaisl raik
aniid pretige wiiti the Piiversiy.
Sui flagrantithav-c the sviolatiois iofthis
aiiieit lair becomse of late that the cap-
taii nIfile track team lhs seeii it to
pulishi a protrst against the offenders
reprseitinig at the saiie tiiie the grit'
rol sitiiiet of the iieii actively lar-
icipatiig ini athletic affairs.
'The lair is by- nimats a iecaeit ii
stittion, ut is founded iipioi the rights
'f the mcii rhte work ai n rishere. aiii
ntot abroad:i utid in the nature of thing
it ciiitieli out. 'Va flioid the gyt
iitti theinsiiigiia of foreign itistituioins
iistinictly citeiies tha~t whici is offered'
byteclasses atoilytiyhle University.'
Furteritore the wearig uf such symboils
cantsigiify aiyting of virte if the
icarer cannot 'make goid" here.
fIt the face of poppla disarll i, the
flaunietig of itiialet jerseys sout the
gym iis iii idirect viilaioniiiifiithle roader
aidtulter cllege siri tlthicht lnewssnio
sigii ut that of htcal atauiniintu. The
price fthis less prtentuiiius aparel
that is cimniyuuI wiorii is niiisu ich as
to prerit any) ats frois obtaining it.
At all eetsthe present condition ought
to le frow-ied upoii generally.'T'bcrc-
moat of the otrusive iisignia isill leni
ieserved i lgniy is that anariediin ac-
coridsanciwithi the rles geritg at-
ltues at \Michtiguan.
VTe Blieu cedtulayers who aieauir in
A\iitiActborieat ieeka iil1 stage "Julius
Caesar'- fr their first perforimace ol
Satutrday afterisoon larchs 21. On Sat-
nttulsnight She Suoops to Conquer"
sill le proedriw.iile "Romeo anti
Juliet" wille gieniNoonday nigs,
Mlarcth 23.
It iias wiiti ''Eierymian," tle old Eg-
lishi mouralityplily, mist the dramas of
Shiakestieare ttat Mlr. Greet lin't ap-
tieiredin ttAmeirica. I the four years
diinigswhicti he has tiured tis cotintr'
hei tins iittlicaed his English success.
Etncu-iirageil Iy te receptin accordei
tie oldiEtiglishipays, lie las revived
Goldlsmithtl's SlurStiiiiss to Conquer."
Accrdetihg to the reprts fromthIe
esterit cities whlere the first presenta
tionts tititlaite, it is rue of the Imist
ieligtful ticoductins yet given Iy the
Eiiglishimaaegr. 'Tha Ie old Engliht
coedriies swhichihasecute disappeared
tromuthueitmiterit stage are still caale
of pirdcig mitcigeuiie entertai-
timc-it andihetrty' lasgiter, is iseli siewn
by the praises iii theatrical critics of
Boisutonandc tWasiigtgoni.
-lr-. Gretasisuimies the role of Toy
Lumstpkin, the miishieous goot-tatired.
yotitg felloss islie iesires lnotig so
muchel as to escape from isli mother's
ialrion stritigs ansiltoispendtiI Iis timie and
guititecus o ottrtisesailhis lbooiscimtpa-
Wit Iitm, \iss Iree Roke shares
the ottrs 'isitt ter itipersoaionsof
the sriglyttRae I ardasle. Milieu
Riosmer ats withi rat-c effect the art
of ChIares )larliii, ue biasfil loser.
The ithelersi are all excelleit in
teir rles;tiatiyof temts tre caatible
f itchtteItaierpatrs.
'Ih tsBleu Greet troiutilois differ froim
the usual cite's its tisre sias taiio.
'Tere is tie str sirroiintded bytnumer-
ois weakier stellites ut all the plyers
are sit itniformisexcelleise, sd the cas)
iseremarkably esi11traintedlad batlance.
Sets fr the lier Greet perfiriances
siill goiiiiissale texl Saturday itmortig
at it oiclocklsits laror gymnsumiis.
Ater Sauriay the tices sill le sold
ati Wahr's fristi 4 irs 6 daly. Sevety-
ive cetissill le chargei for reserved
seats andi fity ceits for general amlis-
LOS'V-'Masrchu o, laiy's opet-faced
gilid sathets.lwesenis 17 . asigton
andil physical laioraitoy. Returto1
alicve addirestr lphonie 45-,.. Rewaru.
Sec our complete line of Michigan
pins, fobs and souvenirs. Haler's
Jewelry Store, 216 S. Main street. od
Prof. W. 'W. Florer ofi the Gerisan
deprtrmenl twill lecture tndr the ats-
picers of theseIcuscher Mmcm in ext Fri-
day evening at S o'dlo:k, in Sarah Cas-
well Angell Hall, on "The Attitude of
Contemporary German Poets tesard
Education." The lecture, to wihich ad-
mliisin is free, sill e givetinit Engishi
ini order that it may- be better under-
stood aind appreciated.
'Tie sibjec of education is our of the
mnst vita ipestions cotfronting the cot-
tettporary Gernan poets. In every forml
ofi literature, ill poetry especially, has
the existing school sysemtn et attacked.
Is tinter to etter this, a great meetitg
is held every spring at Weimar. Here
gather Germnaty's greatest educators ad
iterary met, to idiscuss cnditions of
the educatintal syi'm suit suggest pos-
sible impshremenets. Practical 0,tograis,
prouviding for cotcerteci actiotsit all
parts of te etmpire, are smapped out.
Dr. Flore's ecture sill presiit thur
prncliples for 'iht these iei arcoco-
teniig. H-e his witent tuiimerous arti-
cles ont this subject, especially for "Fue
Lore" and oler literary magaines to
xwhiichi le is a regitlar cntribtior. Hr
has msade a particular sidy of the edt-
catitoena mtovemuetts in Germlay atd
conltribuiied as is resut of this research
te variousmpedagogicah journals.
After the lectire the tersof c
Deiitscher Merein sill assembe its thur
tarrs ofi arbuur gymunasium for the
isiial informoah receptio at-d datce.
Eachl Imembher of ttte seior me's sec-
ieu has the trins-uge of insiig a get-
tleiiani guest acorcing to thetsia cuis-
Charles Whttiniug Baker, mataging edi-
lee of the Etgineeritg Ness. sill de-
iver ai leciure er otu March 27, his
sitbject ueitg "The Making of Ltierature
Io tinEsgineers."
Mr. Baker cottts Iere utder te ais-
ies of te departisetttof rtetoric. He
ia-i deieredua u mbluler of lectures ibe-
fore idifferett unitesieities. 'Tuis swil Ie
his finst aitearciusteeat Michigasn, os-
ever, although thte rhetoric departmoenth
hsu- betitryinlg he gelthill for oser a
year. His lecture sill e opeti to the
genieral public. ft sill e of estecial
interest toi egieering stutdetts atd tutt-
'ents itteested in journalism.
'TeEgineering Nens, of sthici Mr.
Liken is ttaagig editor, is ote of tie
leaduing engineeng jorals of this
ceuntry. It is kownu for its broad-
minided treattmsent of engiering suit-
jects and of muaters of natioal interest.
Mlr. Baker has bett in charge of te
editoriual sork othiss paper for fifteet
years. lie is the auttor of "Monpoies
andc the People"
LOST-Watch fob dring Michigenda
at Whitney, or ott Sate street. Notify
Cusititg's pharmacy. tf
Since 188 we have made Watch Re-
pairing one of our strongest features.
Haler's Jewelry Store, 216 . Main
-street. od
IFor all uepaurtets of the Uivosersty
e Isasesastargerstck of
tGet One Prcesn
Drafting instruments
and Supplies
All kinds of Second-Hand Books
taken in exchange forcash.
University Bookstore
Now is the right time to
fix up that Scrap Book you've
been talking shout so long.
My new (smooth cover)
I'M" Book
is best and largest ever.
With photo Pres. Angell.
Also Special Picture Rat e
with hook.
5porttl 0oOa0
Eygasss hae tecnmesuc a
necessary nuisance with studnts of
tte tat they will welome an ye-
eta-ssishal gives comufort and seesie.
}tave yor optical work doue at
ARNOLD'S snd hen wilt fit yon Cculu
fortably and guarantee results. (ick
Retpars. Lu's-ic-iGround.
Optical Specialist witt
WM. ARNOLD, Jeweler
10 South Main Street
More Stylish
Most Stylish
Are those that buy
their S pring Shirts
The Co-Op Store
March 12
Will assist at
Students' Lecture Association
King of Amermcan Funmakers
FI -day Eveniint, Marc 13, 1908,
at 8 o'clock.
University Hall
Singlie Admission
al -o 500
121 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props.,
Phonie 598