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January 09, 1908 - Image 1

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Michigan Daily, 1908-01-09

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The Mchga Daily
\NN XARBOR, \IT( I fIG \\, rHURSDAY, JANUA RY, 9) 1508.


Nti. 73;.

Speakers Talk Forcibly But Not
Rabidly Against Saloons in
College Towns.
Before a large and earnset audience
Chairman Hlendcersons opened the meet-
ing called together by thc auvocates of
temperance in Usiversity hall last eei-
ing Tie subject was totihetei upon
front all sides, and, is all fairness to
the speakers, was not rabisly alvocatd
as is general in this lass of mecetigs.
In explising thsc purpose of the tct-
iug Prf. Hensderson told of a ttoe-
st-it ott foot it this state at this tme
to prohibit the sale of intoxicating
iquttrs ins college towtns. Te atte
is non before the cnstittioa cot-
t-ention atis is causing considerable i-
erest throcugttut te state, especially it
\toArbor. -Already a petition gotter
p by leaditg business msens and mnts
interested int the enterprise-sttsnder fir
has been sent ltote cnenssstint, akitit
that the matter e left to tte jtrstetot
of the townathtlorities, as it atwns ha-
eet, so liat they cold eat chist
matter as thee sass'fit. They sathlast
this is te.'otipnion f te citiests ssts
r,-'idcnts of Atnn Aror antI (f Washstte
maweomitty. The speakers expasssei
that ticsarssot te setimsent of lst
s'stir- it suandthlit te lspuroses of thi
mtetig sas tos aswrtamitthe real pos
-isis of- ts' asvocates(of ts'peraste.
"Itsfore Iis reformissr asysoter re
frm.tsis adopedl it msthtsrbackett li
the eotle, anti seeareIerets fins otsit
cchat tte tesle Ithisk of the qluststiot.
h sa. lie- slestitroiscedei rsie
Antgell, the fist speaker.
"This is the seodi mseeig f lii
kisdithatet I ae attendes its Asti Ar
bit" sis thei'Prisidett. The first sa
aleth lirty-six years ages by te satos
to take'sossme actions isi the siocl saos
qusestiont. It sas le timse wrhenscpest
hibitious was itsfosrce trocugotthls
stale asdousr city ccas sie of tewoseis
possible offenders. Asc int these hirty
six years of sy' residensce its this cits
there hae beess very fews teriods tht
goosd senssid nt otiplam f tfhess'listusi
trade. To ue there seems to caises
of the troisble : First, a uarge part o.
thu peotle-cii sot wat to restrict tcs
liquor trasde seond, le officers clerec'
cii nt esforce the lacs. Tey' seemses'
its symsapasy wits the saloo-keepers. '
"The saoon tmsesssue eser beetse-
tsp the lins in every pssilecay. The
hase-dote a tossatd tigs they'ail
sitbusissiess t do anti no actioniscss
akesn against thesm. The problemiessssci
big that te pople are disideeupnit1
If l-titpe le atid s th. ey io ottotec
cucrsia tproblemss, itswoisuld eIts'sssssar
ily' ceats wihs citostsisy-delay"
Its speakitg sf le class of mies wh
support the ritentions of slooniss, 1Dr
Anigell saic'e sdiidedsthIemsinisso fie
classes ". 1Drusnkars ad oter
cworthlslsesss e ltico sant ass opess oses
andiwhon coe for eoficias cwhomttsthey
know' will allowthla state of affairs t
exit. 2. Men whtomsc se respect aci
associate sitill every say, u-Io sdrik oc-
casisnally a glass of beer or spirits.
3. M\ent who use the saloonssoits a sociul
way,scrl as workmsens adc mechanics.
4. Butsiness mess wot fear a loss itt
trade by nmaking tis a dry- tow-s. Tecs
fear he farmiers cill gis to Chelsea or
lexter or some other neighborisg mse-
tropolis, instead of coming to Annt Ar-
bor, 5. Those men wh-Io were here
whes the old prihiitioss lass was. its
force, the rottesest lass' tider wich
liquor cas ever old
"I swosld very mucssh desire In see te
people- of Waslsenan' coutyv vote tic

abolish this trade feorever, althoiugh I
dousbt if this ccill he done at thse presenst
ftie, H-owever,, to seesure assy fruitfult
resuilts of this pressent action, cc- mutt

see hat somsethisigsore tan sistres-
esnt questioss is attended to. We mstu
have a fair msaorty' of townspeople
votle for te sieasrelbeasse they'moct1
also elect ltse proseccutng attorney asssi
the sheriff assil tlese are the men cho
enforce le lass- People mtust vote ott
miora andil tet political groundsss on ee-
tioinsosithtissostrt Reformo mnsltegis
liere, IWe smus havie lacs enforced ithril
tsprigltetisses, hoesy and decetcy."
Itsn scscluing the speaker sal that it
ail alwrays een a qsadcary whly' a
ycunsg itsass brousghtip its a restectable
homise scshldlgo o us saosn for cs-
panty,5trient le cats fid cospany so eas-
il isn ts'ecampuss, cills the litrary' a-
stays tocsns andccills the htlictsgass Uniont
clubhoussise foundsiesd fortliss special pr-
Jams Wt. McCadess sas the ext
cspekerosithe1ceesing. IHic presessta-
tississwas frocms a studsest poit of view,
lisoingsipthe glarig abuises of Iie drisk-
tisp pastice. "Wte are frostest by a
condtiltiuints a theory. A fre smsas
'sisiesciolice ttsicersity' 5 atcibralist not
a IPuriar., Aftr Ilir'tg clsely econfisi-d
it homsse icc' stiks forwcarlto his usit-
versty-lift- wheire' its all Iisgs lit- will
atc h'Iis siten isay o do as he pleases.
Assil Ihis is just the cosditioss that eser
coi nsisnts u. (ldelr stusdentcats pick
iiit examp~le asterexampstle of yusntg
filoswchcoIsshae comse'here,stredtinit
assall wiat, perhaps isflueced by a
comsspantionscauseery' ussuatproeedeig,
cri sisonssi begiss titsi the pace with re
sultsIta awe toss sftesn regret. Fach otis
-o'f isats recall isitance sfter isstuissee
-if le'erecslts ansd we mulst Irenembse
thtasttesre' sonly'.a smualtlsorions si
whtlactually' e'xits.
"it is not at Ishecusiosa drinkterc
thatsthesee sasre-stunm,ut rather for
Ish' protectt rf thse-fifter-stlhunsdrcd
ri-sitesswhcc-lst eneto usiceery year;
-yoting sic-t susacstsomsedsto teir sew
surroundssings sissd ccIsisits to simsisy
ca.ses firstshais that are detrimentsls
suit rssmssss inth~e after life, It is
his icily ofstusdenets that sc-cmussr-Ilssok
out for ussdt ie slu~c st: csso to smsie
unsdsserstansdisg icthIe rmattr htilis i
ztiitg tic Ie one aoit it?
The ext stieaker icas Prof. fRolert
iii. 'etlsy. Intsiroduscing hinsell it
sad ita le isoushIcomse undser its
tkiisionss iii chsltsPreidentl Angell spoe
is occasional sdrisker, genlemcess swhomu
se daily associate cwith., "If msy' friesl
it hoes h louldl Isartoe alig reist
a empsleresp ilfocrmotey-wold asik,
tire ross takess leave ucf asy stall
ittgaitist thatIott have haudl? Bit it
is notsisa pu re temiperancec'lecturer
thati I aisisgeing to talk to yos tonisight
(fIsse1oit sot beileve its that) I ant
;peing isalk first, siastat, a teacher-
issi ssudent, andi se-ondi, as a sbsolar
Mhest peotle thisksit a scholar as a sats
Itl issdshntin t a sudiy- roustm or fooils
cwy itytimlite its a laorstory; bt they'
foge hugsIhashis isthsseIscolsrsshicsiuke-
Iso ieshi chis-srle them.s ir whlo swork
sits tisisetisgsswhies givstcte smod-
'-nt convenre-iissiesif our life,
lihe' schoslar is first of sll ot alose
atsan f goosd sinisilbust also one of
foodsodltiy. This seecast easily' simer-
tush rwtest se knowc that the best of
oiii sholars are the ones sc-Io live the
Its haunling students the two difi
cultit's that sre pre-eminentis colol
-life are firsthoghtsgsles ness oe .inabii~y
his-reeogtize, ansu secosd, dwlisg; ht
fronts lbs soussie there is drcnkenns s
an -sthIle vice whssch come frost drisnk-
-ennsess. These are the influences wh-ich
undssermineoirstulsdents We cssnce
-thlemt of the faults arisitg from their
tnaplieatiot, buti sc- can ecer remedy
the eils caussed by the saloon hbit
Alt the slsosey' ever mide in the saloont
businsess is noct sorts the citt of ose of
these lusys.
"It is the disty of the Uiersity to
cure sudeents oicthIeir vulgar habits, t

maskethsemt loouk to thse shies rather thats
to the situd. The personal resposihil-
(Ctomlosted on Page Two)

Michigan Graduate, Shakespear-
ean Actor and Orator, Lectures
Friday for Oratorical Assn.
Nocrmuans I uketlt cct eure ritay
ights at 8 os'lock, si tie 'I asusts uasnd
lalys uf Shakesteare,' at Saralt Cs
scelI Asngell Ial. Ic coes-hIeesusitcer
te auspshics'sof the' Oratoriu' s c
-Mr. tHackett, as ssessisr of the class
sf 'o8,till Iplay' itsociteof Saukeseaur'-
play-s at this I,yu'eussilsteaer, etruits', all
textsweek. hBeigsosinsears-hictalma
saler, he akes this opportusity to shin-si
a fete clays iere asuitousdeliv er us lecture
isi Shtak-sipe'cre This lecuts''is ti
re-sushI of M.iiiehIacluets-trases'-Icitshos
hlasns, s-hee hi- receently tiued, lats's
unit stusiil Shauksteaeans-t iterissisg
aut hautsis. M\r. IHacketut trs alusisi
thu-isrcel utisct us's before- the' ttti
sersiies f C'alifo rniai, Neraska, Syrs
euse andi Corint, andulfromis all ofithesec
co'eecosmshlimsuitrtinrticiss I ts lec
tire- siltle' iute-.leriithscsi is gssg
ferostsShusludspe -ri spa ys,und -shisi
ktno ledge of these is thorougsih, hswil'
lie able ust heortry mn hrcer-
fromsitheliet p t'sii 5reetire.s
lr. IHIacket cilsti ts uler- ci cc
mssembesr sif lt' Comesdsy lic at dthels
Thses ts-hults Clii Iscis sc l l i-
woirk takuess hee inttsw yers cfii- isi
resisee in Iphrteprtinsfsiteli
staige. Ate eaing i alesige hue n-turet
stonc issue- sdsleptrsu u' uirdrasa, aitu
play-rutittShaespearatnriles witshits
sassesRual.It, eis Jamsu nd tushuslry's
Kidertitanid 5issutous it Jsusc s I'xciill
Hitsrise listsbsetsnspis, so ltat siuilus
he ic lotokedI tupo a u ' oif'ifw
The- Ojratoiculitassocatinisi o'tuutses'
thaut membscierc till lie adimitedtsithliii
leture sit he trnsetationc of tit
stessutuerhits tickets. T hut elcrs 11cc
chargucwill bhutwccruty- fit-u cetus. .Scustic
tiukets cgisispguadmissionto thle'Nots-i
scestert-Nlichipan e batue-itus'sciJest. t7
avidssu ccesrus hetcr enstrttainmenutsc ui'
ilsoie 'isatle uati'th;do urfir tt
\:f-;XS (OF 1"11 \Ahh)(iS
Teclisieuscaltmp iitheaters of tiihos
ptailavuie lens grea-tly impriuovedsliy
ste-srcuiut ositnttt. fle sc tua 'elinus
finishcedtits cili-tuuicit tendte o r icrowni
fDe-uscVaucigant ae it-esecI seris
f tubiercsulinc-es ticto theus suutslueisuu
msedicc y'c-sersas. Tliss is u ssure ssutc-
of diagnsoing tutheresusis, SofaIr abut'suu
six nmesmber-usitf Ie cashate sttuhuts
signsocutie' itlifci-tit.
Fle thirdi vosltut-oftih ie' Suulssututun
tcMurrichlstaus f unautomsy hats tes-u'
tush oni shein theIi'AnsncAibor boistl
stocres, This'sIt f books wsutsriter
hy Prof. J. 1, Mehhurrich, turussee
trofessocr of anatomin s the Uivecrsity.
tissd lit. Jeohannses Sibttu, Iprofessort o5
assasomuy' st theUnti ersity- of XWsr-
tucug, andssitoncie' oftthin'largest adsmstus
thosoughs books ou thlii'subtjecutulished-i.
Drs. H ubeur, Scres'stee nst Stileclars
retuirsteid frmcthIle ausnual censtionsofil
te- :'mericunus sociaitioinscof Nastaonists!
hlcd itt Chicuago ucuring lie holidays
The leadisng atomiss of te coutry'
n-rc present a this metinisg. Prof.
Mckiteriel, formierly' professorofittsca-
oy' ittthi n- si-esity' tindhathprsest
holedisg tis catir its the IUiersity' o
Torontoi, n-s pesesst andu after the cos-
centioss spenus severa cays visitig its
sits Arbir.

Tlue classes ini the differentsllseges
of-thue Univcersity' sitPennssylvsania save
fornedha lboculinsg heaguse.

(ii cCI ISUXX I u iStiI NO
N tiw sd'IIy Init ithe uu tN
C ususcucIc i wtiin tuthe iudeis'suussio
sit thus resent gitaliustsofiireform nsthsi
setunc.olitics tat sic-iltits-i-ctieca-ts
pu 1usdtieortic-ietcsHoslidauysIt is it-'
itesscusnti cs' 'ewCoucil tu ry-tiusrern'-s
c stesofithlie' culs uofetlss touiticsu
also P isu splicngte' iittcamu i t el-
tis shdtesis suits'fithcit lcusit is it
beti' tuklens cut. AXcifi uc (t' fit-r 1-
IheItsictes oiTtIuhe. ail jus<ttprviouc-
to clue Chisttatucholiuas countainues
isch udissusssts1s lift-e oliiiutile'sitf
S I-tcus ommon ucucs. Oltinionsuocu
fastltsycussmciiiss 'cci promiueltst uudnut'
illn'(u-ery' lpthciet-wsuere' publilsied, its
Vtilitets un ii itusalyagpeed too
who illslu -tctken IIIts-ateruiuse.i
rioscls' std us-usc li lkc5-o sc c'titcsojc
rsealized' ttinte 5near fitutits'aleuiss r
ccncsideingutu'etprad'ticubilits f te lits
\k iltns-ul i. Shayi-,u-edits-iofthcii-.lums
ens whtsuit tined uicu' oncccecitt-Ili
"-u Iucitteic-cinth cuulig could lb
dol' fuss-useiths lt-cdstunftsee heult its
maeticgcs-mice stof ithusue, eiher
someoneusu itlistoneia'ushgpc's'it issics-ci
oriul, tiertduo ascas 'tiecscin theiibuil-
ing of XXWtturmansuui uccsu --let 1lcc
stdentts eaise suest ciiidteremane
'cut e nuced-u it ntake.thisunsui
busutis-ipropositioncu I hutset ic
theimatersspken offavora lauclhu
wi-udicc otictain a o ren aditll
repay ls theitus Hlit.usAli ths-wud
uh etrs iccjstfyit
beties fit e iter iusthehitss oftilt
StiudentCouciloifit1,e ihoil'acmaii
mecetingpanil thesrecappintcaucuuouccits's
tou intte-cigates 5 iitutuiit. c in ts-r cl-
lte.Iiher v e planpis a di
us l mscu tsut uloti i nqi
"Atc lutisrtherelisce lenrlHl
Wher lut's e iistusts areii i c citt n
'ucculncc iii Chcico ii ueiy ts
fato}.Thr s s c'ci o uessonu
stvy-tu' sameu c schudutotlbc tutu'ee.
" ac tutuIts emb-ericcnccttdesiru''is iof
'it-ope'r'atv ri ng Hosut sustuuthuts tissue
tot i'eotutit t a ay -olee,bu
hut-dbepatittilitculatacie its Aci
Arbort, Iftenet it smigh teli tptu-his
p cuto drtltuoriesu,iff'rintg 'ausc-
motdilyt'erec-tng'p ile. hesidtc' uchc
itan euulse this'n ess-ulduactptheslut
toothfsuetheir money.'~
"lT'emen whottutklits ogt bu
thisimtiter itut lluliuve uttit caicthe
mcc-ueIa 'pouits ciinnirsu, asucha11tit
hudibe sartedsatusce. c',if thus'matute
weritt' e eu thlscci is 's-cc'itmstupid he'pt
c-cu sunli cudte cc ac iy Junes, uchhe
BIhSuHOPtC. h. X'thJLi Xis
iBtisopCharitles-uDI. XXilliamsc-.of IDI-
trost, i.cll dsi-hiru-'auliscutter tsuttents
'at 'Mc'.iht utits-st.l ex Sucdauy' e'u'cuhic
st tith, raiethe uspictues sit tis- X, I.
C. A. Dturingp thcls' ourfiti'neasluiec
luss csiest Ausn cisui, tutu hus tls-
tutu's'bhenscatue-uded they-lii'suens-ciswiti
inceausing ilest'-.Thits'lecures'will1
cliter'atut : 0 .ut h.ms., isttin'der tu alowu ll
isent lIi ttesuullle ctuelsb iy'Roehtcu-u
Studs-n st teMX i'titthelurceh.

A Junior Advocates Populiar Vote
of Students to Aod Rule (f
Clique Sentiment.
In tistt("olo ingIs corm ctu cauh s t thit
vrcitt't' -A.\ Juncir-c' oa,'' .i s'iu's' 5 555isle
siost iitutu' r c iuer t deti'i t it-situ-i
ticI nittly is e '-uit ti ,, miactthr'oift 5'
curo t: lic t e' XXestes-u 'ciiIs ""C-sics hi
lutistth hitp ilts'se- ct ihe si-tu l t
ofiit 1111rulig overthe ish5ofia-(5ti i-
hi iuo ustiltoIlltg thrcv' iii,
this itugges ti usfor t lntsi--s
bt~r} a a thoe isillfaNoit f i tmt' o_
ar e irous f tincsi in ta tt 5~cs a
utf testuden isd wer
ust tat (s.It se this tC'ei tt er a''i i i -
le tilvittcncitou t i-i is thus sui t e
true:sti c uc -hst ftheustudenuut bodsi. -\11
mthi u l'' li t hst uden'tIs isuipti aitis
no ( u gn h eit' ii 'ts o 5 o l
cili i iiM m mayat 'lo" ime(c iilc
c to hut, sitsution. s cus't -it: (l<u st'
si-uu oth \h~l h'e vil( go1 ak i
te--sly i an ardt he, Iost 5-
t~c~l.tt lxII ifidi~ i ,i g1 s
Ifthe. us (tutu (are uin - t 'srti
sup'. alftigr t it.ot 5 5 5it vt
itch IWIIX Pt; Als
Vttu sut usutuis tc uf te- rii - ( -551
ant "'Mtafo te uunorI pt~ h
Iest firms ilths cunr lirs' -
-ut-tn ti Hiss t" sI t - 5 f it 5
stiony lb tiate sisiattl is-t
ofi Itusiec', u n eite oe ntu-g\ i - us
mo - m, :prdues i stttdc itIsuccess.
Tnt-i-ia ct uuof c'1cu i liiri 5 ti io-
u-tiltscsug is es'e 'll iii;. 'i rc i' eis-
te cdi thus ((ut uIts, tils te- u'sus
th t io eto tiv:cccltitys iilar c<u'
legcu tuft t inlis cli' i'515 li
ilse , tit Ihis 5ftitus mu ciisit-il (-
-us-miit-ttthsf r uKalrs azo, u5h s tic-
ic ntiuts ttn eh shevtritsore
''X'ouced.u' Lhs rear lie lush i t ilt,
cus iptthtit wllhe'rushd o a
ai dSessia l uctricianus j 5 uts c i l.. usih
IDir'cto iu'Isietuo ii 1551 e sts" lia--
cu te tmomitttu cteiIcu se' 'It-w
nc t s'ctis aid5 oc ' i in u-usi-'
'is on cli 5 til cc sill's _u-utt ,,,ccsalie
fro ti aloni iprsiltyon a: h
perha' puhsticsured a(air-u and
MR, 51 'itR
(httt 5( 5( 5I IT t ics iii htiIts -ucs

\XX c (eu-s ogpes uwill leatutiic re
Nvue'1Y' uuue-isup usfthes Y. AXi C' AX
evisitice t 6 ,: ,ic- t iuMciilan 1.1hit
tutls'c'cuill icc Xiii rbor Ju ist Iuscw
is I'suacltitu lus u-cu I-Iil its

(I r

I Louuisianacu states cciviesitye otuuuull (Jutst lu.''
ticm suet tse clevencocuthe 'cUttli vitt'j-y_
of IluersusaonCiinstmcas sisy', Iasursca fSirtcsc 's fscuthutuld etfifuort-u' esxs
uas ic uhs-tat-IyIts' Iti'score osit ilo o. ysurtill 1,e' isrt. us slu<r iscl.

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