SEE 171 ~ OW N PACE Intercollegiate Notes.
WINDA(outJ twects mesxenger boxes hIave
been'plcd in ilifferentlbuilinigs oti l te
haits. Itch of these bogies is divided itrl s hcalis llteIa_ a
FOR ino a lumeriof Secton. The upr tII al r1 Loy
SUPPI Isectiont is clewigned for letters fromn 6- + h College,
thevaios rofessors ouf the literary de-w ttti sClttis tlss t ii
HOT ,W A TlO WE artnwn.Ivisite, oct iReel's roes-ii ts iu lt ahu ittxlseitlol iva
BO wI E r1senESe viilcillect the :letters daily. isis theiity INof. lit
:a ywittoninforminit h itichi a lac-b
AND u ) iicr otna wiish to reach the o llil ss ixb rn, a il(
u b Y G o s da'ofice, lit.. piacex fit this sections of (iIhns t t. uusu'lt ihs
hebyaii s xcollected by the toessei t- tttti I ttt St . Pax Ittrik' s
geA. ,\nycostplit ofti st udenit absences - -co
sfa ly eore it txructor wishes to IIsastts itI xiiitst i tt is
Q mak i itsi manner bei c nvoieyredl ats R R Y b iliitntertrac t hi5 let tt is ith tiittt' ttL
t~ h la' isce. dr
11c Ohrsctiosit itte box, are la-
____________________________belled________ iti te tamies of the imemibers 7tlieti s sv u"ts xx sttti
o cfaut. Etch intstrutctosr carries collgftbsxtbatia m.T efcutie
lay tthe sox whsiic ixssoatec inits , I si s t ecn hi cinadteol
MVoney Loaned sits oiiftiettbildintg, xxhile teuse-, gilles Itsat cants isv si erafx r i
on vaet x ~t s ix iit iitits, "igrs isi 'keyi' ts all loves,. ;il
orothecr ier spoetyx. \tipeset U'iisersity hitiallis eqipplsied
'Watchexscsid Jewslry retaired. i i SIiseis iteii ig a d oeds eilsticessxx ics fobidseh
Bargainsii batcese< Iiamonds itis)o ttiln sthema tttali. There are three.altts cttltissx
in si t x 11l, dxi ts inTaipais ai, otto freshises toli sit in t roly crw e
Office at residence 31c.LiC Ile x '5 ii is titx tt os itiebertysicatlIby 15so ttdoig.assl,________________wouldbe
Ann Arbriirt Iuenoe in te pyia
Houris to11:30 ae ill., txt ie ad I7to lbiiratiles, andssic xli ssintshle Oldti nE-. cbluiged s al . tt,
A 9LP.n n ." s 1 ttle bi't ldintg. Ott Iean Reed'scc re tisext'i itsi
JOSE~ C. ATTS isetun lieiboyxes will bcetplacedl iniexert'
itsl senisvieltliterary studentis rc- uteeutiittilintg fli e cle sof iv,
(te. 'lie. Wh iite xiiilIxtve alsoct Icity eltirs ad lit is it 'il n i n t it, ofhe te
holes to i t a.Tixstchee hi hae ob isal inet prn- tor'O th
linfly conmpetedspromsexs tsitilt purchase of
ee li-cieil tteisssl tte "ils ' tOtktirst t l 0 l if i ic tuh i iili estii
sicimr iient mto o ahr t n; ilstbtitginotlistnlutsaIn itersletaiin tuta"ientifstic tsend. in-~hanrd, ini
hats'l~eorcbccnin ue.'and in all tI1
on all stamped goodn, including _____________ 'Te"IWoisxter\Voic'" sillsa-i4 till,
xxixs edt 1its by tgiel s * ist i, o The new~
MICHIGtAN PIlltOW'TOPS tFNl I'Nit"I S'tl'D1,N't°'SI N listheudos" ts c IatixiihoI}lstsmstitx an thyr
Al 1 S I IO I CU I e j s it wfu l. tit lls sedti xstist -t e
AT pear aboutlss't'x(' .listaCfuilyliexiiWondxlr-x in M-ats and
DARLING'4 & iALEiAIX ti( ii1is'itaocilx s'- is ioaett a ats i 111i about ttit plite is s t i iii i i t he 'i
224-226i S. SaSu t 5. d1i, p'xIiittitl ofi' i'islists x "I;Xx its ios s naktile ltsh i ts'ate s itd abostlteir
ni i \' it, still bstitsrisislait'eearss'als lnitittlt'antdllteisr bloci ngi s th 1e sills.
- -1i tswer( sC liii' hav' lusix e ttt t he ii iir slc
Ior mo s t it mean of tx elijt six ie it I sis isa 1 3hl it.1 l i l1is RNDI [Il''
ndrL Be'S JEWelRorSTOEd216cSetiStet list it sSct.eJ,:l'kItsi'isis si-ProC.ttl-
< "t~b en lexarning ltielyx, iosixI lie..(N SI',-Custsod st c lit.ob ".S igi ms
W n~ l. e is will lit'gilvits htreafter'stion tir. zit>
W eico i e ,sIlltr ayateensss undxtetiri it'etauspici's -
siIl, ece.t Pitt. Beiat twill sgiv'e Souttentir'Sotng I'i'itissti iof \l iieti lp
Thisii rl vtct ewt i cw cls~et iislita insx rotii Raineti's5 is heingtsig;tii iiIi- ii tt'rge ihiti tit' s at
lu~t~r. itdss t i t ss iwit titer
1~oe'tic' iisitypsx ot p itt. ithe, I ( s'loc its I 'i 1 til II-l ecttre tted ilt in w ll i lttiic
yotu c e t, by stir t ss ' sitan ibe uitshd to whii In
asatile, stti t.if tse isstti e lt lie 'ivetib y Baseball tmtn:Iif yos at Noheagattsst
East University Phiarmacy r'f.1 i s I is ix 15 ofiiCisittii tu ittinbasebll giods, see SIpli'sitea
1'9S. Uni xivi i', i i st is tiiityxvIAisCvenstue.tlincbasnow.
El. M. ROYS, Phoarmacit lisuttitlistFPitt-itso N4ittXlx 2101,____________il______
Brbe ihrpts' will adit to tllis j;;$~' i:r1O Y I
" Oe 'yttnie.. i Fiissst-n ,to.others wit bo )e Czri I riss A uer(s( ccr (
Lew eetShtt.ic1th Cty uti1jiitivr i1' ad cx a CClt(
JdsTR N 4SI Pa. iii iiiii iit lst liiOuss, file
Toelosit'itCinklinFtexinsoenaju Ish ip it so any
ink, pnexs heCLescent-FPulserad sec it fill its own
thanhu lie eaicamelstatking itx thirst. Tha'itsaltthre
is to it! Iso dropper-no nmess--no bother. Do it
anywhere-any ive.
tie liliesistntliutho luaut te ist inconsvenience. You
cid lilt it wnith xviFe bitt gloves ous withouut danger of
ing. Besides its coventience, is the splendid writing
dties iftthe Coniiu-ttuspheeect fees,
Len g l ers stan 'eits he scCois.t Ifthiyours docesnot, order
Vt. 1'rics, '3.00 andtiup.Sendttatsu'onte nsome eca011og.
eConklin Peii Co., 310 Manhattan Bldd., Toledo, Ohio
i Touc~h of Spring
Spring Scarf as a special introduc-
spring, we are offering a special
beautiful new Spring French four=
new correct shapes with open. ends
he handsome spring coloring.
Spring Shirts make their first bow
-e beauties. The new spring styles
lCap are here for your inspection.
e, Coniin& Fiegel
f Carpets and Rugs
'can will yotu fitnd prtce' 'o inu'1 'n yotur favor
MACK . Co.
ix tces, t eio l an al
pity Y. .tiA. W. J. LOVRIM
You can'always buy shirts but you an not always nd dsirbe pttens. Shirt
fabrics are brought out in seasons tie satmir -s many other fouods-Sprto~ and al.
P'atterns found in our ine can not be dpicated eswhrs. 0 r sprng shirts are
now in and we will lay asde your seections it you are. not ready foe th en
-Sin at the big white s osWAGNER ft CO. State Street
BLAME YOURSELF If you Miss the T~eIMs Laundry E LE C TR.I C IT Y'
BARGAINS IN SHOES AT 36NFitAc.supplied to College Men land
NewPhge tZ ellPlu 5'-LWone, for All P'urposes.'.'
Clases st~aday, 10 A. M. a.,eed
7 Days Only 7 P las .11~-' 200 East Weshizigtorv Street
Beginning Saturday, Feb. 29 'hns.hpSe~sarn DalusrptosNwDe
Chies CBpSe etuat iy caryig a copy at the MCIGANDalSusrpinNoDe
Chinee faN, y;ihe Ameristi .Lmneicoat HAD OtOKfi yur pcet Spae tr cii -____
1 p Q _ lt elnd. I vryitfric lust lass tr orasndacaendar, special ecnts, Uniesity
Se i do s1 9 .iIN S .ad ga~lexi re see. Caunr in thuis 10aeebocat.Givesway Sscptena tae by mi, cheek, daft or
Chies ad .ax i , Ii!a brc tdensat the IpiverityV. M5. CA. M- moiney order.
Its Stairs one dor S. la hca Bos, 314 S. State St. Miiiai'lxall.
STUDIO-RENTSCU E, 1?,o E~ last Huron