The Michigan Daily VOL. XVIII. ANN ARBOR, -MICHIGAN, SUNIDAY, (ARCHl 8, 1908. C NO. ix7. INDOOR CONTESTS ARE BEST HELD I ER Freshmen Defeat Sophomores in Annual Meet by Margin .of Four Points-Michigan Takes Relay from 0. S. U. Quartet -Craig is individua~l Star of Evening. x, i ,i if t' the test half-inailer in Oio ;hte. e li ain secondi for hislteam leaistilit andx clearl-ield ci laic own. a\illilt- xxwIo tarled faeirtem, i ix um--in- isfirst year ieuliegiate company.I le Fsi howedx remarhkable foeraiearl-ic'in lhe seacont taving won to middle (.ale ra against ()lhio We-Oxyan cxxii c.Toeirt fourth man. Rogers. ,~ f~nel fColittilitichigh slm tr Ii Vteotig rnea ae manx -xiixxdxi tin ia hiardi rae. 'Tie Ohtioansix atete b leniefit of the coachlittg of AleCarte, fxxttteely if Cite- tnell Fiterearit agotext ompet- FRED lYELRRIFIELD CRECOMMEN~DS ELLIS I,act nigtisi ftehsp meicxii ex prioed, in the weixrti tif Keenie Fiitzaticik, lxx hte otte if tiii liest if nxol the et f the ixidoort meets x wicih c hxi liaNebe eled i W~atermni gym iTthIle ftcshmni wott liy the exceeeilgy it-reet mtagnti of 4 1-3 pont, ael it th loelc annxed thile re- lay re Acis a iin indiia in xit winnier Ralph, Craig.i '11 -itixi rove the est ininiig firet in btt hutrdlec, etniiitt ai idead teat itlte ti-ar f ia w it McNaire, anutieig tin thid withl (hsee xanii IT~eiicxx in the highi jumpi. Ilie also It oela o the- vitoiriousi clli- freshi rehiy eami Cri' total f poits xxxi 14 1-3, andx Trxrex, lhis tiaes ri-ivetal fie indliiiua honrs hadix l. Caigset lie fre-t c riiecrxxx of 4 r 5 econdis inith low I x ut li an tilieu the gyii Fee- or foxte evexi-tt \lMiit-itt's relxy' lxxi i dte feted the Ohi-aui x in a mostiii e-rilitig cnteted whtt itkc cextix Ixii ini the slioit lixu S I'ttlreiii. wo iti he li enitii lasti ight. Jote Romer d i i ionter ill(,ii e itt-el- ut failedi to rexcteli-lxi fryfooit marl:, butli tox scextix puie. lie cltash. Ini liihe ti fixasfou teti trei left. ht sophomoriiesx andtwolxx friclim exielt if whomii hiadx xxxii hisi sei-lnalft lit ini 4 z 5ieonds.i Te foutr ir i'xiite' iii xabreast -il thxe lasti xiii Craig~ M11]i V', -Nxair rxuxtiing ga dieadti ii Iu~-5 xeexxxi. Ini the pieliuxuite)r diashes aic U ,c r. Schiittri S Mcin Kect iix (i lfiierhxei xidi F itze xx li it Ixi Tii inthle -iqe hurdile, L tl~ Sntii xiii ntn of bixthl the xtic at Ias yxiar'si fixsh- cuxli nitl ticedex xxf erit exl4h li lx tt_1xptiiiig hisi iiiii-i for. "x~eir itr-, iii is lxiii xir is tie-. - The pi~ iti xeilx ii hl eteti iii nt the c,' tighx ai-re cxii hcane uof theat = soonxas ike ncessaxxry 1fundtsixare forthcomniig. DAILY STARTED AS A POLITICAL SHEET Student Publication Was For- merly Controlled by Independ- ents-its History. Te firt numbuther xlf'The hMichigat Dilyitappearued o rettuehatt eigteitears ago.x Thix issue uhereedil~y joinal- hut ittile Universit' Out Sept. x29, u~go rexul thaulxt tue uil ow The Dilyuiphatsxhmadi aisteady growcthi ad ax umudxergone mostxuxoflthe cage iof a timper x publn lmliheidurinig tuatuperiod Tlux'piuheerr iapierchronuiedeelstuent ciities ill a folioxmu y'f4 iche. 3dviteixceiilt x evenu appueaed mxii the first tage'nitomutthlimetrnneuxug three pages adsIofulocalmerhantuus swaice lxx liii'exceioni xoifxieadig uxuatte. Te ixsuexlflte frst earn is-rcpie- immei-ghie- hatt isthenittitx' pag. Sreadl acixthe' lopiiof tixhge' iirusuti let- tereeihe wics-U.ix'f' nl Si Daily" h heli cuenr a ufaitati lountcinxu spag frxomaxxfe-tl nihduirexitgutarplo ol grasexs. emxxuuthe teo Ifaucetcwater dritppedithromxughutxuethin year. Netled ini tieamsmxofxithe emstic"U cwa thrustux lul inixy'quil. Sice thatutiethe fluan- lxxi e'mblueum liac mcxxinuatolihelfroim thex ithe' puage 'lie qutilhasxx eeii cul- cilxuxul fumefIttt yueritersx andulituri- cate intixliu' mchies.ui' liemet xsiguiicuxuxifetiure uof the establxishing (if the' ist'uent daily'watxhe fact' that i.cxxixtalshuiledxIandixcol- troxil luteforuaminmhe-n oftyertihe lxhInependentsicofthe fUiesiy They- raiedithe en)miniatithe agiinst the Pal- aditluu lihedx'ltutuonitolet-by hite -franxx'uiiesc. CA hint-awccsoul: "Aip m xn e x Iflie boardufed xlxitos joiing ax frathernmi hxeebyxfofithexis posiition xix ith bord." C~ftiext'ty-thelime t me r )i'i'diinoxxi reapx axfnuantcial harvuet uandxfrequeitly thiiito ihi ad lxiiltoiipealxtoltlie etudenis ini ani attexmpt to lullhe- sucipion lt ip ltxtie uxoo uakc. Sit site of he ilboaxxrdl appteranmexof ihe tdver- tising ectionu, t euhid ior h aly10 adixmit axi tie clxxiof tie first year that there, was little xenouxigh.moniuey toidividheh amn he' me'mberxs'of the stff, ax was tlxxiitile' xinitm.t Inncspite xlfmhi, lxowieme, the hpape blossoimtednIinut tie et yerinatd every y-erterfter fromuitie ofice ntMxiii streetua hluilefrmxiite amtpus, whemr e'it reumuainedh until lxxxi year. On Jue 2 190, tie lquasi-otlicil Daily haeune glintrxtroli of the Uier- i) , tile stckhoemuutp eig bhuught xxiii Slince thenxtie saff ax eenire- ssuuxib lxteto the 1thr in Cotrol of Studxentu icaitiotniccelo ad $2,500 lurte ime- r.ixIni ithits cennetion, Prof Scottsays: S"le Univercisity senate thouxmgittut e Dily shouuldhe amuxore reesentivce putblcatioun inI nt in thie huxtndsx itl tuicate iivdualix;unoreoxer dioue m-mnteldued it a limi." Slice'Th'11 aily xxsheeti undcuheiu Hoauxrdul lxContmmrolmu1 Student Pulica- tionsi, hsincrxlueaedxlitt size antd edivi- denuntmumil cmxx'wix the otly real stu- detl muuultiuixumoxi ith'exmushuu, arniig tie Aluunucadxxii i hitgxuuueuu xlanwhich tie nt iits las Instad f groxteque eheings, fiihed magciuciutns tue ow ecommonly- seexi ini She Daily, andthtie issexmof today hluxnly lxxx iiilue tie sctcesorx of the tustyuupnumbmuerxtof iftent on eighteen years ago Soume of the foee managing editors were' ]J. BShoxenaker, '91;l Ralph Stonei, 'S2; I. I;.Janette, '93; E.J O~towaxy, '94; C A Denison, '94 F Enugelhaitrd, 'oh C)OISH. xans, '91; C S D~ew, '4, tatu AC Poundie, '08. Tickeixslime the Ileti Greet uihays, to he gienmtnthMarch 2ri xxiii23, will he out sale text Saturday umorniing xai 9 o'clock, inx Barur gymncasitim.i wics time publxic faxcir tutu kuecpstimeixubi- liec iteresit. ocwitle hexat.lie is Cccii in the tpursutimtf diveing ittorlex,', antd wastex liii mie withcthe iwadlhecehuich couuhli e xsiunu tiff ymrdlxt axi ilme hy ax chteapuciesoneduxent. lex'seex things in it broxadiway' tutuknowsxactime reilions of leainmg moivceumenuxtu end een teh 1o thme oilier, xo thatistin uterpredtations 'o significant occeureiiceshavue time rinig ox Ionlttip rp90O!y.x55fix isfree front prejuduicec tutucxxiitherefore cuter into xx suject or studiy with that opencindu