THE Ml e"ifA [i AflY
T HE MICHIGAN DAILY. relatttions ; 111(1he, lhen prontptly an-
W itg. --steered next lay, had no retort. Andi
Coffnalv so wte too, nitwitt igly. assisted the rd.
llngn.,ditor-PAtUL SCOTT.MaWRER. ca es(stI)~tt~ 5 lPowers.- hs
alpttontJodtpt h usineassMager.:.C..E WINTEnAD. tlt tongit it') resistttne. .We too, ty
tittidtisilenceeswere aractically Ipraying
TeLaget Stothck nstheat-Confetronce prayet. And twitht
ilthet t tyNews. . ...A. F. Ritchiate ett ot tept usl-s
of Ahltetics......David F. Steven.s os itt luretasdtsagreealble treoracacotm-
issehlt e...:4-II.JohtttWambtold
I stac aal I~attta Ray . ' lcl rn ttttt sttdtdettrelease inttaspace.
Exclusive Styles in tssttsa's E~ditor...Louise Van Vori ndl sitce all alikec are itmplicatetinit
the petter,-itce thtee is atptparetly ntt
EDIrTRIAL. STAFtighterettiet (if ttappeal tt shotatee
jJ. W. McCandless Elmer C. Adams migt t -ae stir troitbtes, see shtottltd
W O b Rttssell Mc~arlatnd Ishttttrt e alhterteas Itit tttccetth ~e
w NTIT. EDITORS at t t Itchettfully. Wse d tlt tiIforgive
Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobar titshita mistcalcttlsttittts, itt spite if Itis
or Gentlemen's wear Chauncey Boucher B.CG. R. Williamslaerltttne fhlttlatsre
Viascltue stantatpetite ftor gttltdett sasage,stsdl te-
Itcth r rgetsiatt d lose Salt:, oRXoaRga~S , tclttlttl a tendserpess fftr his metllic
Oac t1 t'ot,, 1'<tC, si,ss. ati L..C. Reid Lee A While soffspsriing. Inthtat cttsewousrslsd heon
Itt -ert tit,. ai oflhih lasstM 13t. IIhi sghlt .11d. Prescottttf thse o tmlt, inssteasd tf ttnt
fi set'S itls A. LI. Mainline Robert Mountsier otf thte ftttls. Certainily, thte leatst Its
LostelI J. Care Donald IL. Kinney coiil lsss oe witesas ttt lt.
FrllDrs Silsa W'salte K.'loswers Etonis Keaft titthItpttrtble itoplstin cttttttl. tcsi-
lIets-1,. tislacris Rohert Morelandl ctstits-.-tsked, attd receivedi. let tec
Specialty I .1 lGeeer Sattuel II. Ma reit es ns1tjsllstecettetr
O'ttos hisgel Fredl E. Coodingter e ort shte gisves ita's tttreitorse.
I las ettnee tt lusst,speakts.itt atctttt
WiBUSINESS STAFF atelliingsvotid,ttttdis a teachere to set ot
f. C m qp John F. Wore Carl H. Adam 11 ttttmusItultittttey hen.
311 Sooth Stale Street ilarolsd P. Could
Addres:MICHIGAN. DAILY; Press Bldg., staFts toMEssosaCFIIc'stt st r..
Maynard Street.- ,Betas- 'sWhatsmardoetoe people stare
Managers Hours:; I-a .p. m, 7-8 p. m. 1so wae I.pltauded that last remtark"
daily,v except Sutnday., Both phones Biggs: "X Ity, thse protfhad just said
I ~~~ . tt o te sithltof Itis father"
swhile thtey last. lisese
are thte orioittal MiechigYaa
C~alretdars cto ntIa itt ittng
albouttovtws of iAnnt
Aritor. We lhtse lbutla
fe-ole-It out of att e-ditiott
of 2(00)
Studett Bookstore
A A. G.
(tig SPALDING ry.
,AK6 & BROS.
The LargesI Manufacturer in the World
of Official Athle tic Supplies
Base Ball, Foot B all, Ujolf, Lawn
Tennis, Basket It-ll, los key
OffiialtImplemets ornTrak atField Sports
Uiirme forall port. Spaldig'iHandsoely
Iluitrd CatIalogueoItaltenets contatins nu
meonus sesions. Sen
A. (0. 5iALtiINU A BROS.
Ne ort'hklattieo, :4. Lu, SansVrssst'isiet,
Mi1notttt s Dott !Ita. titttfa s. Syraesuse. titis-
star, IItlttt hstisa, Botn, st ei is'stt.Ittt-
tatre. s'sailisi . KanscasOCity. Oteearrtd,
Nets treants. Itt t. Motretal, Canadia..
00 0(050; A juittiisshias recenitly tadte bosasti
-- - - - --- ------that Ite s utrs-iltiblrary took frotheIls
IV0 DtA's, JA'NU AlRt ii, tit0s.l eliver' sklochithle record titte of figse
,.stiittt t., ittrty secotiss It sesttssin
Thle smetropltiatsietspataers havse sit
ii, Ipre,,(1ttpIsttre tf'stdoelitst-qutabtblittg itserts-ettttttbs--
ressy a liisigit ltsss1els'es 'sIieltigsn siffatalities oitthile gridirtstttasttsesonss.
and stttIislser tttstter-of-couse-I 1'-
nilis's, remtsints Is-stsf t. eclsassi c seet chi-p'.{. S'llV hNSON I hAltS
c~s cis Of shislsts, aterIis Itraysc er sts NhIitV 131)UC' iTtfN (CI TBa
I~ae li Te*thusngdesi rest ssssgoslsd,-
the enisllsandttsslstsetial sf weaslths.ITie The,- trgatitiontti fithle tess hiest-
11 it0 s--i Ii t tsgolleiticst s'lieitionssl clubi s-twas''erfected yesteray
iCgithtl liisgs' Ws sitidigestile;s-antttafternwenttst thtlsslasfollowsinsg offcers
itstie listsofsitsitdifferenit suibstittite fur sterecelectedl : IPresitdent. . CSacse-is
;Ida tsis lisiosiis has lstag. sttslsstt v ice-presidt-ltt, Jean IB. Kiiglst;
tlinotst stssittssts-yimpotrstettuedl te ecerty, IHettrietta Stssaileke ress
seers us lceilon. Niatrsite f ulsster, VWiltsa Mark
tha freom t is sut a fiotitr at.torsdsiail, Papsers sttl leatdittg educaestiosnssl tossie
lists onsly -t quality-to ttsedtI stid re- 'ofIlse sdsy swill bt- siscusssedi ttat te e
is iiritto stsoe fosrtituetio for practtical ess-s ettoetiingiof thesoc-iety . 1Atses-
stiiplalsti si7th'.tlts it is tttsre or lessofenttfosrt's-isaesmo-mbers are setsolled ins
si-etssit, sswhics sises ntsaffarsd Ihea alsoclutb
as's-ii aprsse-o(f friensdly neigh--- ....
litrs andi a sdo-isnitettnvirosnent. oa I I C t _S WI LI. AiTiEN.D
10' easreIslid ihast a part of tess- Y-''C.i. TA-TE CONVENTION
dlits it are againtetwsislethdrawl-atd sd .
is-elills- te ast 5mos stiasvsncedsits cit- 'sisses Gertrudie Sttitis, Josephitne
,e~ siorkl. 's'soase ittelitted to ratify SearinAntnabselle ILee attd Soiphia Sara-
ste referettes'tosidsvattedstlearning, lie nes-er left for Bay Citsy'sesterdato' s
ti-ce we lso sat .intth~e contsersatisv0 attentti hasstate cons-etttiotn af also Y.
soes.-issi. 'ste hottesthIlat at least a thsor- 'sW, C'.A. This peomises to lie amst
itohl canas scofitoe sctool sioutoli e interotting cen-tiont,. sitte :Miss
IsdeIbefosre tse s-stewst-tetaketn. Neve- Thteresa Vilbtsr.tie. Biehasn- tformterl
shetcsitallof lso sre scit wise 55555 of .Atsis'AerrsuitdMrs. Crace 'ss'Iittsey
site-sisdoss-Ilass rem etsr tshtturstateo-Hasuif Paris, are tohis tspresentl.
site iofsitnidecisistoashe hatniionte ___ _____
Ofi sets-titfo-reice-feelittg. Wse. we.crc les reformtt roseda a bytivthisfacutiy
mDusic an T~rarna
W'illiat'nl Iolafnd wvas acepted in his
itepretation f "Dii eiden Crena-
theres'wtillsgea ethtsiasm Isys-the
audienoce t last nigt's Fscutcseoert.
'hilesstg offes M. IHowlandl oppor
tity s-t st aacertaini amttttotf stact-
ing aermisssaslse itt the cttert stage.
an ning hus htIe tte-a-e-tmisss hit
t-t -l.l~e lastsbeoentrepao-tedl'sesse
fit ithilis kindshoatsntg. Ilitadditlions
so- gate othse ShumanntttsanistShbiert
snsg, ssswsich liddstsisfactorily.
Int heo-"Allero" of to lonthlsshs
s-sssserss, Ssmtsue f. I~ocwoodsid stnste
f this est pls'itg he listsyet (lt),suefoe
Annit srbort. Threisos tquit resere
its thi st is-.riliant paras-.oitsifir. Lock-
st-oo's payitg sswhics gisesit .ecrtyi'
suidt hh. IHe stccostaIi mitisaiinig
Ish- hodhehi-obhtinsdsitsles- srlit a-
M r. Rhcaso lay i'-lgtestschasraelr
si. Shltedo iibriilintly andit beati-
ifully. 51hio-"Antdaute"of iithis- Italss
sontawste. sitsinstg slit gve. The
dificlssties sof thl is tctIittossietcue
-.he slt wstillsuctthifteedomstat sste's
ss-emed-lhissrdlya tos-eidiffcsulties.
fThe retmaintidels of tearoraisswas
giv en to toaianoi torkss tia'sedl I's-Mrs.
'flesith tid Abert I~olrwoit. These
.5-eo tatnosl-olsty us, as thits'steec tonie
wistll geast care, st-sri- s-fs-ohit-c Iis
lDstsi s orstusisste, asusissas. its Its-
Ts.-nill-a- jsesi isprsetiig ass
escellet illl thiisehk. Amngthels
sissttler- titlstethusiaitsicallyreceies
sree Is lexasndstroff tluetsstosfitRssians
sticest It isliss l'ratstt wi t-ilshis
Ileapriadona.Maasgor isc-f uster
is ts o e ongatulatedsm sis siefforstoi
setcure firt-casevauesilstle fse An
'sI)VE'II' Sli ?a''I'is.
Annss 'sbosr, hiet., jsts 15, 'sta.
Bat tt rs tEdwtit l', etittee isl
'liss.IDooslitle 'srs F I, F-lk Mtiss 'sot
&c G-u-tsoIsr tIge s ItM is'shGiri sitan IHit
thbishesA'sitinghisCo.iiIRsges s it
A,. Ranal ti'Is Julhia say, Iacsoti-sl
mer .s phi oil Mt (Itrots S an
Philip, TiaversesMrttJ I i lstsn'ter's'
list ehitokIrO et, ti st PetI Ietis
D'rops: hatee Jats I-,ItKuhl 'M r Ernt
est, NevilleoMislsnuter J, Shsidt isl
h'illiatm, 'W'srrentsR C.
hReslt. .L. f.:5'slriet Csis Bratt
N D.
Photo:5 iMcLeodstisesF.
11. . Prettl'snt. I'. il
Srn shps ito-otts'yswaerrosf
Ovfods. agne & u.. Sate St. Sigit
of the big wihiteshotse. 77-41
See osr complete line of Michigan
pins, fos atd soveirs. alie's
Jewelry Sore, 2t16 . Main street. oil
WeIhatsr atlititedh ttumber at
sets of the conplete swrietigs of
AbrhamtLttintcoti. The tboos r
attractiselrI's nditit i n stt up si
iinesvoltmtes Ottr arice fr this
rntire set (icluding the stbscetp
tonto Current lter ste tafr ott
yavl ato 3oh 005s S.90 fis
the cloth Ibintding ad 's 00 tr to
leaherblinindtg Tese sets se ott
exhiition teith tle f tr soet
Rtat stet iai ~t
Wthttnyott bsityoutitPhioto Stipaslsisof
teyout ate strsofge tttngcreshs-
pits, attdat r 0sonle ria
11YPII 5c Per Pu~nd.
!Bportfng Goos
Largest collection of orditary
and the otnly collecticti cffie
Michigan Pins
Qualiy Best - Prices Right
Michilgatnatd Fat. Stites.
WM. ARNOLD, Jewler
20 5S, 'sain St.
lntv" si t. ime lon'wthentti-Cotterceo'
tell wseraeaproduhcintg strontg argutients.
iil sl'"Sesior"resvisvesd a fewt-of atse
conssidesratiios fore esotitnuedhContferen'tie
sit Nebsrasasuivieesit's, wss-sdefeatedt It'
to' *stdeto-s. 'The wonoieni sotedl solidlye
asgainst sdiscssrdinsg ribbonitss anth gay
- %HWcOirr
D7OE U0 OF N~o 0=3P 7TiE
Every day one hears
people say 'If I were in
college again, I would do
nmore itn the line of cul-
lure. I would learn souse-
thing about music so as to
appreciate good m u s i c
when I hear it"
Students of today cer-
tainly have splendid facil-
ities for such study.
Courses in all branches
of nmnsic are given hy the
best prepared instructors,
at very reasonable rtes
at the
University School of M~usic
Maynard Street
Ube Ztubents' lecture Association
Season of 1907-8
Jahns Temple Graves
Dr. Brander Matthe",s
Leland T. Powers
Opie Read
Oratorical Contest
Open Nunsber
The open number will probably be filled by
lion. Wnm. H. Taft
DUCED TO - - $2.00
Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays
12 Washington E. The Randall Studio, Randall &Pack, Props.
Phone 598