TRE. MICHIGAN :DAIL'Y N\li Fi1aSSENGER BOf)XES SEE 171 ~ OW N PACE Intercollegiate Notes. WINDA(outJ twects mesxenger boxes hIave been'plcd in ilifferentlbuilinigs oti l te haits. Itch of these bogies is divided itrl s hcalis llteIa_ a FOR ino a lumeriof Secton. The upr tII al r1 Loy SUPPI Isectiont is clewigned for letters fromn 6- + h College, thevaios rofessors ouf the literary de-w ttti sClttis tlss t ii HOT ,W A TlO WE artnwn.Ivisite, oct iReel's roes-ii ts iu lt ahu ittxlseitlol iva BO wI E r1senESe viilcillect the :letters daily. isis theiity INof. lit :a ywittoninforminit h itichi a lac-b AND u ) iicr otna wiish to reach the o llil ss ixb rn, a il( u b Y G o s da'ofice, lit.. piacex fit this sections of (iIhns t t. uusu'lt ihs hebyaii s xcollected by the toessei t- tttti I ttt St . Pax Ittrik' s geA. ,\nycostplit ofti st udenit absences - -co sfa ly eore it txructor wishes to IIsastts itI xiiitst i tt is Q mak i itsi manner bei c nvoieyredl ats R R Y b iliitntertrac t hi5 let tt is ith tiittt' ttL t~ h la' isce. dr 11c Ohrsctiosit itte box, are la- ____________________________belled________ iti te tamies of the imemibers 7tlieti s sv u"ts xx sttti o cfaut. Etch intstrutctosr carries collgftbsxtbatia m.T efcutie lay tthe sox whsiic ixssoatec inits , I si s t ecn hi cinadteol MVoney Loaned sits oiiftiettbildintg, xxhile teuse-, gilles Itsat cants isv si erafx r i on vaet x ~t s ix iit iitits, "igrs isi 'keyi' ts all loves,. ;il orothecr ier spoetyx. \tipeset U'iisersity hitiallis eqipplsied 'Watchexscsid Jewslry retaired. i i SIiseis iteii ig a d oeds eilsticessxx ics fobidseh Bargainsii batcese< Iiamonds itis)o ttiln sthema tttali. There are three.altts cttltissx in si t x 11l, dxi ts inTaipais ai, otto freshises toli sit in t roly crw e Office at residence 31c.LiC Ile x '5 ii is titx tt os itiebertysicatlIby 15so ttdoig.assl,________________wouldbe Ann Arbriirt Iuenoe in te pyia Houris to11:30 ae ill., txt ie ad I7to lbiiratiles, andssic xli ssintshle Oldti nE-. cbluiged s al . tt, A 9LP.n n ." s 1 ttle bi't ldintg. Ott Iean Reed'scc re tisext'i itsi JOSE~ C. ATTS isetun lieiboyxes will bcetplacedl iniexert' itsl senisvieltliterary studentis rc- uteeutiittilintg fli e cle sof iv, (te. 'lie. Wh iite xiiilIxtve alsoct Icity eltirs ad lit is it 'il n i n t it, ofhe te holes to i t a.Tixstchee hi hae ob isal inet prn- tor'O th linfly conmpetedspromsexs tsitilt purchase of ee li-cieil tteisssl tte "ils ' tOtktirst t l 0 l if i ic tuh i iili estii sicimr iient mto o ahr t n; ilstbtitginotlistnlutsaIn itersletaiin tuta"ientifstic tsend. in-~hanrd, ini hats'l~eorcbccnin ue.'and in all tI1 on all stamped goodn, including _____________ 'Te"IWoisxter\Voic'" sillsa-i4 till, xxixs edt 1its by tgiel s * ist i, o The new~ MICHIGtAN PIlltOW'TOPS tFNl I'Nit"I S'tl'D1,N't°'SI N listheudos" ts c IatixiihoI}lstsmstitx an thyr Al 1 S I IO I CU I e j s it wfu l. tit lls sedti xstist -t e AT pear aboutlss't'x(' .listaCfuilyliexiiWondxlr-x in M-ats and DARLING'4 & iALEiAIX ti( ii1is'itaocilx s'- is ioaett a ats i 111i about ttit plite is s t i iii i i t he 'i 224-226i S. SaSu t 5. d1i, p'xIiittitl ofi' i'islists x "I;Xx its ios s naktile ltsh i ts'ate s itd abostlteir ni i \' it, still bstitsrisislait'eearss'als lnitittlt'antdllteisr bloci ngi s th 1e sills. - -1i tswer( sC liii' hav' lusix e ttt t he ii iir slc Ior mo s t it mean of tx elijt six ie it I sis isa 1 3hl it.1 l i l1is RNDI [Il'' ndrL Be'S JEWelRorSTOEd216cSetiStet list it sSct.eJ,:l'kItsi'isis si-ProC.ttl- < "t~b en lexarning ltielyx, iosixI lie..(N SI',-Custsod st c lit.ob ".S igi ms W n~ l. e is will lit'gilvits htreafter'stion tir. zit> W eico i e ,sIlltr ayateensss undxtetiri it'etauspici's - siIl, ece.t Pitt. Beiat twill sgiv'e Souttentir'Sotng I'i'itissti iof \l iieti lp Thisii rl vtct ewt i cw cls~et iislita insx rotii Raineti's5 is heingtsig;tii iiIi- ii tt'rge ihiti tit' s at lu~t~r. itdss t i t ss iwit titer 1~oe'tic' iisitypsx ot p itt. ithe, I ( s'loc its I 'i 1 til II-l ecttre tted ilt in w ll i lttiic yotu c e t, by stir t ss ' sitan ibe uitshd to whii In asatile, stti t.if tse isstti e lt lie 'ivetib y Baseball tmtn:Iif yos at Noheagattsst East University Phiarmacy r'f.1 i s I is ix 15 ofiiCisittii tu ittinbasebll giods, see SIpli'sitea 1'9S. Uni xivi i', i i st is tiiityxvIAisCvenstue.tlincbasnow. El. M. ROYS, Phoarmacit lisuttitlistFPitt-itso N4ittXlx 2101,____________il______ Brbe ihrpts' will adit to tllis j;;$~' i:r1O Y I " Oe 'yttnie.. i Fiissst-n ,to.others wit bo )e Czri I riss A uer(s( ccr ( Lew eetShtt.ic1th Cty uti1jiitivr i1' ad cx a CClt( JdsTR N 4SI Pa. iii iiiii iit lst liiOuss, file DRINI{SINK LIKE A CAMEL Toelosit'itCinklinFtexinsoenaju Ish ip it so any ink, pnexs heCLescent-FPulserad sec it fill its own thanhu lie eaicamelstatking itx thirst. Tha'itsaltthre is to it! Iso dropper-no nmess--no bother. Do it anywhere-any ive. SSELF. CONKlIN' FILLING PEN "THE PEN WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER' tie liliesistntliutho luaut te ist inconsvenience. You cid lilt it wnith xviFe bitt gloves ous withouut danger of ing. Besides its coventience, is the splendid writing dties iftthe Coniiu-ttuspheeect fees, Len g l ers stan 'eits he scCois.t Ifthiyours docesnot, order Vt. 1'rics, '3.00 andtiup.Sendttatsu'onte nsome eca011og. eConklin Peii Co., 310 Manhattan Bldd., Toledo, Ohio i Touc~h of Spring Spring Scarf as a special introduc- spring, we are offering a special beautiful new Spring French four= new correct shapes with open. ends he handsome spring coloring. Spring Shirts make their first bow -e beauties. The new spring styles lCap are here for your inspection. e, Coniin& Fiegel At MACK"S f Carpets and Rugs LE55 THAN MILL, PRICES 'can will yotu fitnd prtce' 'o inu'1 'n yotur favor MACK . Co. ix tces, t eio l an al pity Y. .tiA. W. J. LOVRIM You can'always buy shirts but you an not always nd dsirbe pttens. Shirt fabrics are brought out in seasons tie satmir -s many other fouods-Sprto~ and al. P'atterns found in our ine can not be dpicated eswhrs. 0 r sprng shirts are now in and we will lay asde your seections it you are. not ready foe th en -Sin at the big white s osWAGNER ft CO. State Street BLAME YOURSELF If you Miss the T~eIMs Laundry E LE C TR.I C IT Y' BARGAINS IN SHOES AT 36NFitAc.supplied to College Men land NewPhge tZ ellPlu 5'-LWone, for All P'urposes.'.' PV 'I L '" . SCOTT'S DANCING ACADEMY u P" TLI 'ILDS 38ot ~stSate Steet WASHTENAW LIGHT & POWER CO. Clases st~aday, 10 A. M. a.,eed 7 Days Only 7 P las .11~-' 200 East Weshizigtorv Street WAI KING Loo KEEP YOUR =DATES Beginning Saturday, Feb. 29 'hns.hpSe~sarn DalusrptosNwDe Chies CBpSe etuat iy caryig a copy at the MCIGANDalSusrpinNoDe Chinee faN, y;ihe Ameristi .Lmneicoat HAD OtOKfi yur pcet Spae tr cii -____ 1 p Q _ lt elnd. I vryitfric lust lass tr orasndacaendar, special ecnts, Uniesity Se i do s1 9 .iIN S .ad ga~lexi re see. Caunr in thuis 10aeebocat.Givesway Sscptena tae by mi, cheek, daft or Chies ad .ax i , Ii!a brc tdensat the IpiverityV. M5. CA. M- moiney order. Its Stairs one dor S. la hca Bos, 314 S. State St. Miiiai'lxall. STUDIO-RENTSCU E, 1?,o E~ last Huron Street