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March 08, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-03-08

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The Michigan Daily



NO. ix7.

Freshmen Defeat Sophomores in Annual Meet by Margin .of Four
Points-Michigan Takes Relay from 0. S. U. Quartet
-Craig is individua~l Star of Evening.


the test half-inailer in Oio ;hte. e li
ain secondi for hislteam leaistilit andx
clearl-ield ci laic own. a\illilt- xxwIo
tarled faeirtem, i ix um--in- isfirst
year ieuliegiate company.I le Fsi howedx
remarhkable foeraiearl-ic'in lhe seacont
taving won to middle (.ale ra
against ()lhio We-Oxyan cxxii c.Toeirt
fourth man. Rogers. ,~ f~nel
fColittilitichigh slm tr Ii
Vteotig rnea ae manx -xiixxdxi tin ia
hiardi rae.
'Tie Ohtioansix atete b leniefit of the
coachlittg of AleCarte, fxxttteely if Cite-
tnell Fiterearit agotext ompet-

I,act nigtisi ftehsp meicxii ex prioed,
in the weixrti tif Keenie Fiitzaticik, lxx
hte otte if tiii liest if nxol the et f the
ixidoort meets x wicih c hxi liaNebe eled i
W~atermni gym iTthIle ftcshmni wott liy
the exceeeilgy it-reet mtagnti of 4 1-3
pont, ael it th loelc annxed thile re-
lay re Acis a iin indiia in xit winnier
Ralph, Craig.i '11 -itixi rove the est
ininiig firet in btt hutrdlec, etniiitt
ai idead teat itlte ti-ar f ia w it
McNaire, anutieig tin thid withl (hsee
xanii IT~eiicxx in the highi jumpi. Ilie
also It oela o the- vitoiriousi clli-
freshi rehiy eami Cri' total f poits
xxxi 14 1-3, andx Trxrex, lhis tiaes ri-ivetal
fie indliiiua honrs hadix l. Caigset
lie fre-t c riiecrxxx of 4 r 5 econdis
inith low I x ut li an tilieu the gyii Fee-
or foxte evexi-tt \lMiit-itt's relxy'
lxxi i dte feted the Ohi-aui x in a mostiii
e-rilitig cnteted
whtt itkc cextix Ixii ini the slioit lixu
S I'ttlreiii. wo iti he li enitii lasti ight. Jote
Romer d i i ionter ill(,ii e itt-el- ut
failedi to rexcteli-lxi fryfooit marl:, butli
tox scextix puie.
lie cltash. Ini liihe ti fixasfou teti trei
left. ht sophomoriiesx andtwolxx friclim
exielt if whomii hiadx xxxii hisi sei-lnalft
lit ini 4 z 5ieonds.i Te foutr ir
i'xiite' iii xabreast -il thxe lasti xiii Craig~
M11]i V', -Nxair rxuxtiing ga dieadti ii Iu~-5
xeexxxi. Ini the pieliuxuite)r diashes aic
U ,c r. Schiittri S Mcin Kect iix (i
lfiierhxei xidi F itze xx li it Ixi Tii
inthle -iqe hurdile, L tl~ Sntii xiii
ntn of bixthl the xtic at Ias yxiar'si fixsh-
cuxli nitl ticedex xxf erit exl4h li lx
tt_1xptiiiig hisi iiiii-i for. "x~eir
itr-, iii is lxiii xir is tie-.
- The pi~ iti xeilx ii hl
eteti iii nt the c,' tighx ai-re cxii h<i
witt Joe IfIxrner "latxi :nxiuriiix .tlie te
xii; teo feel 6 ittel:e, re heti to feel'
iticiec- lasxi nighi . kittipi Stuxtee Iceit
cxii anid Wvright iix fu :eem , xixi.x xxii
itig to -feet. 6 iuiteec ixiiei lx eenxi-
tilly gutd Io lxi xixixrgex itti ti xi r f et.
Stauetr v-aultedi ini ixt iexiil formi
tatd cle-ae-ih liii i ii th l1pt matirki,
lint;fxallintg, hex eCaughx. the-t-l axifh tu-theii
tipst if tic finigerx aitint teniu. _-_
Eatrl Stithti fot-edx Torrey tx dx ma
prextty juinttg inoxi ii the high imip.~
lixill metn wiere in gxxxoi form~t,rung
the bartip itol 5 ftet 6 ichxec tutd ceir
ing it eaxily. At 5 feel: 8 inctese Torrey
suieceexdetd, liut Sithl brusetitxex liiahr
fromxthlii pegxx harely tiilg the-mak.
Probabtlly a mttoxe exeiting set f liii
isiittee rititwa n-tevexer puiled tff iii tie
gyii ititn Keente stariexd lxisi ight.
l;eery rtiee wasi a fight thaxt broutght tie'
roonters in their feel. \Myer rax thei
three lapsi in titte thiat wouldix have e
cuettex hiit a plaice utitn the vatriy re
lay teatel. lie nmadie the disticitee ini 45
375 scends. lit the sxii aix rxiii.lihit-
- ck attilhtcxhet keit xlihe it-ildittiy
gutexcig for a cc-itner, anttd all the wiile
Shtafroth wcerowxlixcg'the pair in theer
lesti-time. Bohttcik wonxtc xi.
'x The tite laps rn t cxx cet by
Maxy, wittner tif the exenti lxxsi yeaii
atid prohable fotirit mtant upni the relay
leant which will reicresen iheiganl it
Phtilatdelpia this spring ie fitishe-
rematrkably strong,
Tue all-sopl tll-lech relay race wa
abiont as close ax sitch xi raie caetibhi
Tue sophonmtne teatrl (Netzoreg, Myexs
Leger and Curo) is a 13 3-5 aggcga-

huh lxxtoiaimitt.'STe frextiteit were re-
resexnedlixy-Torrery, Ryxn, attdlKeck,
xaloc13.-3-5 leu. atnxlCaig, Ic-Ito ax
iIe the disetnex-iii13 2-. Hs cseiter-
iritycaettanxitdy atothe rtcial l-ii
mut, ticiseamiu wonttoutiC ly a nek.
Tile ltietwax eo rematrkxbluy fat tattt
-it ixti--ac feireila -xuttttk axI beeti
Sli. Te ltie iwaix53 2-5 -secontds.
Ithleexcla elayle setior Tits, tee
-faseet f teqtuartescere ediqeltifiedl
fr faiigto lxtucthiinIteir irctilt
le xliianis.Thttits-xthrtetm frotm
!ethae.eTuehe tetgiteescwere xi-
ixhittilieti for te ille1reasoni, iitt were
Iatxidamia gediblithiuxeeix i cio las tec
lxi lix teir rateexianilay
Te eaturei oxfte exeting, xx there
~~~el ith3O, S. cxasxvertisexd, madxe
gioxi. foxiit xxtwaiitt~iy ctruggle frott
-tistarfin ist.iWartet led ff xagntux
Si illixtix anxd heldl his ownat stlettxily).
-'Duli folowted imitianttigavt-cWlle SMe-
txiiiiittaboutl ead.. Merrit's oppot~-
telti faggxedlOnithle- lctxuarter xxtid
r Wxile.,gvtai-ocho "Stier" Cxie
tu tu a.x eaxxtf aothtetivxxe:tards. Cxe'
oppnen iti tx _gultierce, lbuttlie wasx{
tt -o i'li itiitch lite tutargi- et. agit
lite hiireixtiett ehowted -x .eiedx
tilck tof c irti -excel - eccx rotig fur
ttheir teamsxThxSe roict xiycc notilvcey
Sizing tip" te rexis f t enxxix rf
.hihtlttiC reiil ed' S'doxt eiietxlor
whenueticxexWifIt x scie lx iitetof -gooxdi
tutluii clentetheliiesittyx t i tute year
IQ'sx toixti lyretaalkte"
utimi otil thI V ou )..40 feet "h
teche-, flihint fe) t 3-xii inchttes;e
ingtu 11105 ttoiey C) 5 feet I8
inh s 5ith 5), -fet ISuxine s r
r, e FI Lexuuuxxout fi)tuitl Ciaig (F)
l I ile ext rl Alierdee() to feet q
iai x Ktt liii () Iec tttxout(S, Sui
jI- x mlti f{ ) thxlfiii eet 6ttxncex.
Thuirty lire d- ash icud MNir 'SS)
- lxix pitrdilottiurlc (rxang (F~)
n- it x i treec-£)fF5 c1 cixoul -,elur(I ,
eForty x ted igt luudli-Cratg fF)
ht hrela rnh ,!sul c(Si)fist;it-
y ix-]lix rtit-IoluutckC fS) firct;
3atace (Fli ecnd Shatfrothi fi)
c.titIti~e-=r 4e3 - .
Nin-l ru-Ma i() fist; ee
t ely aee-Frecluteut xxwtn.t No
ixupointixs.; ite-o:3 25
Cls ea a-VS llit efeatplir
micsex(finntucicdisqualiied);itte 0:5
,535 09 einoeexsidefet'itetgineec
1-(loscesdsqultitfe) ;nie, ,054 45
Ox .txt-cwsudefeaht o lcws;-itte 054 45
cl Vrip-O. S. fT, relay-Michihgan
itf(<oe, Serrili Dlnl, Wxarer) ciii:
Tiie-3:00 t15
5y _
r,1111STAE. S RLAY
dThe fOhio Siateuivesity relay ean,
whiii c xaiischtelctj-latuiful rce xgisti
istevarity lstiaight ix coposed motly
ah f,"mcii terc-ttt-hiicriyear- oite
s,, ,9j. t.'u. 1H40k Slieoaly ,chieran it
t- Cot. Leceriigcc-Io it reptee to e

Director of Baptist Guild
Ferry Lecturer in Japan-
of Subjects Announced.


'lii-followintmg is th e lifsujet
'fl re toelmi- bex' i dliered by Wtilliamii
T. Elilis, SiMarihi x ,undxuer auxpices
of thei Cihiitin sscation.xi tlie'(firth
lectr ehu'hxinmg Cx iittberr uhhall5Min-me
day, 7 at xx.n
W~xednimeday, Ahixux. x li--The"Iumpertui-
nencee"ofl ttecignixsicitii. C< dexh
Iand mViewxu fxii Cxiiitiuim Pt'opiles
and aths Theii issihonary'mMx otSivxe.
ST x hursda, u:Mr. liiieCreiiicistmof
Fhuxrx-gt \t''-lkiiu-by hutIlof-xtheii'Critics.
ixphie Ixitn i \iu'xxmx xx -Thex' lii tand
AsIl o esi.x
1 Fridayix \hlit mu- 'hu e tsxx front xtile'
:fieldTheI xi'ciii- IConiions xxioxf Foreiigni
Altisins I xoxday.
Satuilium xl n\h ii 4lixeliilim ititiuitix
of Forilti-- it \i',xtii
stup s, \h ii; i~i Si ias Indx xxi uoimh
Prexdxt or. x PresentxCisii
Sre-i m xi Fix-huh direxio ofx te Bap
t ith G ultI knmmvsxx nx 116i erin. allytumitmi,
haiing metxittu tuyhie lx' h nl.hIllixi
4toxur xuing i apnm irmeriil
=h is liii folloN into alxx Cxx 'xiiiriming Sit'
Ellisi utald xhism-itrk
''Aim'. flux is a Jurni stihi ofx thx filsth
ratk. listsucxesscxis clii uet hititaa
luitttlixitofihiualitis xich inviably'tux

wchil ione ctaitget xat he real fact;
tutu onteehlaiig found the facts, lie i
capabulue of sttxing themitchhiaxxfrnuk-
testutuclearnes cwhichm comlstetle
herty admuiraiiontof isi redtexsuatni
is autiiencee.
"Mr. RFlux wenttolxxhe fOrieint ax year a
agox lasxisummcuter to seecheher Amiei
ecan andilEuropean isionarditixec cere
reallhy- acompliing anyhig in toe.
iulad, uttnd whetheithehtxlexintltie ext
cpiaitns andutie globe-tottiercere hue
atee;-all. The rathe- stariniig reutsie
xxf his inveestigations wtil1ie given ii the-
coxueeoxlflveelecturexhi) he deliere i
itt Annm Arboxr as the iest serie intlFerry
leturexsi trch i-li. ITe. etreex
xxiii o nubhrowuconie rabxilxruue light
uponxutprobhlemst whcahiitre juixt mnxx
peing foxi tuolution iniiJapanmm.Chitxi
Koxream andulInudi"
I CC h3iCl, 'ffCUt<NiCI iNI
Tlut elimini xlex xxi iii' mhandballh
tournmentmxx uilill lltart liio'orrow- at 3
p . Twenhtteuy-four-i' ilumhave uxi xmme e-i
inuth in tgli,xso that twlve-il ontestsi
arix xcediuled. 'lie gaumuecwitl cnisutx
xof fifteeni pxointsmeceuh, tututie- mmxx'x x-
igtut multi hrexemli'gumxs witu. The
cestanxts uuhavhue' hue-i-udrauwnumthu hplay i
thx followuinitgtiner:
t.--Lid'iivsc. Hanucen. _.-Gintyi-
GexrnertI. 3-Wehtet c. T'pinug. 4-
fGxiuxi-'c. Txrxii. g-Lefiiigut xiivx.
Frecumuu.t 6.-Pratti c. T. Ran. 7-
Iea cxiic. Roegec. h8.--Reighuxrul c.
Vatugni. .-Foxuntaxinuis. IHoaxg o.-
Andthesont ix.Mey-e. x -I alxxiivm.
Cclxix m r2.-Grossmxantvs. -Manuhart.
Thei avix eage cetlasxittheabtufuifSten
tiut e, southuattie'abovexux tesmh'tntsi
cxxiifigure wcenteylie atre tite illhe
floxr.iTheirt unaitedu thn mustueprtm
ti-ti t lay pixtimuuexitlxxiaf teiri' basebalxl
'Slut'ubulec tutouramenitiill sttui
ifier-ihelixnixgle te- fiie. Notiee ol
thexsxe drawcigccill appear later.hxi
Thm eeont for catloxgue i ox, mier-
loaxdig tie postofcee anduxsorey txig
tlie potuxme. Oddlly'enough, the tad-
drxese tre ol enixr etgieers f One
Ol themutreceiedl eent lgbuky tck
ages munuun tuail andxlaltogether tceenty--
ivec 11v1creachledthim tisie of axfex
diay-i CAnthe maut it-w hasu rtlxmeeu
f these- bounduxh ohumtexonxiisItdesek.
.Anusit iges:ev xermaut iitie class
is urinug ull sorescoflpotalcardsxuxi
ri-iquetiitg xariouusxirtrols end hhimu
cataoguexsxandh cc-ry uxuailhbritgs itt
Thesec uulletinsxtutu bokilextre tie
pubmliatinsi of promuuiet entgieerig
frmsuxthrutougoututhe country adelcent-
tai ucinvaluable iunfrmationuon te cut-
giucee.Acecording to lie xstatemuet of
ai iuctien eof thicfacuclty,x"antietgneers
colleciutinof ataogue i the ninth vx-
ublxe' xumcuiuxxmu xia tudeti exun
makie" Tielatlet of thee caialgues
contauxinithe uewet udeeoimentsc ani
imixnuxemteithxini theirreseti elhnes,
tutudumetare hbeginnuiig to realize thact
the cataluoguetue mnithsx aheadxiomleeuc
the esh xcientifi periodicasx,
Thie exiceucse ii time antdl miney bore
up the fincs ii pulting themuctot i great,
uevertiteless lhy are distixbiuutee grais,
in atilexst i the cost of ostage, tu ali
engneerxcahon'apply. Te ifoiuationu
they continuuoftent extnnot e ounidxilsx-
The udepartmenit realizing the impo-
ancecof hee cxtlogue, maitaix a
eatalogne library andl keeps i thoroughly
uptip ndate. At preent thee paters are
treservedu in Room 324, New Engiieer-
ing bluilig, undcledh up iiboxs ade

xxiishxelcex narcl ue harelp accessibule iii
tli-i present shapte, blimit i xistlxainnedito
itistall averticail filiing xyxtemc tintaSke
>cane uof theat = soonxas ike ncessaxxry
1fundtsixare forthcomniig.

Student Publication Was For-
merly Controlled by Independ-
ents-its History.
Te firt numbuther xlf'The hMichigat
Dilyitappearued o rettuehatt eigteitears
ago.x Thix issue uhereedil~y joinal-
hut ittile Universit' Out Sept. x29,
u~go rexul thaulxt tue uil ow The
Dilyuiphatsxhmadi aisteady growcthi ad ax
umudxergone mostxuxoflthe cage iof a
timper x publn lmliheidurinig tuatuperiod
Tlux'piuheerr iapierchronuiedeelstuent
ciities ill a folioxmu y'f4 iche.
3dviteixceiilt x evenu appueaed mxii the
first tage'nitomutthlimetrnneuxug three
pages adsIofulocalmerhantuus swaice
lxx liii'exceioni xoifxieadig uxuatte.
Te ixsuexlflte frst earn is-rcpie-
immei-ghie- hatt isthenittitx' pag. Sreadl
acixthe' lopiiof tixhge' iirusuti let-
tereeihe wics-U.ix'f' nl Si Daily"
h heli cuenr a ufaitati lountcinxu
spag frxomaxxfe-tl nihduirexitgutarplo
ol grasexs. emxxuuthe teo Ifaucetcwater
dritppedithromxughutxuethin year. Netled
ini tieamsmxofxithe emstic"U cwa thrustux
lul inixy'quil. Sice thatutiethe fluan-
lxxi e'mblueum liac mcxxinuatolihelfroim
thex ithe' puage 'lie qutilhasxx eeii cul-
cilxuxul fumefIttt yueritersx andulituri-
cate intixliu' mchies.ui'
liemet xsiguiicuxuxifetiure uof the
establxishing (if the' ist'uent daily'watxhe
fact' that i.cxxixtalshuiledxIandixcol-
troxil luteforuaminmhe-n oftyertihe
lxhInependentsicofthe fUiesiy They-
raiedithe en)miniatithe agiinst the Pal-
aditluu lihedx'ltutuonitolet-by hite
-franxx'uiiesc. CA hint-awccsoul: "Aip
m xn e x Iflie boardufed xlxitos joiing
ax frathernmi hxeebyxfofithexis posiition
xix ith bord."
C~ftiext'ty-thelime t me r )i'i'diinoxxi
reapx axfnuantcial harvuet uandxfrequeitly
thiiito ihi ad lxiiltoiipealxtoltlie etudenis
ini ani attexmpt to lullhe- sucipion
lt ip ltxtie uxoo uakc. Sit site of
he ilboaxxrdl appteranmexof ihe tdver-
tising ectionu, t euhid ior h aly10
adixmit axi tie clxxiof tie first year that
there, was little xenouxigh.moniuey toidividheh
amn he' me'mberxs'of the stff, ax was
tlxxiitile' xinitm.t
Inncspite xlfmhi, lxowieme, the hpape
blossoimtednIinut tie et yerinatd every
y-erterfter fromuitie ofice ntMxiii
streetua hluilefrmxiite amtpus,
whemr e'it reumuainedh until lxxxi year. On
Jue 2 190, tie lquasi-otlicil Daily
haeune glintrxtroli of the Uier-
i) , tile stckhoemuutp eig bhuught
xxiii Slince thenxtie saff ax eenire-
ssuuxib lxteto the 1thr in Cotrol of
Studxentu icaitiotniccelo ad $2,500
lurte ime- r.ixIni ithits cennetion, Prof
Scottsays: S"le Univercisity senate
thouxmgittut e Dily shouuldhe amuxore
reesentivce putblcatioun inI nt in thie
huxtndsx itl tuicate iivdualix;unoreoxer
dioue m-mnteldued it a limi."
Slice'Th'11 aily xxsheeti undcuheiu
Hoauxrdul lxContmmrolmu1 Student Pulica-
tionsi, hsincrxlueaedxlitt size antd edivi-
denuntmumil cmxx'wix the otly real stu-
detl muuultiuixumoxi ith'exmushuu, arniig
tie Aluunucadxxii i hitgxuuueuu xlanwhich
tie nt iits las
Instad f groxteque eheings, fiihed
magciuciutns tue ow ecommonly- seexi
ini She Daily, andthtie issexmof today
hluxnly lxxx iiilue tie sctcesorx of the
tustyuupnumbmuerxtof iftent on eighteen
years ago
Soume of the foee managing editors
were' ]J. BShoxenaker, '91;l Ralph
Stonei, 'S2; I. I;.Janette, '93; E.J
O~towaxy, '94; C A Denison, '94 F
Enugelhaitrd, 'oh C)OISH. xans, '91; C S
D~ew, '4, tatu AC Poundie, '08.

Tickeixslime the Ileti Greet uihays, to he
gienmtnthMarch 2ri xxiii23, will he out
sale text Saturday umorniing xai 9 o'clock,
inx Barur gymncasitim.i

wics time publxic faxcir tutu kuecpstimeixubi-
liec iteresit. ocwitle hexat.lie is Cccii
in the tpursutimtf diveing ittorlex,', antd
wastex liii mie withcthe iwadlhecehuich
couuhli e xsiunu tiff ymrdlxt axi ilme hy
ax chteapuciesoneduxent. lex'seex things
in it broxadiway' tutuknowsxactime reilions
of leainmg moivceumenuxtu end een teh
1o thme oilier, xo thatistin uterpredtations
'o significant occeureiiceshavue time rinig
ox Ionlttip rp90O!y.x55fix isfree front
prejuduicec tutucxxiitherefore cuter into
xx suject or studiy with that opencindu

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