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January 10, 1908 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1908-01-10

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T~lE Mftflf~A If ATI___________________

G. 1 . Wild Comfpally
The Lar gest Stock
in the City
Exclusive Styles in
For Gentlemen's Wear
Fverything requird fori Suits,
Overcoats, Fancy \Vestings, and
Trouserings, and of hih class
fabrics and special style.
Full Dress Suits al
G.ll. Wild Company
31 South State Street
A New Desk
will help yoti start the
New Year right. These
are made with a metal
base and removable tcl-
eiidar pads which can le
renewed yearly. Makes
the handiest kind of a
2 styles at
25c and 50c
Sheehan & Co.
Student Bookstores
- ~ A. G. ,-ac
iictSPALDING ___
~ &BR oS. V 'pill .
The Larest Manufacturers in the World
of Official Athletic Supplies
Base Bal, Foot Ball, Golof, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Ottiioat iaptessarts for Track ad Fied Sprta
Lntisfostr alt Sports. Spadiaegs' Hasdsely
Ilustrated Catageofaeltlt sports conainis n-
meroussuggeasiians. Sedr it.-tsre.
New Yrk, Ciiiao, St. Lotiiis. San ios eo
Nltnaiolis, Dner, Btiaisl. yrasisePitts-
burg, 'iilsdelihia, tiosito, Ciaeiiiaa, talti
sor, Wasigto,Kasss City, Cleveland,
Naw Orens, Dtei, Moteal. Casada.


Managiing Edifori--PAtIt SCOT MNoWsE
Buisinss Manager-C. EmoWiNTasiess.
Neir\s. . . A. .Ritchie
ililetlic. I itic. ,Daid F. Stevenlsonl
Exchange:....-II. John Wambold
:lusie aitd Drama...... Roy ID. Welcht
Wt-oimens Editor l.Iouise Van Vcosrl,y
! . . McCandless Elmner C. Adams
Joii F '.nrz Russe.acl NI arland

fort mnt'. 'its re in,11 reason wiliy it
Imu]("Ietdepried of anyiting. good oiv
r~d eiae studentsswanider isnithat
(lir, lion for an occasional debautchl.
('mu, ties adiaceititon intl (ittiin. terri-
torv' areimit forced to n'oltihiitii byit
inn' mclyl lcatics lthiu'thirsty ineighi-
ro; tpmi for a little refreshment.
INTo n' he rsdenti rcfin tilisaysent
speciouts ri asniiac;litt fron thie stamnd-
point of lie citizenitof "Dutchtosrn" ii
Ias a firmst ais on his right of self-'
gicerinmntt As. in American ciizn
he r isltupposedl to legislate for Iimseli.
iThe Urnit',rot s tno li, uisiime-sto isles'-

itramn S.Cody George Hf. H-obart \\ li a ante tii ii, e thti en ciis? Oii
Chaunneey Boucher B. G. R. Williasms t; lhe , tiar tiofthe tsple, local optioin.
IIayttiiti \issceei ic ltothu Cextpeiriereiwitht liuorlairs
inthy! niortherin tstati'slances tttlocal
stIO'EinSytfopt i.ion im oe eifiicis than gemeral
IN. C. Reid Lee A White l iiia(sproiitin. sindthte latier methmod
NI. I 13.1Itigl' .I. Presco'' tt ttackidesniwns ismt to tat'cointemt-
A. L.. H'ainline Robert Mountsier ;,la 1 lit presenti. Ititproibilitioii, in
LoswellJ Carr Dtonald IL. Kissery iiuturtafciiagri
\\ altir K.'1 on, r< LoussKrft ,,tall comitiiit't-hilethe restcif te
unkis T. Knit', cii Robert NI on' awl Mt sectp rm h a--sarti
antl (.r is S'itii('IIl. lorris uP i ce iiof iedissrcalisi tttiwsshich sic
l'i~'i Iig, ' 'ni C (codng iimarcvelmos t Iiiheci cit hsmsnoite vitail--
tBUSINESS STAFF ity Itoenlist neveitiiie:nsippoirter. Such
aliw us uiut'to lii' ctntmnily --
Jobsi F. Wo'Vre Carl H. Adam unle is icsberiayid a dlangerous iii
IlirildI'.1a Gould capcit iinuomittei'la msntstrous
Address: MICHIGeAN'DATLYv, Press Bldg. criiie. It remoids its of the sending ini
Msynard Street. Oflfederaitionp-., sriere they arc iii
ii iils' or esi, ri'i. Aitilsuch le'gislatiiin
-- j arms i-i)itt~isliIn ' ppo s ith tIme e'air-
p i of despotism,.and 1bsca'sie it falsely'
1, Rl D I'.J3V\NL'\,UiY is,' t oy. iplzcse-aaiiInt; utiiniof thti'go'm'rii-
__-_-. -"'. m" I i cap'i ty ')f 1her it'-ze'n .
Ci ii irtal' -FOR iii, tileiton Onlthe part'of e tmtUiercsis tw
Owlii v rst istlt slie' i ttiesi. irslitt in fth state i thislcfods
towasd tnheipet i t fprohs'iibiionNit is toabis strunk tes in snail
is I s _ irlat e tig . ii i itll s'itiic oif .ll ilrtiti Icii let 5ite a ttatpienatyci ros
pe itinerlts isisano l' ut'ss-st in'sitw I It who rsotms'tothecity salsitit
lii iltt t s iiii'e iitsbeici n e dti ' re is'sure thi s ,I n is iirac isaler-
irs il un1ss toitt sgn telir t t ts' elV( tit e siir 1 nl i is *du',is1t Iteitiect'own iman'
saet tl las wi shn to ly- wih tt- it - oiff'ticqurelirusscinterpric tiilonigif
tenadpoe s''alpiittantoi'bttptv~s terstaln ste. she torr ios
it't he s'e tian g ri i ssinc tieoti Iii il t g m sfo til,,'of ti't sis otsd li
kitd mii it isappearuftrli e r fromiii t h ci 1 liii it h t h sta i'tuir'e'th astislt~ai na'
iat.Bt vnate ii itthisavoalwe 11si l lt itollc'ood- filow iwitoats'
ill p in t t me pasttini this fit tt iitio iiiiia. Si hers sto tits' liueofritit-
vsslse n rithecnlig irttjetitosh aitageteveris' found," oursldllthsenstie lquort
of ilnisti ii Theliquori inrafeicet no tie,,tht, is pre srnrasnoloer~ l
is im rci zedIts isi osthe sit pecti tsjd sired. iiI' itlwt ul. muntiet t lttil
t anttepureycsmsralsi'idir'ligtios opini teUiversitylite tlfi lii
one therfo1 iisliuurssitt the acstin tha ? di"' g; tsitt.r ofthesi woIn' dt is
I iti w sl isint lithieip eitionlie sici lltlybet'rs'i'vicethanIst'ain gro-ti
isiavor ofnieeti and itempercte.ii it inislthle tlin. Foittm'iysttcbes
itso fitt lsiihet salters'ihry alis inter noiced thiatcitheipeition masusiordhaddoits
e-tei t ic i h i et i t uionuuitrise orIt ht nti m tdt ietiliy itthI prtr icedi' s nti k-li
sakeifspribs i iltidrugs'neislemonI 50;1, it nii-srohiitysilte aunit. iuo
sit linequ sec, toIaIs lieintitt ~bi t Sie.iiThpin iticisiiha
isslint h te'(ierityity iII igtto do. intoxiIii iica ti old teimartaetinanilt
Uivetyi s noult idntiscalt ltit thtwis'1c1iesiiihsre'cattsbtttncrc'esions

are te oes who motaf requently "go i
toi thida m,l" (On speaker at the mias
aieeting ienitinedathlaofat. Dnly a
smalI per cen mf a cerain drinking so-
ei,:r i t i i ited last year. reurnei
t schotol for the present termi. A di-
iteresedim nimii'iual swhi owtiss'the
faict, amd m nes not misually exaggerate.
asstres ms ihsi the beer ibblaisg at an
ormdiiary est of one of these groups-
aiid as ss'll the circuation of ribald
onsg and jests--is as aomoination unto
All Decency. Why shold outsiders
alsoi le rifemi to this sort of thisg?
Wec kinw there is mdrinkisg, far tan
tmuht iiiit, in he commuonity aidlse
totu it will le dimiished. But te
mteans shioumld e well considered. Fomr
ilten the firefly of reform is musy a lure
In desirumetinmi
Musinc ant 'drama
'Ihmi'preparatiomn forte comting May
Festivailtre areamdy mimderway. 'lhe
directiorsiii tic Coal Unioiiare flii-
towng im p iheiricpolicy of dariig a lile
moture neahiyear mcIdideeidiig on le
heary sutpot sswhichm thy htie always
-Mladhaume Schiuimani-leimk hisbeii
engagedl for tluncmers;Witherspoon
in o sing lswic; MaamecRider-Keley,
wshoimwtisoiieithiusiasticaly receiv'ed last
year,. hisbhens re-igaged;l Jane Sten-
ceec ssill tlo, appear. 'Thisi ut ha plar-
tial lii-. of the soloiss, all of shio are
equalliiy sell kinown. 'he Chicago or-
cetram hisseest engagei for the enire
'lucerei is y a gralieinditmflir
seats fon tiefesival. 'In avoid then is-
tignenthiic-"iningup"hmsysemt,. tnpesan
alikieafunrlumer andulseler, he manatge-
menthus sccesully operaiedh for ie
pass itch years a sytemi of graduaeth
scal ofrices for thuehouice sas. 'The
lamn folos.I thiis ia great. cnuts'ctieic
to thit,-public.
liii n, 3 tm.3a blochoii'oo snts wn il
mimilcedonsale at $.0 eac. Osi Jan.
20attll unol saits fromsitisbluchswill
le offeei at $3.eineachandtittwill remiin
st thisprice util he fetiva.
Oiii Ja.~ 27 a bloucs of intoo adithioinals
seats will le placemdot sale a $2.0
etmch.(nitFeb. I all minsoild tickes frotmi
this bloick swill he offeredhat $2.00 sec,
it ill remaiiin altihlspice untililthe
(him el. itibck of approximatey
tmooo mamhitisniil seas isill his placed out
stle ati $.5 ach. OFeb. I5 all tn-
soliiets fromi this block will e offered
at $Simm eachi suhd siillrmais atalthis
rite util hie festival.
,tsmenat rcn i'Am'scr.c
Since'teeingismpierormantce ii
lec. im, tie :Majesic theser his best
playintg svaudueile. Tis week sees ie
tird chansimge o iin iithe ouse.'The
offern iigs have been m uaisig ads free,
in lie mai,frontvulgariies. 'o i-
sur the in kmd oi paroniagc ninthdesir-
abletiehe maiagesmet tuiould take lre-
caiutiionuthatmithe,'hills are st leash as goodh
and sun tmojectioniablte as those already'
senm. ''hirdl in fomrib class prforimers
itidhimts of vmlgaity' isill setially'
stp themisevseb y kilisgthe playhouse

If yottarCttn dotbt
shot wltat to gveyour
frienid fora gift buy
is copy of our Mcigani
Calendar. It contains
origittals drawings atd
sepia printitig. I ts the
hest ever pubilished itt
Attn Arbor.
Price only 25c
The Sonvetnir of Anti
Arbor'and the Uiversity'
recently pnblished by ts
is now on sale.
Price S0c
State Sret Mtii ,el.i-'
Start the Year
Keep a Scrap Book
of College Life ::.
The New Book is
Ideal $1.75 with a
Special Picture Rate
Some bargains in
2nd hand Cameras
and Kodaks ...
%portin$ G~oods
Largest collectiotn of orditary
and the only collectin of fine
Michigan Pins
Quality Best - Prices Righth
Michtigans and Frat. Stites.
s"'t . tain Sn


00 5FF 5U5I?$0LE0
uEQ i 96LfCHA dND

Flusi c
Every day one hears
peopte say "If I were in
college again, I wonld do
mtore its theisneta of ctsl-
ture..I iwould leartn sonme-
thing about tuosic so as to
appreciate good m u s he
wvhen I hear it."
Students of today cer-
tainly have splendid facil-
ities for sutclh study.
Courses in all branches
of mousic are given by the
best prepared instructors,
at very reasonable rates
at tho
University School of Music
. Maynard Street


Che !Btubents' Lecture E1ssoctation1
Season of 1907-8

Johnt Temple 'Graves
D Ir. Bratnder Mattltews
Leland T. Powers
Opie Read
Oratorical Contest
Open Nnnber
The open number will probably be filled by
Hon. Wmn. H. Taft

DUCED TO - $2.00
Treasurer's Hours 5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays

, - l.


121 Washington F. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props.

?bone 598

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