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January 09, 1908 - Image 3

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Michigan Daily, 1908-01-09

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.k, .. . ,' 'r iE M t1t I t I(I N;A1\ :C T LY_ _
ogy, 30,000imlscoos of nicilejx it,-d
A L t, 15,000 in sools01 of la. theothrst DRINK(S INK
Intercollegate Notes. arc, taking nginoring. arioatlears.j o-(
1_tc +o N L ote- . and practical scicesot LIKE A CAMEL
Druggists 7 7 \illanJenning Bryrsipcded attF,,hloadaxtConklincfoattao Pen, Lust til)hetCineae
Sup lie ni;i.ar araiicil'see-t. ilitr lafialSit nt11cowln
on lrad clas, one of themal laing year will prseni I Podi''flT-elPr- -
rbest -i eriGrmaay. tinder."CONKLIN'S SF- Y T L
if (ecilred -t'y V( \ (liicwgill c-ci ccirl yars of age THE PEN WTI-ITHE RESCEt T i t
siy m aa gedl inter-frarnityha-h s etrd he tli ra o I li.
---AT-kcb l a c -r hi- seao. Se,' li-esesin t1h e nI~ropan fahionand a e 111(1sstqy:ihu telat novuin o
-- s~~~~pak lnglish at krioaii wel,iiig.cils isc<ncluc t h peni rtn
QUARRY'S an llon_ ~~Josph H. Choate wiill (delier teothCnki-e=precfed
a orto atthe Wahingon i lrthdtay tu ct rtlrecn'ttatirc-- (f tt (- iiftcrqu
C Hi Vi iG S itFr xcri,( of the tniccri y of Pnns yl- ciii Imalinh ltitot a loot tint caronr atn('hi
Vall~a.caganadolorganiizcd. Theofficial an
gmagc was cosen Ito- ltpranto. TheConklin Pen Co, 10Manhatn id .''lii iiiOh
_________________________________________ twhoe contrui-cioni rpro-
-riOe-- thc c\tnci(Itirt (f a nmillioniandiaiTl lhe athtic boardtof control a(te1
Mloney Loaned h t o ba aritc iing hiti at Prna Intljnircrsity of Waslhigtoin wihsrties
mi nIht (i ii100- -- -tallilht atgraiula ~t emt-uof na ca clag R u
nilw the th pntn 'in i l~v in:s o hc footbll, asha ii att imdtrck~
ur es .Watches and JewelIry repaired. The inivr tyof oett unit tit lit lt s, aiail thc a-ritt re
Bargains in Watnhes &Diamond. of Xcm il omet ith harkms i.Iar.iara-Itti au tl
oflte (olegeoif the Citt fN wY r. h .1t.Ilucrlsht ur.Wl
Oi e i idiiceir ;1E.LP ilb-r(y t C(at l. i, tiicitoll.atutu alII capain itic cimsion ta iinex t ear
Hors:n 6ito 11:30 a n., t top6:30 and7t ,,- -hl]tttglt gii on'L a c O
N"n T e (nicousita f Chicago li-itr - Ca ps II- \ninrican-alanv nn rteaspti -hlargti distI Ic 1 1 aie's weain appatin
At,iBUSItNeES oN unnni-Ai. o t nig t-fatpai -r gfts amout-tll rcrtcfii-tliiibi ti cr nI ot r It
JOSEPH C WATTS y(Otw yer,,te aild0o mke1t$biisooooooth C untlii- tiiglu il Colettstlesan
mout tetricedtiinia iiiglie i-ar AndiewCci arnegie hsIive~,n I a ((-(i -Iia t (a I C I n wt a
on th atert foIteIatet-rouion.Thtw Ii
--- cltlg $0,00o ot rdn te $200,00 itnc t i o riI i
BEotATL Iis A ier cant of the freshtentit atavetitiadeti alitoeiiit(lti litriin of
l us toaccon. 1)1thdis iiuthr n rdtrI o n-tin-,tthe gift (tf Psonani fromi
r:ciinthr tcnpe ctalgot tihetib i t gt-inral I i-(ttotnti ai Iit-ri -- \aii(-l
W ch F bnt-tlaIcttoIsfl. St-ictl l iivcrsn t Cliforia roSuits, vercoats
w ith t Hat all chrmint i te factdty of the Mias- fetn(ot. taccmpanlriein- (aLick-ls t an-l
I t (I lii tilt- (i 'Icctuninogy art olt ' tarn- (iot oiitt-i-- e-tetrntF tint i sandI1 i'
- I- 7 .ieent uicing the lics blinvest(-tigationsilit h e tv e n ricet toni-. so th ncvhrott ,tthe c t sarfl (jan d , ra 1 i-CUe C c C
-A-1n. -
t) II t ~ .X uvrity tas intitutecd a
22a22i S ti Ia ct tt-tsy temin tii eicoolt intt nrlnce (1nt oontinn Itittadte rlp i nt. y1ti only nectssaryi lir it tnn Inl i yo Iitt it in rc
f mne, ngnerin, ndchmitry i l e ua ofth C iyis -y f -ensy solo Aigenmtfor L. Adler Bros. ' Cos fietintim f
1e ukeplat-k-ain -c t -Iitnt ipto ( i iitat, o n by a hlu l tdtlinn -n ionn-liooaat iltn f tn I mncrt th t ai
UI J ln onnnf1(0 I ti iiciti kl i ardttspecal mact race rotlinM.i W.knoliiiw 0 ailtrightin l paing tis cltbte01d ntlink.
C ___- _(Shipptrdnii terltlchatuttiidt tottim
ftP- -len sidortat sceue I -rimib tf New( 'iork, holderto nf the 'at t-Ifrong.
S te n s 'rs ea wllincilude itnn trits tin Nw tic hI rcord oa ir (o ards~, Pto i-arl,
in tnk oi eah tooton, Ialinoreoldii -c miiei- ndint ,.-- --- i We carry everything you ned for ia complete outfi.
IIALLER'S JEWELRY STORE, 2161 S. 1an S. at P lhu t(ioln,0 ititie0(0r etsioc at --
I 1ina-tn ll . +++ iciiganti 1ain it t itn-tird o, __________it_________
Inn te- l rbanint r fCllge. flins ----- -------
abutn ninrnon 'f tract,, Corneclt an tifatlhannmre t jewery at I'otrsA M
'c nvat, orel l heces ph yin iht,aicen-hlf poitt nts otti\If'-i t'1ffO11. XIIICIII l THI[EIM iNACHII TIR1 .
East University Pharmacy t rI in-hlo ight.-
w tS. nut-(ii- I t nlnt- --- G .-frngr'sadtinlots-e; i nnil ac
The (inl I nf tnmiltnts0l~m it- ( ah'iiic e nntu mnt Iand hrtameet-Iitie Avnac Sprig Sty 1es A tclidanIl e-t
- m u it cciii mianI higher tchicatig,t o InnSo to; $ fortrs f( ched Ctffs--the M tterilta o nd olesar a gooda
C-ok of tho UitediStitsiseotlitman-t- --ctwele nlss n. Al dacer t a t aroo S t - twilptmclis-ms o rthte ti
I atrnnna.oaoc eot fon-octrionanaci grantedr-nIi lotcnaltiy inill i orcl
flw otlati. Itf this iairt nmmlr taught. Sitmpititsa- (I rtl fra-ntKtic 4 C o~ . M ainriSt.
IE i I ilate inn, coitict contanimi pooa ora, an sm wniatk. iii s arc o dite
____________________________________ ri_____ a In1f' the uuumvtrsftics, incudaitg nduig cno it fcclass________hours.________________________ ________________________________
V . of M . instunti ns, of thelii-Nrthi Criat class ranaiti-.grouin Ilort n :Mana-
-lt-scanl clim, aab ut 4,a00 anthIosi- nrcil lin- t M ok \tt i n o taf stee ( t t ( lit, l i tin aaa intl !l:
Barber Shop and Bath Rooms ItubArthlattic sates atano o35 nltor'.- - --__ 1-71OII OA[1i -i L~it t[tq '0 riot sott
in 'ee'ythiehr oflthese: tudyi-gtilt11-nirtnA yet ,tit A ai-n uai-tn-(sofun rei-antoron i t""
L gsat Shop to the City '1cs-.cnt- tal laarnedii p-onecaios" k Snale of I antlpaited-i (lina,, fnrc.a Twiotdooar so'u(h(anty-,,1 -il .0C. A.W. J. LOV RIM
J R. TROJANOVVSKI. Prop. )p-oximiatalyc7io itt scoos of thncr-fIe-un uay.ntSt, tn ~e1cl. 7-7 ________________________________________________
WAISTCOATS a new line just received==cut for college trade=-athletic shape==ong waisted==entiredy
WAGNER & ',.CO. different from what you have seen==.of white materials for Tuxedo and Full Dress wear-
of fancy materials for semi-dress and business wear==new shades for the coming sprinig
State Street well worth your inspection. OPEN ELVENINGS I

The Ann Arbor Bible Chairs THMA RLaundry S 'id L ',Y
444 South State Street 326 N. Fith A.4
SIX STUDIES IN THE SERMON ON THE MOUNT New Phone 4-1 BitI 'hinac457t1., fIav8re a steady, soft gOW.
SUND)AYS 12 to I P. M., BIIUINNINUi JAN. 12, 1901,TV'othSaetreEsyntele.
Class. Sst rday, 10 A. M. e~odEaynteees
t. The Historical Seling of te Sermon. Jan, 12 730 P. M. tioderate in price.
a. The Beatitudes. Jan. 19 Axienniliy eI riohut Cheaper than oil or electricity.
3. The Fulfiling of thmefaiw. Jan. 26
4. Turning the Other Check. Feb. 2 WI KING 1.00
5. Be Ye Thereforeo Perfect. Fe. Chinese ChopSuey etuat Gtti etfo h a~s ~ar xt
, Giving Holy Thitngs to Dogs, Fb bD etuat Gttebs rmtelretasrmrt
ChiitnoeFancy Dislh,Americn Lunthuc, onit
These lectures are free to University students and others who may ati kinds. L ghlnlti nt '1 lni sr 4p eAn y ' i a r 1a
care to attend. Ciiee and Jaipnniw iBri-a-brti.
Up Stais, le donS. HutoneBlos~,3141'. SateSt.
ST~JI -R NT CULER?, 319.East Huron Street

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