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January 17, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-01-17

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ThleMichigan Dail
Ann Arbor, Michigan, Friday, January 17, 1908.


No. 80.

DEBATING TEAMS he of the Adipi debating club, took
sprtng an was in te Sargent contest
AR j IT EA I E Io eruirary ie is editor-in-chief of
lilt he 'i Syllaix, and a mmbr of Aleph
Northwestern Team Arrived Yes- A.B degree, intending to enter te law
depairmcint S a i enest fal.
terdy-Jdge Swan wil be C'scl(GeorgT. ''Paher of the
Moderator. Nrthwesern sans said: "Michigan.
----alw as hard, hs hr teams, I am in-
Sil tiriieeiuy toligit a i8 oclock il formiedi, ii the niost excellent sapeli.
Uniiversity IHlll Axe (<rbor,asdin Vshieiswe face Nichigan which is
lanidel tll Chlicgo, Slichigin sill cacheud by Prof Teblood, theeer-
egiti try- t ii'i idoulle victory in et sort of i strggle is certain."
the Csetral IDeating hge, gss As iie Jue rI I1. Ssan, iii Detroit, will
teass of Northisterns anid si theU irs be moertlr th sis eening. Thle otier
ity (f Chicago. Ints lege I "i\lsrlsgt jud iige ilu1le Sperinteidenit C. IN.
dieesiirs hve-wtts a majoriti of thiKenal, of Inirisanapolis, Honi. J. K.
fosic cntetissswihLoth'oils he riop HaisilsltnadJges'Jlian Tler. of
porc 'Sluihoe Wsil eos iS)lowed ni55i' Tiledo~.
practicsetildtreparartory isoik1ofithe i tseessning sler te contest fres
deibatersiari cnident of'itheliisccssree idet JaimesIB. Aigell till give sa s-
tli, ielms even ii'o.ugh'theiioppoing ._'-' iss t hisisresidenicet ite jdges
iebiater-ts''e hown tSives h,,Ith ueisaters oflohi teatts, te regetst
iarticulaerly strong tiih is er fte itlersity, ad officers of the
'heIts uo i a5s 1'0110Wiss C sirtoricialI ssociatiit.
sioleds,ltstsllsorortiis engagedii' TheSiteisirest itt the seates is kecn,
intersiateiicommierci' slililbieirequ~ir( itu tei'resut utSatquite a few seas
to take nut ai iu'edsrau liat-ler nsc 'ha i' beens ui. 'ickets smisy- le secredi
tem sCnrs a ylaw prsciteis af'ternoonitutudettnittgat th'boxi
scrih" oficei Iris rsitu'Hlsl.
Il' sir i iam or is 'ii' ti-sisy ate'rntoioni at552:30 oclok
daiy'iirno,'i d " a- be e]te c i iwhiiviclisleto debaste Cisg,
ii ii iii i ith ispractsrce fsil teasm {I..SitsrugsPG-rge PLn's, adiiS
surd i-cs 'ii iitiem toiii iiti'icii s lisi I 11 cirik. left 'AtinsAro for Cii
wihcreditbttohesi o iiic ~ ssna'nd tisis CITruelooiacc
ora isor iandelocut is oitsoilon Ch (iica~gi ieteslrs arcidetermitttei to re
oif i" ochsl h t- ms atdla ereteir diuleil'defestif hasS yeas
nilght toia iryiireporIiite:''hco.i'5 liiia'etii'etiputting ii some hari
tssills loead a ouh, fgosisirisi iwork forte last tsItwmoths
ail l teamiis hv a dpepIai i i - istli 5 siliti ill lhr in eidetce ot Friasy igt
tion orthesuat uuuI ko tir liii ee I is is cnetlyttassertud lytioss1
oisniir ou riiiins will i puit repa5go'' iilhave lieasid te six Cicagitri
lgt atia frm tad fr wnnng. thtte- isill go-cesily' teat iili t' fielii
Ih ati lv tat ill .sed, iil ti hrdtfigt flhieIt'deiusi.''
fllowinigisrdei: JiiiitIF o its . I iiierestinig to yiieigsttssttdett
Sem(er nllr Ial I I ill I.toIi kwthii atisionue f les atnitttiiis iii
r ihi is.l ii ordtr Si"he tes m tue'Chicgoiteititagainst Northwssestr
Th seirveiteareriilii li deba stsiiwits I -tsrl,l, sihit's years sago xiii
(. Witsidieiiifirs, CLeset BSRibestsi err'iissillii lctguinoato riy ad tiiil:
I Pur' ian Gergi' S. lller' thirs, si-illsi'ierslihonoses;it Wti';sunsin. Moul~to
Wtesii-rie liri'thle reutuital woriikS fir wh etiba'idagaitst liieligtii last yer
Nothwste-srsn. lulu'u'iisi nt i ue liisis i te 'smettreati
ofsconitionst, Ihaig Iecnisisk i is tisht______
H oitever -t s e',5e-tei'ltisinhi 911 ANPU WILI. DISCUSS
wleabetoiispeur sTElM PRANCE QCSl'IO
i,'te Northtiern-rt eumit '-riieilfrosii-i
lti-auisiusiuy'esutay fiernoonut, ceiiss tlita Nit itill gie thi- folowingi
pssiieillyiProf.VsWillarid I. H otehkiss rigraimsoiiStrday'eetitg:
riresntii'gte faulty' of Nourtwiestert ieadiig----l. AtWright.
ivtiersity, Gieirge 'I. iPalmter, osiehtof Secc- -Hi. Jont Watulold.
th'eiiebatiingsteasissiwihoiiis 'i grsiiaei Palpter, "'\ly FasoitePoet," -Josehl
of Nirtster-rii sisilGillet L.. Camp elssy.
ell, iwhosi irss a iii iiiiebiaitr agais siTk, 'utmSr if tir- Say"-1-. R.
:ichuigansu t hsSyia-iPalitrick.
'Ts(,-Nirsernstriio, whloi sre ats Psrlisiimentasry Drill-A. 1.). tPeare.
ofi te iillege of lierltiit'suitdtleuss Qestioi for (eal iisesssion: W\il
ters f teslasise ist i uc), are s trosg I le tie riiposed tetspeattce legislation as
basters. set forth by terecentt petiison result
Puriirge Freuderick sFaltry'was 1rni is- tsai beter'smoral satmispere for the
lss'etstiiiiDlc. 32,.1883.Hils prpaii-si sssieits f the Utiersiy of \ichigan,
tory educatsioin wsisreceiedin ii tie Very- tiimrttt butsiess mseetitg after
Puvastoiti publlic shoiistsansifle CPuisit prigrmi.
Stonligitschooul, fruitswsiIsletstegrail
saecit rih ite lss ofIgor90. InliRAkILWtAY AZET'T'EuPRINIS
le tokrep colege isorks itsthe Pusvaits- POfR'RSAI'i'OF"DEAN COytI,IIYo ihsho.Iei ebro h dlosceyadcarta f 'ieRiwyGztefrjn opl)
ie caendealsr comiitsitee of te anns is h Sedsi a portrait of Deans Cooly of tu-
''Syllablius.'' le telotgsiiiote class utfcengieeritg depsrtment, ins cotnectioti
19o9.withl a eiest-of the anutal report in
E'dwtvantdIBrowtiiRoiberts isss osts isi Cogress f "the Blok Signal anti
1 po~li 4' 1814 .itNelsontvile,v. IHeTrsaini vontrol Board," of which irof.
gradutediifrii thSie ('oshioctoigh IlysCiiiley- is caimsan.
schiool uSter- active service lis ie lit~rary - -- -
clib. I Nvrwsteirtn ter lis letiCIRCLIl WILL EN'T'ERTAN
tresidet of te Rigers debatisg cli A'S'DANCING AND CARDS
atnd took first prie ito'ie Deeing Ic- _....--
ate of loo6. Ilie is a msemier of tir heFlcIrechl cltb till act as its owt
Sylabiuslosrd, anil of Phi Kappa Siglins at a dsstcitg ad card party for its
se. I-]is eiilleg si'irk is frhi S. 18'te- sctive ieisiers. lie be giets Monday'
ree.eve'titig st 8 :30 itt Barbotr gymasttn.
Lovring Jamses Whliteside is sibhrtso Niit itsic sill le furtised by- Fischer.
April 30, 187 ini Pitsbiuig, Pa. I Refreshmenests till be served. Tis is

uqoy lie grarduaited frioistle.E vasistosste first of a series of "soirees atticales"
high school, hinsg shiowtnspieciasl activ- laittteid by te social comomittee. 'Tie
ity' us the wtrst if She Literary- sndilSci- Cercir's sictive atndifacttlty' tmembiers stre
eutifir clum. \Whitesidietrwsi is a atm- ittedu to attendu.

EXA S RE EA Y bsnt snacount of illness. lnit S
EXAMS AR(j ;IY twsentyetght Ies scholars swere electei
Sfruits diffeent parts of he sword, bus
TRHODESn none fromthe utitedh States. itt S907,
F OR ii1u EN hotevrof the sse~-ireeetd
fortyfienwre front the United States,
One Student will be Chosen to and the remainder from Australia, Catt-
Begin Residence at Oxford in ail, South Africa, Newtfontdladi. asi
October. (ermnasy.
Ocobr.Tin'snsdents are sdistribstel over thi'
- -svariouss deprtents of study, the isisr
Net Tueday' anisi tedntesday'thr gesitnumb r i any' oti.course ibeig
quaifying estiiahiosusfussrteRhosrsthirty it jurisprurdence . There use
schlahsrs frosthie Stste of Miiclsant St i iint tural scince, eigteen its
wiii lie hesd iRoom t2, nouritv-wincsf I tEngishiliterature, teoogy, tatleta~nvriyHl.O h ai fteetc n oenlnugs
examuinaiiso netpersons usitlhbe chosent A'tte crose of ts' year 1", )-7, tu'
whosil biitegini his residensce at O~xfourdsgrosup of sholars eleeted its 594 cons
text October. fay- Apilith te nase pletedi their threeyesrcurse 1Of tsi
of ite suscee,sfum appointee iiile an-s vssecty-three us Iis group, tx-riclie
nouuutecu. dlurng resience, several uweeutale Io
Thoise iw-hoi desire to usake these x- ismis -SSnd he rmaider tok thus's'x
'mnto Smhul comunuiae. if thy aminais, rceving hoos in iities iti
has-c sut done sit already, sithl Presi- liosor shosoandtu examuinationus for t
dent sJamsst 'eI. Aingel, chairmiani of the IS.CI.. segree first, seoutnd, third atif
commusuitee f selectionsufros this stats' fourhu classes; sdiplomas ii enitoics
I tsthmuld i'he nierst uusudlthuat these IS'. litersture degree, ad lit foesr
exainiationuss aresnotimScaspetiiveu'uta -
only qsualifyinug, andulittendei to give J -'Nt'ARY N('littR (OF
assuranuce itsatevery candiidaieteesus s A I iI NI'S APPEARS 'T .I
sp tuete siasniardl of the first examnau- -
sit, calledl respon~isis, whiicht is te- '"Or SiateU'siversiies, ait srtich
sususdedl uf althpersonss enternsgO(ford reprintedi fromuthe Boustn Trsnscip
fur this IA. dlcgre. forms rie chief festuue fte Jsuuuar'
Follow-ing inr'ete susbjsests iwhichtnumbsesrs'sof te Alumnuis swhichisussmu
the catndidateswtill be ixasuiuedl- its te hans olsf is readers Tes'aric,
t.iArithmetic. contsains shiet hisorical skecesur of
2.Dither te cementts nf algbrsa, ornir nsier ohstats' institutionss asd a comun
this elemuents if geomecty. parison of Suirfn cisl ad ss goen
3. s;eek grammuuar. metesa orgasieatiius.T he Sbsmiagazin,
}. Latins grnaisrm. alsom sontainue au disussioenuoetSr. Tum
g. ''ransslatuionu fruit, Emglusi it'shi's sartices-iiScience' outheslur'soll
L~atini, mstelaS Ameurican'-' usiversitis. "x
i. UnprI5epasredu translsations frimessPek ehmsivu of summer scul satteudence,'
sanduLSati; oruerietareds transation ts' atice states, "Mimchgant has a largi-
fruomssosn-f Simsse lsanguasgs, anudhaiboeok numr fus't0 usdent than ay'oiler uni
int e Slur' er;s' our isse Prek ad saue versity- in he conutry ."hIcuisg sum
Lt~sin boumok. -tite ersievil atendnee-.Mihiga tasus:
Csandiaesimas choos'iwhether they' thrdinirank, Hliasd en td Couthsui:i
xil applhy fors te scholarship-. of te filling Slurfirst touplacs. ,Cmnprins
stsie or territorinitwh-ichs they' Save condmitiainsf the last twie years, i p
acquliired ansy' large psar f their eshues- pears thist bMicigan has passed Cicag
ion ri,'u for Sthtf thi'e stesr territory- it sints tfnattenidasnce, while Colutnhlis
il which they is-c. 'Shis ewoutl permtiihlis pasedi Michigan. Miicigant is see
studensssat tSlimvsersity ef lMichigani 'std sny'to iHarvardl itsthis total uts
hum take te examsinatuiosu herm' next ies ofue grees grnted.
Mondiuay asuul Tuuirslay, eand yet be canu- 'Si accouent decribing a nely' is
didatefrui thestatesiiswhichu ihey coeredsmausscrip of thus' Bibl, vhi
save r sithnce. wasesetesuxramsined by rof. Sadues
Scholars whtri sre csndiats mtme be of this usiersity a sechs of three ne
suns shos sreumsaridi and lcitizevnsiof Uniusityoffceers, a number ofssitshuiss
the U'tedmlState.A' persson is eligible accounmts of curenut eents, adse uver'
wvholies passedl Iissineteuentmshbirthdsay' Iages f eitorias nmak' u pthis re'
lusts is nutSovrus'swsenty-iseou tDe. msaider mof the umtisuiw.
if tu' yearitsnrshichs hi'is eected. Is hum advscting he establsishmsentl f as
is reqjuiredl thati sl schoelars sallhavue iforumatioss busestin connsecinuswil
recehsed, tefore goinsg in5o resielnce aSte University, tie A'lttumns suggst
Oxsfordm, aS least the sophomsuore yer a a newpaper crrespneeeudeprt
someurreeognied'u degee-grantingguni- mstt, ass emuplymusentlbureusmfor grail
versity' inthis country, except itstie iutes, andula corps of sudenti sesseus
stale of tMassachtusets.' gers "o st's-e a nusber of useful puss
Fronm he canduidsates whim successfully poses andu also to eel as guides for visi
pass te quaifying exsamuinations one or' abouut te camupus" "Hasdy, costs
Rhodumes scholar sill he seectesd fromu the peel guides bouks might also le pu-
state of Michigan. A's soon uas this re- lished," i is stated. (Jther ediorias
porth of he exasmisers lis been receivesd deal wtih college poiis, Slur sew re
frostsOxeford, he comitsuitee of seectiosn gitie vof the literary' seatmelnst, ads
frui thiis stale still choose te scholar Preident Jordan's charges againsts
fronts those th rhueue eigile for selectios.Mihign. The- current nustm'r is, as
his accorsdance with te swisis of its' usual, noticeable fussthess primissen-
latie Cecil hRhodss, tie trustees desire giveni its editorial matter.
Sial s inteelecione of a ssuento a --
scholarship atetuionsshall he paid o- SfO101 ENGINEERS 'SIL,
(t) lis lierary mush scholastic attaisn- GIVE DA'NCE AND SMOtKERf
itent : (e) iis fondnluess foruansd success
lits msany oudoouis sportes, sichtast cricket 'Fle sphosmore engineers aSsa class
anstd football ; 3) iis qualsty of man- msuetig yesterday' aftersoon decideto,
booth, trusth, coursuge, deoion to duty, put picures of te chst officers, thu
symspashsy-fr titud proectionsrof te fooball eam n td te basketbl easn
weak, kindnisess, and fellowshiip, and (4) inthie 'Mihigusessiut. A'Sdance will
his exhibuitionsduinitg his school days of e givens ithstsstiddle of Febuary,
sunset force of character and of itsints prosbabsly at Prnger's. The eterai-
o lead ansd to luke ass interest itt his mntscomsmiusitee has also arangedh for,
schlmuhates. u ssnokr at te Union Saturday' igh.
Iyt he termus of he Rhosdes beqtest -
te scholarships hsave ass ansnual valie JOHN T. GRA'VES' ILECTURE
sf hree huunured poud, tenable for HA~'S BEEN POS'S'PONED
thssue years, in adduitionu to te payment-
(f tuitios. The date sof te lecture of Johsn 'Sr-

Astte hegistuing of te Octoberherm, pit Graves, whso was to appear Juts. 2.1
19)07. there stere ty7 Rhsodes scholars ott thu S. L. 'S. rousrse, hsas beest post-
list actual residence at Oxford and three potted.

Current Alumnus Tells Story of
Mktagoffin-Kennedy Choice for
Athletic Board.
'Te stuary f tie eection o f Kuenedy l
antui theaguuim sto lhe musardsinit C'ontrol f
Atltics sisStoldlinthuei'currnt: cut mut
suis, sm in aights stt smkes'sthis e'lionu
appear tat lac usS55etion'ablei . 'lie slush
s burousghtuup in aniesits alu ent sssitledu
Sinous Cuollege'toliitiic,"this'sinsuie o
wic iiiIs his-nm'uteid:
"Tespirit uof refuormibretus'uhed'sluponu
An Aiss'nrb sultelyswt-isisidueumhs''stum'tis
St usaue insits cousisredulmul, uantl thes
stirrisng if 'uso m issusin i u si he ur
lit iasslaits fusr'yeas. 'Shie' sone' sill
ihis's'it thastilittl' wau nscmlihedts'i sui
thatsut suihmen smill stilt hs-b -isscoStet t
empoy- inethoseinthumeirpoliicala'ir
ushiishi arsi n uiup 55155 usuusp si i singus
stauge', wtresuns- ied tesmi ieusiiu't hast
sur it l t es'tt wa'si tanii inica~tiontha
thin pnuroblems f SihnestuserlatIsarg' aini
pecolaistig i into acad'emic lifs. 'his,
wholsui'qiestioui nt'as ioim'nedu by a5ettr
its 'he tMichigain Sailiy'poiin'g utS mu's
hair s ignifiinfct sesu iiin-co satin ithii
saffsairseisshut-h'Stiscasisoiciatioun. Thuse
wass, mmiiihas sr-itsfor ssm'tmuss,.t
deiadlocsk iniSt'he boardlof sirs's-Sr.us'f
ther ASthetic ssossceiatiosn sits'sthus'l'u-
tioneof uut SSrssasueito thasltbody. 'hutee
sthuu'uumemberilmr-iexis''ppouusdu to asicer-
Sits csndiate, fasiredl by Giirsiiiatc
D~irectousBirisands thel reai'unt'iing tx''
members, tiehrd'us pIiropirliyu 'onsistig
vf ecuestnmemstr. I wiitt hu eernsthSlus
o this situssliti inte grsshiuestdmireetor
hlde b'key' inithur satuetrof this' ueciisg
mot Smwhs-iceu tsr' siste'ntly' mitasied',
t prolonitg can utfortuatedeadloskuines
thin' fass',of a ma~joriy' o f teud, eniti
ttile th Iis situationsit u'inforstunnatess
enugshi, isws tnisufie'dibhythe hiois
ft'senstr ilum'shiotsushichs haes en'cragitat-h
isg tislestuduentbusly- for ousers siyusr.
Intii uon whicihtstudenti uoiiion ss
huns-u tronmgly udiidred. 'liii' n-it
favod byrum tiyhi' grausatueirechst''risasit
isv'o hesit tuenth dietursws isu-t
pseud Stsr'e unfas'orslelm'oi usreturn toi
thise Confer-enc, sdituntsgenerasl t einii
fao i aliberlstlethic pulics's, l
he Scm-statcsedrupn iite IboardsiIs ot
w oulduthasvs'semcciihissdehciding seitunm
ts' s-lsctionssof thiss'ovst etm cmleuehum'
of thin'reo'rigansied'uBoarduslits Controlh si
Atletics,. e Shin'sltisisnsuits Iis uuv'u
of tire ummer' supon t hits-generalsil('ou
fers-ine quiestions. Faiing itbraking
te deaslcik, howevern, tiehrd ofns a
directoas iproceedhedl o te eetoinsii
ShetiroSst ssuent muembeurs f thelBrdsu
ini Conttrol, asus gsuteumbllivtheuRIegntsi,
mndshxiii,' there tv-snotuhing sthsue~y
illegalins this' 'letionu, tSylur' id tthrm
selvhspenuumtoSu te casrge' f ssiuimg
ai disingeuiususpoliicy.
"'Sie mueeting wass cllsdifurr2:1,i5i
'Tmus, Nov. -26, w-i ith te sie ttettn
her's, insuctuuing Grauatehu-us'Diss-tun Bir,si
prse'nxi.as steliasnsthi'e aptais ouf tir-
CIsirsisy eamus. tGeneralh diseussions
appsuresty fllowisv-ru u'suietn imeu, iuntil
onue diectors, whoiwussr-tosesi toithe
ipolicy' flbreskigwstiiste ("onference,
exceiptasn sitrse-ussr suure, wsin
forcer] o lesave fuss a chss. Dainimg his
asncueth~s'echasirmsanm f thus'btoasdsuprasc-
tiiclt' fore(!te eecionssofthe Sinu
studeintsi membssersuof te Boardl ii Con-m
trol its fsceeof tieuprotess nf teiot'sr
ltii econserv'tive menbers, giving as mi
exciuse thuet hueregarued h e listre us
President AStgell o elect by 13cc.t
mnduuatry. fise srlygi-ati-Costum'-
esuce stembser, Alinagufi, ithe cptsainu f
thec footblsl utem, stas elected, sn[ii
he sts's case thus'resut twas si tie.

Graduiatirhiectors Bairdt having tim e ms-
cidsig rule, he east it for lime anti- Cmii-
(Continued4 on Page Three)

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