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December 20, 1907 - Image 2

Resource type:
Michigan Daily, 1907-12-20

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T-1 rl M TC ICA 11)A I ,Y _________

0. H. Wild Comlpanly
The Largest Sock
in tne City
Exclsive Styles in
For Gentlemen's Wear
Everything required o Suits,
Overcoats, Fancy Vestings, and
Troeuserings, and of high las
fabrics and special styles.
Full Dress Suits al
G. IH. Wild Colipally
311 Suth State Street
Ca .1ende .r
Is by far the fneal of
the kind ever ptbihed
for the price. It contains
nearly 50 sepia egrav
ngs of camtpus views, fha-
teruity hotses, ad Anni
Arbor views and makes
an ideal Christmas gift
for a friend. Strongly
boxed, ready' o mailing
50 cents
Sheehan & Co.
Student Bookstores
1.4:189 & BROS. >
The Largest Manufacturers in the World
of Official Athletic Suplies
Base Bal, Foot Bal, (Golf, Lawn
Tennis, Basket Ball, Hockey
Ottiinatl Impemets for Tack ad Field Sorts
Ucinifrs tee alt Speets. Sadin's HandsmeyI
Illstaed Cataonenoftallteases conaiss nu-
merouns seesiins. Sed fr teei.-Iisree.
New York, Cicano,. t. Zois, san isaniso '
Minneapolis, eer, Iit atai. Syrause,.Pits-
burg, Philadeptila, Bostn. Cincinnati, Bati-
mre, Washigtinn. Kansas City. Ceeant~
New Orleanss.Detroit, Mntrea, Canada. i

Managing Editor-PAi, Scora Mowittu.
Business Manager-C. WNSTEiA.
News......-...A. F. Richir
thltics..... Daid F. Steenson
tNshange. It.....1. John Wamoll
tilsir atd Dramna.....Roy D. Welch
\Women's Editor. ... Louise Van Voorisi
J. . MCndlesA Emer C. Adams
Jits F: wir
Hiram S. Cody George H. Hobart
Chauncey Bocer B. . R. Williams
Raymotnd Vissher
L. C. Reid Lee A White
fir. I. MelHigh J. 11. Presoti
A. L. Mainline Robert M oltser
Lowell J. Carr Donald L. Kinney
W'salter K. Towers Loui Kraft
tLrwis T. Kniskrr Robert Morelandc
Paul -Greer Samtusel HI. Morris
Oils F11gel FreutI:. Goodig
John F. Wure Carl H. Adam
IHarolsd 1. ould
Address: MCHIGAN DAILY, Press Bldg.,
Maynard Street.
Manager's Hours: I-2 P. i., 73 p. m.
daity, except Sunday. Both phones
FRIltA's'. FIPCEMdIIR zo, '07.ts O~a c" IUTO
'lhere is nted lfr sa hasge. Thle fetter
igestngucomfusortable. Dusrigthue
last -eatr 'Mihignsth sleieipoliy hass,
lsenremtarksable isor one tig--t'si-
ssiisfattsrittt as
Ths sasonsswe titetcite I ig gaits
cashoe, ilhaltitht Penstylainia,and
tihe onl tthsue rresiecale gamse swecIhads
talsacteiities wert-e stnfiel largely Is
svarsity sees. 'Tretthe rack tesis
itt t'stastlritge adsithsowed the est
thttettsta sasnere, luns, gyadcilegs,
bu eits AnniArlbore disnosavelits-hue
lessureeof seing the fi. Sineoress
itardeinscotrolsats. stesas foredto t
sit nthe Cnnfrensec fetce, se ave-
ts expurss the matster frakly-ent
resachinigsver anttdktoking at te tbak
drofteeat itadt of laying its
ste ssswns"ttnsilike te good cildret ts
stighttolh. Fenart tithe ipreseti oat-
scte srsre trying tssget its ssherw
sr osst sastei. asd swher a good many
ouso ntact ssltogo swhile lhre are
suss wrtly rivals its the wstas .Cisi
r-tgos. \isesttsitt adsiesta.
'To, whasst is suitspreset-sad salsllse
sa rsetier-situtiot sie? ''lsL
asw'ter is nost sdifficlt. Ssmeting is
radsically srog twtis oratsletieoiley.
IFersa ear sehe sb ees' eiter itsnor
outif li eVsernt Cosnfereece-and the
collegesecompotssig that organiaion are
crtsittoutr ge ograpial adiatral
rse tis. Wte climtisthat in rfussing t
epatte rerasteierfeattre of the
trec--ealestnd gras ts sore games

sandc satraisisg tsabli, lthey are tretig;
is untfsirly .sAnd.( e say twe5 wsill nt sigsaI
hascks htotme iunless 1the gie st'itosuriread~
Isiss sugar. bWe dsits ssstottp ts thikls
that they slst arc doinssg witoutsthe
breadi and sugar for wh~ich se. or sose1
its cur midst, are cryitg o loudly, is
our aiudse; or ---more correctly ptl--
Ps the atitde whlichs itfaction of i-
known tssie conpels ss-bly s-xlers mana-;
ipulsatiots of swires--to assu. caiale,
of ijustifcationt? We tinssk not. Te
Wsesternt Cnference an asdt sill get
stlotigsithocuti its iswe cotinute tto e
standstbeore ss-e-art is a potsiti tssit
ass tstebest effet. Ns selfrsetn
bodsye sf sitn, attl tw-sssssm tiisite
rrsenatsiv. sof te-weternetscsllegs
coessswt-istiti.sesritiotn. willasots
ittelf tsie osared t-ti ta ndsii"b'ul
coed" to'isisdoing ousr bidig. If se
sat-st h le- stsseissslss-rtlistsrersedt
studbtriessthusestsi be is rinip-
ftied f tlei sactiv ity, se twould ieter
tke uptouiiifiliatios isthle Cesnfer
ectes tand tens cstnsinceisimembtsers thass
whasl tweswantatis waisitteywas-titasttt
really bst fertemss. Ifset ant ilSge
list desired changes isyiprceeig its
this mtsisier, ithetsthey lhtave nsitisi"
merit astu do niosstl desers-thesis
if1se withdsrawsvfromsstue Cniftretre
str siuatisons sill Itseipetlisra Idesest
embilarrassinsg. Osr swesterts gaiessill
its linited iro Albion, Alma, Case, 0. 5.
U.. situM. A. C.. witha Pensylvania its
the eas sansd baidsrbil ithue suth.i
We isill e lesdig a freet lasses' -isi-
sitee,trint "sbutt illit whlere tsr are
nt wtetec aid s-litre wr souldntttwansit
us b.'Mitteser, se avesssnott ssas's.
thias we ats get atyttetsrt gmss at al
Andii eeniif we cl eat g'itheist se stili
tiat it is more fsis ts play Chiciagos tant
it swoultd he to lay all te soertamss
at sie ansI the same timie.
Il'is rumtosredl thassthe ssesiafeel
ut coe way o itsltis quesitioi. 'We r
ini a poiionto1sasy tast is utrus. 'Tot
thi, soall siltisr. que stions,.ter r
twsoises. 'Tegreatific ltyiti thsi
sidess is that neither kosesall the fues.
If tny egardl isttle ailforstetis
op~iionin iithis mtter,--sndslwtsrart-litd
o belise thai, there is,-ite fsctes sant
atll of tems. sotdela1t il before liii
sudsesst luody eitfore it ienwaslssri ties-
a scones ts say whts-itssi ass ttitdes is. ILe
is hase 1t-efat. te predtistt its
seetisie latgsof sw-hic espeai athe.s
te begining will coetiisablos. td tuat
i sill lae Cniferece-sward.
ci1tshs .8 ire l
It is asinhe old cussttsf ostirfathers
so make le cheer-ecal sat"Crisnmas
Gift 1'" 'And theistws' silliatk ishess
wer are as full f years and ecllencee
as they, for eaching its ue right oll-
due- tor its swhih tosotsiti. Yosu
sstule sdowni stirsIbeines its the umoir-
ing. ito-wher, inthess-gret rossms, ts
spen ire is siin-lunwonsttely stiss
thie-famsily re tll lbefore yu, eager its
wsaitisig. Yost statsyutr hathrisosgh
usd sai.lshubts ysuther your s-ice only
as cue is a insistchors. Who it td is
frt? No onie cuss tell cossvincingly.
thsossghiall clams lbse lssossr. Buitiss-
whole fanmile- is haptier becasse o smemi-
her ats troe irecedecse lte sday is
Ieguit right, ant iisuasredl for a mterry
prcgress beaustee io or is behisd in

assisig lieytCoplienuts f- le sesonu.
tChristmtta Gilt!
'iCi sill lissse susr istitrtal imsptusiy
fsor issues-osrdinarily resrines 10 grvte
eslttrial tul i --a--dtseei ss far ibefor-
haitiry- Christmssui git o our rea-
r. O~ur good friendis surely swill re-
spondf. If the disaffected members of
our fuutily are as ready isa lay doss-i
animositysus see sirei atherstill tey
euaser behinin ite corus. Ve eliee
our resstionstite publlic solc be snore
lau oeueof emtys- dram-eyed co-
;lai.stc, and w eestriveeussoissnally lto
mak i s. be sum t antagonie. ads
bsefriendl.anduleletrify-theuitgs ss-hic
'situy~ ayappeti atusthue tueeing of twou
goots1 si-whlihs happest sthlesmomentt
of greting out ('risiuts siorisisg. Andi,
ith lists induinlsg uof uoaths, if yui
iioulst iteretiasothisg gies usaslt
ss sutselseasursesste knsosledege la
isue ri-suiesstishIs swuell. s douitisrigtsiy
situ a='vtritenetly a s see sisit t
thtemt. Dlist test uake s- se beg nos
sits, fuseousr slvsto i)beomte gntel!
lrssrise its,--lists se iwoul rsther ot
its reminideds-l tf lava- uight-sips, sisns
passdesdspis a nd s e sts aySu-antes.
lie ll smeans'sus laeuraiut tsbehindsiif
yut expets t pas hispusr te. t ousr
housse. Rssthestllus ruitg~lion'oitue
lan li. ushteer syo u, wis-ih
us' usel. Tradttiuit sstirsur s eais
tIa asssisttouits- ansdlthur is-oe yesr
isWitsb aitnds sCshirismsas msonig.
Wie trust the spirit ofi this sesot sill
lie returnerdlbytslureuseacr als, itch
titsby umsuts issigususd itill Wp-satitus- vt
trihsuts-sisi--re itncert-ii-utheUnlivetr -
Chusisieas iftt!ea u ts ts i s
Intercollegiate Notes.
Tesophomre ar'sss auIllhiouis list
lu--siddt-siitgis-s. raesstisotse tmemblers-
of1is its sulussl ad asuisusallietts sof lasis
1Illinouis lasts hosital iassocition
hsitsmtuhbusri. bypalitsgi fifty vists ;
n eise , ies-i-iss-fret lhositlhasserie it
vcastof iitres
.\~ostuiits-stnduitiossaits thusnewsuit disi-
oruatlliii usa-ri- sausingssta-srs- ts
the bulds.iis T'he immitsue-se srched ursi-
ifaes. rising t un tsoets tskhyightinitsthis
dome.susavses-asslight eho,. shsich, if it
s nostsrstsdis, still he detrimentalsshti
thus effsecitfsorhsralss asd hovssrsl visi-
teils. I is srehurelshoweveret hti
te- plainsg ofthle ptrutsnststasillu
lustse stue s-luresoutthur suands.
penant, dasss s Coms rsupete assortmssns.
.e suiris
Aasrmn eok.swarranted for one year,
$isso. Hlaler's Jewelry Store, 216 S.
Malts street. god
Celebracd Martin i Maudoiustad
Pulstars are bet for nuical clubs.
Sebseberle & Son, ruscS Mai S. oil
Sipeial stle of tftus racrs it Mbhii-
hg lb Sshuitht, 205 Sblain. 70-71
?yrography goods al oster. t

If tou artit doubt
about what to gveyour
fietnd for Christomas byh
a copy of our Michigan
Calendar. It contains
origittals drawings antu
sepia printinig. Its the
best ever publlised itt
Also Arbor.
Price only 25c
The Souvenir of Atnn
Arbor atd tie ijuiversil y
recetntly ptublishedbI s 1
is now on sale.
Price -50c
Sutus-Sinct Mai~tnits-it
On Your Christmas List
Come in and see the mot
complete lie in the State of
Prices absolutely guar-
anteed anal as low as
can be had anywhere.
sporting oot~
Largest collection of orditary
and the otnly collectiso of fite
Michigan Pins
Quality IBest - Prices Right.
Michigatnamd rat. Stiines.
tao 6. Main Sc.


Every day one hears
people say "If I were in
college again, I would do
more its the line of cul-
ture. I would learn some-
thing ahont music sonas to
appreciate good ms u s i c
when I hear it.'
Students of today cer-
tainly have splendid facil-
ities for sucs study.
Courses in all branches
of music are given by the
best prepared instructors,
at very reasonable rates
at the
University School of Music
Maynard Street

Ube ztubents' lecture association
Season of 1907--8

Johni Teomple Gravses
Dr. Branader Matthues
Lelamnd T. Powers
Opie Read
- Oratorical Contest
Open Number
The open number will probably be filled by
lion. Win. H. Taft

DUCED TO - - $2.00
Treasurer's Hours.5 to 6 P. M. Mondays and Thursdays

Ij t

121 WashIngton E. The Randall Studio, Randall & Pack, Props.

Phone 598

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