A Ll
S upplie
are best
if secured
CoreState tO .Uiv. Ic
Money Loaned
tCat Watche sII Diods.Law Books.
or otter pesonacl isopertY.
Watches and Jewelry repaired.
Bargains in Watches & Diamonsds
Office at residence 331 E. Liberty 5t
Ann Arbor.
flours: 8to 11:30 a. in., i teo.4:30 sand to
9 p. M
Watch Fob
%vih toot Istil 1chrms i
Price 25 cents
224-226 S. State St.
East University Piharmnacy
"ie i ' i it c:1I rnii.
V. ofM.
Barber Shop and Bath Rooisl
Lar gest shop ire the city
hncoincow.W weeTRA, LA LA, WARBLE lreRN N
the ollbut e manag to it 1w ho- Toload a nlhi eeFou tin Penjist liltit in maly
for'deeryubbAtrac'll osaid. i ic. The Colle e tanl likea i elti slak iing itsi s. Th tst.li l 11T1
Tryouts frGe lbAtat'1tricd.I.i 5ever did cr orS-dd ict i1Bass.-sesoc-n gc
Seventeen Aspirant-s--Candi- ! felow eat mty reliiiotrieo elp ItsSadad i 1110 t odrpe.noms ayhr-a ie
dates Prove Excellent Material, go ctownitaht I hall cltrtoiltp andi just r
hto el C il ts iiiii.9S ' FILN
- "That cettlesd it. Tleipinii o mlil cliiiN I
liilol ieott tlII rit tip. "THE PEN .WITH THE CRESCENT-FILLER"
:estl idalo afternioon. NWhat hal eol sd to 'Say, i. 11 aiilien,'a liieii cii le isaidttlcltyiaddretssinstg-osilcc liiit.hes
hei seot oiteil Ccriis icltiiapeacred ic tiild scretarysire- trati c r lthiy cl i init 0could ill liiit Witi t li. ' Ciii s'oeo n i ti ii iit (tt~e o f e
:s itisse - Iby iiie-ofthetmsi aiglot cil, it 1we lidnt 1"Iny jfilst bas, soilintg. lBeciudes its ct eenieiolo, is liiie sileniiit c iitllily
-Oytto ltakitng udowi-ouiets r sicsitoc av w attl ~ 0 ~ teol li' iscii~liies of the (Cioklir -tre prtfreedoi.
- 111riss cind httil eoatinou, thec uper- Losoisir e acis h 11 -- the Cir;)its. If 1 ii ic Ido-;ibiatoder
-tIcssiiti tildit so to stick alboiut the tall 10001. ii ces, 5i.lill cail tp. ' ost ii Iit s cfo I rnli i e Iii
.Ill ctlldd for,' ,rilltooe1stuck. 'Thetsfirest l landlrco ioJtiillt olTihsConklin Pen Co., 0Manhattan gild ., Tole'dso Ohtio
:alt c reatoed astir. All of illit thel l i111111t.
rowelednp to te door nhoruteoxi.'-
01 ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ "I theilliiiitio ilohaallltclooi l g wI (t l tliiiiiis.
itt (Ileloif thie follows incsl id ut toe "'Who's Iliad oc ti ,lb oti'chsiliv
cot. IlT'h 110w it-ent to astothior door, asked.
iii ociiliii(Ii oicl tat, too. After 'Nl ~t, t Afti I
Noonye, Iwa oN.ow For Big Barainsa
iat iwiettcoa on.y\lise ot he i ao- : W e dow sig? I e itdN)lyn th sc e. W en te iretst iast 'Oil, Avi d' t si ng. Tiscis a rca
ante0 o111 1e hld it rel ii il) il itmade liiln iorganizction.tsn kilow-.'
it Iis 'Itislit it.k
Madetihisorceaii c lileomuic and rit ----- -__ ___ -- No Thrifty Man will miss this great B~argain Sale
00c tie c acoeso, 10l i i plaiinedtleraily. ciii;WisAialO R 1111 Ii 111NiiAiEiRi
wale one d os( 'i-l110iliscootiitoildGeoge tdeAslowr iti tstnttl1pro- AII Winter SUITS and OVERCOATS at a
1Cllpctt. 'I cliit roa o esc.' itontsgileott Vit ho I iciliiiin l otit f
e Nithioo cans I.' griow ldanoteitr. Puirduei. It is 1a msil coiliiosiv cubit BIG REDUCTION
"Sth11110 isio ts reaoieso we> iSO lt Fait-Co. -i."
i s 1show d us iout ti coha ck If ani
ii otls)sc- I ga~thereid ital t t treb l icThe I_ citaTi liiItlDchai lsits-r ntii hioise-
cc~ ol ike aicolcar stark, an111ttso -it itniskw;i1i illstIliit h Ire 100lni ii c
Miecr cleft loisiicslike-wl , i , kei-asi-lly-o lohe' holidayscOAll Soft asndlStilff IHatsc at - - 2( 10 r Ct oli ff
i ofisi a it-ma siscks. sios o lo tiui 11 d i it lc-ollscc iStisokinig jackets - - - - - 2,5 1101T ciitsill
1.ete hadoi 111 ]l i n alncdlifilidotal1asl hoe Univtersity io f 1isilugt iiblog11 tdliiStailey n tlsi e r t - - - - - 15 110er1cn l sif
1 1,111 i1ub Ics lii sdsisiit tok lic fOiriiic.-Ss. ,5 s a elsaltess Shirs aat - - - $1.21)
00ei $20 riou 111 caime1Ienteoroed is V cot$2.l00loi i ts oMass til i ts --- - - $1.55
01111 i it i 11111 iiikst secalio i al price~s i-eoif isvici.iss. aritilln t 5 s I- - $ .)
con cludhdI toigio over thieIreo. i lr lirsisss.(hey1 1111isiirs ii id alhtt, i s - -11--,e.5
Tdsite d niolll
" I issltism in i tl ocinetr Ihad tso iiii)-ivoice - s. 51110- - - r--- iii.li *nFlU ,, C o li
rcliii tu tnr.[s, iioils 7-2-711e l , o i cloe tIc iapoigy
'Lea Li-stiiittt lisoaskis. yrography goods at Foster's. tfi
I assos cii hism I 110101 isit IleIt I
Isis issiandtuIsrntoc i aii-ti-ll persontt Sale omf I iilladpitedC insiac, fir i
ire was5 sting bytltg l sackbo satrdl drawm- isew dlays, cat 'is se oels. 72101A t M . . K "
a - mII he11 dit -andii ritt l t ltistttg i it 1.l std t illi Iuc 1 Io r v -.tz t c llis. I
,it orsIe urs Satee oe SeouIewlneo Bon "Hg~
oaiiorhlchor wr rbecltcsf~c 11 101soc tiitsllulfrtentytcifji r goran $1.0TH MO AR HISIR u$110
Id thisl tiiisttl us s thin s i itittsinu Ils bfe lig orir
0t l l t isyui t -lhits itied?' in- stir for litjuio 111111 hose ariea s. ile In ltiaeAdm'aslceSpritug S~tylIc Attacitoit citl I
IeAie th ianoslallcU1.is te imo esh stuto-rde. \AsoiBemcin1150 of tadiod Cutffs-the Mcateril-,aiasicl stylhoc arc- itisgoiod
"T eat st-eyoilito-. frateorniitt- inst{i hisgani si stiory inicas c itmIll pus icico -se ttem.
"'r i the scales,' ithe ldmcr1e11, te is ty.ii 'Iplit-it-C s cic sep ly- ion.
I :ac h ;iii 1-ttsmssatcisan lot tic -i. sll iff1- & iitzsssi, r.isis c-cp1 si A C coC.da n t
l ilnepianosrans tc tei. M C tC .S."onOta, ecmadd larmsicloksmmwcrrassted for onecyoar,
" I t id -a'i or siitttitit' likei-that. $s~oo. I lalierre Jeoelry Store, 216 S.*N ta -a o-- ' Il tre ag i.M nsre.r d r ii t ns.I, ,,ic.. w r.,rel<l
1-- M IIcI:,;, of r tr:E tim itmidl ,i i I ~ s
[ ais sdown. sCelbratd M artins ll dotis i t d1 it i it':'.i i rt::, so 1:s
I t tatd p h sa c.I citrtisd, (Guitars a010 hit f111 musical 111113-. 104P ut IrEvt Iiui post cu , inl .
cicirit(b irs list-ts clm CIiI y ita_0 ('.sA.1W . J. L OVTRIM
s hliitic- btic Ill(sit- pslit- h iintk I git l bisaoiccs-o 1&-Soil, Io 1( I.-htioiiiSt. cld
For Evening Dress
The nn AborBibl Chars owe's Laundry
Th n ro il his THOMAS ROW, Prop. Gas Stxudy Lampas
444 South State Street 32 N. Fith Ae.
SIX STUDIES IN THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT Sew ione 47 Seltl thone oa-i, Irxe,%re a steady, soft gliow.
hi6SoSutit Sics'Srens
SUND)AYS 12 to 1 P. M., BEGINNINGO.JAN. 12, 1908 ayo hlys
Ciwa....Saturdy. 10 A. M. s~odlasothey.
r. The Historical Setting of (lie Sermuou. Jan. to 730 P. M. nderate in price.
2. C The hBatituecs. Jan. 19 Assembly isi'clock Cheaper than till tr electricity.
'. The Fulfilliing of the Law. Jan. 26 _ -__.._ _ -. _....__-
4. Turtning the Other Check. Feb. 2 WAi KING LOO
5. Be Ve 'e'herefore Perfect. Feb. 9 hns h ~
6. Giving Holy Things to Dogs. Feb.ll Ch1 ee hpSuyRestaurant Get th bet from the largest assortm oet.
Citniee tascy Dises, Amtirictt Lunchist'Ois
These lectures are free to University students and others who may all ind.tiEverytlg ftst-c fo
C Y htesp geteen.a- thesAnn Arbor Gas Co.
care to attend. CieeadJaaeeBi--rs
Upt Stats, ie dote S. iiustniBBs~,,34 S State St
STUDIO-iiiiiiiiii-RENTISCULER, 319 1East 1Huron 2Street